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WEDNESDAY, oid I'EiSUUAHV, 1901, At .i.oO p.m. TE KAIAISGA! H KAIANOA! SPhUAL A.MMJU.NUhiUMVr TO those iN nisakcu of pictuuhoQUb' bUHUUtfAiN VII,LA MlhtH Within 10 Minnies' Walk ot Kaiwnrra uiul Khanuauaii Uiuluny t-jlutiousj. Mi-.S&KfcJ. J. iri. JJbTubNK & CO. uro instructed to sell hy pubhu aucuou, at their rooms, Feathorglon-i'iroet, on W eilncoctay, 3rtt Folnuaiy, at <2.3u"p.m., THE HEaUi'Ji'Ul. MUJiURIi UV TE KAIANUA, Being Section No 4, Kaiwurra, subdivided into /»Q CHARMING FREEHOLD BUILDV>O INU aiTKS, Ranging in area trom HALF AN ACRE lo FIVE ACKliri EAOil. Tho abovo is tho nenreht suburb to Wellington, and is canny rcnch'od from KiuuariM and KliundulUiJi Railway iStatioim Tho whole ol_tho Hoctions conlniu nratclam building sites, and nil havo troutagoa lo lorrucil and nioUUod borough roads v To Kuinuga powossea a spuciul ehniin in its sunny aspect and gplciulul views of thu City and Harbour, whilo Iho sulo will present ouo of Iho last opportunities of acquiring a delightful lion.o within two mileK ot Wellington Post OHice. TITLE undc,r J_.anU Trunsfor Act. TJfcittMS— lo por cent, deposit, 10 per cont. iv threo months, 10 per cent, in six months, balanco can remain on mortgage for 5 yearn at 6 por cent. PmvhitscM building lo approval of vendors may leave 90 per cunt, on mortgago. LITHOGRAPH PLANS, Conditions of Snlo, and full particulars on application to J. 11. BETH UN Ji & CO., Auotionocrs._ TUESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY, 1904, At 2.30 o'clock. Estato of tho lato Mrs. W. G. lfaybiltlo. TO SPECULATORS AND INVESTORS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE, VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTIES CUBA-STREET, WELLINGTON, AND TRENTIIAM, UPPER HUTT. MESSRS J. H. BETIIUNE & CO. aro instructed by Iho Kxecutois in tho EbUle of Uio lato Mm. W. G. llaybitllo lo soil by publio auction nt their rooms, Fonthoreton-stroet, on Tuoudny, ll)lh * obruary, at 2.30 p.m. — LOT 1, — That exceptionally valuablo Froehold Businoso Sito, part of Scotion. No. ]80, Wellington, having a frontu.go of 35ft to Cubu-stroqt by a depth ot 159 ft 9in, together with tho buildings orcclcd theroon, comprising tho commodious two-story Boot Emporium, No. 28, Cuba-slreot, now in tho occupation of Moesr;. R. Hannah nnd' Co., nnd lnrgo Boardinghouso, No. 28a, at. renr, containing 13 rooms, oorupiod by Mrs. E. Kinnis. Tho above property is lot lo Messrs. R. Hannah & Co. for a term of 32 years from ' 4th November, 1903, at a rental of £169 por annum, tenants paying rate*, tnxw, and infuranco. This fino Freohold, which is situated on tho olectrio trnmway route, tidioinn tho Mnsonic Hotel, and is opposito To Aro Ho\i6o. From its conlral position in tho best retail businc&s thoroughfare of Wellington it must largely incroano in valuo in tho futuro, and as a tafo invc-lment for capital i& unsurpnssod. LOT 2.— That specially nttrnctivo Freehold Proporty known ns "Homuwood," Trontham, being pnrt of Section No. 94, Blook 1, Muncrnroa, containing 6a On Bi\ having tho oxlonsivo frontago of 197 ft to tho main nult rond by tho long dcptli of 1324 ft, togother with tho nwirly now ono-story Villa Rogidenoo erected thereon, containing 7 rooms, in tho occupation of H. E. Rnwson, Eirj. ; aUo detached kitchen, washhnuiio, coachhouse, *nnd stable. This t'hnrminff froohold is taHofully laid out na flower garden, lnriro orchard in full benrinfr. vngcjttblo garden, wnll.grnsscd p.iddork, lonnin nnd croquet > Inwns, nnd plantation, and win bo upcoinlly recommended to thoso in. Fcnrch of n. bonut'ful Kiiburbnn property with ; u 16 milo* of Wellincrlon. Titto, Land Transfer Act. For. caH« lo vow npnlv to 1 J - H. BKTHUNfI k CO.. Auction^™. TUESDAY. 16th FEBRUARY, 1004, At 2.30 o'clock. I RPT FNTrtTV Vn PKHOT.T) PKOrKRTY. AUSTIN-STREET and ELLICE-STRET, WITH TWO DWKLLIXGHOUSBS. MESSRS. J. H. BETHUNE & CO. nro instructed by tho ownor to roll by publio auction at thoir roonu, FeoXhoraton-stroot, on .Tuosday, 16th February, at 2.30 p.m. — That charming and convenient Corner Properly, part of Section No. 325, Wellington, having frontages' of 40ft to Auslin-streot and 100 ft to Ellicoetroot, togother with tho two specially woil bunt" two-story somi-dotaohed Villa Residences, Nos. 86, Auntinstroot, nnd 53, Ellico-stroot, oroctod • thoreon, containing 7 and 6 largo rooms, with Kcullory nnd bathroom. Thoyo dwollings aro replete with all conveniences, Including bay windows, oleotrio light, gn«, hot nnd cold wator, nnd fixed wardrobe*, -nnd aro occupied by Mr. G. C. Facho and Mrs. Collott. Tho abovo can bo thoroughly rocomlnondod to buyers, boing in Iho most hoolUiy pnrt of tho city, and close lo tho oleotrio tramwny route. Tho greater part of tho purchaso-monoy can remain on mortgago at 5 per cent, interest. Intending purchasers can obtain cards to view on application to J. H. BETHUNK & CO., Auctioneers. TUESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY, 1904, At 2.30 p.m. COMPACT FREEHOLD PROPERTY, DOUGLAS WALLACE-STREET. MESSRS. J. H. BETHUNK AND CO. aro instnictod by the ownor, who is leaving Now Zealand, to soil by public auction, at thoir rooms, Foathorston-stroot, on Tuesday, 16th February, at 2.30 p.m— That splendid Froohold Proporty, part of Section No. 729, Wellington, having n frontago of #16 feot to Douglas Wallacestroot by a. depth of 76 foot, togother with tho stibstanliaJ two-story dwollinghoune, No. 1, oroctod thoreon, containing .4 rooms, bathroom and scullery, .in excellent ropair. Occupied by Mrs. Williams, and two cottagos at rear, lot to Mr. Carltou. Tho abovo froohold is only two doors from Tasmnn-stroot, and returns a routal of £58 10s por nnmun. As £350 can remain, on mortgago, tho proporty ohould attract the special attention of investors and others. ' , «t. If. BETHUNE & CO., Auctioneers. HOTEL FOR SALE. f A SMALL, compact Holol in tho country with ovor 100 acres of good land. No other for eoino milos away. A good paying trudo to houso. About £600 cash required ; balanco can bo financed. Apply P. A. ZOHRAB, . Panama-street, • Wellington. 50^ nORSES, HORSES, HORSES 50 WE HAVE FOR SALE, Horses of overy description ; 50 to cliooho from ; good heavy shaftors nnd. loaders, harnoss horses, cobs, ponies ; pricos reasonable ; every horso guaranteed ; correspondence *i«vited. HOULT AND SONS, Foilding. Telographio Address — Hoult, Fellding. "manawatu ~axnual~ram"fair7 Thursday and friday, 4th and sth FEB., 10C4. AT THE SHOWGROUNDS, PALMERSTON NORTH, Commencing each day at 12 noon. ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS (Ltd.) will offer on behalf of somo of thi) bost brooders in tho colony — 360 purebred Koinnoy March rain" 280 purebred Lincoln rams 230 purebred English Lnircator rain* 210 purebrml Bolder Leicester rams 190 purebred Shropshire mini 55 purebred Southdown ram 15 purebred Tfnmni<hiro DoWn rams 5 crcscbrcd Border Leicester • English Leicester rams 25 purebred English Leicester owes Romney* md Lincoln* will bo told Grit day • all other breeds Mcond day.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 8