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TELEPHONE TO MJE! JUST LANDED, a splendid lot of DRESS CASES PURSES, WALLETS PHOTO FRAMES, Etc. SPLENDID VALUE. CALL AND INSPECT. H. M. STEPHENS, 14 AND 16, LAMBTON-QUAY, Also MANNERS-ST (opposite Opera House). Telephone 416. GOLDEN EAGLE JAM PURE JAM. Made from Pure Fruit Only, By J. M. MENNIE, LTD., (Lato Mennie and Dey.) Three Tins a Shilling. All Grocers. BUTTER. 1 GOLDEN VALLEY BUTTER. ffIHIS brand of Butter is first in quality, A first in flavour, and holds first place in public estimation. It is sold by all grocers of repute, and is guaranteed to bo fresh, and customers may rely on its good quality all the year round. There is no other just as good. Golden Valley Butter is the best. ASK FOR GOLDEN VALLEY. 1 WELLINGTON CLEANING CO.— Window and House Cleaning, Car-pet-beating, etc., by careful men. Hunterstreet. Telephone 956. 1

The "GILRITH" Calf Food Contains 20 per cent Fat, And is the ONLY Perfect Substitute for whole milk. The "GILRUTft" Horse Food A Stimulating and Nourishing Food for horses of all ages. The "GILRUTH" Poultry Condiment, A Great Egg Producer and Health Maintained Manufactured by THE A. & P. FOOD CO. OFFICE: 7 Featherston Street, Wellington. j : i —■ — 5 MAGNETISM. — The Himalayas are small in comparison -with the heig-ht of perfection which can be attained by a close study of Prof. Dewar's illustrated set of thirty-five Lectures qji Magnetic Healing and Psychio Development. Every one wishing to gajn the means of rising to the tdp of his trade or profession should procure a copy of Prof. Dewar's (100 page) of lectures, the most complete and instructive ever issued at the price, being equal to the thirty-guinea course of foreign authors, together with book containing valuable occult knowledge. Send for free sample page of lectures and descriptive circular, also price, Address — : PROF. DEWAR, Auokland. FLETCHER'S PHOSPHORISED QUININE AND IRON TONIC, The Great Nerve and Brain Remedy 1 . This invaluable preparation is highly recommonded-^or low spirits, losb of appetite, and general weakness. Restores Health, "Strength, and Energy. Frice 2s 6d and 4b 6d. Specially prepared by CHAS. A. FLETCHER, Pharmacist. 4. Willis-street.

mmmmmmtmmmMmmmmmmmmllmm^L (POOR APPETITE. DROWSY. HEAVY. You feel completely worn oat and unfit for work. You are drowsy and languid, with a tendency towards depression. You are ill and need a tonic to braoe you up. Take.... ' IMPEY'S MAY APPLE The great tonic-laxative. It gently moves the bowels, and does not gripe or cause any distressing weakness. It stimulates tbe liver into healthy action, pufrfies the tbe blood and restorwgood heatth. CHEMISTS AHB STORES, Haff-a-Cnmn. L IHlllllliwillMlßlllllßir^ J/'EfciP a strong grip on good health. Lane's Emulsion for bad colds, -oughs, sore throats. J3B (3-REAT ASTHMA CURE. a prepared by EL Brittain, Chemist, ie hrring ft Big Sale. Its effects are TRULY MARVELLOUS; md the untied testimony of grateful patieDts pronounces it to be A MIRACULOUS CURE. Price, 2s 6d per bottle ; post free, 3b. H. BRITTAIN, Chemist, 35, Manners-street. N.B.— lf no benefit derived money wil -»gly returned W" 'ORM POWDERS. — When a child complains of headache, when breath is bad, with constant thirst, or when sleep is restless, give one of those powders. That child will be a happy, healthy child lext day. Frice Is". R. C. Brien, Chemist, 108, Cuba-street. 1

THE NEW DROP HEAD » , SEWSNG meHINES Are electric cars to horso trams. Ahead | of all others. This is an absolutely fair comparison. mHE RAPID ROTARY for case, speed, A durability, does lock or chain stitches and all kinds of fancy work. Inspection invited. All duplicate parts stocked. V. J. W. FEA.U, ENGINEER, SOLE AGENT, 88, WIL-LIS-STREET. Repairs skilfully done. Established 1880. TVTEW NOVELS. The Loves of Miss Anne. Crockett. Traffic and Discoveries. Kipling. The Truants. Mason. The Betrayal. Oppenheim. The Brethren. Rider Haggard. God's Good Man. Marie Corelli. Beatrice of Venice. Max Pemberton. Sea Puritans. Bullen. Hearts in Exile. John Oxcnham. Tommy and Co. Jerome. Food of the Gods. H."G. Wells. The Sign' of the Stranger. Le Quex. Mary Garth. Annie Swan. ' 1 Veranilda. Geo. Gissing. 1 Prices — Paper Cover, 2s 6d ; Cloth 1 Cover, 3s 6d. S. AND W. MACELA.T. BARGAINS IN WALKING STICKS I WE are giving np stocking these, and are Clearing Out our Big Stock of Walking Sticks. Prices 33 1-3 and 50 per cent, under usual prices. We require the room for other goods. STEWART DAWSON AND CO., Wellington. _1 ISffih .B ™. jrn. ffi Miikea BOOTS and r»r>i n Mirn&t velvet. Adds three GOLD MEDAU hlnes to tlie wear aat3B\ n H. 81 of leather. Pleasant HIGHEST AWARDS for superiority. Black o Brown colour. Sold by Boot Stores, Saddlers Jronmougers, &c. Manufactory, Dulwich, London, EnKinud. ERBERT GABY AND CO., Revansstreet, Wellington, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders.' Speciality — Manufacturers of General Machinery and Wrought Iron Split Pulleys. Advantages — Light and strong, easy to fix, half the weight of cast iron, less friction, less power required, and perfect safety at high epfeed. Pulleys made up to 12ft x 3ft. Telephone 1246.

SSk Do You Find You Have Not the r Stamina You Once Mad? * /[ V^ Do You Lack Energy ? Are you Easily Tired ? jj i \jA W^M^ and is Your stren S tllL Gradually Fading? . \ I \ )P-^=!==lt^^ /^-' QUCH a condition is caused through the loss of Animal Electricity | ! \ \\. ' __>-^>^3l wl&z? from the system. Nature gave you a supply sufficient to run | I "/W^- your bodyi to give you erve an(i v^ tal Power > and to make y° u \ | M%k Strong and Vigorous. When you -feel Weak or Nervous, when you & % 'M%t begin to lack Strength and Vitality, you are losing that amount. It | I '^iffl^'W^^F^^M Wr^ is obvious then that you require it replaced. You cannot -expect to | I ||»|il '^%=- feel well without it. 1 I ® lil^sMiiw $MZ DR. SV1 C LAUGHLJN'S ' ■ | f (with. Special Attachments Free for Weak | " ' I -^ wMS^SO \— will make you feel . as well as you could desire. These Attachments $ " 1 1 *3H* ' 7^^^^^ =^^^^'\ I carry the current direct to any part of the limbs or body where there j$ 1 w^l may be a weakness or pain. It will give «you back the Strength and >| £, i^<&%" f\ft^ tf^vk^^- Vitality you have lost. Power which has been lost for years can be $ 1 ' r^^^W'^ E^^^=^\"?l /p" restored in a iew 'months. Electvicity properly applied will drive 1 §"" $$£ :{: { Wsk v*sfi away your Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Weak Back, Varicocele, \ \ -\ lw« W^> /*3^\ or '^P ra ' ns or Aches. It will restore your Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, % ] bjj "^^}iu^--^^/^r^'" J % :ultl KJa '^^ ei ' to a soun( ' condition. If you suffer from "Sleeplessness, I 1 % ~~~ Headaches, Neuralgia. Pains, Nervousness, is the oife thing ' \ S j&sr\ nceckil Our' Belt hap made, and is making, Strong, Healthy, and i ' > *£$£_ _V N^, Vigorous Men and Women out of tbe puniebt weaklings. Write us j? ' $ , \ for full Information. • i |« -«_-_™,^ t^^ EIGHT YEARS OF SUFFERING. I g*£ ' August 30lh, '04. & ||j D<'ar Sir, — !»fnny thsnks for yonv kind letters of oniiuiiicsi. , _ ' S| m SJevira' years ago I hail h fall ol 17 feet int'> some i-ocics, which pivo »v n. sovoro shaking, and injureil my back. Nervous prostration fret jn, V Ijj and I u->e<3 to faint t mos v. day Mr «tri)iioft!i s>-i!,vu cut, 'in 1 I hil of'vn to be carried about, as th ■ least oiei'tioti caused me to get a * JH fain'in!.' tiicn. I also suffered from l'lvmn t)^m and S >i!iticn ; , buaidos bonig 1 a nwvfcyr to Neuialgia and fearful headaches from a child. I jnst ' s felt fclrti* life wasnot worfcl: JiTiii^ 1 aud was .'iltcits wishing 1 could die. | | One day af. iend drew my attention to your Bolts, and rcdrised mo to get one. as he was sure it would do me a. lot of good. I didn't like the | 3 idea at first, af> sn in:»ny people have been defrauded by Ejectrio Belts. ' Before I h.vl w-iru your belt a week I derived benefit, and got better S 2 ' nijfl'ts' sleep than I lmd had for years, in f.iofc, I had nearly forgotten what a srood night's r«st was. I I In a short time I began to feel ali tie b -tter, and tho headaches, etc.. boprin to be things of the past. Now lam on the road to.complete 5 I recovery, aftnv eighh years of suffering. Getting tho Bn ; t wns rlu» b"o«t thing I ever 'lid iti ray life, and consider it a pity your Belt ia not better 3f ! known. ' I I I cannot thank your Company enough for tho adrioe and kimiubss I have received, and hope you will still prosper and do as much for others § J as you have done for me. * I ! Believe me, yonrs gratefully, WM. GOEDON-JOtfES., | Vital Weakness. I A Sure a " d nent Cure " ' ~ DETACH COUPOW. — ' DA B G A VTLLK oii VVWOOBVILL^ S^|^^^ ffi^., 3- The Dr. McLDUshlin Co., WclUnstton. The Dr. MoLanghlin Co , Wellinßton. I Mi ™ fOTmH^ j Dear Sirs,— l luwe derived muob b»neSt f«,m the use Deur Sirs.-Sißce I coraineacecl Tvearing your Belt, M H ___. ( gof your Belt. It seems to have i>nt mpw lrfis into me, , |as ,j one my )MQ^ v ] ofc o ( soo d, it never aches now SI Pflfl" B"ft f% t\ BB4S. ! * anrt I fenl more able to do my work t was us low as ftf tn a ter/) .g wor u. Ou Saturday I was dagging 2 nK&■ h Lf BSIi Ef V 1 ! 19 stone 6 some tune before get' lner tho 8.-Jt, and went a ij ee p a n day, aud 1 did uot feel nuy pain iv my back ai } I Rill Of IB ISi 3k ! up to 10 stone 4, which is ray üßua.l winter weuht. I a n w hen I left off work, althoiißli I wua bendinß mj j ■ B IBmßm iIUUIVUI ' get up in the uiorninir feelin,' as tresh as a cluwy. My . fc ft]l the t)me . nsf ihe fVn( . s heiiriuß the aliPep ! "" " i diKOstiou is beautiful, HiidinyboweU are much better. j neTerhave a ,, y trouble in going to sleet>. it night now » I My spinis are keupiug up, and I feel us strong as a and foel freah in the morn i ng s, and my headaches hay« 3 THIS IS A VALUABLE ! young colt.-Iremaiu resi>e cth.lly completely disappeared . g COUPON, and If you will cut it I WHITE. { XSf i" th* yOUrn r e^ £21 aaaress ln the space shown at a , 3 ioot for that purpose, you can 1 Sufferers from Rupture can obtain Permanent Relief 1 S?!?'«sraAu§ST7r£y illus ' I I from Dr. flcLaughlin's Electro- Plastic Truss. 1 I£S™ ! ■ ■ ..1.... ,i... ,ii.. „ ii i ii i M tricity as a curative for most of ' MR. JAMES GOX, of PARKBS-STREET, WELLINGTON, N.S. WALES, writes:- | T^Vilhtstrttrour^lts Dear Sirs,— l am very well satisfied with the Belt and Truss. It has completely cured jj§ sound advice to every sufferer. > my Rupture, and I thank you for putting such a cure in my way. Those who suffer from « — \ this distressing complaint cannot fail to get relief. |j afcLaimhii n ' f*^ AT T ' for FREE ADVICE and see how this great Appliance is ffl J V/JpStJui JLl worked, whereby so many cures are made. ra Dear Sirs,— Ttease send me your' i ™ : Consulting Hours: 9 A.M. to 8.30 P.M. | " lustrate <J Book, Free of an cost, | ° m as described as above. I THE PR, JScLAUGHLIi^ CO., 1 Name «.. 56w, WILLIS ST., WELLSWCTON. 1 «

S«4" *\ B S »4" n I! 5 *>%. *4i To be had from Storekeepers, or karori borough council. i ******* **\* BWVfiy &MTWU JOL dltfTl'll A PPLIOATIONS are invited, to close ' _____ m _.^ T , TV II 111 I I H fi^C rt!BlIin«-^- at 6 P- m - on Tuesday, 13th DecemREGISTERED. ' U«l» *I* W ft? IKB. £ A I&J ber) 19W , for the Collection of Dog RegisLIMITIOD • tration Fees in the Borough of Karori for ' B7IOR the preservation of GALVANISED IRON EOOFS and the purposes where a _„ _ the year 1905. Applicants to state price I1I 1 Oil, Colour, Glass, and per dog. Paint of wearing power is required. Particulars can be obtained from the „,,.„., ,• „ .. . .. Wall Faper Merchants, undersigned. This Paint has wonderful weather resisting properties, and has bean proved to last W. F. ENGLAND THREE TO FOtTR TIMES LONGER than any other paints. WELLINGTON, DUNEDIN, x Town Clerk. NON-POISONOUS. AND CHRISTCHXJRCH. ' . \

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Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 128, 26 November 1904, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 128, 26 November 1904, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 128, 26 November 1904, Page 15