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Tho Premier will deliver a political address at Victoria Hall, Newt own -his evening. Important political announcements are expected. The following infectious disease cnsea are reported in the city by the Publio Health Department for the week ending 25th June :— Scnrlet fever, 2; tuhercolosis, 1; total, 3. Hutt Count v. Scarlet fever, 1. " * The Governor hns consented to formally opeu the Wellington Poultry, Pigeon an-i Canary Association's, annual show next Thursday. The local agent*, Messrs. Levin and Co.. hnve bwn advised that the Rha-w-Savill liner lonic left Capetown for Wellington, via Ilobnrt, yesterday evening. His Excellency the Governor (Lord Piunket) Jias accepted the invitation of the Wellington Chamber of Commerceto a dinner at tho Empire Hotel next Saturday evening, 2nd July. The lad Clunks Stone, who was shot in the thigh with a pea-rifle at Petono last Monday,/ is progressing favourably towards recovery. District orders for the opening of Parliament are advertised in this issue. There are compniatively few visitors staying at Rotorua just now, it being the "off" season. Lust winter, however, quite- a number of American tourists put iv an appearance there, but this year they have presumably gone to see tho sights of their own especial "big show"— tho St. Loujs Exposition. Mr. 0. E. Hamilton. Ph.B. (Evangelist), and Professor F. A. Wilkinson ((Jospel soloist), from America, are expected m Wellington next week. They are- at present conducting im Evangelistic Missior in Auckland. John Bl' ;ord. a blncksmith in*business in Rovans-slieet, has filed a petition to be adjudged a bnnkiupt. The Official Assignee has decided to call a meeting of creditors for next Friday afternoon. John Windeley, farmer, of \Vercroa, has been adjudged a bankrupt on creditors' petition, and a meeting of his creditors will be hold on Friday morning. Yesterday afternoon, at tho New town School, an exhibition of cookery was givt-i by pupils from tho city and" suburban schools, under the direction of Mrs. Neely, who took charge of the cookery clr.Sfces undor the Education Board at tho beginning of the year. Seventy-six different dishes were presented for inspection, all of which were highly commended by tho large number of vihitois present. To-morrow tho Central Mission celebrates the anniversary of the Christian Endeavour Society in connection with the Mission. A model Endeavour meeting will be held in the morning conducted by the Missioncr, Mr. N. Tumor, while at the night meeting the Rev. T. Keith Ewer will preach, the sermon. On Tuesday next the brass band celebrates its third anniversary M-ith a concert and supper. If you get good evening shoes they will give you an immense amount of 'satisfaction. Our evening shoes for men (see advertisement on page 7), are all good kinds. Kirkcnldia and Stains, Limited. — Advt»

His Excellency the Governor complimented Lieutenant Hind on tho playing of the Garrison Band at tho levee held at Government Home yesteiday. At lost night's meeting of tho Potone Chamber of Commerce, ihe. Uhuhmau (Mr findluy) remarked that it was a pity Uie Borough Council Inul not complied with Ihu request of the Chamber lo appoint a delegate t«> act with the Chamber m waiting upon the Wellington Racing Club in regard to the construction of a bridge over the- rivor at the end of Jacksonstreet. He that the club Iwd come to the conclumon that it need not expect any nsaistance from the Government, and was willing to give £1000 ii your towards it. Mr. Morrison stated llut ono gentleman interested bad offered to pay one hundred guineas towards the ros>t. Tt was uVcided to again request the L'cmueil to appoint n delegate. A curious and so far unexplained epidemic is tit tho prc&onb tiino decimating the trout in Tar.iwevo. Lake. For i>omo weeks past beautiful fu>h, weighing frequently from eight to' twelve pounds, buvo been picked up on tho shores of the lake either dead or in a dying condilion Tho hVh are geneiully in good condition—if anything, perhaps rather over fat — and the* cause of tho epidemic is a piattor of considerable speculation. Their size, seems abnormal, seeing that it is only about four years mucc the fish weio liberated in the lake. One Iheo-ry put forwaid is Ihiit tho lisli are being poison*d by uviaeral deposits washed into the nutters of the lake from the burinunding icountrv us a wsult of recent severe rains. Tho "fonriit Department will probably liiive one o*- two of Uio dead fish examined by an expert, with a view to determining the cause of the trouble. When in the northern thounal district v few days ago, Mr. C. It. C. Robieson, Acting Superintendent of Tomibl Resorts, was interviewed by « deputation from tbo To Aroha Town Council, which sought tho aid of the Department in effecting iseveral improvements to the baths, which «re now under tho control of the. Government. It was also desired that nn elec-tric-lighting system should be established at the township; that additional books bo provided for ihc public library (the Council expiring willingness to vote £ for £ up to £15) ; and that the baths should not bo closed dining meal hours, syid. should remain open on Sunday afternoons. Mr. Robioson promised that moat of tho matters mentioned would receive favourable consideration. At Rutorua a request was made for the construction of an asphalt tennis court in the Snujtorium grounds, and it was promised that this would bo done as soon as funds -were available While at Kotorua Mr. Robionon sekcied a sito on tho Government rcseivo foT a golf links, for the use of tourists and visitors staying at Rotorua. The work of putting it in order for piny will probably bo undertaken nt an early date Mr. Alfred Crossey writes rogording DlAtotnents made before the Chief Justice by Dr. Findlay, counsel for the defendants, in tlio action of tho Official Assignee in re the Crossey estate v. A. Maciiire, O. M'Ardlc, und A. Wylic, and published in the Post on tho 17th inst. Mr. Crossey states that the publication pf Dr. I'indlay's statement regarding the supposed rea.sons for tho discontinuance of the action is likely to- prove prejudicial 10 him, and adds:— "Dr. Findlay was certainly correct in .saying that defendants had not compromised the action. There had beon no compioniiso of any kind, nor would I ever consent to any. In the couiso of the next few I hope to mialify myself to renew tho proceedings in person ; and ns the Issuo between myself and tho defendants will bo then fully investigated by the:' Supremo Court, it would be highly improper for me to say anything now beyond asking ydur readers to suspend' their judgment lill then." Tho annual meeting 'of the Nowtown Bowling Club was held lost ni^bt, thirtyfivo members being present. The. report mud balance-sheet, a mammary of which has already been published, was adopted. Tho following officers wore ejected:— Directors, Messrs. A. Campbell, R. D. Howartb; G. Hcndry, J. W. Kinuiburgh, J. J. Roberto, H. Sexton, W. Wylie; Treasurer, Mr. J. D'Emden /re-ekctcd) ; Secretory, Mr. V. J. Brogan (re-elected;; Auditors, Messrs. J. Crewes and J. W. Salmon ; Delegate to tho Northern Bowling Association, Mr. J. D'Emden; Sole Selector of out matches, Mr. G. Prince. The smoke nuisance, was discussed, and 11 Vigilance- Committee was set up lo guard the interests of the ciub> whoso Sroperty the brick factory adjoins. Mr. . P. Luke promised io assist tho club in the riiatter. A vote of thanks w#b pasued to tiie ladies for assistance given, tlu olttb during tho year. In the Gasworks property at Petone is a sulphur spring, the medical or curative qualities of which appear to bo in <loubt. Tie Government Analyst has reported that considered as a medicinal water the most important constituent was the sulphuretted hydrogen, but unfortunately that gas was present in very small quantities, only (0.114 grains per gallon). The better known of Rotoruo- wateis contained from fifty to a hundred tiimv* nu mtich. The local Chamber of Commerce lias sought to "boom" the springs in the hopo that they would provo of valuo, but so for its efforts* havo not met with much success, though is it stated that soino cures wero effected while tho water was available. Tho pipes from which tho flow was obtained had been closed for tome time,- and tho Chamber of Commerce decided last night to wait upon tho Council and request it to ullow of access being obtained to f ho waters of tho spring. The Petono Chamber of Commerce is desirous of erecting some memorial on tho spot where the first settlers landed on the Patone Beach. The matter was again before ihe Chamber last night, and it appeared to bo agreed that the spot lay between Tory and Aurora streets. Mr. Udy, ono of those present at tho tneolivig was on ono of the first three ships, and liis memory bore out this belief. He, however, undertook to interview Mr. (samud Smith, of Blackbridge, and Mr. James Knight, of tho Hutt, who were also among those who landed on that historical occasion. The settlement at Potone originally proposed, but subsequently abandoned, was shown on a plan produced at the meeting last night by &Ir. Morrison. Messrs. J. If. Belhuno and Co. report having negotiated by private contract tho «ilu of that line property at the corner of Wellington-terraco und Mount-street, known us "Hawkhill," and formerly occupied by tlio Into Mrs. Frances Retliuno. The land hus frontages of 195 ft lOin to tho Terrace, 171 ft lo Mount-street, and 165/1 6in tt> a 6ft right-of-way on. tho northei'ii side of the property, and on it is erected tho family residence- of fourteen rooms with all convcuiencee. Tho purclmstfr is Mr. Robert Pearson, of Mnn-Tier.o-slreet, and the prico paid was G6500. A ladies foursome golf match wns jilayeil at tho H&tt on Wednesday for ?ri/es given by Mrs. Purdy (captain), lie winners were Mm Rutherford nnd Miss Riddiford (handicap 18), 4 up on bogey ; and Mrs. Watkins and Miss . Ilcmfvey (hundicap 15), each 3 down. The annual meeting of members of the Wellington Bowling Club is to be held in iho pavilion, Wordsworth-street, next Monday evening. hiiuk Swim Butter is the highestgrade of Now Zaaluxid butter. It is perfect in quality, texture, and flavour. — Advt. ;

"Do you know thero i.s on exceedingly bad* U'purt about you — the worst J Im vo over received of anybody?" u.sked Dr. A. M'Arlhur, S.M./of an elderly woman — earoworn, bent, and stricken with pal*>y — « ho hobbled into Court and applied for the renewal of her old -age puuMoii this morning. There \wib Mlemo for a ft x w minutes, and then his Worship continued: "It states that you h<i\o been thirty-one times before the Court j for drunkenness — twice- within tho laht year, und havo been convicted of thieving." The applicant, dazzled at the light thrown on her past days by ■« police report from another part of tho colony, iniuidibly muttered a few words aiu! stood with bowed head. "Tliie ppnwon must bo caneolled," observed his Worship, i\ud added : *'J cannot understand bow you over got it." Tho applicant it wenied ■\\ns granted the pension at Dunedin. Subsequently sho came to Wellington, ;uul several weeks ago applied for a renewal of the giant. Tho application was bold over on tho application of Mr. V. W. Munrfield, to enable him to get a polioo report n.s to Iho Avoman's character. This led to tho facts of tho casso being placed boforo tho Mngi.strato. An elderly man named Alfred Cooper, who has a wandering propensity, waa brought before Dr. A. M* Arthur, S.M., this morning, on a cluugo of having insuflicieiit lawful means of support. On tho application of Sub-Inspector O'Donovau tho defendant was remanded until 4th July for examination. James ltiirrod, a labourer, charged with having stolen £8 from a mate named Thomub Carr at the Lower Ifutt on 23rd in&t., was remanded until Ist July. At the Mount Cuok Police Court this morning, before Mr. 1\ Bland, J.P., Roland J. Bates waa sentenced to ouo month's imprisonment for habitual drunkenness. Employers arc disappointed at having failed to secure a reduction of insurance premiums under tho Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act. According to a .statement made lo the (Employers'. Association last night by tho Organising Secretary (Mr. Henry Field), the position is as follows: — The object ul hist session's amendment was to loverf to the provisions of tho original Act, fixing a fortnighUinstead of a week's disablement hvforo payment, which longer period would reduce tho number of srinull claims, and would (it was hoped) proportionately reduce the premiums. Jt was thought that tho amendment made lost .session .would effect both results, but it is now feu rod that it has failed legally to effect tho first, aud therefore the second or contingent benefit has not been secured by employers. Tho intended benefit, stated tho Secretary, had been largely invalidated hy tbo inclusion m last session's Act of tho word "partial" before- incapacity. Tho question would be settled by the interpretation put upon the word "pailial" by tho Arbitration Couit. Tho Directors of the Wairau Valley Gold Mining Company for tho next twelve months will bo Mesbis. T. P. Covcney, O. Palliscr, T. R. Jouos, C. Young, D. Robertson, W. A. Chote, J. Wright, It. Sloan, R. H. Smith, and G. A. Baron. At tho statutory general meeting of shareholders held in Wellington this week, it was decided to leavo the question of making a commencement with the low level drive in the hands oE*,tho new directors. Mr. p. Robertson sliongly advocated the raising of the necessary capital for pushing on with the work of opening up the low Jovds. In another column tho Rev. W. A. Evans and Mr. A. L. Hcidman, M.H.R., respectively nnnounco their candidature, for the forthcoming Education Bonrd olection. Wilton's Old English Cough Linctus doos not stop at ( relieving, ifc cures the bad cough or colil. Try it. — Advt. Merchants and importers are requested lo scud all their Customs papers to the Now Zealand Express Company, 20, Customhouse-quay. Telephone 92. — Advt. Mtint, Cottroll, and Co., general carriers, Customs and forwarding agents. Storage a speciality. Furniture packed and removed. Omco ; Queen's Chambers. Tclephon« No. 23.— Advt. .Sales! Sales ovorywhero! This has boon a record season for saloo of drapery in Wellington. Excitomont will reach tho climax when O. Smith starts his winter stocktaking sab on Saturday noxt, 2nd July. Look out for next Fndny'e paper, ttncf you will sort nomethinir worthy your careful reading. O. Smith, Cuba-street.— Advt. On Thursday, 7lh July noxl, at their rooms, Foathorston-stroet, at 2.30 p.m., Most™. J. H. Bethuno and Co. will hold an auction balo of thirty-six villa cites situated in tho properly known as Knight's Farm, Kolburno, closo to Bakor's Hill tunnel, on tho Kurori-road. Tho sections vary in area, from ono-oighth to over, ft quarter of an aero, nnd command vioWB of tho oity, harbour, and reservoir. The property is within easy distance of Iho Aro-slrcot section of the city oloctrio tramways, and a fow minutes' walk from tho present K>lburno tram terminus, whilst tho Karori 'bus will pass tho nubdivision on its northern boundary. Tho terms of sales aro liboral, nnd lithographic plans will bo posted to any addroßß on application to Iho auctioneers. Messrs. Bethuno and Co. also insort a list of business and residential proportion which Ihoy havo on their books for privalo mlo. They also havo money to lend on approved froohold Hocuritien, and a number of houses to let, both furnished and unfurnishod. Messrs Goorgo Thomas and Co. announce tho aalo by auotion of that' block of city properly fronting Aitkon-ntroot, which will bo offered for public competition at tho Exchango Hall on Thursday, 7th July, at 2 o'cloak. Aitkcn-streot oonneols Molnsworlh and Mnlgravo BlreuU, and tho Corporation ha 3 replaced a rolio of Iho past by tho formation of a splendid wide thoroughfare through which tho elcctrio trams will pass. Tho subdivision contains twenty-two freehold poction^, ranging from 27 to 30 foot frontago by a dopth of 90 to 100 feel. Lilho plans aro promised early in Iho coming wook. On conclusion of thin t>a!o a freehold oornor blocks fronting Ingcstore-stroet ami In-geitro-placo, 73ft x 105 ft, will bo disposed of on liboral term*. This ostalo i» tho property of Mr. It. B. Haybittlo. Mossrs. Harcourt nnd Co. romind tho gonoral public of their forthcoming auction sales. On Wednesday, ' 29th intst., a high-claes furniture talo will bo held at tho residonco of Mr. A. E. Exloy, "I'ho Bungalow," No. 3, Tinakori-roiul, Iho contcnU of 12 rooms, comprising Englii'hmado furnituro and Doultou clmmwurfi, mado to order. The hou<;o will bo opou tio view on TueMday, 28th inßt., from noon till 4 l>-m. Catalogues am now ready, and may bo Had on application to Iho auo-, ttonoers. On tho sth July, at tboir roonw, a S-roomod residence, oloso lo tho ntatiou at Johnsonvillo. On tho 12th July, two 9-roomod dwellings, known as 192 and 19<l, Tinakori-road, opposite tho post offico, with modern conveniences. Tho land has a frontago of 37ft to Tinakoriroad by a depth of 100 ft. Also a sroomed dwelling, on ono floor, 52, Nairnstruct, having a fronlago of 34ft to NairnBlreot ny a depth of 70ft. Thn sumo linn aho insert a revised lint of oily, cuburban, ami country fronhold properties for private calo, nlco hnto's and l>ii"infs"»'=i for sttlo and hotwj to lot. Tho firm direct tho attention of doctors nnd speculators to their special advertisement to be found in another column of this ip«uo. The Newtown No-licenso League is to meet in the Trinity Wesleyan Schoolroom on Monday evening for tho election of officers, etc. A lift of business and residential pro- | pcrticj and building ekes is advertised by Mr. W. A. Broadbcnl, land and estate agent, Willis-stroet. Stocktaking salo. For ono month only Zcalandiit cycles will bo subject lo 15 per cent, reduction •' '• essh. Coma early and Rocuro a b^-4 Oatcs, Lowry and Co., Zoalandia Oicio Works, Cubtt-streot.— Advt.

.nor. WeatUer. Station. Wind. Bar. 10 Slmdo Ciuio Marin Vnn Uiutnou „. Uiinnell Mmmknu Hands Aucltluml En*)t Cnija ftiiliomu S|>it (Nui.lor) .. Custlopoiut Hoit I'ljuioulh . I'aton Wiingaiiiit Foxlnu WolliiiKlon Illoutioim Oniiß Cftinpboli ... KaiUoiuu Nolhoii I''iiro»t>l> Spit .. Wodltiort Qro/immtli Uokltilcn Houler l.jUtltou Clii-istohuroli ••■ Tiiunru ■Jiiiunru ... •■■ I'orl. Chalmers ... Diuicdiii ynteustowo Nufgots liiTarunrgtU ...i W fb S 1 WNAV f li N 1 N\V br W 1 SW 1 NW br \V f b NW br N 1 NW br KVV 1 VV J NW fb Culm SK 1 W 1 NX 1 NIO br NX br W 1 Unlm SW I W br ,SW 1 tJW 1 NW 1 . Culm . Calm ,Cfilin Jnm l 20-01 iiO'67 2005 iift 0.1 20-60 20-51 JO-4I l!t)-!18 20-50 2U'-M» JO-« 'J9HB 21>'3« 20 at Sil)3l 'JOH 2'J'i'J 20 37 20-10 2i)-ao 2!) H ao-yi> 20'8B L'O-ao vo-at •ja-ao XII-3C 20 20 UU-81 211-25 2DCS GO 5U •10 So U St 62 fIS 6.1 4-5 60 51 13 •W 45 •« 15 UJ •18 17 U 1G 4C 4t !)5 40 40 4-1 Q • » n CP Q )j (J 11 C » 0 v v li •; O V c 11 C o » o II o n it f!M P C O P U P 11 U v 1) C n c it v B C II O o o U f! 110

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 4