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LOST, by Madamo Nits. Slcolo, on Lambtnn-quay or Plimincr'a Stnps, Morocco Card-cato, containing loltera, stamps, etc. Finder please leave at 100, Willis-street. Reward. IOST, lad Friday evening, between — Roulcott-streot and Town Hall, Gold Ncokrhain, photo pendant attached. Reward on returning to Horace. Villa, Uoul-cott-Btroct. LOST, iv town, MondaV7~£3~lb7~in gold ; finder handfomoly rownrded on returning name. Address at Kvoiung Post. LOST, on Sunday, Silver Branch, between Mulgravo-^troel nnd Welling-ton-torraco, via Lambton-quny. Reward on returning to Evening Post. IOST, on Sunday, between Ilill-stroot -I and Day's Bay, or on Duchess small lady's Gold Watrh, with nam,o inside und Kruger sovereign. Finder rownrded on upplying at lC\oi\ing Poat. LOST,"Blork-and-whito FoxYcrrioTsluT, hrafs-studdod lontlier collar on ; any ono detaining name after this dato will bo prosecuted* Howard nt 31«, Murphy-strcel. LOST, w lor. of iJanarutT by using hiilf a bottle of Parker's Hair Tonic. 2s 6d a bottle, by post os. Wm. Parker, Chomlet, Mannort-street. 1 I~?*O UN fPjoecpiV*Mollier, lato of Iloulds- - worth's Ilairdroßsing Saloon, has takon ovor Mr. G. Porlitl'n Business of Hairdrcßtiiig aiuj Tohaceonist in M'Gilt's Buildings, 71, Willis-stroel. Customers and tho goneral public can rely on being woll attended to, both in thn shop and saloon. T£j\OUND, Iho Choapoat "ancTßost Plaoo -»- _ in Iho oily lo buy Drapery and Clothing — Furcy and Ford*, Willis-stroot. rf"N AS. — Samo address. S" ~ UGAR-BOILING. — Advortisor wants * good all-round Man to Join him in Manufacturing. Roplios'to Carbo, Evening, Pout. A LADY and 4 Gentlemen require superior Boarr 1 , and Rcnidcnco, vicinity of Upper Willis-stroot preferred. Address Orphans, Evoning Post. RlV^VTrrßoa"r7ran"d"R"osldcnco.-Va^ vanoioH for two gentlemen in superior home ; premier position, conlral, cointnanding full harbour viow, hot nnd cold water, piano. Apply Tho Willows, ,4, WnUonstreet. PRIVATE Family in Tinakori-road would tako ono or two gontlonion (sharo room) as Boarders ; roforoncos required. Address Private, P. 0., Molos-wcrlh-strool. UPERIOR Board aiid Residence, 65, Tinakorl-road. _ Tjjlophono^lljG^ CHEF, just arrived, wishes lo moot Engngomont ; thoroughly cotnpptc;it ; 20 yoars experience-; roforoncee. Address Caterer, Oriuntal Hotol. TUlTlbN,~TH'owrititig~aiicrSliorthan<r givon in exchango for services as roader. shorthand (day) dopattmont. Apply Banks s Commorcial College, 58, Victoriasi root. ST. ELMO, Bo'ulcott-slro'cf, liavhrg changed hands recently, has A'aoancios ; doublo and singld balcony rooms ; ladios or gentlemen ; good tablo. Tolophono 1481. SUPERIOR ~BowfanT¥eiTd"onco, dojiljlo and jinglo rooms. Apply No. 1, riawltostono-strcot. Tolophono 2069. PETONE Ladies, noto— Madamo Dovoroux, Olairvoyr.nt, vivid foroensts, afternoons, ovonings, 2». End houso, Priest's now cottagOß, opposito railway station. LEE-ENFIEIiD Riflo for salo^Addrcis Enfiold, Evening Post. fpIRST-CLASS 1 /.diiHoif ecck^~~j!Wg7- •*■ "mont; highoft rofordncuii.'" AaciroiiS Cutlorj Evoning Post.' YOUNG Man seeks Situation, gardening, look nftcr horfo nnd trap ; roferonce*. Addro«s Thomns, caro of Mrs. Nat. iraH.JjAJwor Hutt. LAW.— \VanT3d"J competont Managing Olcrk for roljcitor'e offico in country; knowledgo of 'accountancy requisite ; salary to commonco with i' 4 por week. Apply to Law, caro of Mossrs. Bell, Gully, 801 l and Myors, Solicitors, Wellington. BOARD and Residence for thrco £ontlomonj good tr.blo; terms very moderate. Apply Evoning Post, BOARD and Residence in privato far.i- j ily for two young ladios cngagod during doy. For address apply Evoning Post. FTERNOON Teaspoons, A dozen, in caso, bost quality, 10s, *ss, 20», at Lloyd's,_ss, Lambton-quay. TAKE Oranges Qulnino Wino for "that tired fooling. It improve* tho appolito and is an cxcellont tonic. Quarts, 2s 6d. W,_S_ Wallace, Chcmitt, Willii-ntroct. ADVICE freo lo ladies who purchaso a Box of Ointment, prico ss. Address Mrs. Leonidas M. Smith, 4, Vivian-stroot. Hours daily 6 to 8, Tuesday's 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. VACANCIES" foT three Gontlomen Boordor* ; terms modorato. Apply 4, Kensington-street, o(T_Abol Smith-st. ONE kiss at a timo, and that kiss iil Ilondorson's Honey Kiss. All grocer* and confeotionors. 1 S~"I3UTHER"N~Cross Jams. Only ono quality, and that is Iho best. Ask for Southorn Cross Jam. Mado from puro fruit only. 1 UPERIOR Board and Rosidonco, co"tv tril,\quiot, select locality. Almora, 10, Mowbray-stroot, top Bowon-slreot, Thorndon. _ MlSS"¥MlTY■T^"ST6Nl;i^^^porii^ tondent Nurses' Training School, say*:— "Orangoino is invaluablo to brain workers, for Faliguo and Hoadacho." Flanlon, Brien, and all Chemists soil it. Is 6d and 5a 6d por box. Wm. O. FitzRorald, Wiwganui, Solo N.Z. Agent. WEDDING Prosoiils— BiecViit "Barrels, Jelly and Jam Dishes, bosl 0.p.,< 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s, 15s, at Lloyd'p, 55, Lnmbton-quay. TO mako one kins do for two is not oconomy— it's love. Honoy Kisses do for all. 1 SO UTHERN C7osß~jams"aro )hoHhcst"iJn tho market. First in quality, first in flavour. Ask tho grocer for oouthom Crews Jams. 1 ASTROLOOYIoHs you' al lT"Sho wiTyoTi character, fate, destiny, trade, profession, etc., and unsworn overy tlU(>Btion ro marriage, profpecU, etc. Hend Is Id «nd date, year, and plarn of 'birth for ronding. Address P. do Voauuo, Astrologer, Box 519, Christchurrh. -I X TO 40 per cent. Reduction during XO Stock-taking Salo at 11. E. Dixon's, Watchmnkor and Jowollor, 24, Vivianstroot. Hundreds of usoful lines boing sacrificed. Soo window. FAIR or dark, short or tall, Honoy Kirsob plcnso them all. Ask tho grocer for Honey KiMtw. 1 POLLlNAßisr^ApolluTtTris.— Profossor Virohow says: "Us riehnoss in puro Cnrbonio Aoid favourably distinguishes it from all ot' lc^_M ul £_i__yate__^ S~" *Ai7EK'}T"Norvor*iiiood, iuul Tqnie iSnrsapnrilliv (or piinplos and boik ; strengthening am) purifying ; develops an iippiitito : cure» indigestion. 2s 6d largo bottle. W. Salok, Sydney Chomist, 17, Willis-street^ CLIFI'ON BOARDINGHOUBK, 162, Upi-or Willis-st., Wollington. Good accnnimoduliou for Travolhujf Publio and l'ormnnnnl Boarders. £1 por wook ; 4s 6d per day Trams patn dbor. Fivo minutes from Wharf, P. 0., and Railwny Station. YOU'RE a dude, sir ; Killing's mdc, sir; you intrude, sir. This does not apply to Ilondorson's Honoy Kisves. 1 IjlOR Nett Cabli —(i'enuino" Whito Lend! - 25i 6d; Raw Oil, 3s ; Boiled Oil, 3«3d W. G. Tustin, 89, Wilhs-slreat. 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 49, 28 February 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 49, 28 February 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 49, 28 February 1905, Page 1