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THR UNITED JiWJUI MRS' QELLS TO VAIIMKUK AT WIIOLEO WALK I'KICES. Writo for Prico List. THE UNITED~F AKMF-RfV C - OPERATIVK ASSOCIATION, 80. Liimht_on_-_<itmy, A\ T i-lliiiKtou. BTILTON ('lLl_l_Sel T>IUME NEW ZEALAND S'J'ILTON" NOW IN STOOK. D. ANDERSON &, SON, 40, MOLESWUUTU-STUEET. Tolephono No. 331. FEDERAL • OOF I? 10 B PAIiAOIS, , CITRLSTCItUROH. <TIIIARMIN_LY sitim.tcd in Viotorin™~J square. Fionting tho door is tho Queen's Stntuo nnd tho Band Rotunda, from whence is ~waftcd tho melodious strains of tho great mnstors. Tho lovoly Avon, wonding through tho park-liko foreground, gives n pootio glow to Iho outlook. ANDREW DAVIES, Propriotor. |*ATI_NTS Ll''-t«~ 1 -li_hod 1882 J Pamphlet, "ADVICE TO INVENTORS" Froo on application to HENRY HUGHES, Quoon's Chamber* (opposito P. Office), TQR. H. WALTER, M.8., M.Ch., Roynl Univorsity of Ireland, Licentiate of Midwifory, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, hn3 commoncod practice in Wollington. llcsidonco— 2, RUSSELL-TERRACE, Nowtown Hours of Consultation — _ to 4, Mr. Parker's, Chomibt, Mimnors-slrool. RICHARDSON AND BLAIR, CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTU UKlto REPRESKN'i'ATIVES. Drodljing, Marino, Hydraulic, and General Engineering. Resident Partner — C. h. Richardson. Austrulian Partner— D. K. liliiir. A.M. P. Buildings, Yiekery'b Chambers, 76, Piit-st., Mydncj. EG. J E L L I O O E, • BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Address during absunco from colony : National Liberal Club, London, S.W RS. ROUNTU WAITE, • .M. Inst. C.E., M.A.M.C.K., Begs lo intimnlo lo his L-icnds and to Iho public that ha. has commenced tho praotico of his profossions of Civil and Snnitarv Engineer^ Architect aad Surveyor, ana Quantity Surveyor. Fletcher's Buildings, 3, WILUS-STREET Tolephono 1.13b MR. SIDNEY HAL L, DENTIST, BOULCOTT-ST., Wcllinqton, (oppoaito Dr Col lint. 1 ) Tcloxihono 479 r7Tit~o\ g Lifis'tirrwi n g (D.D.S.,, Dl NTAL SURGEON, Fletcher's Buildings, 3, WILLIS-STREET. Telephone 1755. w7"~EARP-'J'IK)MAirXND CO., • Dentists (lato Philn., U.S.A.). Pninlcis Exlroctions by Now Secret Proootw Wo mako a epooinlity of Extracting by Gas nil tho tooth at ona Kitting ; no after olfuot. Artificial Teoth uro mndo by n qualified dentist. Wo ifunrantoo a porfoot fit and lifoliko appoarauco. Reduction in fees iniido to famitioa. Telcphono 1674. Mannoxi-slrcot. MR. HAROLD W. BLUNDELL, SURGEON DENTIST, Lato of London nnd Philadelphia, U.S.A. EVENING POST BUILDINGS. Tolophono 1713. TT ON DON DENTAL INSTITUTE. 11. 11. GREKN, Surgeon Dontisl, Manager. Comploto SctJ of Teeth from £3 3«. AH Work exDcuted by Skilled Dt<nti«U. Fillings, C.'rowng, otc, nt Moderuto Feos. Our Wollington AddressCorner of Willis and Manners «treotß. Tolephono No. 823. X k~ "c. ' "mo' it 'jrvPFTu DENTIST, 124, WILLIS-STREET, Wollington. Telephone 1488. R^ WALTEU MANTELL, DENTiyT, SYDNEY-STREET (First Gato from AluNonm-Glreut). Tolophono No. 554. UDLEY K. &IKUE WETHER, Surgeon Dontist, 65, MOLESWOK'J'JI-STREET. Ilour9 — 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. X N". W. O. COL a-:, SURGEON DENTIST, 215, LAMBTON-QUAY (noxl Dunbnr (Slonno'ii I'hnrmnry). I" C™ BHADLr.^r D.LVIXODTmT • and Peyt'ho-Thcra-peutut (Paychomclrio Diagnosia). Kcliuusdler Iteincdics Used 8, ROXBUIUUUSTUKET (two doors from Majoribauks-itroot). «• Hours of Coneultutioii—lO till 4.30, .Saturdays: 10 till 2. (Or by appointment.) w7~ur beUk' eti\ BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, PKTONE AND LOWER HUTT (Lower Unit eveiy nf lot noon). MONEYTO LEND. J]j" "R ' A D ~ L E V, • METAPHYSICIAN, 36, i Roxburgh • streot, Wollington. PERFI-fC-'^y "^ " VIBRAXORV MASSAGE (JOlectrical, cto.) 4, Hoino-stroct (Kont-torraco). Fleming Lauronson. AUBREY GU ALTER (Lnto Accounlnnt, Colonial Bank. Timaru), A C.OUNTANT, A(j!JSNT, AUDITOR. /*■ Averages adju^tod. Tolephono 999. 9, Johnston-street. r___iT] HISLOP AND WALDEN, ARCHITECTS, National Mutual Buildings, oornor Huntorstrcet and Oustomhouso-qway, Wellington, and DowliuK-atroot, Dunodin. T\iTMOCK PEARCB K. R. DYMOCIv,] fW. S. PEARCE. A.1.A., N.Z.. Accountants, Auditors, aud Shnrcbrokors. P.O. Box 193. Huntor-Blroot. Tol. 956. TpH; I^EARY AND CO., ACCOUNTANTS and SHAREBROKERS 6, Foatliprfeton-st., and nt Dunodin. £ ALBERT H. OASEY^ Solicitor, Fny's Buildings, corner of TTeathoislon and Pnnnmn streets, Wollinfrton. Tolophono No. 2063. P.O. Box 429. TvSr"R7~\v" a. somvrv jll c, OfJL SOLICITOR & PATENT AGENT, Flalchor's Buildinga, oornor Willis-strcot and Lainbtou-quny. Klonoy to lend nt lowest rates. Tol. 1837. XIPfTN LITO X I li, • Bnrristcr nnd Solicitor, Paiont Agont, 44, I;nmbloii-iiuny. ».loney_to Lendj^ 4i per cont. Tol. 1437 MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security, at lowest rntoß. YOUNG AND TRIPE, Solicitorß, Groy»»troot. ~~W"Y~N~N "irflTK B V"," • SHAIIEBROKEU & FINANCIAL AGENT, Quick's Buildlngß, Foathorstori-st. MONKY TO LEND Tolophono 1911. MONEY TO LEND, in any sums, tit lowost rtirrcnt ratn.i of intoroHt. HAMKUTON, ANDREW AND WEBI', Solicitors nnd l'ntont Agculff, 62, Lnmbton-quny. a~nls a. w~i~ir"s 6 ST, • FUNERAL FURNISHERS, 64, CAMBRIDGE-TERRACE, Tfile.-ono 90S.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 4