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A It RIVALS JnnaiU— ToAnaii. uh HUs tints-, Nimlslrum.rmm lO tiollnii. I'ic-hcmikdi ■■: Cnhiii — .Misst'H lluuliir, Haiti (-). Mis liuiak, Jlon ll.ililcy, MesHrn Jtnii-d, J)ii>l>io. Niimli, Alnlouik, iVN. IJuiubrjin, 11, .1.1111, i\I()MJ, Dllll) (J), Mill ; 17 HlcoilllfO J inn) 'JII — Mlm'iiio.i, us, 'Jhl tona, Jtollona, fioiu Cook .Stunt liKhtlwußcK llKl'Ain'llllE.s .Tuna 23— Taien, eb, 1071 tons, Clift, for Went port Jiiuu — ! — Jlnniiion, bs, 7S tons, Allmnn, for lluvoloclc nml Hinniils KN'IICIiKI) OUTWARDS Juno -'f— JMOVOI.I, si, :Mst lons, Sniilh, for, Iloliul, mid Mcltiiiium*. riihfioiirurh— (.'nliiii: For l>\ Helton v'u-horiuiin, Oxloy, Noltfltbmiiti. I'.ilibiDlhor, MeMtninox Mit'-liiHoii, Mimimn, Morilsuii, JJi Itiifi^ull, tlrhsrn Mnjinnii. Mduh, ntilcliluun, Iluunciv. Uiilitui, 01 'ilie, Hull's, Hiitcliall, Wilson, Joiv, Cooper, MniiafMd, Ancutl, Bulli)>r)iUKl, Collinu. For Dmicditi— Mrs Tiddidfli 1 , l\1c»8r« UOBI, 't'lusiilor. Gull, l'lolifonl, Ciono, Wiluoit, Jliul^o. I "or JJltiil" — HI ik .Sjnoiil, McM6i-s Hill, Junes. For Mulbouriio — i\li j H Kmiluii, Mcbtliunoa Grnhnin, Anslcy, Mutsit. Qialium, Anslcy, O'Dommll .I lino S.M—'Woilcoro, SB, 1001 tons, Ciawohmv, foi Liyillli-y Tit N.iiiler, Glabi.rno, inni Anrkl mil Pni<eeiii;oia— Cabin : For N»|umi'— ftrii»oK Coilu'l. AvixH, li>ii(kin, Mis Avian. Fin 1 Olnbui'iiu — Alinj bluvfiinon, Mi folio. For Aucliliuiil -.'Mich Unit. Mu-Uiimtm Bliiuflrlil, Li>vim<l)Oiii. Mr Urn I. For Mydi oy— Mlhsci O'J'iloii ( 4 J), Mie O'Urion Juno Ud—To A null, us, lO^S Luiih llolfovd. foe TijttelUw. I'lißsetnrrtis: Cnbni— Mus lialilivin, Alts liulilwiii, BtciSi. 1 . Dumbi'uno, Uitmiuui-, Whito, ijuldwiu The loenl olliee of tlio Kcw /c.iliiml nnd Afi ie.m Ounipiiuv staffs that Hip Ij\crton (iiiimri 1 , n.o'oo tiiiw, C.iptnin Duiioii, in to follow tlie Vjiiisluii (irmiKi; on tlir limdins licrtli lor Wcsl nf JJiijfliuid pints \ia Freaumtlc and Hoiilli Africa. ' The Xlw Z^ und Afi-iomi Compapy'il liiici- l'.B»cx, fnini LivriiHinl vit< Aimtrali.i nuit Auokhml. ij brliiKiiiK i-boiil. 1400 lorn ot cafjfo tin- WcHiii^toii. HI id id due at AuuM.iild iibout, DIC 111 At Wll'lv 111 .I\l)\. Advioi' liiih been rceriifd b\ l!ic »w / und Afrieun Hti'iiiMsliip C'oni|ijiiy (lint (lie etcMiurr Buom'dh lut New York mi 171 li Junu tor Wellington viii Auckluiul. Slip will be 10llo\wd by (ho lti(i|iin^li.iin (li.tii^c which iv to li'iiveNcw Voi U about <JOtli August. The Tyacr liner liiw.uii. now disolinririnff ourjjo fnini Ltimlon at (he Qm-cn'i Wlurf, id c.\|ircl«'(l to for Tiiii.uu on Siiturduy. Fioni 'J'ini.uii Bin' will c.ill nt Lyttolton, (iisborne, and Knnl<<r, nnd then ivtiuii tv Wclhugtiiii.

The voxcil qucfition, "firo Inmusuitio Com-iHinios ami Firo Bri^.tdou," witl bo hefoto tho litKiiruucc ln»-Uluto thin ovouing, ' Tho Government settlements iv tho Hutt Valley arc lepurted to' bo receiving increasing attention. In the Epuni lliimlet, where forfeited sections have been re-alloUed at £10 per acre per annum, I hero is a good demand for holdings. There is also healthy enquiry for the Norniand ile EMate, whoro the disposal of the various lots keeps fairly good piico with the, loading. Quite a number of more or less mib.stuntitil habitations lmvo gone up in the comparatively nhort lime sinco the propeny woh purchuHCd from .Mr. FiUheiberl. The various Harbour Boards of tho colony are to be invited to win I delegutws to a conference to be held iv Wellington ou Monday, the Ist August, for the purpose of forming a Harbour Boards' Association. The Wellington Board hn« appointed uh delegates .Mewrs. C.iblo nnd Ik'jiuchamp, and they have, authority to ui range for a luncheon or otlur .suitable enleiluinmvnl for the visiting delegate**. A cable me^.sigo has been received from London that Die Privy Council ha.i decided in favour of the plaintiff's chum on the appeal of Rlowoy v. Ladder and Murphy, v claim relating to the Karori tunni'l. Tho Cmirt «f Appeal in New Zealand iiw.»riled Mr. Slower, tho contractor, £1015 5s fur bi<4 wovk on the Kuroii tunnel. Ag.iiu^t this judgment the dofviul.(litn appealed, and a-s their appeal Iris hren di.«mM>.Nrd, tho judgment «if tho Coiut of Appeal iv favour of iSh.wej .sUuhN. Mo&m.*. Morwun and Lougluu-n «ru tho solicitors for Mr. Rlowey. Mc*si.s. Findl.iy. Dal/iell nnd Vu lot tlio* fltf^n'lnuts (Meal's. Lodder and Murphy). .Mr. Skerrett argued the rwpoirdti.ts ca*«c Ijcfenv ihe Piiry Council alone, inc>tn;ctod on behalf of Slowey.-Mr. Crippjs X.0., •iitd Mr Norlhcotc appeared for the defendant* (Ludder and Sluiphy). The >lan:u> Department ha.s been ndvisid that iv i:\nk of tvliinky recently lloated u«huiv at thr Chat .'Minn. The IV)>ttilmvnt uh of opinion, judging from the murks*, tlmt the was included in thi> lingo of thtt bunpie Den Avon, w lnch was wrecked .it Ciipc l\( some months ago. We are- informed by ihe Manager of tho National Bank of Xew Z<.;'lund. Limited, thnt hv hn« it-oeived a cable me.«i«ng<> from his London Board advwing the derlarnn'on of a dividend of 5 per cent, for the h.ilf year, and a bonus l<» Mmivholdm (if ?. \wv cent., etutnlliug 12 por (nil. in all, for tho vcar to .March last. T|u> .sum of £30.000 lihm been added \ tw lho rtM'rve fund, nuilcing Jt £2ip,000. and £B^oo will h« carded forward. The tlircctorn Imvn allocated £5000 in reduction of Bank«, £2500 to pension fund, and mv granting the btaff ti bonuw (if 74 ytcv n'hl. on salaries. The annual moot ing is to be hold In London on sth July. The M.muwaUx Railway Company has ju«t roivived two new railway engines from the Baldwin Works, America, and they aie junv being fitted up 111 the comj>.m.\'*. yard.s. Two other engmei^ fioui the .same wurkv ;>rc- on the way to the colony In the company* order. Mr. M. C. Baruett, who i.s in charge nf (he Chmlduirih blanch of the I'ublie 'J Olliee, has been granted .nix mouths' leave of nbtfcm.e m older that he may vi*it Kuropo. During hi.s'iicc the Chri.^tchuu h ollicv will be mauiged by Mr. Kendall, the chief accountant Tn Wollitiglon, who will be temporarily relieved by Mr. Puidie. Sitting in hi« ti\il juiisdit^tiim at the MagistutoV Court to-day, Di. A. M'Arthur, S.M., gave judgiucnt for pliiinHUs in the follow ing — M. J. Biowno and Di. An«-on'v. Arthur Tovoy, £2 6s, MisU 10s ; Wilkiiis mid fzelt v. Thomas Aithur Bulnitfr, £10 0s lOd, costs £2 11s 61I ; l.aeiy »md Co., Limited, v. J. Vermin and Co.. £1,18!-, u»ts 8n; Claude M. Banks, Limited, v. Philip t{. P.dmer, £78 7s 3d, cu-sls £-1 9s; To AlO House: Divipeiy Company, Linuicdi v. Allied HiUiis, £5 X conls £1 3^ 6(1: CommoriMiil Aijeiicy v. James KuxbcMuu^h, £7 10s, ci.^tH £1 3s Gil ; ydniv v. l!eoim? Kingsiiecr, £6 14s Id, cd>ls £1 os 6(1; s.nnt' v. tieorgo lliujykin-on, £,1 ]os, eo.>l» lOh ; same v. Leonard t). llaukur, £2 0^ Bd. costs 10s; J. ,J. (JuitU and Co., Limited, v. J.nues A. Smith, D2B 11s 9d. costs £2 14s ; U. and K. Tingey v. C'ollville and AlLudiie, -C 7 16s, etist't, £1 5s 611 ; Fioderick 1). Luks v. Fred Alison, £1 7>- 10d, ca«(« 7s; IVter John Mails v. Hjimj FMeher, £8 5s lld,<uMh £1 3s 6d ; sjinie- v. Philip Love. £5 11s 'Id. costs £1 3s 6d ; f..nno v. Lcu;i Moses, £1 3s', (iwU 15s; ."Nl'Nab Biothers v. (ieurge Powell, 17s 6tl, coMs 5s ; John W. lU-.ulo v. Joseph Oir, £1 10s ; costß 10s. In the judgment summons ease. (Senige Woodwind v. Albeit B. C'enuu*, a debl of £5 17s, debtur was oidoiod to pay 5s a month, payment on Ist August*. In tJio oiiso .Stone, Son. ami Co. v. blisses Dyke, a claim of £1 10s for alleged advoitisinc, judgment was for defendants, foi whom Mr. Bcckctl appealed, with 5-! ci)s|,«.. Mr. Liickie, who appeared for plainli/r* when ll.< e.ise wa.s 1.i.5l b"foio the C<niit, .-aid hi.*' clients had decided not to j,'o on with Ihe action. Tin' Wellington Auctioneering Company i< luhordn'ng for t'riilay and M t ilur(lav. 24th nud Xsth Juno a >-;ilr of jownlloiy. tra\ollci h siunj)h'<. Ole, wulidul u".er\o. Sn'o (.oiiuuouco. ul ?. p m each diiy. To-murrow Me^ri. l.ovion, KhalKra*'. and Co \. ill soil at tlii'iv ri'inn-, 2'l new bicycle*!, ouo ease of Tiu!:i«r lillr, and a quantity of unredeemed pledge 1 -, without resen 0.

Tho result of the inspection of tliu electric tramways by the Public Workw Engineer (Mr. R. W. Holmes} having been of a pati.sfactory nature, not many days will elapse before a commencc-rneiu is made with the service for lho public use. Tho only obstacle at present ifi the lack of ;i su/iieient number of trained molormen, but the work of instructing them is now going on daily, and it is expected that tho service will be inaugurated early next week. Meanwhile, however, nothing has, so far as is known, been dono<in regard to regulating the traffic under the new conditions. With regard to the jn-opohed whuif nl Muritni, Diiy's Buy, at to-day's meeting of the Harbour Board Ml\ Wilford. M.H.H., fistid he luiderstood tlmt coru«p<mdc!ici> had been received ou th'! mbject, the <ft"cct of which was that if i Ihe wharf was erected at the foot of Fa-bum-slroet a piece of land 500 ft (o tho i-oulh of the .suggested .site and a chain j wide would be d 'diciited to lh« Boird by Dr. and Mr>. Muckonzii-, and a jiicco on tht 1 north a cli.iin in length a^d from 66ff to 90ft in witUh would also bo dedicated. As veg.uds tho other projiawd fcito ho nad m> information, lit! thought the oiler of Dr. tuid Mrs. Muckonzie wa.s v very reasonable one. Two members of tho DayVi Bay Distviot llutcpiiycrs' Association \\ero fn nttenduuee to give informal ion if it \ra« desired. Mr. H. Bcauch.unp Mid the matter hud beuii under ooiusidcrnlion by the Wharves and | AlcouiiLs Committee." It hevmed to bo I lho present opinion that of tho two site* the one to the south, at the foot of Fa-buin-.street, wjs the more exposed, and I would also be the wuro raptnsivc. It was i thought tlii-u- would be no ditlicultv in .vocuritig Kind for the site at the foot of j Kiuwo-Htruet. Tlw commit t<o ultiuvuely oaino to the opinion that tlie bi«t thing for tho Bodrd to do would be to inspect both the sites with tho Engineer. They w nnted to make no mistake, but uccuro tho bost position for the wharf. After ! ! home. diacii.s«ion it wnn decided to accept ! lho Hiigge^tion to visit tJio sites, the L'l'.ajnnuii remaiking tlmt ])ohkibly two vi!>it^ would bo required, ono Avhen a north-west wind wa.s blowing, and the | olhcr wile* a Mnithcrly prevailed. Mr. Beauchamp : No doubt we will be able to got excellent wpeehnenn of both. Mes«r». Macclouuld, Wilson and Co. sell i to-morrow at 1.30 oVlotk, under instruc j (iou>< from (ho OHieml A«sijrnto in the ' bankrupt i^tnlo of W. W. Beck, timber I morcluuit, tho wHiolo of the '•tocJc of kami i (nnl'cr, drc»»;<id and undriVod, as con- ' laiuoil in the yimV, cmncr of Victoria. | and 'I'ory «t roots, opposite, tho To Aru j i Railway .Station. DotaiiH appear in tht> i nuHion oohiV.ui Tho firm im-orl par- I I tiouliuH in our auction columns of a sale j I of houeuhold ftii-ntlurn in Glenbervio-ter- | iwi) on Monday next sit 1.30 o'clock, on account of -Mr. George B. Wright.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 148, 23 June 1904, Page 6

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LATE SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 148, 23 June 1904, Page 6

LATE SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 148, 23 June 1904, Page 6