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DODGING THE INSPECTOR AT Iho ri^k of being fined for riding without a light is falso economy when you can buy a goad Lnnip for half co-t of tho (iro. Wo hnvo juft Inndod :i ehipincnt, and can olf^r the best valuo in GAS LAMPS, OIL LAMPS, CANDLE LAMPS. Motor mid Cynlo Repairs r-fl'ectod in a fmt-clabs manner by expert uicclianicß. .IEXKINSON * CO. (Ltd.), Motor FaotciM and Cyclo Manufacturers, 48, Yioloria-slroct. LOST, from etoamor Manaroa, on 14lh Juno, 0110 Lady's Zcalnndia Biryclo. Finder rewarded. Addrosß nt Lvcning Post. _ LOST, on Monday night, between Yoilch and Allan's and Stewart Dan con's, (jent's Umbrella. Reward al E\ ouiug l'ott. LO&T, betwoen Exch_ngo HnU and Carroll's Tea. Rooms, on 21*t inst., a (Jablo Bangle with groonptone lioart at(nc|iud. Rewartl ot Evoning Post. LOST, n C'rorcent Brooch set with punrls and tiirquoisofl, on Monday ovening, between Thonipson-fftroet nnd Kirkcaldio's. Reward at Evening Pott. T OST, on Hult road, on Friday la^ JLA oan picco Linoleum ; reward. Apply J. Gcango, Robinson and Perrin, Huntcr-htrcct. 3' OST, Hollm Bicycle, in Victoria-street ; -A Under rewarded. Apply Chan; IT. 'Emony, Runfurly-torruco, off Ta*nian-st. LOST, Stolon, or Strayed, a Gordon Setter Dog, black and tan, answering lo namo of Carlo, mused on 10th Juno. A reward lo any on*? returning eamo to 98, Coiii-tabk>-Rlrpot. Any ono detaining BRino after this notico will bo pro#eciltod. LOST," ft lot of Dandruff' by using half X bottlo of Parker's Hair Tonic ?,s 6d ft bottle, by post 3s. Wia. Parker, Choinist, Mannnm-street. 1 "Dj*OUND, largo quantity Silver Slippcrii, X 1 Is 6cl oach, nt Lloyd's, Jeweller, 55, Lambton-quay. FOUND— You got satisfaction with Swan Pork Gorman. Samn price and unmo quality all tho year round. A GOOD Homo and schooling for a healthy Boy in tho country, bctwocn 0 and 12 years of »£e, or would adopt. For address apply Evening Pout. SCOTCH Girl wishos Ritunlion in privnlo family; no children. Addicts C.E., Evoning Post. QUIET Homo offorod to throo young Mnn Bourders in privato family, oppnsito Basin Roscno. Apply 13, Siu^oxbqunro. / TT*lßSi^Ci^ASS~~Chef wUh~ContTnenial", -*- American, and colonial oxp^rieuco open for oiijpigoment ; first-clufß rcforonccs. Address Cubnnvy, Evoning Post. S"UPY:Rl6R~B"o»rtr'i»nd Koi^cfcncp, clono proximity to Parliainnnt Buildings, two minutes' walk from liOmbton-quny. Almorn, 10, Mowbray-itroot, lop Bowonstreet, Thorndon. NOW, giro Bronto a turn. Try his IndiftoAlion Cum, his medioino for Bronchitis, his Nouralgia Mi.vtnro, hi* Antisuptic Ointmont, luh Stomach nnd Liver FflU, otc. You c»n got them at 70, Torystroat, of J. M. nay. Madame" heller, p.yphowetrTst", Ph}iingnomi»t, Iniqiirnt tonal Tost Modinm, 47, IngeHrn-itrcol, corner Binhnnistreet. Advicu given on- health, Inuincu, m»rriago, etc. OharU written ; hnudwriting' diagnosod. Last dny/. MT?S nnd To»t Medium, may bo conmiltcd nt 106, Willis-ntrrot, over hllor'i Furnituro Wnruliooto. Hount 11 till b. . APSYCITIO PICTURE.— Your ch»mtor, personality, nud future possibilities; send natural handwriting, tttato mouth, born, 2s 6d, to Hashun Oinra, Gunoritl Post Office. HOUSE PTIN r riNuT~Dpcoratii"g7Tt'cT; dono ut Rhort notice. Lo\\n<tt prioPß. Bwt workmannhip.— W. G. Tuetin, 89, "NVil-Ii«-slro3l._ Tcl._Ls4. , 1 NO soot, no dirt, no inndors, only a clear, bright fire whon Pupongtv Coal jh used. A»k tor Pupongn. 1 nptHOSK about io marry~i7iouTd call st J»r Richardson Bros., tho cheapest homo furnishor*, 115, Upper, Cubn-stroet. and inspect their stock. Tho cheapen iiouso in tho city. OATINA Rolled Oats aro uiwily obtainod, easily cookod, and oanily digustcd. F. Pownall, WnHinnton,.ngont. 1 mO LADIiJS^Try" C«"iTler''» dolicioiw JL Drinking Chocolate R« v coininun<lod for invalids and children. Ili|»hly nutritious, cosily aeiHtnilatod. Sold nt Anderson's, tho W.F.C.A., and Campbell's, in Is boxes and 2k tins. Uso halt quantity stntod on puckngffx, 1 ■pUPC^NGA CMI-Brigiit. cieli^ no J«- cinders, burns frouiy and makes bust fiiv. Ask yjoiirjlealoi" foi'Puponga. 1 Sl'EOrAL~"l>riceV at"s«lol?K— Allc'iih'iuP Feeders, Is 6d ; Homrod's Asthma Cure, 3a 6d ; Beuf and Iron Wino, large, 4b 6d. Spccinl <iuotnliotiß for quantities. Snlek, C-'hemist, 1/, WilliH-ttroeL J'TTIIK (Jrocer will soil you Zealnnilia ■*- Roiled Onts. Ask him. A povfnf't and healthy food. Always fresh and gouil." Z" liXl7A"N"DlA~6ttts7*ri>o~^oTfd > *"breakfa«t. Tho choapcet and lioalthu'st food in tho world. Ask for 'Zuulnudm OaU. Tnko 110 substitute. 1 BOOMING " NEW """WELLINGTON^ Photon of Town Hall, UnivemityBuildingc, Ofllcial Buildings, Strcuti', ond largo Ponoramn of City. A work of mt for Is (id. Also thousands of Post-cardii and Viow-bookh. Hichnrd Brown nud Son, Willis mid Manncis streets. T\R, M'GILL'S famous "I r nsTifo~Treat". •"-^ mont" will eavo women from opcr-i-lions, hospitals, and unniiceainry «nfj"oring. Treatment, with freo information, can bo obtainod on Tuesday, Tlmrtday, and Saturday morning 1 ), n't 4, Holtoii-uroot, or bn application to Mrs. A. Alpha, Bos 411, Wellington. Avoid imitations. 1 SEWING Machines of every dckcnptiou repaired by skilled nioohnuics. Singer Sowing Mnchino Co., t>, Willisslroot. A'.I'ERFECI' Brenkfnst Dish— /.e«fn"ncH« (laU. Rrnr.wnod for its health-giving piopoilic. K»l" /ipalandia Oat's and bo KtioiiK. All jirocors toll it. 1 C~ iTIFTI )N~ Ut fUSK " Boarding " EstalTwlT ment, 162 and 164, Upper AVillis«treot. City, live miuutr; from Wharf, anrl I'ost Oftloo ; good nccommodiUion vit>ilova und pvrniahciit ■bnni-dcrii. Terms moderate rrMIE "Tloly Friars of the old days were JU cininoiit lielpors iv Hickiioes. 'J hn hraling Ihvl.uuyis of the Cium iW-njamin for colds nnd coujflig never fnilud them. Why not try Benjamin (Sum? 1 VVT U RM~l r OVVDI3KB.— -.Vlu-n i» child » v t'ompUin* of licatinelio, vhcii lircßtli v bud, with conntaut thii-«t, or whon *|f>t>p i» reilloji, jjivo ouo of thcfo powdeu. Thut child will bo n hnjipy . healthy child next day. Pric; Is. R. C. Brian, Clu-nrnl. 108. Cuba-ntroot. 1 WILTON'S" Hnnd EmoilienrmnkoT'iho nkin Fofl mid dollcato. The bent remedy, for rough und chapped hau.U Sold everywhere. 1 GOLD Necklets ~froin~oi~6d ~to~s9* Lloyd, Jowellor**) 55, Lnmblon-quiiy-rruti' stlsnt" and ViVh'iirirri.hli A ALE AND BTOUT. Fpoeinlly bu-wed from ainlt und hops for pnval« u.o ; (|unrts, ?s ; (lints, 4s; cnuks, 2t \\i>r gallon. Central llicwrry, l}iini-*ticct, olf Ghuziiot-.trcet. Telophono 571. 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 147, 22 June 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 147, 22 June 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 147, 22 June 1904, Page 1