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JOHN DUTHIE <fc CO. 9 limited, CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TUttltt STOCK OF CIITLKaY ELECTHO-PJjATE! SELECTED FROM BEST SnEPFIBLD MAKERS, INCLUDING--IVORY-HANDLED TABLE AND DESSERT KNJVES IVOJIY-GRAINED XYLONITE TABLE AND DESSERT KNIVES „ „ WITH PLATEI* BLADES IVORY, IVORY-GRAINED XYLONITE AND STAG CARVERS AND STEELS i/iV'mV*,- 1 £ lll ° Boarcil y anc - ineroasod prico of ivory, it is boinff rapidly replaced by IVORY-GRAINED XYLONITE, which wo can confidently reccominond. E L ECTRO-PXi ATE D SPOONS AND FORKS, in Old English and Fkldlo ARQUROID SILVER SPOONS AND FORKS, in Old English and Fiddle Arquroid Silvor being a solid whito metal docs not chango colour, but wears whilo throughout. STERLING SILVER SPOONS AND FORKS, a full raitgo to -jolcol from. JOHN" DUTHIE & CO., limited, WILLIS-STREET.

i ■ ... — m i ■ ■ pDatod nnd Filod wiMi fcho Rogistrav of Joint Stock Companies on the 23rd day of .Tune, 1904.] ABRBDCED PROSPECTUS OF GONSOLBDATeON, UNITED." To ht incorporated xuidor " The Companies Act, 1903." CAPITAIi JEl so. OOC— divided into 30,000 shares of £5 each, of which 4,000 shares, fully paid up. are to bo allotted to tho Vendor ; 4000 aro reserved for subsequent issne for extensions of business and building purposes, and the remaining 22,000 shares are now offered to the public for subscription, payable as follows :—£l per sharo on application, £1 per share on allotment, and the balance iv calls of not moro than £1 per sharo aa may be required, and at intervals of not le&s than two months. PROViSBONAL. DBRECTORS: CHARI.F.S F. GREENSLADE, E^q., Dunedin (Managing Director Speight & Co., Ltd.) ARTHUR R. V. I.ODDER, Ksq., Wellington (Proprietor City Buffet Hold) CHARLES H. IZARD, Ksq., Wellington, Solicitor (Director Wellington-Manawntu Railway Co., Ltd.) ALHKRT MARTIN, Esq., 81.D., \Vctlin-»ton (Director Equitable Life Assurance Society of U.S.) KD.MUND ALLO, Ksq., Wellington, Electrical Engineer and Hydraulic Expert HERRMAN LEWIS, Ef q , Wellington, Investor CHARLES TRINGHAM, Esq , W.iirar.ipa (Director Wellington Trust, Loan, and Investment Co., Ltd.) Who hold oftief until the first meeting of shareholders will bo held not less than one month nor more than three months from the time the Company h entitled to commence business, at, which meeting permanent Directors of tho Company will be appointed by the shareholders. BANKERS :— The National Bank of New Zealand, Limited. SOLICITOR :— J. J- Devine, 16, Brandon Street, Wellington. BROKERS: Barr, LOary &Co , Wellington ; William 11. Turnbull & Co., Wellington ; Harcourt & Co., Wellington ; Femvick Bros., Dunedin R. O. Duncan, Chnatchnich ; V. J. Lamer, Auckland ; Richard Gooch, Waihi ; Mark Sprot & Co., Greymouth & Hokitika H. Cliadwiclcfc Co., Hawkes Bay; C. H. Lewis, Poverty Bay; J. F. Clark, Nelson ; Bewley & Griffiths, New Plymouth K. Brett, South Canterhury; C. L. Duigan & Co., Wanganui. SECRETARY rtm> <<•>»; : J. S. Schwartz, Colonial Mutual Buildings, Customhouse Quay, Wellington. nnllE Company i* being formed for tho purposo of ncquir- The following is a copy of ti supplementary report from JL ing, aj» goiti-j; concerns, tlio fiwdiiemblo and vcll-known Messis. Badham and Biss, showing the receipts for tho four "limpiro llotat," in Willis und Victoria Btrcets, Wellington; months from the Ist November, 1903, to the 29th February, Hn> yiioturcsquo nnd fnr-fnmrd "' liellevue (.inrdcns and Hotel," 1901: — nitmite nt Lower Ilutt, nnd tho fine public residence 'or pri- "Wellington, March 10th, 1901. v.ilo hotel known ns " Th» Mansions," recently erected in " Having been requested to supplement our former re-Ghuzncc-streot, Wellington; and of carrying on. consolidat- port of tlio 7th December last with a statement of the iu-j, nnd extending their trade or huMim-Ks, and gcnemlly of , receipts of the Empire Hotel for the four inontlia from cunying out tho objects mentioned in tho Memorandum of As- tho Ist November last, wo havo accordingly made n social tdi) of the Company. , fuither examination of the books of tho Empire Hotel, Tho valuo of the dissels to be acquired by tho Company has «nd have to report, that tho receipts of the business for been fully reported upon by 'well-known, experienced, and re- tho four months from the l&t November to the 20th liable expprtH, nnd the following is a fuir bummary of their February last, inclusive, as shown, therein, amount to reports.:- . * £10,371 3s lid. "TDK KMPIRK lIOTKL"— ''Tim brings the total receipts for the year ending Land, Building:-, J''uir.ishings, and Goodwill .£111,200 3ist December, 1003, to £28,G71 10a sd. .Stock of Wines, Sphits, &<-• 1,000 "BADHAM & BISS, "TIIK BKLLF.VUK UOTKI, AXD GARDENS 1 ' . " Professional Accountants and Auditors." and Furnishings 21.233 It will ha seen from tho reports that tho receipts show a Mock of Wines, {spirits, k'v 200 marked increase year after year, rising from £14,040 for the "TIIK MANSIONS," Buildings, PuriiHmigs, &c. 10.51G your lUOQ, to JC25.671 for tho yctu- 100U— au increase of over 100 per cent., or moro than double. Total £111,229 Compared with 1901,* only two years ago, when the new buildings were completed, tho receipts for 1903 actually show Thoso figures, based on thoroughly reliable estimates, show an incroaso of over 60 per' cent. a Mtrph-.s of £M,'J2i) over and above tho purchase prico to An examination of tho books shows that tho receipts for be paid by the Company. ' January and February, 1904, amounted to £5570 10s lid, "THEEMPinE HOTEL " which is nt the rate of £33,423 per annum. This palatial hotel recently ™\ {^™ft»gg>JS£ A now be c rtt4rcl na cqu«l to any e.ta bhshment of .Is kind ulu«,h wit , )out . „ , /, M . „ dt , tho Southern flemi-.»hrre can boasl. of. „ BoHovue Uotol aud Gardens » The pos.tion of this buiWmg may be said to bo the most With mon accommodfttiou nvnilable , whioh the addition of valuable m point of Bilanlion nnd convenience which touW nnothep gt Jd . , h { oconomi es bo seleutod lor private or public cnterprii.o out of tho whole whJch can u J ndonbted f b o eff^ ted under tho eVsoUdation, °nn ,C?, C ?. pita : 1 V, lt ?' ol , sNe y / - c ™ n f- imnnrl « n- the net r rofits sho « Ul bo increased by fully 50 per cent. lho "Empire has frontages to two of tlio most lmpoilnnt RECEIPTS OF "THE MANSION'S" business streets, of Wellhißton Oity-Wniis-street : on tho ono The rocei o| ..^ Malisions » nmO unted 'for the past Bide and Victorowitrret on tho o her- And to each of theso oi ht months {q £2m ftnd he nditure to £1 q 2 iig s streets ib presents a handsome and imposing front. The area 9(L liMvin ft su , ua of £513 2s 3d covered by the hotel represents a length from street to street Ifc musfc bo h J m - m th fae h - s of 100 feet, and the fionlagen to Willis and Victoria streets opened on tho lgt A I<JO3 nnd that theM Q • aro 73 foet and 71 feet respectively Hont Ulo returns for tho period in which tho house was started, %no possible fluctuation can such a Bile mb that on which ftnd before - t cftn bo tQ ]myc b(?eu jn fuU work| rf tho Jsmpiro Hotel stands bo otherwise than materially en- Tho fo]lcnvin is a of MeHara# Bad!uim and fc^ re . htuicpd in value in yeais to come. port: "THE BELLEVUE HOTEL AND CAROENS." " Wellington, April Bth, 1904. At, tho present time, a •journey of thirty minutes by train "We hereby certify that, having examined the books and ten minute-.' walk from tho Lower Hutt railway station in connection with tho establishment known as "lha brings tho' visitor to the gates of this Hotel and Gardens— a Mansions," Ghuznec-street, Wellington, wo find tho rcfiuly ni.i '.-niliei'iit property of some sixteen acies, with a front- ceipts for lho past eight months, from August Ist, 1003, ago'of about 1500 feet to tho innin Wniwctu-rond, -which is to March 31st, 1904. amounted to £2134 19s, and the ono of the principal thoroughfare.-- of tho Hutt Valley. expenditure to £1621 10s 9d, leaving a surplus of £513 The Bellevue Hardens tiro unique in New Zealand, being, as 2s 3d; but in tho abovo figures no amount has been inthcy nre, the only private botanical gardens on a largo scale eluded for interest on capital invested in the business, in tho colony. • "BADHAM & BTSS, A curriaso diive, ->hndcd on cither side by fino old trees, " Professional Accountants." and fringed with graceful fein?, kads to tho hotel— a verit- RECEIPTS OF THE "BELLEVUE" HOTEL & GARDENS, able old English inunoi- house— atauding in tho midst of cmc- Tho recoipts of lho "Bellovno" Hotel nnd Gardens from Ist rnld green lawns, flower bods resplendent with gorgeous January, 1902, to 29th February, 1001, amounted to £10,221 blooms «if every shade nnd hue ; shady arbors ;»nd quaint n.<s 4d, whilo tho expenditure was £85-15 7s 7d, leaving it, aur-summor-houncs.'over which trail -.wect-hcentud ioecs, intoiest- pi UR o f £1075 12s Od. . itiK avenues of rare trees and xhrubt- brought from every clime. During this period 52,103 visitors paid £1302 lls Gi for udThero aro nearly all varieties of New Zealand trees in micsion to tho grounds, and £410 Os-was lealised for flowcis. tltcso grounds. In tho expenditure is included tho sum of £IGO9 10s lOd, The ntraighloning of the Hutt Railway has been agreed to which is an extra outlay incurred in repairs, upkeep, and by Parliament, aud thi'* important public work has already generally improving the property, begun. Tho improvement of tho Hult-road in a work THE wai UES pc the PROPERTIES also to bo put in hand iunnedinlcly. It is needless to say . , v . , , °., „ inurcnicco. that the 80l evue Hotel and Gardens will immensely profit by J" |° tho values of the three properties reports on this „ „„ , ,„ ,„ „,»„ point havo been obtained fi'om tho leading valuers of the city, theso impio-.em-.nt.-. Mein ..^ „ men who «'■> well known in Wellington for their absolutely , , „ " THE MANSION*. unbiassed judgment, skill, and experience in this class of Ono of the fine-,1 establishments of its kind south of tho busineSß for iod f * ftnd enera i, y theh . « bed . Lino is llid handsome new boarchnghouso known as .lite, roc i- » vnluations Mansions." -ituuled in Ghunice-Blwet. Tho fino proportions The wholo o j' th tl prol)e rtieß have, been carefully of th.-- b-uldmg, as it lowers in its rar b of white abovo those Vttlued , |nd t]lom Js nQ doubfc v gQ j d in iU buildings which surround it immociiately arrests tho attention to . dny H wouW rcaHgo considerablr bighcr ppri es . Moro . m lho pai.or.una of Wellington City. over, from tho fact that business in Wellington is expanding Tho budding \vhtch is three -.tones high, of brick and onormoUß - Tf nm , that tho vulues of tliese thwe vroVßVi { w nmh \ stucco has a frontiiao of 47 feel 0 inches to Ghuznce-street j uomise proportionately year by year, it will bo admitted by by n, dej.lli of GO feet. 3 inclief.. every ono that the powibilities of" tho Company must be very The ih of tho mo*l palatial charnctor, as may bo iudced and ths eami {acintits wl ; ich aro alrc;vd J seen from tho fact thai it linn coat nearly £4000. co hiph( mu^ b(J niaterial i y Cllliancc d in tho immediate future. FINANCIAL ASPECT. Early application for sliarcs is invited, and should be forTHE EMPIRK HOTI-'L. • warded to tho brokcis, accompanied by a cheque for £1 on Tho fullest investigation of the books and accounts of tho earh share as application money. Empire Hotel lias been nindo by .Messrs. Ditdlmm and Biss, «■ Copies of tho Prospectus mny be obtained from the several nccounlnnts mid auditois, \Yellinj{i:on. Brokor» of the Company, -or tho Vendor. The Vendor or the Their rcpnit hhows that from Jun--. 1899, to October, 1903, local* Brokers will be glad to show intending shareholders over the leceipts totalled £83,20G, against disbursements, £01,371, any of tho properties, and to give any further information leavinjj :t nel piofil of £31,835. de-nrcd-

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 3