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Mr. Justice Cooper will hold a sitting in Chambers to-morrow. ** Tho annual meeting vof the Bank of New Zealand will be held in tho Banking House at 11 a.m.' to-morrow. Before leaving Wellington on Monday, Major Alexander, Private Secretary to Loul Ranfurly, wrote to Mr. S. Stidolph, Hon. Secretary of the Wellington Veterans' Association, conveying his Excellency's thanks for tho farewell address presonted to him by tnut body. Tho address alluded to the great "intorest which Lord Ranfurly had taken in all matters affecting the welfare of the veterans and made special reference to his success in establishing the Veterans' Home. "Youths apprehended and ordered to come before the Court think they will get off with a talking to. That is not the case," said Dr. A. M'Arthur, S.M., this morning, when convicting and discharging a respectably dressed youth named Robert Hedges, charged with the theft of a piano belonging to David M'Ginnity. His Worship added : "There »ro some poor unfortunates who have no respectable trade to go to like you have; they fall into temptation and take things; you are really very much worse then they aio." Otto Frocster was fined 20s, or seven days for having AvilfuHy dnmaged a pane of glass belonging to William Kilgour. In the columns of tho Post last week tho suggestion of a correspondent was published that the local members of tho South African Contingents should be culled together to take port in the military display on tho occasion of the departure of Lord Ranfurly, who took such an active interest in their organisation. " Contingcntcr No. 4369" now writes expressing regret that the promoters of the demonstration did not accept the suggestion. The Premiei was in a dilemma, last night. Three of his lady friends (so he told those who had assembled in his honour) had each sent him a buttonhole, each of thorn, too, with a special request that he would wear it at the banquet. " If, therefore, ' he remarked, "my buttonhole hns developed into a nosegay you will know the reason, for they are all here." A glance at his coat hipel was sufficient pi oof of his statement,, and hits henreis looked and laughed bemtily. v Tho steamer Haupiri, which arrived j from the West Coast and Nelson this j morning, brought a shipment of 43500z j gold, valued at £17,100, and consigned to the Bank of New Zealand. In the Evening Post of the 14th June we Mere announced the successful tenderers for tho supply of floor-covering for the Nurses' Home. See our advertisement in this connection on page 7. Kirkcaldio and Stains, Ltd.— Advt.

Tho illuminations on Government House, Parliament Buildings, Government Buildings, and the Post Office will be again exhibited on Saturday evening, and on the evening of .Tuesday, the date of the opening of Parliament. A Fiimtly dressed woman named Margaiet Williams, not unknown to the police, charged with di unkennels this .'norning, was fined 20s, or seven days' imprisonment, by Dr. A. M'Arthur, fci.M. James A Pickioid, charged with habitual drunkenness, said he wanted to go South 10-riight. His Worship, however, directed his course to the Terrace Gaol, wheio he, will remain for three months. John. M'Leun, for a second offence of insobriety, was fined 20s, wiih 7s costs. Two first -offenders vrere. also dealt with. '"We must ajso do something," s-nid ths Premier laht night, " in respect to overcrow ding in our centres of population. They would be astounded to know that in this city of Wellington, •within n givoo area, there arc more people to the aero than in similar areas in London, Birmingham, Sheffield, or Glasgow. He knew some of thorn would doubt that statement, but he stated it on tie authority of information supplied by Government departments. If that was so he would ask them, was there any necessity for such a state of things in this young country? He thought it only required to be pointed out, and they would haTe the assistance of every one of all shades of political opinion in dealing with it. This was nob a political question ; it was a question ot life itself, it was a question of pieserving humanity." The following cases havo already beea set down for argument in the Court of Appeal, which opens its sessions nest Monday : — John Ewing v. the Scandinavian Water Race Company, Eastern Extension Telegraph Company v. the Commissioner of Taxes, Win. B. V. Pearcc v. John Stevens, Austin and Easton, Gco. Alfred Lobb v. Robert Richmond. Judgment will bo delivered by the Court in the case of the Marlborougii Education Board v. Sturrock, argued at last sittings. A well-known ex-crack footballer, who shout a fortnight ago was committed to tho Porinia Hospital for Mental Diseases, has already twice escaped from the institution. A few days after hir commitment he made his first escape, Jind shortly niter 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon he got clear away for the second time. He was eventually found by Constables Cox and Pearcein a shop at Petone about 10 o'clock last night and induced to go to the police station. This morning he was brought into town, and then taken out to the hospital by the Manawatu train. He rode into Petone on a bay horse,, with a. cover on it, and the police desire that the owner should take possession of the animal as soon as possible. The case in which Mrs. Hotrepine Lot© proceeded against Thomas Watson, a native shcepfjirmer, residing at Picton, on. a. chargo of assault, was decided after wo went to press yesterday afternoon. Dr. A. M'Aithur, S.M., imposed a fina of £5 Is, with £6 4s costs, ip default fourteen days' imprisonment. The amount was increased fiom £5 on the application of Mr. AVilford, in order to give him an opportunity of appealing on behalf of the defendant. Mi. Bunny appeared for the prosecution. New Zealand's Acting Dairy Commissioner (Mr. D. Cuddie) is of opinion that the present drop in prices obtainable at Home for New Zealand's butter will prove a blessing in disguise. It will diiect attention to the improvement of dairy herds, the weeding out of the pooiest^ and breeding from the best stock. In a, paper read at the Dairy Conference at Palmeraton, Mr. Cuddie said he had recently had a table compiled showing the average number if pounds of butter-fat produced per cow annually throughout New Zealand. The figures went to prove that our cows were not producing, on tho average^ a reasonable amount. The average was 130.6011) per head. Taking into consideration that a fair average letura should not bo less than 2COlb of butterfat per cow yearly, this leturn showed a loss to the colony of 32,768,1131b of fat, which, at 8d per Ib, Mould amount to £1,092,280 8s Bd, or an amount equal to about five-eighths of the total value of tha dairy produce exported from New Zealand during tho pnsfc season. The quarterly summoned meeting of the Loyal Antipodean Lodge of Oddfellows, M.U., was held last evening, Bro. R. E. Furness, N.G., presiding. Power was give^ to the hall trustees to enter into negotiations re hall property. Bro. N. Guise, P.P.G.M., reported on th« Friendly Societies' Dispensary, and invited all members to attend the annual meeting of thd Board to hear the bal-ance-sheet read. The following officer! were elected for .the ensuing six months: KG., Bro. (J. D. Robertson; V.G., Bro. 11. Bunckenberg ; and' E.S., Bro. J. M"Grcgor. Receipts for the evening amounted to £275, and expenditure ay sick pay £16. The following telegram was sent to> Lord Plunket by Mr. W. S. Douglas* president of the New Zealand Institute of Journalists, on behalf of the journalists of New Zealand: — "I beg to extend to your Excellency a loyal welcome to the colony." In reply, Lord Plunket telegraphed :— " Have received with much gratification the loyal welcome you extend on behalf of the journalista of New Zealand." The New Zealand Factory Butter and Cheese Makers' Association held its annual meeting at Palmerston lnst night. Mr. W. Wright. (Wellington), Vice-Pre-sident, occupied the chair, and about 100 members were present. The Government dairying expert staff were also present A lengthy discussion took place on papers read by Messrs. H. Black (Okaiawa) on " Factory Management " and W. A. Prideaux (Midhirst) on "Care of Milk." The annual report showed a credit balance of £22 10s 3d. There were 188 paid-up membors as against 167 last yenr. A resolution remodelling the association 'so as to include only factory managers was rejected. Officers werft elected as follows: — President, Mr. F. J. M'Donald (Inglewood) ; Vice-Presi» dents, Messrs. N. Fulton (R<ita), J. Mid. dleton (Christchurch), H. SI. Rockell (Ruuhine) j Secretory, Mr. C. Mackie (Klthnm) ; Committee, Messrs. M. T West (Ngaire), S. Bowman (Mokoia), Blnck (Okaiawa), Bounce (Cambridge), Q. WiUim (Elthnm), Richards (Tikirangi), W. Dempter (Whenuakura). The Wellingtor Nnvals, with Captain Bell in command, paraded last night for gunnery instruction ; both officers and men mustering well. For the fust half of the parade the various squads werft exercised on the drill guns by R.N.Z.A. instructor*. At 8.15 the assembly round* ed, and the remainder of the evening was devoted to fort manning under the direo tion of Master Gunner Richaidson. Tho -guns were placed to represent a fovfc the mode! targets used ns cruisers attempting to force an entry, and the inhges found and passed down by the range, finders in tho orthodox manner. Tin half-a-crowr gratuity allowed by tlia Government for Monday's parade wns paid out, and badces earned during tho past year distributed amoug the men. Various recruits were elected and others proposed. Recruiting i.« brisk at present, and the corps should soon bo up to full strength. You want flavour and freshness in tha butter you spread on your bread ; you gtf both in Black Swan Butter. — Advt.

Writing lo his representatives «t WalJingtou, a, gentleman controlling 0110 of -the largest shipping compauies 1 lading between the United Kingdom and this co'ioiiy, says: — "Wo arc to-Jny in receipt uf your favour of 15th inst, handing us uxcerpt from the Evening l'oat showing pi ogress of shipping at your poit for the past live yean*, for which wo thank you 'L'he comparison shows Wellington to bo by far the leading port in tho colony, and •no think your Tl.u'hour Hoard has every reason to congratulate it-self upon tha increased tonnage virftiuß tho pnft. It is, however, all the more startling to us thnt tho Harbour Bo.u-d should delibirntely try to increase tho charges on whipping. Wo are of opinion that if the Harbour Boaid persists in this policy Iho Inext five years will ."how a decrease of tonnage dealt with in your poit, instead of ns satisfactory «r. increase- in tho total business o« recorded during tho jetaa from 1899 to 190-1." In addition to those whose names were published yesterday, Mr. D. N. Isaacs, .uf Wellington, paused tho cknUl exainimation recently held in this city. Mr. J. P. Adams did tho plumbing <york in connection with Evans's build,lngs on Lambton-quay, a description of 'which appeared in yesterday's issvio. A frosty snap brings a cough. Curo .It with a doso of Wilton's Old English (\ ugh Linctua. G. W. Wilton, 3, CubaBtieet. — Advt. Merchants and importers aro requested to send all their Customs papers to the New Zealand Express Company, 20, ■Customhouse-quay. Telephone 92. — Advb. Munt, Cottroll. and Co., general carriers, Customs aiid forwarding agents. Btorago a speciality. Furniture packed and removed. Oftko : Queen's Chambers. Telephone No. 23.— Advt. Dargarns Again. —During the present weok C. Smith, Cuba-stroet, is offering rome r«ro bargains. Lovely silk volvotii, la lid por yard ; panno pluahos for mililinory trimmmga, Is 6d por yard ; coloured pannes, Is per yard ; black ami coloured velveteens, Is por yard ; fancy blou&o silks, \U per yard. Theso g»od3 wore bought ehoap, and aro being sold cheap. Bargains .in all departments at C. Smith's, Cubalit reot.— Advt, Stocktaking 1 sale. For one month only Zonlwxlia cycles will bo Bubjoot to 15 per rcent. roduclion for caph. Como early and nocuro a bargain. Oatos, Lowry and Co., i'.oalnndia Cyolo Works, Cuba-street. — 6.dvt.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 148, 23 June 1904, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 148, 23 June 1904, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 148, 23 June 1904, Page 4