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DODGING THE INSPECTOR AT Iho risk of being fined t for tiding without a light is false oronomy when you can buy a good Lamp for hnlt" co 4 of tho fine. Wo havo just lomlod n shipment, and can offer tho best valuo in GAR LAMPS, OIL LAMPS, CANDLK LAMPS. Motor and Cyi le Repairs cfl'octod in a first-data mnimer by oxpcrl mechanics. JKNKINSON & CO. (Ltd.), Motor Factors and Cyclo Manufacturers, ' 48, Vicloria-fclraot.

LOST, Gold Sword Brooch, in Nowtown or Kilbiruio. Regard at .05, Hiddiford-stroot, Newlown. LOST', in Potone, 23r<l June, a Coral Brooch in form of cross with gold bauds. Reward on returning lo W. Jenness, Jewoller,' Potone. LOST, on, Thursday afternoon, Gold Ponddnt i-et wilh pearls and turquoifo. RowardjU Evening Post. LOS'l'i yostorday,"larpo J'awa ShoTl Orosl cent Brooch, with two gold bandn, without pin. Reward at Aldous's, 107, Lambton-quay. LOST, yesterday afternoon, a Lady's Hanrib&ff with purso insiilo, conlainimt money and sol of tooth. Finder handpomoly rowardod. Apply Evening Post. LOST, from Courlenay-placi", a. .Black Russian Rctriovcr Dog ; answers to tho namo of Boatswain. Finder will bo rewarded on rolurn of samo to A. Falls, 2b, Courtenay-placo. LOST, Tniu-o'-Shantnr, bolwecn Molof>-worlh-slroet and Sydnoy-ql root School room. Howard 011 returning nnmo to Evening Post. Valued by owner. LdSTj~iaVt"~c\'eninjj, on Wollingtontorrace, bolweon BoUnuip's and l'liinmer's Stops, a Lady's Boal-skin Nocklnt. Roward at Evening Pont. LOST, two-bar Gold Brooch, large opal ; fluder reworded. Apply Mrs. Pagot, 04, Taranaki-streot. LdST,~tf lot of DandruTTby using half a bottlo of Parker's Hair Tonic. 2s 6d a bottle, by post 3s. Wu, Parker, Chomist, Maunom-strcot. 1 Ijj^UUND, Inrgo quantity Silvor Slippers, JO In 6d each, at Lloyd's, Jeweller, 55, Lambton-quay. __^ I~7ioblSfb~you got satisfaction with Swan ■ Pork German. Samo prico and nnmo quality all tho year round, Yjpmsf-CLASS~Che7 with Continental, "JL American, -and colonial experience opou for engagement ; first-nlass rofcrencot, Addross Culinary, Evening Post. RS~Mr'R. ~CULLEN,~~ OorliCcatod Midwife, has robumed lior professional (lutioj, and is now open to attend Lyiug-in Patients at thoir homos or at her rcfiidcnoc, 23, Garrett-strcot. A STRONG, steady young* mau wants Employment %f any kitul; very careful hand with machinery, am} can liandlo horsos. Addrces Handy Man, Evening Post. r ____ YOUNG married counlo roquiro Furniched or Unfurnished Rooms.' Addrcis To Aro, Evoaing Pott. ______^__ PETER, Teacher ~of" Milltnory> !>««< • opening for ono or twomoro pupils; Wliito Felt Hat« oloanotl and nintio liko new. 91, Cuba-street, ovor Fancy, Goods ■Store ', A LADY "with "rcflnod iiomc would liko to moot with married cfiuplo without children, z» paying guetU. , • Apply , Evening^Po»t. J f , r .. .,... . » B~~ACHEI.6h6 rau havo Lodging, convonienccs, 4s wcokly. Afiply 35a, Cuba-slroet. _ BOARD and Rosidonco~rccmirrd by gontloman, single room, near Mein-ftvoot, Newlown. , Addro»s Quiot Homc.f Evoning JPV)Bt BOARD and Residence for throo gentlemon or married cbuplo ; very largo room ; telephone 1327. Addross 92, The Terrace. jp^ERTIFICATEDNurscs ca'iTbo obtained yy on short notico by applying at Wilton's Bureau for Nurses, 3, Ouba-Btreot, Wellington. ' '"' BOARD and Residence for two or throo eloidy mon ; piano, soft washing ; tormj 17"s. Apply Holly House, 'No. 1, . Abol Smith-stroot,' next to Royal Tiger Hotel. BOARD and Residence. — Vacancies for go,ntlomon boardors ; ovory couvonionco; good table; two minutes from Government Building* ; terms modorato. 7, Mulgrave-stroct. s GaUPJiIUQR Board and~RcHidcuce. clo«o +J proximity to Parliamont Buildings, two ininulna' walk from Lambton-quay. Almora, 10, Mowbray-stroot, top Bowanstrcot, Thorndon. BOARD and I<odg|ng required by gentleman, superior, siimlo room, every comfort nnd convonionco. Acldrcs-t Roto, Evening Post. jnERjIFICATJSD Nurcoß enn b'o'oblninori V> on short notice by applying at Wilton's Bureau for Nurses. 6, Cuba-stroc't, Wellington. ETL~ JACICE I fS~r"eiraircd, allered, and , rolincd, oko other furs, by Mr. Wonigor, London Furrier, now removed to caro of Hillman, Scni borough-terrace, j. Parnell, Auckland. ' j jpAflfl WILL purchato a PositTvo^Ciiro cWrft: \f\f |' or a Dangerous Complaint ; hum! redd die from this particular malady. "Apply to Mrs. Loonidaft M. Smith, fl, Waltcr.-slreot, Wellington. At homo daily 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesdays 10^ to 8 p.m. TXFLUENZA^and CM^'lTjlaTnT^lnlh'umatt ■*- cured in six hourt— oven Iho most aggravated cases. Chilblains curod whilstt you wait.— Rheumatics Medicine Company, 169, Cuba-slrenl. RS. A~ fTnKLSONT Lo7iio7'~Nu^ lato 7,' Pirie-btrnol Wellington, has Vacancy for lying-in Pationlfl, Mnin-rcad, Lowor_Hillt, nonr Blackbridgo. , MADAMETnALUTSfPLET Psychomolriet, Clairvoyant, Scientific Palmist, may, bo consuUctl at 14, Combridgo-tc-rrace. Hours 11 till 8. Plcaso noto address. SUPERIOR Acepmmockition~f'or""Gontio^ men or Married Couplo; good tablu kept. Apply 18, MolonworHi-slrcot, few doors from Parliamont Buildings. "PHRENOLOGY."-- Profc^'or EleUn7 JL Phrenologist with 30 yearn* wtudy, ban opened his- Phronoiogicnt Ofßco m M.-".inors-slreot, Wellington, ''liarta 2s 6tl and 5s each. BMPRESS~WkDLK.— New j^Oalid Invention for Art Noodlowork. in nrraeone or silk. Logons free nt tho Com. pany'a Depot, itanners-Ktrcot. VACANCY for three gentlemen, doiiJ^To Mid sintrlo rooms, wilh or without board; would suit throo, members; all conveniences. _Arimo, 30, Hill-streiof. FOR SALE, now 5-roomod Houso, every modern csnvonienco j olqelrio light throughout;* gnir.d view, best ' part of Rhannon-sttpot : splnndid nroprrty. For further parliculr.M Powiiali ond Co., 10, Feathers t on -st root. M'ADAM'e"" niMXEi{7~rßynho"m^t7i^ - Phyiioßiiomiiit, luspiralionnl Test Medium, 47, Injjcitro-etroot, coritfir ttinhamstreet. Advico ffivon on hoalth, bmiiifM, marriage, etc. Chnrts written. Last day, Wednewlay next R"S r ~HY.\MSrola"irVo>'n7ir";ind TnSb Medium, nny bo consulted at 1G&, Willis-stroet, over EHer'a i'mnituK* WnrolIOU3O. Konrs 11 till 6. rSYOiTib~IUpTURK -Your ohaiaJtor, pertonality, and futuro po'b!biliues ; rond natural har.rlwriting,. otato month born, 2s 6d, lo Hnshun Oinra, General Post Office.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 1