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<%-y '+ * - **^ *—^ ■« * •—^ 2^-Hn Those who \W 'h drink it W % °' lee - If % "ever k change to . fa any other yfo jfe liquor. \V h WOLFE'S \W Schnapps « *$_ absolutely f. %* . w _"'"~~* _* I *i_"'Tr*^^ " All who wouta acniovM niioccss stioald endeavour to merit ik." WK fiavo during tho pnst your spared no oxpenao in endeavouring to mnko our Beer second to nono in Now Zoaland, ami cnu now confidently assert iro'havo nueccedod in doing bo. Wo invilo nil who oujoy A GOOD GLASS OF BEER To atk for STAPLES' BEST. On Draught ut almost all Hotols in tho City and surrounding districts. And confidently antieinuto their vordiot will bo that Staples and Co. huvo successfully romoved tho ropronch that good Beur could not bo brewod in Wollington. J. STAPLES AND CO. (LTD.), Moloiwortli and Murphy stroot* CL AREN DO N HOT EL, CHRISTOIIURCH, Within 2 minutes' walk of the Cathedral nnd G.P.O. Reploto with ovory modern couvonionco for VISITORS, TOURISTS, and COMMERCIAL GENTLEMEN. All communications promptly attended to. Tolophono 1297. P.O. Box 207. D. COLLINS. Pro-riotor. SHADES HOTEL, HADES HO T X L, IIEREFORD-ST., OHRISTCHURCH. Tariff, 7b por day. W. BROADWAY, Proprietor. ALED ON I iT^ 1 II OTE L, oppotp'ffi: BASIN RESERVE,, ' .j&LINGTON. Trams pats tho Ilo^il C |ys£gw minutes. r, > , In announcing to th/ fyal publio that T havo taken o\er thjft" •* I beg to intimato thnt Iho homo, , « >Vjr only Intoly boon robuill, ilnd ! #toono_, is now open to thn tra\o{ling; <>!]*'. -»Ul, for tho acfommndntion o\ \\ _)_TiOf>t ( boarder*, (iootl table kepi at', i .;reii(ionablo tariff. Nono but the bet.l b:*n<y of Wines null Spiriti ttocked, f.w\ o\ily hjpo/ght's bo(.t Draught Ales on trip. - ' GKO. A.'ALLKN. Lalo o'( the Albert Hotel, Wellington, Proprietor. rjt EALANDIA PRIVATE HOTEL, op- /- poiito Clydo-quay School, Wellington — This first-elms new building, containing 45 rooms, is now open for touriiU «nd tho travelling public. Ladies and gentlemen boardrrs will find ovory r.tle-n-Fion, with homo comfort. Tho Zeslandm Privnto Hotel is reploto in everything— the most up-to-dnlo huildinfr of its class in Iho colony. Modcrato UnfT. Handy to shipping, tiainii, and trams. Tol. 1656. C^OCiCAYN'JC'M LKVIATJIAN TKM- > PERANCE HOTEL, Mnneho»tcr-st., fihristchurch.— Tho iddiliono to this popuhr Toniponnco Hotel aro now complete, nud conftisl of 110 single nnd doublo bedrooms. Tho oumno is undor tho control o( n first-clans chef, and leaves nothing to bo desired. Private diningroom for Indies. Suites of npnitinenls, smoking and rending rooms. Night porter. Tariff on appliation.— MRS. COCKAYNE, Proprietress. SEATOUN REFRESHMENT ROOMS. TpOR a Holidny Outing, go to Scatoun. -M-" where AftornoOn Ton. Luncheon, ami Refronhtncnls aro provideti, also Accommodation for paying guests, at tho Scatoun Refreshment Rooms, opposite Iho Scaloun Whnrf. Every iittontion given. HE OENT RA L DA IllY ; 32, Ghuzuoc-streot. PURE MILK dolivorod Twico Daily, Also, Bullcr, nnd Eggs GOLDEN VALLEY BUTTKU, DKFIANCE BUTTER, SILVERDALE BU'fJ'lslV. Cußlomcrs plenao send onlrrs to SCOTT 4 JONES. Proprietors THIS lIINEMOA DAIRY. MRS GEORGE COOHRANE, 139, Ciiha-ptroct. for— I'rimo Hams, mild ougar-curcd Best branda Buttnr Milk and Cream, dclighlfully fresh, twico daily. llome-mndn Brawnu a spocinlty. Finest Broken Ornngo l'okoo Tea direct from Covlon in 51b nackots for 7b 6d IUSMO VAL "« ALE HAVING sold loaso of uhop, must removo by Ist March, and will hold A CHEAP SALE OF GENTLEMEN'S TAILORING AND MERCERY. A. PATERSON, Gont>' Tailcr and Mercer. 43, Cuba-st. POiATO DISEASIi in tho Huti"!)^ trict. — Tho bout cuio for this is VERMORITE (mi improved Bordeaux mixlure) ; all ready for use, which saves tho disagreeable work of mixing ; has boon usod largely this season in tho Auckland district and saved acron and aorcs of polatoe.i. Price «5s 6d pnekot. Sprny Pump« for syringing Vnnnorilo, prico 27s 6d oach FREDK. COOPER. 30. Manners-bt. SOCIET Y'PKO'JTiCTION WOXI EN~7\ND OHILDHEN. * THE business of tho Society during tho Secretary's ilncss will bo lUtemlfd to by Mm. Ilolgalo, at SI. John Ambulance Uooms, 200n, Willis-gtrcot, between the hours of 8.30 and 0.30 a.m. and 2 and 3 p.m. HADDL"KBT BADDLEBI S'AbIJLIOSI WANTED Known — That AVnltor Smart, Pawnbroker, \Villi3-3troot, is offering nomo raro Bargainii in Saddlory. Gonta 1 Saddles and Fittings, 30s ; Bridles, 6s ; Nickel Irons, 4-bar, 6 ; Spurn, 3s. Don's miss this ohanco lo buy ehoap. N.B. — Money to lond and cash buyer of anything. WANTF.D, Fishormon, Ploasure-sookers and others lo know thai Ihoy ran not do holler lhan havo thair BonU, otc. driven by Iho famous White Oil Engines quotations given for complete outlits ; eatis faction guaranteed Filtlon, Mitcholl am Co., Wollington Agents. WA NTE 1) Known, that John Odlii nnd Co. (Ltd.), Builders, nlc, hnv for ealo nt north end of Inland liny, lnig level Sections with nontly-finished Vifi Residences, 4, 5, h, ami 7 room 3; price and terms within the reach of all ; uuioun of cash deposit required is from £25 u\) wnrds ; balance, nt 5A por cent., can b pnid off ns rent. Full pnrticularn on aji plication lo the Manager, Mr. 11. C Jonoe »t tho works, IJnr.'l Bay, or nftor 6 p.m nt No. 58, Iloppcr-slreot. WANT HI) Rnwmillpi's lo Know, tlia wo havo foi- Sale, ohoap, followiii] .second-hand macliinos •— 2 24iu x oil pinning and moulding ; 1 7in \ 3in inmild ing machine; nlfo, lnrgo stock of mnchin tools Motildin>r toon made to any pat leru. Alex. I\nen nml Co , Enginrom, Sn\ nnd Toolmakcrs, 83, M.uiutis-slrcet, Wcl limit on. WANTKI3 ICnown" 1005 Racers, only £20., Call and in »pcet. Dnyton Cyelo Agency, Mnnnori vtroot.

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 3