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TIRES ARE OFTEN RETIRED BEFORE their time by ncglieonoo to cuts which allow tho wot to penetrate to tho fabric, thereby causing tho fabric, which is tho chiof support of tho tiro, lo bocomo rotten; and lo prolong duration recourso has to bo talton to bolstering up with unsightly patches. In most cases unsightly putches can be avoided and tho lilo of tho tiro prolonged by having all cuU vulcanised by n most up-to-dnto vulcanising apparatus which wo have laloly imported for tho express purpose. Estimates givon ; also for Ropairs of Motors and Cycles. JENKINSON & CO. (Ltd.), Motor Factors and Bioyclo Manufacturers, 48, yictoria-stroot.

£5 REWARD. LOST, an Exchango Book, containing postage stamps belonging lo tho l'lulatolio Society of Now Zealand. A roivanl of £5 will bo given to any ona reluming snino intact to the Evening POSt; LOST, a Pug Dog ; finder rewarded. Apply H. Boeckor and Co., Pork Butohors, 110, Cuba- streot. OST (£2 Roward), 1 bay Filly Oob, with covor on, prominent Roman tioso, scar on near fore log.. Tho abovo reward will bo paid to any one giving infornmtian that will obtain "recovery of sumo. W. Wolland, Family Bulohor, 42, Tory-stroot. LOST, a Silver Watch, bofrweon Opera Houso and Tory-stroot, via Courlo-nay-placo. Roward 184, Taranaki-streot. L~ "OST, a silver" table Fruit Knifo and Fork. Ono pound reward on returning eamd to Evening Post office. LOST, brown and white Sphuiol from Kilbirnio, on Tudsdoy, with collar and chain. Reward on roturning to Mawson's Bakehouse, Cuba-street. LOST, /Gold Brooch, with pearls and tuVnuoiso, Wednesday afternoon ; vamed as koepsako. Finder, rowarded on rotnrning the same to Evening Post. LOST, about throo wepks ago, a Humber Bicyolo. Apply Evoning .Post, T OST, a lot of Dandruff by using half XJ v bottle of Parker's Hair Tonic. 2s 6d a bottle, by post 3s. Wm. Parker, Chomist, Mann en-street. 1 17*0UND, on Saturday, 20th, a Suit of ■ Clothes. Owner can have eatno by doncribing and paying for this advortisomonl. For address apply Evening Post. T/.OUND— Wo havo many favourite songs, ■JO but Swan Pork Gorman easily occupioH pride of p.aoo. FOUND, large quantity of Groonstono mounted in - al( designs at Lloyd's, Jewollor, 55, Lambton-quay. I^OUND, "Swan" Hams and Bacon aro - oured*under Govcrnmont Votorinary supervision. Insist on "Swan" brand. WILL tho lady who bought somo timber and bay wintiow from opposite Veitch and Allan's plcaso call on Monday, at 10 o'clock. WILL tho Ladios who havo promised Contributions for tho St. 'John Ambulance Bazaar to Nuno Hoigata kindly send the came to 200 a. Willis-streot, not later than Monday, 291h instant^ K. H. WAj7fEU""ha& KoixTovcd from 2, Russoll-torraco, to 46; " VivianBtPOOt. ANGANUI Typist (fiilO) wfll Exchange Positions Wolljngton Typist (£6O). Roply Clerk, G.P.O., -Wanganui, , "*' ' " R~ ESPEOTABLE Woman }ron[A *»sist 'light Housework in return for Bwnu, town or country. Addross Home, Evening Post. _^ ' BOARD AND RESIDENCE. VACANCY for ono Gentleman willing to sHaro ?oom. Apply 9, Konsing-lon-stroot, off Abol Smith-streOt. YOUNG Man dosiros Board and Lodging with homely • Catholio family. A pply_Modcrat^o,_Evonlng Post. Ma"RRIED COUPLE would Lot two Unfurnished Rooms and all conventeuces, to rospootablo Lady ; splondid locality; 6s por woek. Address at Evening Post. [ x , - A' LADY'S- NURSE disengaged. Apply by loVtor lo Trained, Evoning Post.___ MAN, with moderalo capital, wishes to hear of good opening, Partnership in rising business proferrod. Address Investor, care Evening Post. ■\TALENUTNE~COUGH CURE. V Ask the Grocer. B" ACHELOR, aged 4l£~voTf 'educirtod, used country life, small income, liko correspond lady, rofinod, homoly tastes. Addross E.P., Evening Poet. - ' ACANOIES for~two or thrco Gentlemon Boarders, 18s per wook, «oft ■ washing done. Apply No. 2, Percivalstreet, top of stops from Dixon-street; 1 |^MF*dRTABLE"TJowd *and Rosidence V- for Ladios ; tornm 12s 6d per weok. Apply Mooloola, 72, Ghuzneo-Btrcet. • " SUPERIOR Board "and Rosidonco, Wol-lington-torrace, fino viow of harbour, electric light, tolophono, excellent cuisine, singlo and double rooms. Apply Plvoning Post. \f ALENTINE COUGH CURE. V Ask the Grooer. HONEST ladies can bo supplied with first-class Millinory, Drapery, and superior Boots, on easy term*. Address Mrs. Leonidas M. Smith, 4, Vivian-stroot. "X CCOMMODATION for gentlomon _Tj_ Boarder ; oentro of Oriental Bay, main road ; tram passes tfio door. Apply No. 52 > •\TISJITORS TO SYDNEY. — Superior t Board and Residence. Mrs. Russell, 9, Milton-torraco, Dawes's P.oint, fivo minutes G.P.0., ton minutos Un^ou Compauy's 'Wharf. Trams. Harbour ' viows. ALENTINE COUGH CURE. Aslr tho Grooor. ifiERTIFIOATED Nursos can bo obtained v^ on short notice" by applying at Wilton's Bureau for Nursos, 3, Cuba-itreet, Wellington. npENDERS for Painting houso in X Thorndon required. Address at Evening Vott. npENDERS (to closo Monday morning) X for Carting 400 Yards (more or less) of Gravel from Wollington station to Boul-cott-stroot. Apply J. Lamb, 11, Susnoxsquare - ALENTINE COUGH CURE. Ask the Grocer. M~ ADAME SINCLAIR, So7o"rltin^~Palm" ist, 39, Ghumoe-stroot — Oharaclori told from photos or handwriting, verbally Is, written 2s 6d. Hours 10 to 10. FOR SALE, 2J-h.p. Crosiiloy Gas Engine ; first-class working order ; tank and connections ; choap. Apply Andrews and Mo-nthol, Engineers, Tory-xtroQl. M'"~ RS. HYAMS, Clairvoyant and Tost Medium, may bo consulted nt 23b, Kont'torrnce. Hours 11 till 9. T"~ HE REIT^HTyOSE^-Whilo springcleaning don't forgot Exton and Co. for vVallpapers ; cheapost firm in , town. 32, Ingostre-stroet, Pattorns forwarded. I^OR SALE,~a b7rgain7PriroTi?ngl]str. mado hand-sown Boots, size 7. Enquiro Skilton, Bootmaker, noxl 'Covoney, grocer, Cuba-street. HRENOLOGY. — Professor Elston, Phrenologist, with thirty years' study. Offico 10, Mannors-streot. Phrenological charts, 2s 6d and ss. Special caro with ohildrenj reduction to families. E" ~MPRE¥s7NEEDLE~I~n 0W Zealand Invention for Arraseno nn& Silk Work. Saves 10 houn out of 20 in labour 1 . Lesions free. Morning, Afternoon, and Em-iinc, Mann ercftreeti

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Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 1