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(From Our Special Reporter.) rALMKRSTON N., Tuesday. As telegraphed this morning, the second annual Winter Show, organised by Iho Munnwalu and West Coast Agricultuial Association, officially opened this afternoon by tho llou, T. Y. Duncan, Minister of Lands and Agriculture, is a gicat success. The Executive of tho Association is lo be congratulated upon its onterpmo and power of organisation, and the exnihjtors are to bo cuunlinifutod upon tho liberal response mudo by them lo the adv.tntuges oilcicd ly tho Association. Though the buildings placed at I the disposal of exhibitors ay^ngate v. capacity of 450 ft by W)ft, thtic was not | a loot to spaie. In lact, greater oapa I city would huvo enabloil a buiior display of some of tho farm products. However, the important features were allowed "elbow room," and exliibitojs seemed to be aalisfied with their lot. Since tho holding of the Spring Show, tho Association has wibsUntial addition lo its nil catty large hail on the eas>t«Mn boundary of tho gi minds. Tho now building gives an added length of 140 ft to tho oiiginally constructed hall, and has been set apart for the exhibition of poultry and pigeons, and as luncheon and tea. rooms. A great deal of labour was involved iit the preparation of the maebi"'iry hall. Substantial foundations and flooungs M'Cio put down, and drainage aud water connections ni.ide. Somo of tho exhibitors Moro on tho spot for several weeks preparing for and sotting up their elaborate mechanisms, appliances, and machinery. And even thot» f they wore busily ongaged throughout this morning putting tho finishing touches" to their .work. ' Tut' shafting for tho moving machinery is 186 ft in length, or treble tho length iequired for lust year's display. Regular attendants at colonial exhibitions Mere astonished at the picture piesentcd in tho hall, and declared M'ith enthusiasm that tho> hmi not &eon so comprehensive an exhibition of dairying machinery in motion in any part of Australasia. The Minister of Lands was eulogistic in his references to the show when performing the oflkinl opening ceremony at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Ho Baid I'almcrston had the premier summer show of tho Koith Island, and it could alho fairly claim it« Winter Show as a Norfh Island concern rather than a local f>ho\v Tho people of tho Manawatu and West Coast had not been Licking in enterprise, and in the present exhibition had provided an object-lesson which it wsis well worth going 500 miles to see. Personally, as a farmer, ho was indebted to the Af=soci ation for having given him the opportunity .of seeing such a grand show. Ho had never pioviously seen anything like it. Thero was nothing missing that> t was necessary to tho farmer and agriculturist Though the Mnimvntu district seemed to be provided with grass nil tho yeur round, its agriculturists aid not neglect the cultivation of root crops, of specimens of which a g^ood s>how was to bo seen nt tho exhibition. In the butter departmont exhibitors had done woll by - scoring as high ob 94 points. The judges were artful men— (laughter) — and would not yet admit. tlmt perfection had been reached. Still, '94 was pretty much like perfection. The northern farmers would go on improving — to stnnd still wa.«t to fall back— and it wan likely thai they would flcoro 95 or 96 per cent, next year. At Dunedin tho prize-winner scored 93 points. The show which ho wns now opening provided a valuable objectlesson for residents of both town nnd country. Without tho prosperity of tho country there would be no prosperity for the towns, and here at the Winter Show townspcoplfc could sec by whnb means thoir country cousins attained success. Tho present • show was bettor than its predecessor, good as that was, and nextveiir. ho had no doubt, further improvement would be shown." Cheers were given for tho Minister on the call of tho President of the Ahsociation (Mr. S. W. Luxford), and then Mr. Duncan set the machinery in motion. The mnchineiy hall included displays of dairy utensils manufactured in tho fcolony, and for which certificates, of merit were offered as a roward for satisfactory tests applied by the committee. Local Sims made a goodly display in this section. Another competition was offered in ft section for the best collection of modern dairy fnctory appliances. In this department, Messrs. J. B. M-Rwnn and Co., of Wellington, Messrs. Beattie, Lang, and Co., of Palmerston and Wellington, nnd tho Wellington Fresh Food and Ico Company wore competitors with interesting collections. Tho dairy machinery and appliances shown in motion were for exhibition only, and exhibitors had their roward in the orders which came to them as a result of their unique demonstrations of tho utility of their machines. There wore cream separators of all known types, turbine plants, pumps, warmers, coolers, testers, vertical and other engines, elevator*, weighers, scales, oil and gas engines, etc. Makers in all V rts of the world were represented by agents and representatives known to dairymeji the colony over. Tho Kew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company was also represented. In the open air thero were displays of bicycles, vehicles, and agricultural implements, Wellington boihg represented by tho Rouse and Hunell Coacbbuilding Company. One of the most attractive features of the show wa« provided by the Schools Competitions. ' Liberal pmeh were offered to schools making tho best display of agricultural, horticultural, and general farm products produced in tho district in which tho competing school is situated. In a space of 15ft by 4ft by10ft four schools made unique displays, which seemed to include a specimen of everything the farm, tho air, nnd the water could produce, oven to a hawk with a rat in its mouth ! Tho Longburn School, , as last year, again secured first prize, and won tho challenge cup offered by tho Manawatu Daily Times. Thb' judges had a difficulty in separating the Longburn and tho Kairanga Schooln for prido of place, but tho Ktiiranga exhibit w«s deemed less useful in its composition than that from Longburn. Kniranga, which to-day showed a cleverly constructed model fnim, was second in this competition last year. Tho third and fourlh places to-day were occupied by ! the l'almerston Convent School and tho j Kimbolton School respectively. The local housewife was very much in evidence with good thing* niado by h<r hands and entered in tl>- home industries department of tho show. In many of the cesses there wn.t keen competition for prizes offered for br«K,', <wkes, pastry, nnd other articles for home consumption. Vegetables and farm roots produced some wpecimena which made the tyt\ of ctty folk open in wonder nt their piodigiousness. Mangolds of Rient length and turnips of great girth hy sido by side, and Mr. Thomas Kccble's collection of farm roots won encomiums even from Iho judges. Emilage, hay, and chaff ; seed grains, gm*-s seeds, flowers and foliatje nil were represented at their best. Time wne applis gnloir, enleis and cookers, mammoth nnd miuiutuiv, plucked end long kept, jm servetl, botllcu, and pickled ; also miuccs and entries of hoivev'i

Mr. 1). Cuddie, Acting Chief of the Dairying Department, who ollieiated as judge, Haiti the butter was a good all loiind exhibit, und brought keen competition. Those exhibits which were iv the fust HigtiL weio lairly unifoim. Without doubt it was ono of the finest exhibits ol butter he had ever seen. Mr. \V. M. Singleton, Government Daii_\ Instructor, whoso .specialty is checH'-mnlc-ing, in w-jiich he hns had Canadian experience, elated that the cheese show today was an improvement upon iho quality of that shown at tho lust Winter Show. The chief feature in tho cheeso shown today wus (ho uniformity in budy and te.\tui'O. There was fair competition in nearly cvmy class, and (lie judges (Alofi&ra. Singleton and Cuddie) found it dillicult to select the order of moiiL from amongst tho best, of the exhibits. The Wailohi Co-operative Dairy, Tuamarin.i (Blenheim) won first, pruso for be»t thiee cases of cream Now Zealand CheddaiNhuped cheese. In coloured's Bay Company, Banks Peninsula, w:\s s-ccoiul to Belvedere Company. C.uteiton secured first honours lor white cheese in the above class. Ngaire Company won firtt prize for fully matured factory che?se, Wailohi being second. Duk'field Company won with its medium-siml factory cheeic, Bclvedcie being second ; and Ngaire camo out on top in tho loaf cheese class, Blake Company (Wavcriey) being second. The Committee have evidently realised the valuo of poultry exhibits, and niado special inducements to breeders all over the Noith Island with tho very bust results. Thero are exhibits from breeders all ovei the country from Auckland to Wellington, which proved quite a revelation to (he local fanciers. The new shed erected for the poultry exhibits is 100 ft by 60ft, well lighted with 20 skylights. A fenturo generally neglected is tho erection of ihow building.^ for the convenience of pens. There aro six double bonches running tlie full length of buildings, giving sufticieni) ponning accommodation for 1000 birds, exclusive of canurios. The evening visitors have not been negjected, for Iho building is well lighted with gas and electricity. Tho exhibits right through are v very fine lot, and the competition in most olasscs is very keen. Orpingtons mustered strongly. Tho principal exhibitors were \V. A. Sow man, of Blenheim, w ho scored first and second in blades anil in four classes. In Bulls, G. Hutuhinson, of Auckland, won right through with grand specimens. Minorca? had 40 entries prizetakers including; F. France, of Wellington,'O. R. Ilutchinsou, J. D. Cox, and J. H. Manttan, Pulmerston North. Leghorns totalled 60 entries. In Whito Leghorns, A. R. Alpe, of Wellington, quite outclassed competitors, his winning cockerel being an especially line bird, and every credit is duo to this breeder for tho way in which hi* birds wore prepared for the* penning, giving evidanco of great pains. WyandottPN weio ovor 200 strong, which entry constitutes a record. V<iy keen interest is taken in (he Golden Wyandotlcs. as tlio North TViiuhl Championship is nwarded to this cln*.s. Owing to failing light judging of Wyandottes had to bo postponed until tn-mnnmv, The pigeon clasps were well filled, and J. Adnms, K. J. Falhi, and M. G. Greensklc. of Wellington, wero tho principal winners. Of the cago birds, canaries were tho only representatives, and the best bird, in fact the only one worthy of mention, was a yellow-ticked ciliary shown by Mrs. O'lloilly, of Awuhuri, near Pafmenston North.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 147, 22 June 1904, Page 2

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