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The railway traffic ycitorday wits good, owiug to the line wgather which pre .-ailed in and about Wellingion. The Govtrnwent railway took about five hundred p;i&,engers over the Rhnutuka, and booked about fourteen hundred from Te Aro and -Wellington stations to various pluceo between here and the Upper Hutt. On the Munuwutu line fully a thousand p;isi^nH^is were earned fiom Lawn to Otuki, whpre a race mor ting in proguf-s, «nd •iboat four hundred ciune down tho LLn© from tho P.ilintuston Mac. Th« annual mctling «.f the City Licensing Commitlta -n ill hr Jield at noon on Monday m the IvJafj- inUe'w Comf. The pi inuipul hucicc-s haioia tin' meeting will bo the lenmvius o{ Hlciih>.<!. There ia not. liktly to be any difiinully on this qut'tiou, a.s the police, on the whulo, ht'vc icpoited favourably on the condition of the hotels. There weiv four caeca of scarlet fever, one vi diphthciiii, and two of tubereulosiw rejionvd 'o the Public Hesllh Department as having occuned in the t J,y during ilu, week ending to-day, 4th June Ivo cases in the Hutt County. A vi.Mt (0 the Inebriates' Home at Wnitati will be mad« next week by the Hon. Colonel Pitt, Acting Minister in char^a of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. Mr. Justice Cooper intimated to Mr. Gray this morning thnt he would be ablo to toko the jury case, \\ r ardeir v Henrys, on the day iixed, the 13th inst! The business at Blenheim was not extensive, and his Honour said he won'd be able to get back to Wellington an* lake tuo Wardoil c:usts bciorc going to Nelson. " Bonny Glen " writes in commendation of tho work of the Corporation hardener in tho city reserves. In showing some Auckland friends through the Botanical Ui.rdens lately, be *ays they \v«re delighted with the neat paths and well-laid out flower-beds and lovely flowers, whioh all agreed leflected credit upon this branch of the city's administration. Tno Mayor of Wiuiganui, who telegraphed to Sir Joseph Ward regarding Iho stoppago of- trajlic on the PipirikiRaetihi road as the result of the recent Hoods, lias received a reply to the effect that the matter of granting assistance to* the settlers has be«n referred to th« Minister of Public Works. He say % « \e is entirely of the Mayor's opinion* that something imibt be done. In our recent article on bills of lading it was made to appear thnt the terms, of the bill of lading prcvoutcd a merchant getting redress when ho had delivered to him goods which he had not ordered. That, of course, wits an error.- The trouble in such a c;i.<>6 is not due to tho terms of the bill of lading, and is not » mutter for which tho shipping company is responsible. The follow employees of tho late Mr. Henry >Symc, who lost his life in the unfortunate accident at the Customhouse works, aro raising a fund to augment the amount coming to tho widow under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act. With .this end in view subscription lists have been placed on most of the builders' works in the city. Should auy of the general publio wish to contribute, Mr. Given, the foieman> mason on the Customhouse works, will be pleased to receive same. Mr. A. D. Willis, M.H.R., when in Wellington this week interviewed Mr. C. W. Hursthouse, Chiof Engineer of Roads regarding tho stoppage of woric on tho Parupara road, ana represented strongly lo hun tho determination of Wangtmui and district that the road mast bo caxriod through. Mr. Hursthouse said ho whs not aw aro of tho Premier's promise regarding the additional !>5 per cent, to ba spent on the work, W was quite satisfied if such a promise .»'as made it would be carried out, and he would make, enquiries into the mutter. The Wellington Harriers held a threemi lo road raco yesterday from Te Aro Baths. There was a good attendance ol ntheletes and the general public. The scratch man, W. H. Pollock, gave away a big handicap, and was unable to eaten the limit men, two of whom secured the first aud second places. W. Pickles won in very good time, followed by Anstice. and Donaldson. Wilson, who was close up, aud running strongly, lost a good chance of being placed by stopping to assist a competitor who had fallen. Twenty competitors took part in tho race. Mr. Jose.yn acted as judge, Mr. Ludwig as starter aud timekeeper, and Mr. Kerry distance steward. Tho astuteness of the small boy was a subject of discussion at a meeting of local bodies at Kaugiora, Canteibur^, on Tuesday. One speaker, who was discussing tho precocity of some boys iv palming off <heads of poisoned birds, remarked that it was time theie was. an analyst, as the ways of the bird-boy were wonderful in 'lis-posiug of ancient heads. Another m;mber said the boy could make two eggs out of one, and a third member added that n boy had been caught selling eggs made of clay to ft near-aighted member of a Road Board in the dusk one evening. Tho following additional donations aud subscriptions have been received, by the Secretary of the St. John Ambulance Association: "Sympathiser" (per Mr. H. H. Seed) £20, Mrs. Burno £2 2s, Mrs. Kendall and Miss M. X Robieson £1 Is each, Mr. R. M'k&an 55,. The St. Peter's Ctab mat last Thursday evening and discussed the previous evening's paper. There v»s a largo number present, and some very interesting criticisms on the different articles ensued. The Magistrate's Court was presided over this morning by Messrs. Edward Tregear and Thomas Cariniehacl, Justices. For having behaved in a disorderly manner on Jervois-quay, Alexander Duncan, was fined 345, with* 6s costs, and Edward Collins 20s, in default three days' imprisonment. Ben Martell was convicted ana discharged with a, caution for indecency in Maginnity-streot,- last evening. Chas. Cibley admitted having taken several articles valued at £1, horn a boarding houao mate named John Gourtenay. Chief Detectivo M'Grnth aid accused went to tho Hutt, found employment there, and wrote to his mate telling him what ho had done and promising to refund the value of tho articles as soon as ho earned enough money. Prosecutor, who originally asked lhat proceedings be taken, now did not press the charge. Accused was merely convicted, on tne understanding that he undertook to refund £1. For second offences of drunkenness, Chua. Arney and Jumes Smith ■ were each fined 10s, or 48 hours' imprisomneut, and John Croker and Nicholas Fitzgerald each 5s or six hours' imprisonment. Three first-offending inebriates wero also dealt with. Mr. Brindley, general manager of the State Fire Insurance Department, is oa the Vest coast of the North Island establishing branches of his department-. The* half-yearly meeting of Excelsior Lod^e of Druids will bo held on Monday eveuing. A meeting of Socialists is called for Monday in connection with another series of lectures by Mr. J. 51. Wilson. From Monday, 6th, to Saturday, 18th June, wo shall offer to every cash purchaser of a ladies' jacket a free, gift in proportion to the value of the jacket purchased. For full particulars see our advt. on page 7. Kirkcaldie and Stains' Ltd.— AdvU

Tho occupants of fhe pit at the Opein li.uttie wava in v lively mooil last nigh(. iv\i.e-ption was taken to ii nunibcv of ■\ALture hats" worn by ladies occupying >'.ita hi tho stalls. Jii j espouse to suvnul calls of "Hats off in tho front!" &omo uf Uio offending hats were removed. For .'Mine five or ten minutes the pittites fusilj.istJ t.he headgear which was not removv\, tho ammunition being balls of paper, mi tchboxes, and fruit. Some icnuikablo jjoii 1 ahooting was done by tho objec-tui-i. ovciy hit boing greeted with shouts oi laughter and lounds of appl.uihe. Tho \>eu'ois nl offending headgear finally giivo in t <> tho attiick, tho curtain went up, ami the play pioper began. Air. A. G. John&on has been appointed secretary of the local committee connected with the departure of Lord lUmfarly and the arrival of Lord Plunkott. Mr. Johnson has had considerable expurionce in connection with public funetinrtft of this nature, and his advico should prove of value. Tho sailors in port were entertained yesterday by the Missions to Seamen. During tho day a picnic was held, pi foj tho sailors bemg donated by Mrs. Aidoua Lunch was provided by tho miaou's congregation, and ton by the member* of the Harbour Lights' Club. iU 8 o'clock a limelight lantern exhibihop was given by Mr. U. W. Burltrop. S ! x men signed tho piedge. An enjoyvMsi day was brought to an end shortly boioio midnight, amidst cheers for those who had made the gathering it happy one, Tho aggregate balance-sheet of tlu> Bank of i\ew South Wales for the halfyear ciulod 31st March last is published m another column. Tho profit and loss account shows that after providing for bad and doubtful debts, and fluctuations in the valua ot inve&tintmt t>ecurities, reducing tho value of bank ptemises, and including recoveries from debts previously cla--»vcd iiK bad, thoro is a profit of £128,506, which, added to JESIB,^ brought forward, makes tho available balance jJ146,948. Out of this i!By24 is set ntide as rebate on bills discounted but not due, £20,000 has been added to <!ic reserve- fund, £100,000 is übsorbed by tho dividend of 5 i>cr ceut. for tha half-year, leaving i)lß,Uii4 to be carried toiWard. Tho liquid assets total £y,05y,y33 12s lid, of which £4,706,54y I'm 8d represents ciw>h. The advances and discounts toUl £19,089,7/3 18s lOd, and bunk preuiiuus arc sot down at £6^)0,000. The noto circulation is £1,050,355, and the deposits and accrued interest £21,251,908 10s .id. Tht reserve fund of tho bank now stands at £1,350,000. "I didn't mako any noise during tho <lueussion of (ho Licensing BiJ," said Mr. T. E. Tayior, M.U.R., in a, speech iv Chmtchurch lutrt Tuesday. "I faimuly got up and said a few simple things, and iv threo minutes they we all quarrelling with each other. After 1 sat down that Bill had no more chance of going through than its author has of going to Heaven. I don't know who its author was. The Premier and 1 hud some confidential interviews over tljo Licensing Bill. I can't toll you -what happened, but I'll promise you we t«.fted very plainly to each other. There is no man in Nj&w Zealand who .has a greater admiration of the magnificent ability of the Premier than I have, and there is no man in Now Zealand who enjoys bucking up againbt him better than I do." The State coal wines at Point Elizabeth turned out 1200 tons of coal last u-cek, and it is expectod tliat the weekly output will shortly be increased to nearly 2500 tons. The steamer Pukaki is now loading 800 tona of the- coal at Greymouth for the railways at Dunedin and Oamaru. Tho Railway Deportment has also ordered coal from -the same mine ns follows:— 600 tona for Wellington, 500 tons for Lyttoltou, 300 ton« for Unuhungu, 3CO tons for Wangauui, 500 lons more for Bunwlin, 300 tons for New Plymouth, 300 tons for the Bluff, and 250 tons for Foxton. The- State mine at Seddonville is now turning out 1500 tons per week. Of tho an go of 600 tons from that mine brought to Wellington Una week by the Rosamond, 250 tons urt> for use in the city electrical tramways power-house. A cold or cough if neglected leads to bad results Stop it at once Old Knglish Cough Lincttm cures it. G. W. vVi.tou, Chemist, 3, Ouba-street. — Advt. Muut, Cottrell,. and Co., general carters, Customs and forwarding agents. Storage a speciality. Furniture packod and removed. Office ; Queen's Chambers. Telephone No. 23. — Advt. Merchants and importers are requested to eond all their Customs papers to the New Zealand Express Company, 20, Customhouse-quay- Telephone 92.— Advt. Winter.— Ladies will do well to visit O. Smith'a, Citbu-ttroat, and inspoot tho fine assortment of winter underc'olhing which is on display. Warm woven combinations, 2i lid, 3s 6d, to 18« 6d ; wovon nightdrosses, Si 6d, 8* lid, 13b 6dj flannel lngntdrossn* in nice variotyi wool|on bloomers, in navy and black, 3« lid, 4» lid, to 10» 6d. Everything fof lacfios' uudorwear at 0. SnuUi'Bj Cufomtreet. — Advt. Mr. W. A. Broadbent, land and cotato j agent, Willin-straot, invites tho attention of investors and those in search of houses to his change advert Uement of building fsitdK, rcHfidontinl properties, and city investments, which appears olsowhoro. A manufucluror's ra-ngjo of moroon and silk underskirts, said to bo marked much bolow tho usual price*, aro advertised for to-day by Mossr*. James Smith and Sou?, of Tho New Houso. j Mefui. Maodonakl, Wilson and Co. will hold their next auction gale of kvndod properties at their Exoh»ugo Land Mart on the 16th instant. For this dato they advortiso, by ordor of tho Pub'io Trustoo in tho ejtato of tho l»to Mr. J. A. N, Salmon, a cotliftu residonoo, containing fivo room* and convaniencoa, situate in Turn-bull-streol; corner property at Johnsouvilla, situatij on the main road, oomprioing a butohec'* shop and dwolling. Tho firm advertise a ialo of household furniture for Wodnflsday next, at 1.30 o'clock, to bo held at their rooms. They olio ftdvertiao a pianola for privalq n»le. M««<rti. Haroourt and Co. direct the uLtontion of invetlora aud tho general public to their fortlwoming auctiou sales. Noxt WodnoMlay, Bth, an motion salo of furniture and offoctu will bo held ai tho residence of Mr. Marjpiloß, No. 2, Onalow-tor-rpoo, closo to thn second aMion on the Kolburno cable tram lino. Catalogiins aro now ready at tho auotionoers ; viow day, Tuosd&y, 2 till 4 p.m. On tho 14lh instant, a »ix-roomed villa ronitlenon, 25, BrnUEfham-atroet, baing part of Town Aero 337. having a frontago of 35ft by a depth of 120 ft. Aluo, on the 14th, hlx buildincr soctionn At Vogoitown, buing »ootions 09, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104. having Inrga frontages to K. W. Mills road ami VomuioA-iitTOot. On the same dato a large Faction with a oottage erected thoruon, situated between Johnoonvillo and Tnwa xlat, being part of lection 22, Porirua diitriot. Tho sntno firm also insert a revised Ust of city, Biiburban, and oounlry freehold wropertloe for private *alo ; also liolois «ml biißiiicracs for galo nnd houses to lot. A modern seven-rooinod rosidonoo, nitu'nlo Oriontnl Hay, with irontago to main rood, will bo submittpd to publio auotion by Meßsru. W. If. Morrah and Co., on Wednesday, thn 15th instant, on account of tho owner having left tho city. Tim wook's Canterbury Timos contains soveral half-pago and ■ other pholo views in connection with tho torn bio landslips at Brnimev hut week, whorotiy eight lives wrro lost. Theso pictures give a vory reaiiatio idea of tho pones of dottrnction, tho cTemolished buildings, whoro tho bodies ivero found, etc. Thn s.s. Duchess will run trips to Da.y'» .Bay to-morrow morning and afternoon, and the s.s. Counlws to Seatoun, Rl the uiual hours.

ji)st Quni tec *ew Melon ?irsl Quialor t'uU Moon n. ... 6 ... U 28 5 v:) i>m 8 40 am 8 11 nut 7 2J uiu

L. /PUEfla ASSOCIATION. 1 (Recoivod Juno 4, 9 a.m.)

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 132, 4 June 1904, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 132, 4 June 1904, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 132, 4 June 1904, Page 4