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fTMIE GENUINE .UUBtiROID MAKES A PERMANENT ROOFI OVBR L00(M)00 ROLM llavo boon used in making PERMANENT ROOFS in AMERICA ENGLAND SCOTLAND IRELAND UKRMANY FRANCE HPAIN PORTUGAL RUSSIA TURKEY CHINA JAPAN FINLAND AFRICA AUSTRALIA NKW ZEALAND. Etc., Etc., Etc. Tho demand for n "Permanent" Roofing is ho incroasing our enormous output that it docs not uocefsitato our entertaining War OiTko Contracts. THE STEWART T., G. AND H. CO., LIMITED, Solo Agonls Southern portion North » Island. ' THE JAT^N^SE^OVMnMENT USES " P. AND IS." " MALTHOID " ROOFING ! THE PARAFFINE PAINT COMPANY of San Fraucisco, lho manufacturers of "P. and B. MALTIIOID," writes under date 4th -May:— . "Wo had had a now customer from tin unoxpeotod sourco — that is, Japan. Wo havo sont already thi* year sovoral thousand rolls of 'P. • and B. Multhoid' to that country, and yesterday received a cablo ordor for 2000 rolls moro. This ] material in being used by tho Japancso Government in tho croction of barracks and hospitals in .In pan and Koroa. 'P. and B. Mallhoid' wa« adopted by tho Japanese Govornmont nftei; competitive tests with othpr American and European Roofingn." Tho fact that tho Japnnwo Govornmont has adopted MALTHOID after sovoro competitive tests with other roofings , (several of which aro on this markot) proves it lo bo of tho very highest quality. Uso only tho Gonuino "P. nnd B." materials, and bewaro of imitations. SOLE IMPORTING AGENT: . JAMES W. JACK. WELLINGTON. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH CURED BY ■ VITADATIO. TEN YEARS' INTENSE SUFFERING. Call and Soo MRS. CUMMINS. 16, Vino-stroet, Hedfom, N.S.W. Dear Sir— For "ten >(10) ' years I hqvo sufforod from Catarrh of tho Stomach, suffering intenso pain during tho wholo lime, bevcral times my lifo was dospairod of, and at la«t tho doctor said ho could do no more for mo. At this time I road your advertiiomont, nnd doterminod to givo VITADATIO a trial. TJto result has oxeoodod by grcatent anticipations. I 11m now fully recovered, aud nm in bettor health than I havo boon- for tho. .post twolyo yoars. I earnestly rooomraond tho medicine to similar sufferers. You aro at liborty to make what uso you liko of this, and I shall fool a plaatauro in answoring any questions re ray complaints. • Yours truly, (Signed) ISABELLA CUMMINS. Ddngarra, W.A., 30lh Oqtobor, 1903. Deaf Sir — Ploaso forward by Tuesday's train six bottle* of your VITADATIO. I am vory pleased lo think samo is doing mo bo much good. I bare onfclosod my chequo to cover «ame. Bo suro and forward, and oblige Yours faithfully, W. ORIDDLE. For furthor particular*, ' S. A. PALMER, Head Oflico: Clarendon-street N., South Melbourne. Correspondence invited. Writo for teitimonials. The prico of modicine is 5s 6d and 3s 6d per bottle. All Chemists and Storekeepers. To be obtained from Kempthorno, Pro«cr iiud Co. (Ltd.), N.Z. Drug Co., and Sharland and Co.

To OHAS BEGG & CO. (Ltd.), Wellington. Wo havo been appointed by Royal Warrants Pianotorto Manufacturers to both their Mnjostioa tho Kins and Quoon. """"" JOHN BRINSMEAD & SONS (Ltd.), London. THE aboTe ii » copy of & cablegram roceivod by v'». It tpeaks for it«olf, and proves that the BRINSMEAD Is tho Frcmior Piano of the World. OHAS. BEGG & 00. (Ltd.), 77, Willis-street, SOLE AGENTS. ' 1 rrttlß medical mi»n wild rocommoud* a -*-' foreign-mado ' condensed milk is not aoquaintcd with HENLEY BRAND, tho greatest Now Zealand success. Ho should apply for & frco sample If tho colony is to thrivo the cqlonjals must support tho Looal Manufaoluro, provided it is oqual in quality to tho importod article. HENLEY CONDENSED MILK is not only oqual in quality, it is superior, and is 25 por cent, loss in. price. Tho housokcopcr is bohind tho timos nowadays that buys an imported brand of goods known to hor grandfather rathor than try a gouuino and improved article mndo in Now Zealand. QUALITY in tho TRUE TEST of VALUE. Tho world docs not nUiul ait ill ; tho crudo thought of toddy is perfeotod to-morrow. IMPROVEMENT in lho WATCHWORD, and improvomont can ojlly take pl»co upon the previous sample. It in thu improvement you nro askoa to try in , HIiNLEY CONDENSED MILK. Support your own industries. Why go for your milk to a foroign country that doefl not export a pound of dairy produce outsido of canned milk. The colony needs internal holp, and when you assist us you assist tho colony. TRY nENLEY CONDENSED MILK ! ALL STOREKEEPERS. mRY STENT AND COS BOTTLED X ALE AND STOUT, specially browed from tnnlt and hops for private use ; quarts, 7s ; pints, 4s ! casks. 2s per galInn Central Bi'6wery, Quin-street, oH Ghuznee-screet. Telephone 571. 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 150, 25 June 1904, Page 16