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PRESENTATIONS I'ROM FRTEXDS. A number of political nnd piuhouul friends of the Pu-niivr and Mr&. Bvddort waited on them thin afternoon to lrtako a presentation to Mr.". hJeddun. The Hon. T. K. M.icdnuuld'.s<iid the committee which was urraiigmg for Iho .'•upper to Mr. Seddou this evening had decided to give -Mis. Seddon a souvenir on her bitthday (28th May), but as »he wa.s al>sent with the Picmicr then, the alfiiii' had been postponed till to-day. Iv making the presentation (which consisted of a handsome upright grand piano by ChaHeii and Won), Mr. Mncdonald uaid (hey all recognised the deep duvotion tlial Alls, Seddon had evoi- Ui&pinyed to her woiTfiy lm.sband. They specially recogni.vud the lac(tluit wives of political leaders had .to do a great deal not only in the furtherance of their hvusbandsk political duliwt, bul in (bo way of pei.<Ki|ial sacrifice. They felt tlmt Mrs. Soddon bad done a great work, and the Party wilh V'hich he was ideulilied was very gieatlj indebted ,to her for all . y he had done. (Applause.) •Mrs. Heddon said a few weeks -Ago Ihcji wire very anxious about Mr. Seddon, and left Wellington .sore a| heart. Now, however, with bis restoration to health, tlnj dark cloud had been lcmovcd uiul they were happy. Rho had cve-i helped to sustain -Mr. Seddon in the work Uo wa.9 doing; .she herself had possibly done a little- good outside, and regretted not having been able to do more ; hut she was happy in having I heir good wiMies and in teeling that &Uo had done her best. (Applause.) Three rheers were given for Mrs. Seddon. whose health was drunk in bumpera. The Premier also spoke, referring to the help he had always received from Ins wife ; whatever good work bad been done could never have been achieved but for the manner in which he had been sustained at home. Mr. •Seddon added that although 59 to-day, In- felt a.s good as he did :i( 40. (Applause.) "Whatever we havedone." ho continued, " been well repaid by the kindness we have leceived at tho hitiuLs of the people of the colony, and inoro e.spex.-ially from our friends ana those who know us best." in conclusion ho proposed the. health of the Jlon T. K. "jMacdonald, at the «inne time expressing regret at the absence of Dr. Findlay, the Chairman of the Committee, who n laid up wrth influen/.a. The iron. T. K. Macdonald briefly replied, and at the Premicr'o invitation, drank to the speedy restoration to Health of Hr. Findlay. Tho toast of "The Ministry" was propovsed by Mr. If. Beauchamp, and In-art-ily drunk. ■Sir Joseph Ward, in replying on belialt of himself and colleagues. ' pr<«cntvd tin* I'romier Avith a saddle and bridle (which is to be, made to a pattern approved by tlio Premier), and on behalf of the Hon. J. Carroll, with v hor*e, in view ot the instructions given .ho Premier by Ur. Valintine. lo lake daily riding exercise. He expressed the hope that with the help of those appliances Iho Premier would be able, to «leer hiniwlf to better health, and al«o be able to Met-r the,i»dmini»lmtion of the country to an even letter position than it occupied «l present. (Ac pluU6C.j Mr. Beauchamp said the Hon. J. Carroll hud antie-jpaU'd the Liberal and La bour Federation. wliorc executive had laafc night decided to present the Premier with U horse. (LaughU-r und .tppluiuw.) The Premier, in leturnirig (hanks, said the evo of Pat HatiiiMit wus naturally an anxioas time, but he had never met ' Parliament with a lighter heart than ho would moet it on this occasion. (Applause).

The adjoin ned meeting of Iho creditors of William Washington Beck, timber merchant, was held this morning, eight ereditois attending. At the . previous meeting the principal creditor (Mcssn*. . Parker, Lamb and Co.) had made ah offer of £600 iur the timber block, fittings, etc., but the remaining creditors were not- disused to accept the otter; they wanted £700. Mr. Lamb attended today's meeting and increased his offer -by £25; fui tiicr than that iinvnint he was not prepared to go. Aftei discussion it was revived to submit the whole of tho stock and Citings for sale by auction to tho highest bidder. Tho Official Assignee was also instructed to resist any claim ou.;the estate which might be miufo by Mi*. Beck, wife of the baukrupt, under tui order of the Court against her husband for maintenance. The Mini-otor for. Justice is considering the selection of a new Licl-iising Committee for Biuoe to replace the "No Liconfco" Committee* which recently resigned. An official inspection of the express electric tmm way line between the Basin Rwervo nnd the carshed was made by Air. 11.- W. Holmes, Engineer to tho Public Works Department, to-day. The lesult, it is undei stood, was satisfactory. The Blenheim Boiough Council has foi warded to the Agricultural Department a recommendation that uu export be bent to select a suitable site iv the di.striet for the ehlablishmcnl of a Government experimental poultry rearing station. i A company wilh a capital of £20,000 I has been formed to take over gevcinl wine J making businesses in ]S*ew Zc-aiand. iflio ihiishhig (ouches aie now being put by the builder, Mr. "\\ T . L. Tiiomp.son, 1o the fine block of biuiduigs which have l>tfii eroded on Lumblon-quuy, alopposite Brandon-street, for .the Evans's li^tate. The pde computes two stories and a basement, and the design is by Mr. John 8. Swan, architect, of Wellington. The frontage extends from the haul ware establishment on the south side to the. iight-of-wny belonging to Me»«is. M'Ewen und Churchill, ujul tho block nuih back "towaid.s the Wellingtonten ace for a 'depth i?f 80ft. The shops and apaiduenls on the btiMcment are alve*dy in occupation, the Jaigesl by .Me->«s Davi.s and Clater, and the other by Uamble and .Son. A stairway "sepaiates the two, with access from (he Quay. I'i.tcticrtlly the whole of the liist Horn- — wilh the exception of an ofiice — will presently become public dining looms, conducted by Mr. James Godber, for whom they have -been ."-peemlly fitled. The chief features of this p.lrt of (he interior eon.-int of a «rplcitc2kl dhiitniroom, 30ft by fa6ft, tastefully decorated, well lighted, comfortably warmed with gas-heuleiK, and appuipnaiely jilted. Tts adjuncts will include a lounge room, lavutoiies tor both sexes, an extensive ivhd well-fltted kitchen, and n private room. The ceiling iv tho diniugronm (and, in fact, in most of Ihe principal rooms and shops in lhi> building) are in moulded steel, with zinc cornices. The top^toiy irt given over to v photographic studio and accessories *nnd to otliees,' of which llicie fire nine in all, commodious and cnmioi table looking, while tho lavatoiy accommodation is excellent. A fire escape i runs from tho first floor lo Ihe Terrace. The whole building is subManlially buiit, and make* a pleasing addition to our street architecture. The cost wiib in round fignic.) £7000. The mib eontiaclois under ->lr. Thompson were as folltiu.s: — Messis. E. Platt, plastering ; \\. Carpenter, ptiiuliug and ornalllClltiitlon ; Turnbull nnd Jones, lilting'! ; o*. i\ Andrews, plumbing.

Among the applicants for relief before tht) Tiust«€-s ,oi the Benevolent Institution this afternoon was a woman who re : cently' arrived here from Taranaki. She j is suffering from h paintul disease, which Uie Hospital authorities have pronounced incurable. She has been twice unhappily married, otid her children are not disposed to help her as they did not agreo with her second marriage. She. does not know where her husband is, and did not think he could keep her if s\m did find him. Tho Trustees gave her te.mpor.ivy help pending talcing proceedings against her .relatives for her maintenance.. . The Hon. C. H. Mills has forwarded to 'the Minister of Lands, with a favourable rccouimeudiiiion, the Blenheim Bor- . ough Council's application for a standard survey of Blenheim. Mr. Justice Cooper has promised to preside at the annual social meeting of the Salvation Army next 'Monday. ' A number of lesident-s of Blenheim have arrived in Wellington to .further matters in connection wilh the industrial exhibition which is to be held in that town in September. The Australian Natives' Association meets to-night at its room", Willis-street. Tho launch Moturoa will run excursions to tho warship Tauranga to-morrow. The attractions of tho trip are set out elsewhere. Particulars of the half-yearly talo" at The New House, Cuba-«-trcot, arc fully outlinked in an inset issued by Messrs. j nines Smith and Sous to-day. An^ electric light , display this tiyoning will afford a Bpeoial opportunity of viewing some of tho goods on otter and tho prices thereof. Mr. W. V. Shortt will continue his salo of costumes, jacket*, dress materials, and gouiH-al drapery during Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, at 2' o'clock each doy. livory lino will be sold, at whatever price. Private eales at auction prices during tho morning of every day. Messrs.' Macdonald, Wilson nnd Co. reinsert 10-dny in our auction columns detailed advertisements of proporlics to bo submitted by thoin on tho oOlh instant, comprising a family rosidenco situate in HiltHtreet, eloao to the 'Parliamentary Buildings, a modern family residence with about Ihreo-quarlors of an aero of land, all woll l»kl off, wtuato at tho Hull, on the Wai-welu-ioad, eloso to (h<? Boltevuo Hotel and Wardens, and o properly'situato at Kuripuni, Maslorlou. -Builder* and others should < note (hat Mewrs. Maedonuld, Wilson and Co. tuuioune" tho for Friday next, at 1.30 o'clock, under inslmetion^ from the Official Ansigneo in the baukruiil. esta(o of W. W. Beck, timber . nierchnnt, at tho yards, oornor Victoria und Toiy Rtreels, opposite tho 'io Aro railway »l»tioij( of tho whob of the stock of building timber, etc. M«s?rs\ Harcouri «nd Co. dc&iro to, rewind the gcijTernl public of their fortheominjr auction sale. On th« 23rd, by order of (lie liegMraf, ihoy will cell i> Aeetion in Coromandel-slreet, Nowtotvn, containing ono rood in area. On tho same day v (own\ee(ion at Jolunonville, hiding a frautngo of 33ft lo l\lsin-street by n depth of lGSft. On tho 28tli, an auction ' J snlc of li»u»ehold furniture at tho ro»i- I denco of ]\lr. v A. E. Kxley, "Tho Bunga low," No. 3, Tinukori-roftd ; cßtaloguos - now ready. On sth J\dy a five-roomed , residoneo a( .lohnsonville bohind tho rail- J way station, containing tin ?rea of" 1 aero i 2 roods 25 perches, having n frontage to i Wootlland-rottd. The s«mo firm uleo insprt a revised list of city, suburban, and eoun. try properties for private salo. I

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 147, 22 June 1904, Page 6

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THE PREMIER AND MRS. SEDDON. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 147, 22 June 1904, Page 6

THE PREMIER AND MRS. SEDDON. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 147, 22 June 1904, Page 6