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DODGING THE INSPECTOR AT tho risk of being fined for riding without a light is fnUo oionouiy when you can buy a good Lamp for half cot of tho lino. Wo hnvo just lar.ded .1 shipmont, and can otfor the best value in GAS LAMPS, OIL LAMPS, CANDLE LAMPS. ' Motor and Cycle Repairs effected in a first-class manner by expert mechanics. JENKINSON & CO. (Ltd.), Motor Fuctora and Cyelo Mnnufucturcis, 48, .Violoria-stroot. /> CKOFIOX. FIVE POUNDS REWARD WILL bo paid by tho i undersigned for information leading' to tlio conviction ol Iho person or persons who on .Saturday ovening, Iho 251n June, bolwocn the hours of 5 and *.30, maliciously damaged Iho footbridge over Iho creek connecting with tho right-of-way lo my house. JOHN HOLMES. LOST, thiu morning, botnoon Russellterrace and liamn Reuorvo, a Pair of (j loves. Roward at livening Post. T OST, from 150, Taraiiaki.strooT,"l3rownJLJ aud-jvhito Spaniel Dog, uamo Rowdy, No. 1646. Any ono keeping bohio after this, data will bo probccutod. LOST, in Upper Tinakori-road, a Black-aml-whitt) Fox Terrier with naino on i-oilar. Reward at 166, Tinakori-road. TT OfST, Sword Brooch with flag on; ieAJ ra'd. Address at Evening Post. I OST, Gold. Initial Monogram Brooch. -^ Fiudor rowardod at Evening Post. LOST, Cockatoo, inkitnins on fenthera. Finder plceoo eammuuiqalo Mr 3. Jiruoc, sa, Ingestro-stroot. LOST, last ovoninK, on Wellingtonterrace, botwoon Bothunp'o and Ptimmer's Stopnt a Lady'B Bearskin Nocklel. Reward at Evening Post. LOST, a lot of Dcndniff"by~using half a bottlo of Parker's' Hair Tonic. 2s 6d a bottle, by post 3s. Wia. Parker, Chemist, Mauucrs-streot. 1 FOUND, on night of 17th Juno, at Parlinmont Buildings, a Gold Brooch ; owner can havo 6nmo uy describing and paying cost of advertieomont. Apply Evening Post. Ij ■ O U NU] n lnr(jß qunntity Silver Slippera, Is 6d oach, at Lloyd's, Jowollei', 55, Lambton-quay. IF ALBERT LIONEL &OLOMON, tho son of Josoph Solomon, lato of Solford, Saltwater I-Jivor, near Melbourne, in Victoria, will communicato with Mossrs. Uolwon, Mitcholl and Allport, of Ilobnrt, Holioitore, ho will hear of something to hia advantage. PRIVATE family havo ono nico Doublo Room to lot, furnished ; would suit two lady friends, musical proforred ; sovon minutes - from Government Buildings; off Hawkestono-stroot ; terms modorato to suitable applicant. Address at Evening Pout. , BOARDERS requiring comfortable j hpmos can got UiHott particulars and largo list to select from ; no charge for u-Jdrcssos. 7, Empiro Chamber*. A GENTLEMAN requires Furniihed or Unfurnished Bedroom, without board, central. Stato lornus and particular* to Commorcial, Evening Poit. 4Ti ENTLEMAN requiros pormancnt , "*-T Board and Renidoncc, «inglo room, | ia tho vicinity of Brougham or Majori- | baukfi street* or Kent-torrfloo. Addrc*«, | Mating term*, otc, to Phccnix, Evening j Post. • A GOOD Home ia offered /or two or throo steady working mon. Apply No. 2, Loeda-slroot. WOMEN ANPl^N^luftiT^"Blirfc7 from couglui and oolds when Benjamin Gum mves rrmtant rolief ; 1» 6d por bottlo. Atl nliomiiitg and stores. ASTU'dSb, steady man wants - Employment of any kind; vory onro. ful hand with machinery, ni»d can handlo horses. Address Handy Mdn, Evoninpr ,Pc«l. BACHELORS' can havo Lodging, oon- • veniojices, 4« weekly, Apply- 35a, Ctiba-elrcet. SUPBRIOR Board and'Rolidonoo, oloio proximity to Parliamont Buildings, two minutes' \ from Lambton-quuy. I Almora, 10, Mowbray-stroct, top Boweni atroot, Thormlon. M~ADAME HELLER] Psyohomotrist, . Physiognomist, Inspirational Tost Medium, 47, Ingcstrc-strc6l, corner BinhamBtroot. Advico givon on hoalth, business, ! marriage, eto, Charts written. Last day, Wednesday rwxt, A GOOD COUGH and « bad cold quiokly cured by Benjamin Gum ; pleasant to take. All chemists and Btoros, ln_6d. por boltlo. LADIKS. — Gaillex'a delicious Drinking Ohoeolato nourishes and fqrtiflos tho «yslom; in invaluablo for childron and invalids. In Is boxw and 2s tins at Anderson'e, Molosworth-stroot ; thoW.F.C.A., Lam.btoh-quay; and Campbell'*, Manuerbbtrcet. Uso half qiumtity stated on packngos. £*A AA'WIlt purchaso a Positive Curo Bmirt\J\f for a Dangerous Complaint ; liundrodft dio from this particular malady. Apply to Mrs, Loonidas M. Smith. 8, Waltor-stroct, Wollington. At homo daily 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesdays 10 ».m. to 8 p.m. MRS. A. F. NELSON, Ladies' Nurso, lato 7. Pirio-slreot, Wollington, has Vacanoy for lying-in Patients, Main-road, Lowor Hutt, near Blackbridgo. MRS HYAMST Clairvoyant and Test Medium, may bo consulted at 105, Willis-ntrcol, over ISllor'g Furnilmo Wnvohouso. Hours 11 till 6. MACKINTOSHES Delicious Engiisli Toffee promotes happiness in Courtfillip. H~ " OUSE PAINTING,, Decorating, do., done at short nolico. Lowost priors. Best workmanship.— W. G. Timlin, 89, Wil-lis-stroet. Tel. 134. l NO soot, no dirt, no oindors, only a. clear, bright firo when Puponga Coal is usod. Ask for Puponga. 1 nftHOSE about lo marry should cail at A Richardson Bros., the choapost houso furnishers, 115, Uppor Cuba-stroot. and inspect their stock. Tho cheapest house in tno_cily. Puponga! coal— Bright, ciclri; To oindors, burns freely and makes beat firo. Ask your" dealer for Puponga. 1 SlMiClTO'riws~~a^Halol?^AUonb"nry Feeders, 1b 6d ; Hemrod's Ahthma Curo, 3it 6d ; IJoaf and Iron Wino, large, 4o 6d. Special quotations for quantities. Salok, Chomist, 17, Willis-stroot. D" ANGER UOGS tho hacking cou^i, and fatal results oflan follow. TaKo ono doao of Bonjantin Gum, it will euro; Is 6d per bottlo^ All chemists and stores. MRS. WtOMPTiON^'H^iriiwrtonir restores, groy hair to its natural colour, promotes its growth, romovos dandriff, koeps the scalp cool, and innkoa tho hair soft and silky. Prino 3s per bottle. T. P. Covenoy. Grocor. 103, Cuba-street. 1 SIGNWMTING SIGWIUTING Go to R. MARTIN 17. M»nners-»troet. 1 XiiOß Repairs t6 Furniture, go to Richard A Bon Bros., 115, Upper Curm-stront, opposite tho Army Home, Iho choapost houao in the city for Ropairs. BRIAN'S Quuumj nnd • Iron ' Touio btronglhcns tho tissues and makoa tho blood pule-, induces appctito and .gives refreshing Jeep; prico 2« por bottle R. C. Brion, Ohemigt. 100. tiuba-gtreot. 1 T7KTHEN you cannot Rot egg» cheap uno t.t Crease's Ejfg Powder j procurablo at all groceri, 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 151, 27 June 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 151, 27 June 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 151, 27 June 1904, Page 1