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AT THE FXCrfAXITn HALL, LAMB'IO.V-QUAY. THURSDAY. 7th JGLY, lOO'l , A I 3 o'clock. Or on conclusion of tho Sale of Ailkeu-st. A HPi.KNPID CtinXKll IU.OCK Ol* FUEKHOLD LAND, FRONTING INliKSTKK KTIUCKT and IXUKSTRKit.aci-; Within a .-iminV tluow of tho Upper l)»-slre'H ICinctric 1 Trnimvny iind tho Ur.iu. wjc-k llotrl (Corner of Upper Willia ard In^.-stru Btu-eln) CN IIORGE THOMAS AM) CO. havo rn7T poi\cd iiiF't-uclionß from ftlr. It. fj. Ilnyliil(i') to <;<•!! by public nuefiou, nt tho Exuhnntjo llnll, on 1 lirRHDAY, 7di July- ~ His pxr.-nding'y VALUABLE FRKISHOf.D i'HOPEHIY, corner of Ing^lro-stroct nud Ingcslro-plaeo, as abovo described, having a frontage of 75ft by a depth of 105 ft {moro cr lefsj. For rroction of a tcrraeo of shops, villa recideneee, or for a factory or wholoralo morcinlilo bueiuoss, tho block btanda unrivalled. Already lngeftro-stroot is fast assuming tho proportions of a busy busnicsn Ihoroucfhfnre, nnd with Iho iuception of tho eloetiio ir.un ccrvico must enormously incrcaso in value* With tho Ujipor Willig-slrcel tcrvico urnninjr past on tho west ancf Iho Cuba, nnd Vivian streets linoi interßpeling on tho east, InpfCHtro forms a connect mjr slreot bctweon the two grunt metropolitan tram routes. It in very soldom that sue.'i n hnndy plot of City Properly comes m.tler Iho hammer, nnd m our instriu-lioiiH aro to sell, wo confldnntly direct tho atlon^ion of cnpitnlistß, contraolotv, and speculators to tho ralo. Wo bog to druw special nolico ,to the liberal terms, namely: — 10 pcl 1 oont. en fall of tho biunmor 10 por cont. ;>i Ihrco moulliH 10 por cont. in six months And * tlio balnneo on moi'tgngo for Ihreo, four, or fivo yoars at 5 ror emit, interest. A TEN-ROOMED RESIDENCE. "SURREY HOUSE," nnd a COTTAGE is erected on tho proporty, and the whole will bo sold in onp lot. Tit!o Land Transfer. For furthor particular!, apply lo tho Auctioneers, GEORGE THOMAS AND CO., Harrie-strcot. AT THE EXCHANGE" HALL, , LAMBTON-QUAY. ON TIIURSDAy7~7Ui JULY, 1904, At 2 o'c.'oclc. GREAT AUCnON~"sAEK OF MAGNIFICENT FREEHOLD CITY PROPERTY. By Order of tho Wolington City Corporation. THE LONG-LOOKED FOR SUBDIVISION OP ' I AITKEN-STREGT! AITKEN-STREETI INTO CHOIOB BUILDING ALLOTMENTS. C<EOHGE TIIOJIAS AND CO. havo 1" been favoured with instruction!! from the Town Clork, on behalf of tho Wellington City Corporation, lo offer for public competition, on THURSDAY, 7th July, at 2 o'clock sharp— - , AT THE EXCHANGE HALL, TON-QUAY--nn SUPERB FREEHOLD BUILD/v^ ing SITES, Boinc; tho subdivision M per plan at foot hereof of Iho Cily'a lato»t vi'hiflblo ttcquJoilion — AITKE^-STREKT. f"2a"aj~ W ~ o 1 -o rf _.! « -* m Notf|orSalo 2 iti L. a • O Ct g * 13 tf». • JOHN STKBEI' o' 2. y « « ~ — * nfl ' n «-« CO *W « — — — ~ « 09 to £h t? • a q, fO M « H CD P5.3 ** j-' iH.I UO.U 13 2 Is gf His o s|- <fl |§ S. j-aanxs aAvaoinre The Snclionß aro from 27 to 30 feet frontago by depth*. Tho history of thin valunblo osUlo is well known. For many yoais it remained an obticnro block with narrow kl reels, and comparatively insignificant buikliiiga. Tho change that lion taken plneo is a rcmarkablo one. A broad and striking Ihoroughfaro now connorta Molosworth ami Muljjrnvo utroels, and bringn' Parliament lJ»uldin(.;« on thr. ono hand and 1 tho Government Railway Station and Glnsgow Wharf on tho other in uioso proximity. A uitrnifkant fcaturo toward Iho immediato huewM of AITKIiN-STREET as a buiiinora ' and residential aroa is Iho fnct that tho thoioughfuro is solcctod as tho eonnooting route for Iho Electrio Tramway which unilos the Molosworth-stroot-Tina-kori-road servico with that of tho Thorn-don-quny and tho Cily. RESERVE PRICES— Thoso will bn fixed on Mich v liberal basis that must uuquostioriaWy result in overy section boing dirponed! of nt tho auction sale. An art nvoalmeiH tho advantagon of silo pud onvironment bulk so largely that no sperial eulogy is necessary on thia head, nnd wo confidently wsort thnl tho buy or of llio 7lh .July will ea«ily doublo 1»"ik inowy on the investment in Icrh than tho cxpirrlion of Ihrco or four ypars hence. 'L')>o City Corporation wish to dinlinctly notify Dint tho stabler now erootod on a portion of tho 'nle area will lm domolii'hoct in four, or tit lulot bj.\, months from d?.to of frulo, and thorofoio any imprassion that they uro pormnncu'. slrucluu") in Ay bo lit I c:ic3 diopellud. I 1 ;t!iogrnt)h Pirns will bo nvailab'o nexl w.'eit. TERMS : Ai tho City Corporation aro not in tho

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 8