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CtIUAJNTLC CLEAKLttti WAljifl AT THE D. 1. C. IN ALL DEPAIITMENTB. MERCERY D KPARTMKNT. Linen Collais, four-fold, best quality, U&uul pi ire ihl unch ; S.tle prices 3 for 2/Wlulc Kirn-Is,, superior makes, U»uil prices 0,6 to 10/6 Sale prices 4/9 to 7,0 Regatta and Fashion Shirts, l T suul piicts 5/6, 6/6, 7/6 Hale prices 4/6, 5.G, 6,6 White Shirts, collars attached, extra fine quality, Usual price 9/6; Sale price 4/6 Tennis, Union, and Wool Shirts, good nssoitnient, U&ual prifces 3/9, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6 Salo prices 3/3, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6 White Kid Gloves, special -line, Usual price 1/6; Sale price 10^d A lurgo variety of Gentlemen's Neckwear, in the latest designs, Usual prices 2/- to 3/6 Sale price 1/- each Gcni/o Cambric and Linen Handkerchiefs, Half dozen for 2/3, 3/9, 5/6 AT Till!) DIC.

WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. CEMETERY BYLAW. NOTICE is hereby given Iha6 the following Resolution wae passed at a Special Mooting of tho Wellington City Council hold on Thursday, tho 28th January, 1904 — nnmely: RESOLUTION: Tho Council of tho City of Wellington heroby makes (by Special Order) the following Bylaws under "Tho Cmnotorios Act, 1882," "Tho Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," nnd all other Acts and ' powers enabling Iho Council on that bohalf lo nmond mid add provisions to the Bylaws of tho i;aid Council mado ana pn«scd on tho 22nd tiny j of Mny, 1898, nnd intituled "Tho : Consolidated Bylaw, 1898." Tho abovo Rosohilion will bo submitted for confirmation at tho Ordinary Mooting of the Council to bo hold on tho 25th | day of February, 19C4, at 8 p.m., at tho Council Chambers, Brnndon-slroel, when Iho clato on which tho raid Bylnw will como into forco will bo fixod. Tho object and purport of tho proposed j Byluws art 1 — j To amend tho fir^t schedule to tho Cometcry Regulations of "Tho Consolidated Bylaw, 1898." A full copy of this Byluw is depoailod for iimpoction nt tho Ofllcus of Iho City Council, Brnndon-dtreet, Wellington, JNO. R. PALMER, Town Clerk, lat February, 1904. WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. PROPOSED BYLAWS. ■"VTOTICE is hereby given thnt Rofolu--L^ tions were pulsed at a Spticiul Meeting of tho City Council of Wellington held on Thursday, tho 28th day of Janutuy, 1904, to inako (by Special Order) tho lollowing Byljiwn under. "Tho Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," to amend and acid provisions lo tho Consolidated Bylaw, 1898. Tho above Resolution will be submit tod for confirmation at tho Ordinary Mooting of tho Council to bo hold on Thursday, tho 25th duy of February, 1904, at 8 p.m., at tlio Council Chambers, Brwidon-stroot, Wolliugton, when, tho d.Ue on which tho' wid Bylaws will como into forco will bo fixed. Tho objects nnd purport of tho amending Bylaws am as Jfollows : — 1. To amend and add to "Tho Consolidated Byluw, 1898," by providing that no person or persons hhall loitor or remain in any ono pinco on any publio street, footpath, or opon public space after being directed to movo on by nny confilnblo, poaco oflicor, or Inspector of Nxiisnncos. 2. To amend C-'atwo 299 of "Tho ConnolidDted Bylaw, 1898," by the addition nfter thn word "licence" in. tho first line of Iho snid clauso of tho wordi "or penon or persons for thfe timo boing in charge." Full copies of tho abovo proposed Bylnws nro dopotitod for inspection nt Iho Office of tho City Council, Brnndon-streot. JNO. 11. PALMER, Town Clerk. Ist February, 19C4. ""WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. EXCEPTIONAL TRAFFIC BYLAW. NOTICE is hereby given thnt tho following Resolution was passed at a Special Mooting of tho Wellington City Council hold on Thursday, tho 28th day of Jamtaxy, 1904 — nnmely: RESOLUTION: Tho Counoil of tho City of Wellington heroy mokes (by Special Order) tho following Bylaws undor tho provisions of "Tho Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," nnd tho Municipal Oorporntion Act Aroendmonb Act, 1900," nnd in pursuance of ail other powers (if nny) authorising tho Counoil in such bohalf. * Tho nbovo Resolution will bo submitted for confirmation nt Iho Ordinary Meeting of tho Council to bo hold on tho 25th day of Fein-nary, 1904, nt 8 p.m., at tho Council Chambers, Brandon-stroot, Wellington, whon tho dale on which tho said Bylaw will como into forco will bo fixed. Tho object and purport of tho proposocl Bylaw arc — 1. To licenso iniction-onginos within Iho City. 2. To regulato traction-engines traffio and to prcttcribo routes mid times for tho ramo within lha City. JNO. R. PALMER, Town Clerk. Ist Fobruary, 1904. WELLINGTON GAS COMPANY (Ltd.). A DIVHJEND of , Fivo Per Cont. is ■£*" now payabVo nt tho Bank of Now Zealand, Wolh'ngtoji, for tho six months ended 31st Dooombor, 1903, upon Coupon No. 21 of Share Warrants Nos. 1 to 16, 20 to 29, 31 to 34, 46, and 50 to 54. R. G. HOWELL, Sccrotnry. Ist Fobruary, 1904. KARORI BOROUGH COUNCIL. OUTSTANDING RATES, 1903-4. NOTICE is heroby givon that a chargo of 10 per cent, will bo nindo on nil Rate* outstanding aftor tho 6lh Fcsbrunry, 1904, in nccordanco with tho Rating Aot, 1894. Proceedings will bo laken to recover all Rales not paid on or before the abovo clato. W. F ENGLAND, Town Clerk. SHAW, SAVILL AND ALBION COMPANY, LIAUTED. j BARQUE GLADYS, FROM GLASGOW. fff"THE abovo vessel having discharged hor M- inwards cargo, all claims and accounts against tho snmo must bo rendered in duplicate to tho undersigned before 5 p.m. TO-DAY (Monday), or they will not be rcco£irisod. W. AND G. TURNBULL AND CO., Agonts. SHAW, SAVILL AND ALBION COMPANY, LTD. BARQUE LNVERURIE, FROM CLASGOW. |~IONSIGNEES aro notified that a porlion of the nbovo vossol's cargo arrived por Warrimoo on Saturday, and tho balance will como forward by subsequent steamers. W. AND G. TURNBULL AND CO., Acegata,

HOUSE.: Under tho Direction of MR. J. 0. WILLIAMSON. Touring Manager ... Mr. Harold Aehton. | THE ADMIRABLE ORICHTON Was first staged in Australasia, at His Majesty's Thoatro, Dunedin, last Boxing Night. THE OTAGO DAILY TIMES Said: "It is tho most brilliant and delightful production of-, tho kind wo havo ever had in this oity." THE DUNEDIN STAR Wrote: "Wo recommend evory ono to sco (hie iilay. It will sland all Ihoir criticism. | So will tho acting. This is delightful." THURSDAY EVENING NEXT THURSDAY EVENING NEXT I Will bo Iho occasion, of tho first reprn- j bentation in Wellington of J. M. Barrio's ■ eaplivatiug faultily, THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON, TlfE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON, THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON, Presented in all its magnificence by MR. J. C. WILLIAMSON'S , , FAMOUS DRAMATIC COMPANY, Iloaded by tho eminent and popular young actor, I MR. CUYLER HASTINGS, MR. CUYLER HASTINGS, MR. CUYLKR HASTINGS, Who now is making HIS FAREWELL APPEARANCES HIS FAREWELL APPEARANCES In New Zealand prior lo his return to America. ; THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON Is A SPARKLING SATIRE! ; A FASCINATING ROMANCE! J A NOVEL CONCEPTION! 'A BRILLIANT COMEDY! ; A PLAY OF THOUGHT! Tho Box Plim for tho First Threo Perfornionces will bo opened at tho Dresden TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 10. Drees Circle and Reserved SUlli, ss; Stalls, 3s; Family Circle, 2s; Pit, Is. Early floors Sixpence Exlra. MIRAMAR FERRY COMPANY, LTD. MOONIJGHT EXCURSION. I — — - j WEDNESDAY EVENING, 3rd FEB. THE Favourite Steainor ADMIRAL will run a Harbour Excursion round Somos J«land on WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT, leaving tho Ferry Jotty at 8 p.m., and returning about 10.15 p.m. JUPP'S FULL BAND on board, and will play a full program mo of Popular 1 Music. 1 .Fnrc— ONE SHILLING. j Circumstances permitting. THIS WELLINGTON TRUST, LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. THE Annual Genoral Meeting of Shareholders of tho abovo Company will bo hold at tho Chamber of Commerce, National Mutual Lifo Association Buildings, Cnstomhouse-tuiny, Wellington, on MONDAY, tho lat dny of Fobruary, 1904, ' at tho hour of 8 o'olock p.m. Business : To receive Report and Bnlanco-shect Election of Directors Elootion of Auditors R. K. RAWNSLEY, Secretary. 20th January, 1904. 1 THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND ! INVESTMENT COMPANY OF j WELLINGTON (LIMITED). npHE Annual General Meeting of SharoX holders of tho abovo Company will , bo hold at tho Chpmbor of Commorco, National Mutual Life Association BuildI ings, Customhouse-quay, Wojtington; no I TUESDAY, tho 2nd day of February, 1904, at 8 o'clock p.m. , Business : To rccoivo Report and Balance-shoot Election of Directors Election of Auditors And Gonoral. J. H. OTTO SCHWARTZ, Secretary. 22nd January, 1904. JOHNSONVILLE TOWN BOARD. npHE Adjourned Publio Mooting of the -ft- Johnsonvillo Ratepayers to discuss tho Sanitary System will bo held on THURSDAY, 4th February, 1904. CLAUD S. EDGAR, . Town Clerk. TRACTION ENGINES ON HUTTROAD. A MEETING of thoso inleroslod in tho Proper Regulation of tho abovo trnflio will bo held at tho Wosloy Sunday School, Taita, on THURSDAY NEXT, Iho 4th inst., at 7.30 p.m. Business — To consider Council's delay; ! to deoido on futuro course of action. A. 11. TRUEBRIDGE. Taita, Ist Feb., 1904. WELLINGTON HARBOUR BOARD. BIENNIAL ELECTION. In tho matter of "Tho Wellington ■ Harbour Board Act, 1879," and an Order-in-Coimcil dutod 6th Janu- ; ary, 1892', providing regulations for tho Election of Members of Harbour Boards. I HEREBY givo notice that tho following two persons hnvo been duly noinin- j ated Tor tho Oflico of Mombor of tho Wellington Hnrbour Board jointly by Payers of Duos and Ownors of Ships — Fletcher, Robert M'Lellan, James As thero is only olio vacancy, to l>o filled on Iho Harbour Board, I also givo notice that a Poll will bo taken as between tho said candidates on MONDAY, tho Bth day of Fobruary, 1904, at the Boardroom, Harbour Board Offices, Wellington. Polling hours — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dated this Ist day of February, .1904. FRANK WILLS. Roturning Officer for tho Wellington Harbour Board. WELLINGTON VOLUNTEER RIFLE ASSOCIATION A MEETING of the Committee will bo bold on WEDNESDAY NEXT, at 8 p.m., in tho N.C.O.'s Room, Central Dnllehed. A full attqndance necessary, as important business is lo bp brought forward. CHARLES M. KCNG, Hon. Sobl *

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 6