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BRITISH POLITICS. — o THIS FISCAL PROBLEM. "A CRUSHING DEMONSTRATION." IVJIKSS ASSOCIATION.! LONDON, 16th Fdmury. The SlundiMil says Mr. »Slack's election is a ciu^lung against tho new fiscal ])ohi'y. Jf the. nation wanted protection, w.iys tho Nt umlaut, sonic progross in thai. ducitnm might to be, \isiblo dftor (ho potMsU'iit ou'wrls made during tho aulunm and winter, yet the Unionists liavo lobt (Ivo seatb. AMENDMENT TO THE ADDRESSIN KKI'LY. A DIVISION TAKEN. LONDON, 36th February. Tho llouso of L'uiiiiiioii.s eaino to n division night on tho Right Hon. John Motley's amendment to tho Addr< sw-in-ltepfy that tho conflicting declarations of MinislciH tond to impair tho effective- deliberation of Parliament, and thul the removal of protective duties had conduced to Mist extension of trade and commerce and the public welfaio. Tlio amendment also set forth that while socidl improvements aio urgent, any votuin lo protection, particularly in regaid to food, Mould bo deeply injurious to tho national strength, contentment, and wellbeing of tho countiy. The amendment was negatived by 327 votes to 276. Sir Michael Ilicks-Bench, Into Chancellor of tho Exchequer, voted with tho majority. Tho minority included Lord George Hamilton (ox-Secretary of Slate for India), tho Wight Hon. C. T. Ritchie-(ex-Chancellor of Iho Exchequer), Sir John Gorat, Lord Hugh Cecil, Air. Winston Churchill, Mr. Austin Taylor, Mr. Gibson Bowles, Mr. Charles il. Reely, Major ,1. K. B. Seely, the. Hon. 0. J. Goschen, fifteen other Ministerialists, and sixty-nine Nationalists. THE DEBATE. (Received February 17, 8.2 a.m.) LONDON, 16lh February. In tho debate on Mr. Morlcy'.s amendment Uio Right Hon. G. Wyndham, Chief Secietaiy for lielftnd, icitoraled Mr, Gerald Balfour's statement made earlier in the debate, adding that tho Government policy did not include taxation for the nioro purpose nf s fostering homo industries, nor did it include preferential taxation of food and law muteual. 110 did not wish to s>peak unbyniputhetiuiilly regarding Canada's advances, but Cabinet was pledged to oxcludo colonial picfcrcnc&f equally. Tho policy of 1903 would bo the policy of tho next election, but in saying that they wished lo avoid any language that would give umbrugo to colonial sentiment. This slatcmcnt was greeted with Opposition laughter. Continuing, Mr. Wyndham eaid Cabinet would distinpuwh between blood relaliono and keen businesy competition and apply to tho colonies thai Minjiion. which tho Opposition thought sufficient in tho caso of foreign" countries, but at tho same timo the. Government had Iho warmest posMbio feeling towards the colonies. Mr. J. E. Redmond, member for Waterford, declared that Irish opinion was apathetic on this controversy. What a satire, ho nddrd, it was upon the refusal to grant Home Rule Hint this question should probnbly bo settled ultimately by the votes of im-n refusing to think Imperially and voting dimply in the interests of Ireland. Sir Henry Ciimpbell-Banncrman «*nid retaliation would bo fatal to freo trade. Tho .Right Hon. A. Akers-Douglas, Secretary of Hilda for tho Homo Department, declared that Mr. Balfour's Sheffield ])olicy was the Government's. Cahiuet did not advocuto and did not intend to ndvociito protection. Ministers wcro only anxious to fight the battle of froer trade, and he urged that if tho amendment was carried tho Government would bo replaced by one- pledged to Homo Huh. Tho Right Hon. H. H. Asquitb, memberHor East Fife, emnhnsiHcd tho fluttering utterance. 1 * of Ministers, nnd said some rlid not know thoir own piinds, and none knew their colleaqm>s' mind-. Ho quoted Mr. Chamberlain's statement afc Birmingham in 1902, that ho would not say there was danger U) tho prosperity of tho country, mid (hat there wo* no reason for Mr. A.^iiith ncMe<l that at that vory moment tho ghtss influslry hnd gono, »ilk had disappeared, iron was poing, and wool wns thrcatpnod. He concluded by suggesting a catechism parodying the tariff reformers' views on free trade, with a View of mnkinc; out, according to thorn, that one-half tho excess of imports over exports shows a Iop." in British workmen's wages.*

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 40, 17 February 1904, Page 5

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CABLE NEWS. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.—COPYRIGHT.] Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 40, 17 February 1904, Page 5

CABLE NEWS. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.—COPYRIGHT.] Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 40, 17 February 1904, Page 5