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a. A UR BARGAINS ! SO AT THE WINTKR RALE! MARMOT MUFF AND NECKLET SIiTH, tho Necklets with cluster tails. Usual pik'o 21s. NOW -j «vS ■■» t D THE SET! MARMOT MUKF AND NECKLET SliTfS, beautitully matched. Ususyl piico )ise bd. NOW -t q8 /-»D THE SET! At the WINTER SALE, TE ALtO HOUSE. •

WANTED, domostioaled Lady-hoip, two in family. Apply Mrs. Hawk, 60, Upper llaucon-slrect, jS'ewtown, lant houso but ono right-hand side. WANTED, by youth, respectable Board and Rosidenco jn private family, tinglo room, Thorndon preferrod; tcrmk moitcrato. Addross Youth, Evening l'o&l. ! WANTED, by two young men, a Furnished Room in private family, conliftl. Addieas Houioly, Evening Pos-t. WANTED cleared, lovelv^pJessStufTi from fes 9d pi pen, t!«uai price 10s bd ; black SkirU, 15s Od, mual 31s; Siik IMouses, 12s bd, ufuivl 245. Stcvcn&'s Bankrupt Slock Sale, Kovang-strcet, just abovo Nowtown Firo Brigndo Station. liroig and Co. ' ' < WAOT lEls~knowtv^-A.1 Els~knowtv^-A. samplo box of lOO'Oigftwi posted or delivered lo any addrebs for 20s. New Zealand Oflioo Woln Cigar Co., 61, WilhVstrcot. Address P.O. Box 300, Wellington. WANTED, smart Boy~or~Youth, for moicoiy and clothing. Apply Darcy Foid, WilliE-streot. WHn'-brThin"^, School, or small Church 8011. Slato prioe to A. Dcmpsoy, Saddler, Yivianj-stroet. WANTED, by "largo" city firm, Gentleman with trnvc-Hiug experience to tako chnrgo of department, controlling travellers ; must bo good correspondent ; good salary to right man. Address Comptroller, Evening Post. WANTED, Representative' for Wellington to Napior district ; ono with kuowlcdgo of machinery preferred, and rnii&l bo live salesman. Address Komo, Evening Post. WANTED, Board and Lodgings in a quiet, respoctablo Catholic family, for a youth in hia apprenticeship ; tomis must bo moderate. Address A.P;, Evening Po3l. ' > WANTED to Lend, Money on mortgage. Apply Money, Evoning Poet. ANTED, Wolk by day, vicinity Nowtown. Ako singlo and doublo Roomo lo Let; good loeiility. Apply 54-, Daniel-street, Nowtown. WANTED, a young General ; no washing orjroning; holp kept. Apply, with references, to 82, GhuznQo-stree_L WANTED, a respectable young Womnn for ,' Shop work; references. Apply W. Burbidge, Fruiterer, 49, Lambton- , quay-^ WANTED, a Boy to asnat in shop. xv. Hannah and Co., 28, Cuha-strout. W~ AN"TED~furnished Bod-Sitting room j or »-ma ll. furnished Cottago, in or noar Wcllingon. Apply A. A., Evoning W_NTED,~ Women-Cooks, 30s, 255; ! HotwcmaJd-Wfiilresi, 16b ; Wpitress, lbs; Fish-Hawkor, 20s ; '"Generals. MerritJ. and Co., 76, W lilis-strcet-WANTED, a young Girl for- general housework. Apply Mrs. ' Thornton, 43, Mnnnora-strcet. WANTED, Board and Residence, in j privato family, by married couple and girl (11 yenrs), central position ; terms | nioder.Uo. Aitdrcrs Homely, care of Evening Post. ! WAN'IED to~Sell, nicclv~iiTuoted six- j rooiTic.l House, with. all conyoniencos, \ in Wadeslown, -5140 caah required, bal-, anco mortgage 5 por cent. ; ou*uor loft for England, must bo sold. Address CaMi, Evoning Poit. WANTED, throe good Bushf o.lers. Apply botweon 3 and 5, Thursday, to A. JJ, Wills, City Buffo-t, Wolliugtou. WANTED, young Men of backward education to join Evening Class — English, Aritbmolio, Penmanship. Adults , coachod for examinations. Apply 207, Wil- ' lia-stroot. WANTED ( Boned and riesidonco, vicin- ; ity Willis or Cuba streets, not higher than IngcEtro-stroot, no objection to liilleidc f by young man, single room. Apply, Mating particulars, to W.A.G., Evening Post. WANTED, a Countor, about 10ft long. Stato prico to P.N., Evening Post. WANTED, experienced Man, to take .chargo ' poultry larm on shares ; present slock 500 laying hens. Apply, elating roquiromonts, to Brooke, Bluff. WANTED,W 'ANTED, a smart Junior Saleswoman . for Fancy and Haberdashery Departments ; fivo or six yoars' experience nccusanry. Apply, stating salary roquir?d)? d) to P.O. Box 27, Feilding. • WANTED, a four to six-roomed House, within 20 minutes of G.P.0. ; good ttuiant. 7, Empiro Chambers, next Empire Hotol. WANTED, Employment 'as cart or van driver by rospoctablo young man, with good references ; abstainer. Addresa Drivor, oaro Evoning Post. : ANTED All Housoholders to burn Broken Coko, nt Is 5d por bag, dolivared by tho Gas Company. WANTED, gobd General ; referencoa necessary. Apply Mrs. W. Logan, 11, Hill-slreot. WANT BD to Soil, in country town, Cabinotmaking, Upholstering, and Picture-framing Business, only ono in town, good connection. Address at Evening Poel. WANTEIPKnown — That punolurod, tirod feoling is quickly dispelled by Bluo Flag Live? Curo, & 6d and 4s 6d. Hobson'B Pharmacy, Upper Willie-street. 1 WANTED, Shop Assistants to buy good Alarm Ciook, 6s '6d, and bo in timo for work. Lloyd, Jowoller, bb, Lambton-quay. WANTED~Known — Bluo Flag Liver 1 Curo is a certain remedy for iudigcslion and . constipation. Sou Hobson's Pharmacy, Uppov Willis-stroet. 1 W ANTED, 1» warm 7 bright, clean fire. Then uso Brokon Coko, Is 5d per bag, doliverod by tho Gas Company. WANTED to Sell, during tho wintor, SOGO sacks of Brokon Coke, at Is 5d por sack. Any quantity delivered. Apply Gaa Company^ WANTED— Notnmg detracts from a woman's appearanco moro thau impoverished, doaa-looking hair : nothing beautifies it moro quiokly than Hondy's Egg Julep. Try it; Is. lurkcaldio and Slams, Ltd., Sole Agents. W" ANTED Known — Hobsou's Pharm. aor, Upper Willis-street, has a fino window display of Bluo Flag Liver Cure. 2s 6tl and 43 bd por bottlo. 1 WANTED to Sell, bo9t~~Building Sectiona in Nowtown, or will build to suit purcha!>or. Apply J. C. Trickott, 9a, Ingestre-streot. ANTBD"~Known— Shortt's 30s Military Field Glass, the most powerful glass ovor sold at tho price. ATfTlp^MlaTKeitz, with hor wollt rained assistants, is making Drecses, la<*.ies own material, for 14s 6d ; Skirt*, 7a 6d ; stylo, comfort, economy, punctuality. Miss Reitz, corner lugostre and Marion streets.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 146, 21 June 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 146, 21 June 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 146, 21 June 1904, Page 1