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"fWs^ 'JIHK TVS \i U LINE, B Limitbd. MONTHLY DKSPATUH Ob' FIRaT-OLASS CAIILU) STI'JA iIL'IUS TO London diimoci 1 , 'J'akiinr Canjou'. throujrh ll'itos of Pmighl for MANUIIKSTER AND LI VEUPOOL. SU'iuuonj, 'I'oiik. (.'iiiiiiiiaiuloi'. aMaiuie ,„ „, lo,(nK) J. C. rolifuto -iiniiiu l(i,MvJ<) A. 11. KtliiiX) Toiii«iiii» lo.uilJ 11. If >llu lluivkos Bay 6,0,1J T. liiukluor Miinivo lu,ooo J. < . I/idatoiio Uulnilema ... ... Ut.U'M) J Kirth lmtnih'inn b.OiW Li. VV. llai'tvood tit.iv oi Kiikliiiul ... (j,."i00 W. .1. Jti-ml liidnuluvi 10.0OU T. Tiottor bUu- of Now Zoalaud .. &,ihii) J. M. Hurt ouir of AtiHlrulia ... 10.WJ I;'. \\\ Ulyutb liio aliuvo wloatnura woio all built npoouilly for Uio Now Koalaud trailo, llttud willi roIngoiaHiij,' iiiaohinory of Uio uiodorn typu iv oliurgo ut uuiiipolont uuK^uuorii, and aro uolud Lor tho oxuoplioually .sutiot'iiulory uoiiiiitlon iv which Ihoir tro/.ou moat cargoes aiv boiiigilolivuroil. Tho (Jump. uiy in promirud to oarry wool and pruiluoo ot ovory description. Lowont Ourronb Kalcx ol Freight. >V. M. HANNATVNE & CO. (Ltd.), THE ~Ti"SER LINE (Ltd.). DIRECT STEAM SERVICE FROM GLASGOW AND LIVERPOOL TO NEW ZEALAND PORTS. ITHRbT-OLAbS Cargo ateainors will bo - despatched from Glasgow and Liverpool for AUCKLAND WELLINGTON LYTTELTON, and PORT OIIALMBRS Taking Cargo for Inlermodiuto Ports in Now Zealand. Tho ftbovo wrvico will bo inaugurated by tho despatch of tho woll-known steamer IIAWKEH RAY, 4583 tons register, to lonvo Liverpool about Bth March. To bo followed by tho now utoaraor STAR OF IRELAND, 5000 tons register, now in New Zealand on hor maiden voyage, to leavo Livorpool beginning of April next. Further dospatches will bo announced in duo courao. Now Zoaland importers aro invitod to ilislruct thoir corrcbpondouU iv tho manufacturing centres of Groat Britain to support tho abovo now soryice. and lo apply to Messrs. P. Hondoraon and Co., Glasgow, or Grade, Boazloy and Co., Livorpool, or W. M. Dwma.tyno and Co., Wellington, for particulars ratoH of froight, otc. RICHARD TODD, Colonial Superintendent, Napier. R~IEN T-pTfJIFI 0 LINE Of ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Tho following Royal Mail Steamships belonging to tho ORIENT and PACIFIC COMPANIES will leavo Sydnoy at noon nnd MELBOURNE at 1 p.m.. on Sailing Days, as undor for LONDON (Tilbury), via ADELAIDE, FREMANTLE, COLOMBO (transhipping for all Indian por(s) SO \-^ CANAL. NAPLES, MARSEILLES aud GIBRALTAR,:— v.... „ TuiiN from I'Yuin Knun nuiuuiyiH. lIHK M j rtlloy# Bi o n/ rllo . Ailuliudo. Orotava ... 63.17 Fob 13 Fob 10 Fob 18 ... U207 Fob St Miir 1 Mar :l Oroi-tosr ... — 0 Mur 15 M*r 17 *Twni-Scrow Citoiimor. tUnlln llobart. And fortnightly thereafter. Faros, Now Zoalnud to London — Saloon Single: £4.4 to £80 Rotiun: £69 to £120 Third Clas« ... £18, £20, and £22 On payment of an additional £2 15s, First-oIaRS Passongors may prooood ovorland from Naples to London. Firsl and Second Class Possongors soouro spcoial advantages by booking through from Now Zonland, being provided with Saloon Passagoi to Australia, which are included in tho abovo fnrcs. Pa&sagcs can bo booked to -t propaid from any of tho abgvo ports. For further 'particulars apply to UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND U.ID.), Asronts in Now Zenland. \ 'AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN LINE. S.S. NAIRNSIURE, FROM NEW YORK. npHIS rtoamor is now roped eel al (ho X Customs, and oouidgnooa nro requested to pass ontrios and present hills of lading at ouco. Captain Olson will not bo rosponsiblo for any dobts contracted by his crowwithout his written authority. All claims for dnmngo to cargo must bo mado prior to vessel's departure KINSEY, BARNS AND CO., Agonts. Imperial Buildings, Foathorslon-stroat. mlrTma¥l?erry'company7"ltd7 KARAKA BAY AND SEATODN. finHE Steamers ADMIRAL and A LOYALTY loavo town Daily at 10 a.m. and 2.30 p:m. Loavo Reatoun (calling at Knrnka Buy) At 10.45 a.m., 4.15, nnd *6 p.m. "Leaves Kar.ika Bay ton minulos oarllc FARE — 6d roturn; Children undor twelve, 3d. ItARAKA BAY and SEATOUN aro tho -places for Picnics. Send your childrou during tho holidays to tho seaside Tho Cheapest Trip in Now Zealand. Business mon— Blow tho cobwobs away, and tuko tho 5.15 p.m. trip to Scntoun, returning to Forry Whurf at 6.30 p.m. TRAVELLING HAGS, Oladhlono Bags, Solid Leather Trunks, and all Ira veiling Requisites ii. ivr. STiorniuNS, TRAVELLING BAG MAKER, 14 AND lo^I'AMfVrON^UAY. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. MONKY TO LKN'T). THIS Socioty is prepared to Lond Money on Firn(-eInFS FREEHOLD CITY md COUNTRY «E(!URITIKS at Lowest Current Ratci Our now Mortgago Dood contains a conditiun nlluwiuß bor rowers tho privilege of repaying; up to 20 per cent, of tho loan during any year without notici or payment of any Hno. NO COMMISSION CIIARGKI). 1 LEGAL EXPENSES EXCEPTIONALLY LOW Apply diroct to tho Society's Branoh Office, i Wellington, or to any of tho .Sooioty's District Offices. EDWARD W. LOWE, Residont .Secret nry. Wollington. Lit Ropji-mber. 1902 MONEY. WE have various Sums of Monoy, from £250 upwards, to T.ond on first mortgage of freehold securities at lowest curront ruins. BROWN AND DEAN, Solicitors, 5, Lnmbton-quay, Wollington. w7^~GTu~D"IN"ANb~IJON\ PRODUCE MERCHANT AND COAL DEALER Bost qunlity liny, ChnfT, Onts, Corn, Whont. Chopped Wood, nnd Fowls always in stock, delivered froo to nliy pnrt of tho city. Tolophono 271. Plenso Nolo our Address— GIIUZNKK-STREKT. WKf LINGTON NOTICE 7 TO THU PUBLIC. ' MR. OSCAR JOHNSON, tho wellknown Cnlt-ror, Fornntcrs' I Hall, Torv-btrpot, has opened a tirst-clasK bINING AND SUPPER ROOMS Tn tho Inrgo apart mont facing Tory-street. Tho premi«os hnvo been fitted up in an up to-dalo style. Catering _in all iU brnuclics lJolls, Socials nnd Pnrtieo. Orders receive prompt attention. Tolophono 1825. O. JOHNSON. Propnotor.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 3