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FREE FIIOM GERMS. T>URE MILK in lho household ia ono of -*• tho first ueoossarios of tliii lifo. DRIED MILK is freo from all gorins ami hautaria, contain* all tho good qualities of puro fi-oah milk, and is tho boot and most oconouiioul for household uso. Sold Everywhere, U por tin.

MISS MILSOM, King". Chambers, . HAIR PHYSICIAN -and FACrf SPEOIAUST. Tho HAIR and FACE treated expertly by purely hygicmo methods. 1 LEARN tho proper mothod of caring for tho Hair and Faco. Miss Milsoni teaches patiants. Thus you will prevent baldness and oradioato wrinkles, and stop groyncss or other woakneas. Shampooing, Cutting, and Singeing, Manicuring. Consultation Free. Toluhono 814. VOLVOLENE. LADIES who wish to retain a fair skin froo from wrinkles should uso Volvolone, tho only scientific preparation that hai tho approval of English scientists. Volvolono restores the lost tistuea, removes all wrinkles, and loaves tho nkin smooth, ■ clear, and volvoty. Volvolono has main* tninod its prestige as a skin food for many years in England, and is tho bost propara* tion in tho world for tho faco and nock. Volvolono is guaranteod to contain no vasoline, lanolino, or anything that produce* hair, and is absolutely froo from any injurious maltor. Sold by all Chemists. Prico 3d. 1 CHAS. A. TURNER, Dermatologist, Hair nnd Mntungo Spccialiit. — ELECTROLYSIS for tho removal of superfluous hsirs and moles ; a permanent euro guarau. t«od ; piinloss HAIR SPEOIALIST.-Tho treatment, of ecnjp and hair ditcasoi is upon (ciontific principle.*. Havo your hair attonded to now ; prevention i« bettor than euro. HAIR TONICS of iivery dowription. MASSAGE TREATMENT in all its branches. Special attention to all correspondence. AddreM — New Zealand Times Building, Lamblon-quay, Wellington. Tolo. phono 1435 MR. J. 600DMAN, Maiseur and Psycho-Therapeutist, Leeds Villa. 10. Roxhurgh-strcot. Pntients rrcoiven daily for diagnosis and treatment of Aouto and Chronic Diseaac*. Rheumatic, nouralgic, nervous, and painful affections, insomnia, drink and drug habit, staramorinc, bad habits of childron a spoeialty. Noll. — Miraculous Cures 11 ro mado by our drugloni system. - 1 ASSAGF. —Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Good, mnn, lato Instructors Sydney School of Mawag*, receive, or visit patients for ' troatment. Vacancies nnpils, olass or pri* . vnto. Consultation daily, 10, Roxburgh-it. HAIRS (superfluous) Painlouly Destroyed without injury to tho most dolicato »kin. Remedy, with instructions > for self-treatment, forwarded. Call or writo for particulars Mrs. Goodman, 10, Roxbu(ch-stro«t, Wellington. MISS~WRIGLEYamI"MRBTLpWOAY, Ladios' Hairdressers and Hoirworkort, havo in stork a special assortment of the latest Fringpi, Wigs, Switches, Trans* formations, otc. Every style of hairwork executed nt low prices. Hairdrcsting, Outting, and Singeing, Faco Massago. Manicuring. Sunorfluous hair removed hy olec. trolyiui. Halr-dyoing, efb. Advico given on all hnir troubles.' Country orders reooivo prompt attention. 62, Cuba-st. 1 GOLDEN"VALIi:T~BUTTERI ~ GOLDEN VALLEY BUTTER! Tho best butter mado. Froo from e»cry taint. l'urn, palatable, and good. GOLDEN VALLEY BUTTER. 1 H* HUBERT GABY AND CO,, Rovans- ' stroot, Wellington, Engineers, Iron •nd Emm Founders. Speciality— Manufacturers of Gnntiral Machinery and Wrought Iron Split Pulley*. Advantages— Light and strong, eaay to fix, 'half tho weight ol cast iron, loss friction, less power rcquirod, and perfect safety at high speed. Pulleys mado up to 12ft x 3ft. Telephone 1246. LADIES and Gentlemen who aro golnx j groy should get a boltlo of Mrs. ■ Crumpton's Hair Rcitoror. It will rottoro your hair to its natural colour without stain or dyo. Novor fails. Every bcttlo , guarantood. Price 3», pest 3s 6d. At J. P. CovMioy, 103, Cuba-itrcot. HEAVEY7~GcneraI Dealer. 143, • Uppar Cuba-stroot, Buys ami Sulla now and second-hand Furnituro in any quantity. Largo fltock of (icnoral household Fnrnishingo at ohoapost rato« in town. For bargains in ovcry line undor tho sun come to us. Wo buy and sell at tho right priced. _J YCUSTB aro mvitod to call and in- ' sprct our new stocks of Bcoston Hnmbers, Royal Swifts, Triumphi, and Stars Pricos from £15. Easy torms nrranged. Adajna^Rtar Cycle Co., Mcrcor-st. NOTHING makes a person look moro shabbily dressnd than 91 pair of wornout boots. Don't lot thorn go too far; tako them straight aw»y to tho Boot Emporium. 79, Wiilii-slreot, where they moke a specialty of repairing, utijig the best English leather. Noto tho address — F. Lccce, Willis-itroot, next Albert Hotol. COAOJaWORKS, 226, Upper jTjIA Willis-strcot, tho placo for Naw and Socond-hand VchiolflH ; now vchiolcs exchanged for old ; plenty second-hand vehiolos in ttock. Noto address — 236, Willie-street, "" TO""CARRIAUE FOLK. rpHE merits of Rubber Tims aro boyond A question. They are tho acmo of comfort, noiselois and without vibration, easy On tho horse, savo woar and tear on vehicles. Those advantages ostablish nn economic- luxury, giving perfection of caio at a minimum co«t. Fitted by ROUSE, BI.ACK AND SON, Viotoria Carringo Factory, Tarnnaki-streot. (Only ntldrcM.) T?OR Crockerywaro, Glassware-, Cutlory, Tinware, and tfvorything in tho llouso Furnishing lino, RICHARDSON BROS., 115, Uppor Cuba-stroot, is tho Chcapost, Bouse in Town. Cash. or Timo Paymonts. PAINTING. TyrOW is the very bost time for llouso •*■ Pninling. Tho Bost Workmanship, Most Genuino Material, and Lowest Prices. W. G. TUSTIN, 80, WillJj-street.

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1