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fBT TKUJOBAPH— TILKSB ABSOOUTION ] CHKISTCiTURCH, This Day. Samuel Sparks, daiiyuvui, was chiwged in the Magistrate's* Court this morning with using cans not thoroughly olean for tho distribution of milk. Ho was fined £10 and costs. Richard Powell, agod nineteen years, was fined £10 nnd costs for ohdi-ruefcing tho Dairy Insp«cU>r when ho atteni.pted to tako samples of milk.

During Uio month okmexl to-duy, 56 deatlts, 129 birbhs, and To-marrrages-wero registered in WcrliHgton. A Press Association message received from Auckland thk afternoon stufcc* that tho Premier has received advicn that Me Hall-Jones, Minister for Public Work«, will leavo Englnnd by the OroitUui on 17th J-uno. At the Ne-wtown Trinity Wealeyan Mutual Improvement, Socwty last night, Mr. J. Pay n ton xlelivaced tin inUwttting lectaro on 'iiight." Sovonrf mumcnl il«mft wore contributed by members of the Society diii-iting tlu\ evening. Owing to a dsiswrrangeinpnt of point*, a lftnge iailw<iy locotao&ivev which ww engaged in «li mi ting opemCioms in tho Government station yard nt Thomdon tln» lnormug, ran off th* line, Tho engine won not damaged in any way. Mr*». H. MftujiHoK, wife of Mr. If. Murgakw. egw eiwciniiist, Wiliw-atw-et, dw-d midctavly «t her rrmdoncc, Ohslowtcrrnoc, about 5 o*eloek hurt, wearing. Tho doccjwod lady loaves n, fimitfy of five — ono daughter J»nd four *on*. A Pi-om Association mm r *sago from Auckland Announces tho J»addcn death of Mr. John King, formerly KegiHkur of Electors fur that city. Tho doce«hod was a. very oariy mittlor in Auckland, having Arrived from Ireland when a. nturo youth. Ht> won for many yeaiN a jMomiutMit figure in political circlet* in tho northern city. Hi« death ocenrrod at Tnngitora, N<«rfclieen Win rot, where lw luid gone to vi*it one of hi* hhili. Auot-hw of his sous, Mr. William King, iw n member at tho Pronrkrr'H sinS. Dweoniwd, who was. about sixty-six years of agt, hn« left a family of nix sons and fivo daughters. An important report on Uic subject of oxtumtittg tho teamvrayA to tl» MelronoWard will bo laid before fcho City Council oji Thunadwy by Uie Metrose- Ward Commit roo of that body. It ww complained at ono. lime that tho ttiugtruction given m tho cookvey donate at the city .scltooln under tho d fraction <nf t«ho Kdacation Bo«rd was of ttu ornanionUl rather tlwin a useful natwe. Sonw ,rmre«t« objected to mow attention being given lo <*weet« thttn to plain cookery. Some tiuvo ago the cookery clauses weJrv removed from tho Technical School, and kilch#n# \ww> eatablwhed in tiro Terraceand the Newtowu fjchoofe. Jim. Noelcy, who had lnwl much experience in conducting ohusjses hi England, is tho prewuit inwtmelivss, «nd who has reorganised the ayKiibu.s at. the clt*w*e». Sho aiuu nt g7ving children tiMfirnviioii «\ich as wouhl bo iikksL useful in tho honwe of urt'uuiiw. lU'V puuiln nvo taught ecottomy nnd ntanugeiru'nb detoiL;, order and deanlinew* in tho kitchen, l\ovr to utilise lioiiom and vegetables left over from a previous meal, tho making of soiijjs, stews, broHis, jams, sauces, ti»» cleanfug and cooking of lioh and rabbits, proservi&g egg», the muking of bread, diet for involids, etc. Mra. | ICcoloy lia-s t-wo dooses every t-cliool dsiv, twenty ]mplk being in each <jl«s«. thi tho first three days of tlio week tl'ie girls of tho Tcituoo, Thorodon, Korori, To Aro, Iloseneath, and MilcheUtown Schools reooivo instrnction in the Terrace. School, and on Tkursday and Friday tho pupilw of tho QydeHtuay, lUntoul-«troet, Mount Cook, and Riddiford-strcct Schools receive instruction in the- latter school. Mm Nwloy intends' inviting parents to attend tho Tmacacc School on tlio 22nd prox., nnd tho Riddiford-eU'oet School on tho 24t*i prox. to inspect Avork done by tho pupils of tho, cookery dusses. The Con.t«i4 Mission Ball, in HerbertstT«ct, was crowd«d t« the doors last night, when Mr. Reginald A. Studd, tho evangelist from India, epoko upon "CUriut's Second Coming." "This evening Mr. Studd»H subject will bo "The Fulfilment of Prophcoy." Tho WoflingUm mission ckwe« to-morrow evening, ana on Thursday Mr. Studd loaves for Wanganut. Messrs. Ci«.wford, of Miraraar, have offered tho City Couuoil 500 ncrea of thoir proj»erty on tho seawawl side of the Chinamen's gardens on condition tlintthe Corporation will extend tho oleotric tramwayii to Seatoun. Tho Mayor and Councillors havo arranged to visit' Miramrvr to-morrow for the purpose of Tnspocting Uio land in quesbron. Ono of tho latoafc novelties in tftblo docornlion in wliat is known ns tho paper t»blo oontro, whioh is docidodly novol awl striking, Wlion unfoldod tio its full oxtont it is oight inches insido by fivo foot long, and hooftowivos will ajiprooiatn tlio faot that it folds almost automnlically into about tho spaco occupied by a rolled «orvietto. Tho cost is trifling, and bhu arliolo enn bo purchased at Mr. W. F. Shortfs mart, Willis-Btroot. Mr. W. P. Shortt will hold a bhlc of fui'nitut'c, otc, on tho promisee of Mr. Probblo, Porima, at 1.30 o'olook to-tuor-

Tho divorco cuee, '])nrt hoard, of Alico Miiud Heid, of I'oxton, v. James lloid, w«« (i^.tin l>pforo Mr. Jut>t.ico Coopor thi« iifternoon. Petitioner Mich for dissoluliwi on tho groundK of respondent's) drunkcniuvui and cruelly. Mr. Wilfonl appeared for petitioner; reflpoudont was present. Alico Marriott, of (Jourtenay])lacii, deposed to having seen respondent drunk on certain orcasions in Wollingtcm. Tlio caso \vi\n further adjourned till 10.30 a.m. on 6th June. A« wo wont to prcsa this afternoon further ovidenoo wa.s being taken in tlio caso in which Charles Burrows and D.tvid Joll'eries were charged with having broken into aJid entered tho warehouso of Albert Samuel, St. Hill-street, on the 29th April, and stolen 1100 cigura valued at £17 10s. An educated man who nnd in yours gone by filled cducationnl and other official positions in tho colony was nn applicant for temporary relief from the Benevolent Institution (his 'afternoon. Uc offered facilities lo the enquiries* being made as to his bona fides, and the trustees granted him and his family food and firing for a week. An applicant for relief from the Benevolent Trustees this afternoon, in the course of hm explanation regarding his position, said he had been accustomed to receive an allowance from a son, who, however, had got married and had ceased his contributions. Ho added that his son had been out of worlt for a long lime prior to his marriage. "So he married to improvo his position," commented tho chairman. The applicant did not know. Mr. 11. X Loighton advortisos particulars of Lower Hutt proportios for salo'. The Suporintondont of tho WollingtoA Sailors' Rest nolifios that cast-off clothing for distressed soamen will bo gralofully rocoivod. Mos-sru. Grabham, WHlis-Htroei, Ltd, notify- that they aro agents for Now Zoalund of the Spintharncopo. In our ndvortisomont columns particulars nro publislird of a snle by public tondor ot a piece of land on tho innin Hutl-road at Lwvor llutt, known as- tho Hutt Mechnnics' Institute site. Sorno Bpecial Hues aro advortisod in connoction witli tlio Yankee Hustl-o Sale, whioh olosofl on Saturdny. Tho s.s. Duchess will run excursions toDay's Bi«y to-morrow at tho usual hours. Tho s.s. Critnitosi will mako trips to Seatoun and Knraka Bay. The moonlight oxoumion to Day's Bay, arranged for this cvoiting, hns boon postponed.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 128, 31 May 1904, Page 6

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A WHOLESOME WARNING. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 128, 31 May 1904, Page 6

A WHOLESOME WARNING. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 128, 31 May 1904, Page 6