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Satimijuv, UOtli Jauunry. 'Clio following arc tlitn nioniuiif'a quotation*, Biib|oet to tho usual brokoiiu-n ■—

The enquiry iulo the death of \V. Main, whurf luuomcr, who duel from injune.* rtcuived on Queen's Wharf ou Friday, was continued in tho DiKlnct Coioner's OUico to-duy. The wife of the deceased was represented by Mr. .lulLicoo, tho Wharf Labourers' Union by Mi'- D. M'Laren (who watched the proceedings in tho interewlß of wharf labourers), tho Union Steam Ship Company by Wilford and Kennedy, thu Harbour Board by Motors. I Kurd and IS. Smith, and tho Inspection of Machinery Department by Mr. C. Suieted. Cornelius Christian, labourer, in tho employ of the U.S.S. Co., who was working with Mum at the time of the accident, was examined at length. A dtack of iron on tho wharf interfered with tlio work of tho gang. When tho cn.«>o which caused the necidont wits being lowcicd llw 'midships gear was tightened, instead of boing slackened, with tho result that tho case did not lower plumb, but swerved. Jlo did not know why the gear was tightened. Main should nothavo stood between tho ship and tho case*. No experienced man would have stood there. IL would liavo been no uao complaining about tho stack of iron being in tho way : it would have been a cane of putting on his coat and going home. Richard Lnnc, hatchmau, said tho case went on to the truck plumb, but was too heavy for tho truck, and luid to bo lifted again. The 'midships gear was then used, and tho en so in swinging drove Main againsb the ship's side. The course of tho inquest was interrupted by thn Coroner and Mr. Simpson being called to give ftvndehco before tho Grand Jury at Die Supremo Court. Tho inquest was resumed at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

Richard Lane (hatchman) said that when the cvm 1 , was being lifted again off the (tuck, the hydraulic gear — which the man in charge hud temporarily loft fop a few minuLt'.s — pulled the case towaida tliu ship, lcs'ultirig in tho crushing ■of dccouhed. Could not say what caused the hydraulic gear to work. Charles Andrews, soaniun, and drivor of a hydraulic winch on tho Mararoa, said that whon he loft lii« winch ho \\ us uudcr tho unpresHion that Iho case, which he had just taken out of the hold, was wifely landed. When ho had got a tew yaids away he obsctved Iho "ram" going up. Tho lever had not been touched. Ho uonld noL havo left tho winch had he known the ca«c was not landed. Could beo now he had made a misUike. Had never known tlio winch movo in such a way boforo. The enquiry is jn-oceeding. With reference to tlie proposed tunnel through Mount Victoria to Kilbirnie, '"Ekini" writes pointing out ionic of the advantage's lo bo derived by city as well as .suburban residents from Ihe scheme. By the construction of the tunnel, he says, Kilbirnio beach (now the favouiito resort of thousands of children), the proposed reciealion ground, and tho prospective paik at Miiamar, would bo brought at least a mile nearer tho city than at prosent, while an extension of the electric tramway through Ihe tunnel would bring the two fhvil-inciihoncd iciorls within five or six nnnutc- of Kentterrace, or f,ay ten to twelve minutes of tho Po&t-ollko. The population in and about Kilbirnio ka& doubled during the past thiee years, and the construction of a. serviceable tunnel to tho centra of the valley would probably result in an incronso of five or six tb.ou.sand in a few yenis, to the great relief of the congested city. Sooner or later, (■ays, our corr.'bpondcnl, tho tunnel will bo (in absolute nemsitv, and tho longer the matter is pos.lji the greater will be the ob.sliiclcs in tlie vay of compensation on both sides of tho hill. For these reasons our coi respondent hopes that to-night's meeting wLI result in active steps bcin^' tnken lo further Iho scheme. Tho Wellington Girls' High School has been very successful in tlio University examinations this year, thirty pupils qualifying for matriculation out of thirtythroo sent in. Si:; candidates qualified for matriculation on the Junior Scholarship papers — vi/.., Rac Ziiuau, Mela Gibbs (both of whom gained places in the "credit" list, th* 1 former securing second place nnioiifj Widlinglou candidates), Naomi Dallaston (who ntr.o pnised tho medical pivliininury), >e'lio Ilildreth, Edith Ilind, and Annie Keasbcrry. The following liftef'H [m«sod Mutriculation nnd Solicitors' Gincnil Knowlt'dge : — Mar>;areb l^attcisby, Alice Hill, Henrietta Rlomquist, Je.^Kio Butler, Olivo Vcitcli, Ruth Waterhnufco, Maiy lliti'hcock, Eluine West, Kleannr Cooper, Ida Geddps, Bertha. Ivcove, Vcra Grcville, Zou Nut ion, Nina Zohrab, Klsio Johnston. The following passed Matriculation only: — J<eatrico Simoox, Grace Smith, J-'nime Hashim, Jessie Levoi, Ivy lonis, Hilda Webb, Klhe-1 Greeuw'ood, Agnes- Duncan, Mayaio Collie. Tho moonlight excursion.') and concerts given by Ihn Wellington Steam Ferry Company nt Day* JJay h.ivc become popular, nnd the company intends to conttnuo them evory Wednesday. An excellent programme hits been for next Wednesday evening, and tho ball will bo specially illuminated by tho KitHon Li^ht Company. Tho .s.«. Duchoss leaves the Ferry Wharf at 7.15 p.m., reluming from tho Buy at 10 p.m. sharp. An flfli-tiult ca?e, Patrick Dale v. Thom.'ia Coffoy, was befme Dr. M 'Arthur, S.M., to-day.* Mr.»li defended CuilVy. After hearing tho evidenco of informant on thu one hand, and on tho other that of defendant and his won, . Dr. M'Arthur ilncd defendant 10« or 10 hours' imprUouincat, informant lo receive 5s of the flue. John Leoni was orderod to pay forthwith JD'l 19s on cam dns on a muinlenanco ordor, in default 14 r]«ys' imprisonment, the warrant of cuimuiinient to bo suspended if defendant iiay.i £2 tomnnuw uud £1 a month till balance is l>aid. Loyal Britannia Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., mcols this evening. Misa M'Lean, Principal of tho Girls' Hijjb School, will rccoivo |>aronts and gunrdians with now pupils to-morrow, from 0.30 to 5 p.m. Mj«s Lloy<l HnMe.ll, f4neo her return to the colony by Iho Corinthio, has boon to Titnnru, her birthplace, nnd whilst thoro gavo a concert, receiving a fluttering reception. Sho returns to Wellington on Wednesday, and is prepared to rocoivu pupils in voM'Q'produoliQn tit tho Drosdon room*. Misi Ha«w>ll is also open to accept singing engagements. Mr. W. J'\ Shortt will soil a quantity of household furniture- at bin mart, Willisstreot,. to-morrow, itl 2 o'clock. Mossrs. I're«ton and Co. notify that they hnvo romovod to promiisos immodiatoly opposito Ihoir old store. Tho Now Zealand Fiehorios Company's shop at 74, Cuba-stroot, will bo clo*od at 1 r>.m. each Wednosdny on nnd nftcr tho 3rd iast. Mossrs. W. H. Morrnli nnd Co. ndvertieo ft long li«t of furniture to bo sold by auction at their rooms to-morrow afternoon. Included in tho list is a piano and a largo American organ.

Jlllrßll*. HM.I.HUB. 8* (.Kg. fi H, (I. Ji v. <1. X 4. (I. H JINKS— National N.K. ... — 410 0 — Now Zealand ... 3 13 0 — — V'inanoiai,— Ki|iitt. B. Co.,cnm — — Old 0 National AlorlguKo Ltd 'J 6 0 0 6 6 — N.Z. & K. Plata") Hdlmma) [ox — 150 140 (vow insuo) J Wulliiifluu 'I runt A Xionn, Lt<l., cum — 7 10 0 — AucMai d (JW) ... U 0 0 li B 0 — KullUhiK — 10 0 — IVliiioi-hton N. ... — 4 10 (J — Wellingfoii (JBIO) cum — , 10 0 0 — (JW>) ouin ... — U 10 0 — INBIIIIANHK — Nuliunal nf X.Z. ... 10 6 113 — N.Z. Accitlout, cum si 16 0 — — Kow»id ...,410 456 — «otilliU»illHli.N.Z. fi lti 0 — — bt.miunlN.Z. ... 0 17 0 — 017 3 AIKAT I'UKSKItVIVU — Cantorbui'y i'roxou MeutOo. ... ~ 0 3 6 — Uli'ali MmitCo., cum 10 15 0 11 0 0 — Gear Men)., Ltd (Hi paid) ... ~ 015 0 — IX'll-aiJ) ... - 111 0 - WimssimUMcatOo. — 5 0 0 — Wooin«t>ii Mout Krport (JL'S), ox ... — 7 fi 0 — im — 5 13 0 — (X^l2«od) ... — » U O — (now J3imu),pr ... — 0-10 — IUII.WAVt) ANII SIIIPFINU — W.*M. Uuil. ..,170 — — N.Z. &hi|>i>iuif ... — 617 0 — Do»oiu>onß.Ji'ori;y — 11H 8 — WoOI.I.UM BIAMUtACiUUING— Kalupoi WfOllon — 0 7 0 — Mongol Wool. ... — - 1 O O — Wel'lon Wool, [ilk) 5 5 0 5 7 0 — lX'3 l&a) ... ■! 10 0 — — Coal— Tuuplri 010 0 017 0 — Wcutport 010 0 017 0 01« 0 MIHCKI.I.ANKOUB — Avouiialu Uilck Co. — 10 0 — jUouuKUy Ituixi uud ■r>v«.o ... 12 15 0 13 2 0 - l.DVillllU & O'iillOtl 'iimbuiCo. ... — 2 2 0 33 0 Muuncovillu Lilno Co 14 0 10 0 — N.Z. Drily t&!) a » 0 '4 0 U — slnuliuut A L-u. Ld (uraiinuy) ...ISO — — Waiil uuU Co., LU. 4 10 O I l'J 8 — Uliilu'inLiu, T'liiod iiuUOu. ... 4 1J 0 — — A. T. ISatj:, Chairman. C. I). Mourvni. buuiolury.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 6

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WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 6

WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 6