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IX LC. * D.I. C, SPECIAL CONCESSIONS JHJRING NEXT WEEK IN JA CX ETS, D R ESSES, MIXiLINISJi-Y, io. D.I.C. ■ D.I.C. FUNERAL NOTICE. AN 'EXCURSION TO TIIE BRITISH T" „ „'r—,, _. _ , WAR v-JSUSEL TAURANGA, Ilh l'rioiuls of tho lato Mr. John TO-MORROW. Goodwin aro respectfully invitod to —„,,, r .. . . -i»/vnrTT->ri a -n attend bin Funeral, which will loavo his T Uh fttVoWl^.. hu " 1011 MOrDROA wi'l lato rosidonpo, 159. bnba-itroot, To-moirow f: «" IV - Uy JT'T °" 'Tl"T l " i th «, Wnr " (Hundav). 20th Juno, 1804, at 2.15 p.m., 8l »P' , loaVJ "X tho , Broiwiwork at 1..50 p.m., for lho Knrori LV.neWy. UnL sSng "" " '" "' ' ""'' J. FLYGEU and CO., Judging from lho number of people who Undertakers und liuibalmcrs, i, avo visited AVai'Khiys in hurliour carriod Culw-blrool. aoram by my craft — sumo Ukitiraiuls now — lolcphono 3073. it n o f w liom linvo bunoliled greatly from * mmammm^! t S^^ m^^^ 1 "' -L ~ "°" 1 «. 11 educational as woll an from a ri-crua-I'UfthUAli INUllLil. lional point, of \icw, my 1 lilUo outings to ,__,„, „ . , - TT" „ „, aml from tho nhips of war havo proved rpilh I'no.ida of Mr. .Samuc| Courtcnay thoroughiy cnjayablo and iiro npprucialed. iL arc invitL'tl to atlond tho luinoral of iU'udor, you lako advantage of thi H trip us Into daughter, Ada, which will Ipovo To-morrow, and view beautiful Wellington hrr pnrcutß rosidonro, No. 10, Little from ono of tho floating ramparts of Bri-luranaki-ntti'ol, on Mouclay, 2dh nibt., tuiu. at 2 p.m., for the Karori Cemetery. }^.~ TrTrTvKt u?TiT7T7^ 1T .. T V. MORRIS, Ju.\., g 1 - JO "£S SS 1 ' lIALL ' Undertaker, 10, Taranuki-st. mTtpci^ v Vm^^'lo 1 ! 1^?; ■__ c^J__l^.^ w , a^.xn^ K^ l lJ_ i^__^ ____»«i TUESDAY N'ENT, 28th JUNK, 8 o'clock FUNERAL NOTICE. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE By TIIE Friend* of John Waller Ciulby aro DR - w - A - CIIAPPLE, C.8., M.R.C.S., respectfully invited to atlond lho [; • , -i r Fnnoml of hi* Into wifo Mary, aOiicli „-„,,.»,-_ ■ 1 ' jn *'"' 1 « will loavn his modenco, Upper llutt, for ROMAN CE Ol- TH X NERVOUS tho Catholic Oomolory on Sunday, lho T , . . S ? X^ il '-." 1 ' 26th Juno, 1904, al 2 p.m. Inlorspoisod with Musical Items by Momt!EO. AI'ILVKIDK AND SOX, l)ei « . of Sl John's Church. Sanitary Undcrtakors, _ AiliniMion ... ... Sixpence. Lower Ilult. ProccoiU to Miumoii, l^lnary, and Recro- >-— ,— ..r— ....... ..„„.„„,, . --"t-ihimiw ation Fund, Mount Cook Young Women's TT&OSE OF SHAR()N LODGE.M.U., -^LL*i°__P Irt ~'** Brethren or iho tfom. of Sharon Lodge nro WELLINGTON HIGHLAND RIFLES. Invited to attend tho Funeral of tho lato __, r , _ -vTTT-. , - „ . , Wifo of Bu». J. \V. Cudbv, P.G., which TJIHIRD ANNUAL BALL, will lcavo his residence, Upper llutt, nl To bo held in the ?, p.m. To-morrow (Sunday), ?.6th instant. DRUIDS' HALL, TARANAKI-STREET Visiting Brethren aro imitod lo attend. a vurnw 0/1 trn v , am ' By order of tho N.G. On I'RIDA"i , Bth JUIA, at 8.30 p.m. F. W. CONNELL, KocroUry. Double Tickets 7s Gd, Gon:s ss, Extra ■11— 1 l1 ■ —i— — uu in 11 11 iiii*-i,_w__— — _■■ Lady 3h 6cl. <ti& s^_ "?S OORPL. CiIARTRES, Hon. Sec.' 4_^?^_y^t» rgIHE Fifth Annual Social of Me&m. IK IIANKIiOTI'OV. i t"S!o AILE^ WSl.'l "Act _ .... a-P-5-Oj-r.. _-. - SSi. Z f 'g%&JZ*fc. IZ. \N oinnglon. mittcc-Doublo sh, kin^lo 3«, extra lady 2«. NOITCE in hereby given that JOHN ' h^ M ' iii 'i^ l '' l 'K BLAMP'ORD, or Rnvmi-Ktrcot, New- Uon, &cc. Htreot, Ncwlown, Wollinglon, was nrAtv- ,».»,- «.? this ,ioy adjudged lnnkrupt ; nnd I hero- P^AIN, I'ANCY _ ftKBSH, AND CAKEby snmuion n Meeting of Civtlitorn to bo -__.„-, , WALK BALL, holdi-n at my onicc. on FRIDAY, tho Ist Wf H l s - ,''• ]) - FOLKY'u Fourth Annual d.ty oi July, 1904. at 2.30 p.m. tl,, lJal L)V ill . l>o hi '' A al tlu * Urtii*l«* JAMES ASHCROFT, " a P» J h^.^V AY '^l ih J "> «»*■ Oflirnl AB«itrnon »!, ■ (,'ompelition ; alho Onko. Wellington, 251h Juno W. AB "^__ )™ k JSr™' 1 ?- 'ff^ 08 n ' - — - lioiu nny mpmbcr of the Conmiittoo or at GROVE C\CLE WORICH. 102, Cha-.trcol. 11. Scoquo,, Hon. Sec. PvhMO\ AL NOIICK. Lnlry liwt for competition now open. TT B. GROVE wixhcß lo notify hi* cik- — — — . ftJ5 . lomcn thai ho b«« ftBAIOVKD to TVTEWZKALAND SOCIALIST PARTY vW'^vi 1 !?' 1 'i lMal .° cl N °' -?* 1 uU m 55 ». Culw-rtrool, irnr of Poarc'^ M'.K-SI RV,KI', almoM oppomln tho old Unniiili.Mi uiivhav orn 1 n-, n Hhop, nhoro re pain, to C J( '.«, Motow, and M r \V 'tinh.'.w , A Y' 2tll U[ Mn C: 7 ' <W : Automobil..,, will bo on v UHual w„{ £?£ \"2\ \, '*$ akß " v " T h«- Nalimil under tlio namo of (^,■o^o Motor M'ork.. 1 1," Roii' ?h % HnlwUon. I>» .1 BOND GROVF • Chchos.r.i, \ ami Holo«. Ad- ±^ l _/:_l_J_i__liJ___. «»»"!>n Kr..<«. DiwiMi.m. WEDNESDAY. THY. CKOPOKKD "COLONIAL CO- N !''M. 5,?0, Chihin-n's Tm and Enti;rOPEUAC'IVK ItUILHING SOCIETY l«'»«»o"t— Childinn 3d, Parent* 6d. Of WKLLJXGTON." J^A^IIIBHKRT, Hon. Sec. A LL piMoona iiitcnding to tako Miaros 4Q, ~gUL -t— - in Him propo.-iu! KociiHv, which it was *ErJ_arotv2<St» .■I lii.4 intcii'lod to v?\l the No. b, Khotild ?Jsn&M\& njipiy immediately tv the member,* of iFib jtf^A?_TO^?<%v < SIX Pnninioiial Comiuiltue, or to tho Secnv Ury, 1:;, fSroy-Hlrcrt. Mi-inhoM of lho milE R.N.Z.A. ANNUAL BALL will b a Comniilteo arc i,«,u,Motl o con.plrto their i holl , in Sydnoy-Mrcot Schoolroom n l.hte a« soon us practicable. TUESDAY, l'ith JULY. Friom/* may JOHN CiHEWKS, obtain invitationa from any member of Secretary of Prov. Connnitteo. tho Corps or liy npecinl appointment U> IIU Excellency J, WEYBOURNI'I Bom the Karl of Runfurly. 'lion *See KMiibliHhful 1078. Mount Cook Barrack* G BEDFORD, UMBRELLA MAKER. • Umbrellntt mado to order, rn-c-ov- ata -vi» crcd aiul repaired. China and Glaca vffik'^^s.^Knoatly livoltccl. * Sciworw, Kniv<«i, nnil s_3^S^»^?S Razors ground. Cano Chair* ro-Botvled. S^^«wK^^v Address: No. 4, MoleßWorth-.itreel, Wollington, Xo 6 eiOMpANY, NliW ZEALAND LLOOUIION. JSNOINKBK VOLUNTBBRS Tft/fl-ISS MABEL IIARDINGE-MALTBY. (WKU-INUTON SUBMARINE MINERS) ii * X Teacher of „,„- - t-mnnminv *vr» n ni «. mn A„- r P«B Company will Pnrado nt lho DrillELOCUTION AND DRAMATIC ART. A «hed at 10.15 TO-MORROW (SunStudio: Aldoun'H Buildings. J ltt >'\. M< i l * N .p C^' { ° r lho f»'Po^e of at- ,,„„. . , .„ b vSO „, o , lo ending St. Paul'» Church. Every member U-.m.s. T In o, (.o', to o I .in. w cxi , oo icd to attend. 13. B. TOOMATH, WELLINGTON PHYSICAL TRAINING Acting-Captain. SCHOOL, -"- MANNERS-STREET (Two doors from 9^^^^^^. SECOND TERM commences 13th July. » BATTERY N.Z l\.\ V. luleuding nicmbci'H should mako early ___. , application to cusviro election befoio MpU^ BA'l PERY will panicle on S.'UEßclassoi aro filled. -°- DAY, 28th Juno, at 1 p.m. at Aloiinl Cook for tho Opening of Parliament. Apply al the Gymnabium for Prospectus drosH, l)olts, and Icgginux. Swords and Syllt'bus. will bo worn; greatconts if wot. W. II JON1«, . FREDEKIC J. COURTNEY, ' II0 "- hocrplnry. . Captain. LIBERAL AND LABOUR FEDERA- UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION FOR TION OF NEW ZEALAND. ■• <? WELLINGTON. VISITOR?! from country districts aro SYMPATHISERS of Rational Theology specially invited to bo proHcnt nt " ho . wo » ld a^ A » m SS l V^ l .° form tho Victoria Hall. Adclaido-roVl, THIS a Unitarian Awociation in Wollington. aro EVENING nt a o'clock, «hon tho Right "7} w "$ ot ! cominumcnlo with Unitarian, Honourablo the Picmiir will propound • lho bubinoss of tho coming Mc«sion. Membors of all local Branches cordially invited. ALL INVITED. W. J. CULVEtt A MODERN Ohriitiun Endeavour MeetIlun Secintnrv -^*" '"W wi " Do ' K M ttt H lim n lion, fctciotary. sIJNDAY( 261h illßt-> at tho Central Misiiion Hall, ITcrborl -Ktrcol. An l_siiy on +£*.+• "The Second Coming of Chrwt" Avill bo J!^X »ciul by Mr. M. Forsyth. Mr. Nicholas •» •* Turner (Missionor) will preside. N./j. PACIFIC LODGE No. 2. Messm. S. Forsylh nud W. Johns, Sees. THE Rogulnr Monthly Meeting will bo YVKTTlun'rnM nnwrTW r-TTin — held iv the Fin-maooiiH' Hull, Boul- \V__LIM»ION BOWLING CLUB. cotl-Glreet, on MONDAY, 27th insl. Tho Lodge will be tyled al 7.30 p.m. V wiling fpiH Annnal Goncml Meccing of roombrethren nro couhally invited to atlenci. _L bui« will be hold ut the Paiilion, ByjL'omiuand of the W.M. WorcUworth-htreet, on MONDAY, 27th ' ju^jj, «t 3 p.m. <P^_fe_^^^_«* 0 l ' c%ctl ' vo Annual Report aud Bnlauco J^&HuiiP^ittra! Election of OHlcors and "lriiß& ' W T GRUNDY f^rTii&itxZllSS) , WELLINGTON CYCLING CLUB. COURT i,IK GKORGE BOWEN, wpnrtT -^7^- ,T, T MrmVll . No. 5084, A.O.F. A W*tCIAL Gl NERAf. MEE LING of , _-3k. momboiv will bo held in tho Club rrtUE Half-yearly aTeelin B J!.°P ln ' 1 ' 17 > WiHis-slrcol, on MONDAY, 1 will bo h.-kl on MONDAY, 27th, al 2Uh June, al 8 p.m. th.. Hall, Tory-Mrool, al 7.30 p.m. IJunncss— lo conhrin tho Club Rules, BusincHV IUU ' Genoral. Election of Court OillecrH »^. full a , Utl "*J B » C 0 pnrtioulorly requef-ted. Nomination of District Officers. A Limi-wl wil Un held of tor the meeting. Initiation, and General. A. Y. Si'KVENS, Hon. Fines lor abßOiioß. „.._.,., OOUSK-UEXT, "lnaurnnoo "Premium, IHOMAh I'OLl'A, Jfi 1(U(l Vir( , KiskhJ rci i uer( i )lv i^iifHng ooorclaj7._ w i t |, Jl o il, nv Coneroto Buililing Blocks. "H't 1 ALIUCKT LIONEL hOLOMON, the Vnvt to.l only 5 per emit, dourer. Animal .«. uon of Jofcpli Moloinon, Into of Sol- repair 0!) per cent, cheaper wood ford, .Saltwater Ri'.rr, n«'»r Molbourn ', 111 e<m«lructioti ' Chiniuojs erected with llhmo Virtorm, will ( oivmuuicftto with j\lo>'-r«. blocka are cheaper brick ehinuieys, Dolu.oi;, Mitchell aivl Allport, of Hobart, n« Ihoio .n-o no v>i(i ( <i)l jointH thoro in Solirilor*, he will hear of something to his Ipm danger fiont ".1 - -W.-ilniglon Hollow •d\auti)go. lUulcinig 1-Vjclv L'y , *lnf»Jh.'ji, Wellington.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 6