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Q P E R A HOUSE. Under tho Direction of MR. .1. C. WILLIAMSON. General Mannger Mr. H. H. Vincont Business ilanager Mr. Bert Roylo THE MAIUUAGK OF KITTY. SPECIAL NOTE— THE CURTAIN WILL RISE PUNCTUALLY EACH EVENING AT A QUARTER PAST EIGHT. A BRILLIANT ATTRACTION. TO - NIGHT ! TO - NIGHT I SATURDAY, TO - NIGHT! TO - NIGHT I Mr. J. C Williamson will havo tho honour of introducing his NKW COMEDY COMPANY, NEW COMEDY COMPANY, Who will fiift nrpfont, for Positively SIX Nit JUTS ONLY, Tlio Colobralcd Comedy, THE MARRIAGE OF KITTY, THE MARRIAGE OF KITTY, In Three AcU, from tho French of Madamo do Gei-sac and Francis do Croissot, by Cosmo Gordon Lennox. Sir Reginald Belsizo Mr. Wilfred Druycott John Travcrs Mr. Alhol' Fordo Norbury Mr. Fred W. Permain Hampton Mr. Thomas Foster Madamo do Somiano Miss Florence Hamor i Rosalie Mies Florence Lo Olercq Catherine Silvorlon Mies Roso Musgrove Tho action of tho play takes placo at Mr. John Travors's office, Lincolu Inn, i and at Lady Bdsi-e's villa on Lake | Gouova. Scenery by Colomnn npd Dixon. Produced under tho direction of MR. 11. H. VINCENT. Stngo Manager ... Mr. Frod W. Permain Mtieical Diroclor, Mr.- J. F. Connolly, A.R.A.M. CURTAIN RISKS 8.15 PUNCTUALLY. Plans for tho Six Performances al Dresden, and This Aflornoon from 2 to 5 for To-night at Abols', where Early Door Tickets will also bo obtainable. Dress Circle and Rwervo Stalls, ss ; Stalls, 3s ; Family Circle, 2s; Pit, le. Early Doors Od extra. MR. J. O. WILLIAMSON'S NEW COMEDY COMPANY. SPECIAL NOTIFICATION. In addition to "Tho Marriago of Kitty," arrangements havo been mado for tho production of thri-o other SPLENDID COMEDY SUCCESSES • To comploto tho Short Soa«on, as follows: SATURDAY, MONDAY, AND TUESDAY, 3rd, sth, awl 6th Septombcr, HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, 7th and Bth Soptembor, THE DUKE OF KILLIKCRANKIE. THE DUKE OF KILLIEORANKrE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 9th and 10th Soptombor. COUSIN KATE. COUSIN KATE. Tlio PLANS for lho THREE PLAYS WILL BE OPENED «t tho DRESDEN on MONDAY MORNING NEXT, at 9. mHORNDON HALL ASSEMBLY, A Thorndon Hall, Goring-stroct. — GRAND SOCIAL, to bo given by tho Bcnlleinon of abovo Assembly, on MOiNDAY EVENING. 29th August, 1904, in return for Leap Year Social given by the ladies. Dancing, B—l8 — 1 a. mi Music by Miss Hawthorn. Gont'a, 2s ; ladies, 6d. 11. J. BAKim, Hon. Sec. N.B. — Tho abovo Assembly runs overy Monday Evoning, 8 to 11 o'clock. — H.J.B. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE NURSING GUILD BAZAAR. AT THE DRILLSHED, STOUT-ST. AUGUST 31st, SEPTEMBER Ist, 2nd, 3rxl, 1904. To bo Openod by LADY PLUNKET nl 3 p.m. on WEDNESDAY NKXT. His Excollcncy LORD PLUNKET will also bo prosont at tho Opening Coromon>*. MUSICAL ITEMS EVERY EVENING. FANCY DANCING ARRANGED BY •MISS ESTELLE BEERE. EXHIBITIONS BY THE WELLINGTON PHYSICAL TRAINING SCHOOL. SELECTIONS BY THE WELLINGTON GARRISON AND r JUII"S BANDS. A FISH POND will bo presided over by His Excollency tho Govofnor'o Daughters— tho Hons. Helen, Eileon, and Moyra Plunket. Bran Tubs, Refreshments, Art Gallery, Electrical Parlour, Nursing Tent, etc., otc, otc. COME ONE! COME ALL I Opon from 2.30 to 5.30 and 7 to 10 p.m. Admission, ONE SHILLING; Children, SIXPENCE. Tho shilling ticket entitling tho, holder to a chance in tho Art Union. Prizes valuo £5, £3, and £1. SAMUEL ROBINSON, 41, Fcatherston-stroot, # Secretary. WILSON, WILSON, THE 'AMERICAN ORATOR, Will Lecturo in TTIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE -°- On SUNDAY NIGHT, 28th AUGUST, At 7.30 o'clock. On. "FEAR, FORCE, AND FREEDOM." Special Notice.— Silver Collection Tho Usual Monday Mooting of tho Socialist 'Educational Loaguo will bo hold in Godbor's i Rooms, Cuba-streot, at 8 p.m. Tho Final Social of the season will bo hold in tho Alexandra Hall on WEDNESDAY, 31st met. Tickets may bo obtained at 34, .Tessio-strcot, and 34, Ingestre-streot. NEW ZEALAND SOCIALIST PARTY, 35a, CUBA-STREET. SUNDAY, 28th AUGUST, at 7.30, "Tho Evolution of Socialism," Illustrated with Lantern Portraits and Selections from Socialist Authors. Admission Froe. Collootion. NITARIA.N "Services will bo held TOMORROW, at Druids' Hall, Tara-naki-stroot, by tho Rev. CHARLES HARGROVE, M.A., Cambridge, representative of tho British and Foreign Unitarian Association. Morning, at 11 a.m. :— "That 'Which May bo Known to God." Evening, at 7 p.m.— "Unitarians, Thoir Position, Thoir Rights, and Thoir Duties." WELLINGTON CKNTRAL MISSION V ? ' Hkuukkt-strbbt. 11 a.m. — Mr. N. Turner. Subject — " Mon Ploasors." 6 p.m. — Open-air Meeting. Ghnznoo-slrflol. 7 p.m.— Mr. N. Tumor. Subjoot— V Wiuo Without Money." PLEASANT SUNDAY AFTKRNOONS, 3 p m. Roy, J. Oibb, 0.D., spoakor. Subject — " Tho Biblo in Schools." Friends and Critics earnestly invitod. _ Mumoal programme by Band and Cboir. sat,a t, vata t ion ahm y, vivian-s'thk.kt citadel. SUNDAY, 28th AUGUST. Major Domis, from Cbristchurob, aud Welcome Homo to Bro Howott. MONDAY, 29th, at 8 p.m.- Initiation of Bays' Fife &ud Drum Band. Tickets. 6d.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 6