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LADIES' COLUMN. Girls' Gossip.

(Con tiibut ions to this column addressed "Prisciliii" will be welcomed. They should be concise, mid inu'st bo aignid wilh the writer's full name and address, not for publication, but ua v guuruntee of authenticity. j ftlv Dkau Kkzia— This Lias been n woek of some excitemont, nnd we havo gained more topics of conversation than now engagements and vaccination, though both subjects mo fascinating. Some lnisautluopic bachelor — ono of the hopeless case/. — declare:! ho has discovered the- reuHou of the fhst of the- two epidemics. It is Leap Tear, uiul nio.i «irt> naturally hunting up to ask tho right girl befoie the mong ono proposes ! Tiny should tlien have cither to accept her or to present her with a s>ilk divas, nntl, even though the saloi. are on, thut would mako a gap in a jouug man's tobacco and beer money. One vondeis if there will be any Leap Year d.inuea. As a rule, they aio not, wildly exciting unless c.irnud out exactly in uvcry uutuii. Thoio is home Iminour in v ro w of young men sitting along a bftliloora wall, longing fox a mink or dance, nnd being (lilad to Jui\e neither. The weather uati veiy kniiliy to tho iacegoei>, lor tho lirst. ci.iy kept line, 1 \>i til &01110 ilifliciiity, anil Sutiiuiay miis ideal. .Muslins <md other any fabrics veie much in evidence, and whito \wis worn by every Hi'cond gu'l, gcnuiully with pronounced success. Among tho many dainty iiocks was v whilo voilo with graduated velvet dots, the petite damsel, the second day, appeuring in cieum gui&.sliiwu'giuiged fiom wai&l to knees, with a clnuinnig toque oi gieen nnd bluu leaves. A Jasciiiiiting frock was ol grubs-lawn, with iiiicition nnd knots of black velvet, while ilie latest biicle woiu a Miisiil giey tailor-mudo anil a three-cornuied black hat with a scarlet cockade. A tall grucvJul woman wine one of the new tince-tier black voile bkiits, tho pn-tly bodices made with a black liicu yoke and tucks. A slight dark woman hud on a lawn voile, of exquisite muke, trimmed with rod s>ilk wnbiokleiy. Another lasciimting frock uus of (,'rtam silk voilo with black spots, inado with luck* into the belt, and an accoi'deon-pleatrd llouncc. (J;cuin canv:w o\er Bilk was worn by a tall daik girl, her Minu't hat of buint stiffw being trimmed with white eh i lion, black vt'Tvet, and wheat-eais. A litlte lady, with auburn huh; looked well in <t cicftm fiock with fttiiug-tiutcd lace tlucndfd with black vel\et, a soft nilk belt of blue giving a dainty touch of colour. A pretty gioy biik voile with cie.un luce and blank velvet, and worn with a. luikc black picture hat, was a noticeable frock, una a

tiim hollaml with ml ombroidciy "as utl'eotivo. Most becoming and MiiUiblo was a b l ?it white msi^c sUut nrnl loati-c, coniplcteti by a miiuit, whito ehiiion but with pink roses. Thoso who remember, or who |)08«iss pictuies by, iSiynor A'ur.i, will bo luteiest cd to hear thai ho is returning lo li.ih, it. is said as limner to iho Pope, wlio*« uepuuw hu is. iSi^nor .\erli h of nobK birth, nnd his msU-r was it t ono lime, iht loveliest woman 111 (icuoa. Thos-o people whu hit vc had then pot trans piuiiied by fcSignor Aerli will, put nn exlia vn.noon them if the now* be tine that he has bcon appointed to this ln^li ollico. On tjaluruny of hist weuk .Miss Joan Parker was muriiu'i to Air. Cachemnillv. Tho sun was bughl •enough to t-atiffy the most exacting brioo, and Hill-street mis gay with hinait gowns nt> the guests went fiom St. Paul? to Air. Paiker's houau. Tho wiiiboine bride's soft crepe ile chine muted her charmingly, and her my 1 lie w 1011 th was a change from the perennial orange blossom. The two bi idesmaids Merc 0110 in lavender, tho other in pa<.e blu«, fiocks, mado very charmingly, their pretty hats being of grctu satin straw. An elfectivo blue gown, worn by ono of tho guests, hnd llu 1 ovcrftkiit of voilo cut into points that fell over flounces of llowerod silk. Another dainty frock ■worn by a girl recently from Sydney was of white voile elaborately hid; oil and inaortioncd, her hnt being of biscuit straw trimmed with rose)). Tho ciicim is dt-iightful, new and brisk, nnd not in the least dull. With a child — "not too blase — a bag of buns, null an open mind, such un entertainment is most cnjoynblo, tnd even tho jokos of the clowns nro laughable. Tboifc aiu kcv^.U thrills in tho programme, notably tho aeronauts, who pcrfoim wondroun feut.s near tho loof of the- lent, nnd the- lady .who does a lightning change, ntnnding on a wire rope. Those women who uuvo experienced how iliD'tni'it it in to put on n< shoe while standing on one foot may faintly rcnli-.o tho wonders of Madame Onra's display. The dogs — iilmos-t human, and much more interesting than many humans — gave the audience gruut pleasuiu, and the modern Vulcan acted up nobly to his character — except in appearances Altogether this latest circus h an exceptionally good show, nnd though tho loir of Ihe lion is the only pait the king of animals takes iv the piognunmc, it is nonu tho worse for that. Sensational wild beast acts are good neither for beast nor man, and in the end, tho man generally pays. People gradually getting back into town, the less icluctantly, puhaps, because \ve aro getting such oxijuimtc weather. The lnrgc camping-out party, which included "ii number of Terracu folks, came bhek from the Sounds laal week, full of happy recollect ions of a niost glorious holiday. Airs, and Miss Miles got home from their delightful Knglish trip on Wednesday. Air. and Airs. Harrison will bo (shortly back in Wellington. They nro at prccent in Sydnoy, and arrive huie about the 3rd of February. Mr. nnd Mrs Fulton icturn from Waiknto the beginning of tho month ; Aliss liildn Miles nnd Miss S:mpAoii, who have been camping out with them, arriving in Wellington on W-ednefd.iy. There is no doubt, Kezin, that bolts nro to bo a feature of the son<on. Some of the now ones nro fivo inche-a deep nt tho back, tapering to throe in front, but theso aie, of couice, of soft ciiishoblc materials, silk, «uede. or very plitible volvet. A wry novi-l belt vm of taffeta, in tluo folds. w,ith an oxydihed. buckle, und n- bark-picw in tho form of a bnt with outstretched '.Tings. Hebi ha« been evolving h*r now winter frook, It i« to be 01 velveteen — that most becoming and at Homo at pic.«ent pope lur mulct in' — of a Koal brown colour. It in to bo «hort, ond thu coat, to bo tliruuqunrtns, with full ?kiUs, liku tha lovo'.y Indit'sof Charlos ll.'s time wore whun they went riding. Hebe, buing tail aud slipht, can wear modes that would make a short girl !ook ridieiilou*, und thi« surne tlucr«|U(irtfr coat iiiits hor maiA'cllously. The only hat to go with Mich a frock i» n tricorno, a three-cornered crc«m felt, with gold pnlon rur along the brim an inch From the edge, three large pompoms of different coloiiri, f.i.«.lenc<3 with t;old cord nnd labels, boing set on the left side. It is a costume that Rcttrm to demand powdered <uirl» nnd a walking cans. The mushroom hat hn* come to stay, nnd ko huge me its dimsnnous becoming ihnt It leivlly doesn't matter whether it suits tho wenier's invisible fnco or not. It is tho nntipo'le,* of theso groat cartwheel* of muslin, chiffon, or staw, that no many irirla w«ar hnlving thoir front hair. By-fhe-wnv, it hn« struck Htrangors very forcibly what ' a number of pretty young girls' Wellington possrsses, and also what wonderful hats many of them wear, lnrgo creations wilh much decoration, quito out of keeping with their How ing hnir and shoit frocks. On<> of tho latest engagements is thnt of Aliss T.-ipHn. only dnnahtcr of Mr. S. Tnplin, of P;\lmcr&ton North, to Mr. Frank M. Ltvkie, yonnnct son of the late Colonel l,otkio, 'of Wfllinpton. Fivo of Miss Tnplin'« seven brother!' wont to South Africa at tho timo of th<» wnr.— l am, yours, PKISCILLA,

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 11

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LADIES' COLUMN. Girls' Gossip. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 11

LADIES' COLUMN. Girls' Gossip. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 11