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MONDAY NKXT, Ist FEBRUARY, At 12 o'olock noon. TO FURNITURE DEALERS, HARNESS MAKERS, AND OTHERS. ABSOLUTE UNRESERVED SALE. 1 ort BALES TOW AND 1 FLAX On account of whom it may concern. All moro or less dumnged by firo. MESSRS. J. 11. BETHUNE k CO. nro aro instructed to poll by publio auction, aibaoluloly without i - oscrvo, at 0 Shod, RAILWAY WIIARF, by permission of tho iSccrotary of thn Wellington Harbour Board, on MONDAY NEXT, lot Fobruary, at 12 o'clock noon — UUU— -31 bales low S— 3o bnlra low Jill— 2l bulos tow And a FEW BALES OF FLAX, particulars of which will bo given at hale. Tho above aro all in n fair condition, but charred by firo on the outside. IN LOTS TO SUIT BUYERS. JJLI. BETHUNE & CO., Auctioneers. _ NYEIINESDAY," old FEBRUARY", 19C4, At 2.30 p.m. TE KAIASGAI 'i'li KAIANGA! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO THOSE IN SEARCH OF PICTUREaQULI SUBURBAN VILLA SITES Within 10 Minutes' NValk of Kaiwarra and KhandalUh Railway Stations. MhScJRS. J. 11. BETiiUNE &. CO. nro instructed to soil by publio auction, ut their rooms, Feathcrston-slroct, ou Wednesday, 3rd February, at 2.3U p.m., THE BEAUTIFUL SUBURB OF Til KAIANUA, Boing Section No. 4, Kiuwarra, subdivided into pn CHARMING FREEHOLD BUILDOi) ING SITES, Ranging in area from HALF AN ACRE to FIVE ACRES EACH. Tho above is- tho nearest suburb to Wollington, and is oasily reached from Kaiwarra and Khnndallnh Railway Stations Tho -whole of tho sections con tain firstclngg building sites, nnd all havo frontages to formed und juetallod. borough roady. To Kniangn possess a ppccml charm in its bunny aspect nnd splcnaid viowc of Iho Oily und Harbour, whilo tho salo will present ono of tho last opportunities of acquiring a dolightful homo within, two' milos of Wellington Po»l OfllCo. TITLE under Lund Transfer Act. TERMS— IO per cent; doposit, 10 per cont. in threo months:, 10 por'ecnt. in six months, balanco, can. remajn on mortgngo for 5 yoard at 5 por cont. Purchasers huiidiug to approval of vendors may leave 90 per cent, on mortgage LITHOGRAPH PLANS, Conditiono of Salo, and full particular*! on application to BETHINK & CO., Auctioneers^ TUESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY, 1904, At 2.30 o'clock. .Estate of tho lalo Mrs. W. G. Haybittlc. TO SPECULATORS AND INVESTORS. HIGHLY IMI'ORTANT SALE, VALUABIE X'RhEHOLD PR(JPERTIES CUBA-STREET. WELLINGTON. AND TRENTHAM, UPPER nUTT. MESSRS' .7. IP. BETHUNE & CO. aro instructed by tho Executors in tho Estate of tho lato Mrs. W. G. Haybittlo lo sell by publio auction at their rooms, Foathoreton-Htroot, on Tuesday, 16th j. obrunry, -nt 2.30 p.m. — LOT 1. — That .exceptionally valuablo Freehold Business Sito, part of Section No. 180, Wellington, having a frontago of 35ft to Cuhn-etroet by a depth of 159 ft 9in, together with tho buildings erected thoreon, comprising the commodious lwo-«.tory Boot Kmporiuin, No. 28, Ouba-slroot, now in tho occu- . palion of Messrs. R. Ilommli nnd Co., «ud largo Boarch'nghoiuo, No. 28a, at rear, oonUining 13 rooms, occupied by Miy. E. Kiunis. Tho udovo property is lot to Messrs. R. Hannah ft Co. , (bt n term of 32 yoars from 4lh November, 1903, at a rental of £169 por annum, tenants paying rates, taxes, and iuturance. This fino Freehold, whioh ia vituatcd on >tho electric- tramway 1 onto, adjoins tho Masonic Hotel, and is opporito To Aro Houso. From iU central position in tho best retail business thoroughfare of Wellington it must largely incrcae'o in value in tho future, and. at 0. safo iuvofctmont for capital is unsurpassed. LOT 2. — That specially allractivo Freehold Property known as "Homowood," Trentham, being part of Section No. 94, Block 1, Mungaron, containing b\ On 8i", having tho extensive frontage of 197 ft lo tho main Hutt road by tho long depth' 'of' K24ft, '.together with tho nearly new ono-story Villa Residence erected thereon, containing 7 rooms, in tho' occupation of 11. E. Rawson, Esq. ; aho doUohotl kitnhon, washhougp) coachhotiße, and stable. This chunning froohold is tnstofully laid out as flower garden, largo orchard in full bearing,' vegclablo garden, well-grassed paddock, tonnis nnd croquot lawns, nnd plimtntion, and can bo tpooially recoinmnhdod to thoso in sonrch of a beautiful suburban property within 16 milos of Weilington. Tillo, Land Transfer Act. For oards to view apply to _J. H. BETHUNE £ CO.. Auctioneers. TUESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY, 1904, At 2.30 o'clock. SPLENDID FREEHOLD PROPERTY. AUSTIN-STREET and ELLICE-STRET, WITH TWO DWJ2LLINGHOUSES. MESSRS. J. 11. BETHUNE & CO. aro instructed by Iho owner to t-cll by publio auction at thoir rooms, Feathorston-stroel, ou Tuesday, 16th February, at 2.50 p.m. — That charming mid convenient Corner Property, part of Section No. 325, Wollington, hnving frontages of 40ft ' to Auslin-slroel nnd 100 ft to EllicoBtreet, together with' tho two rpueially well built two-story semi-dotarhod Villa Residences, Nos. 86, Austinstreet, nnd 53, Ellico-strool, orcctod thoroou, cotitnining 7 nnd 6 largo rooms, with tcullery and bathroom. Thoso dwellings aro reploto with nil convenience*, including bay windows, electric light, ga*i 'lot nnd cold water, nnd fixed wardrobco, nnd nro occupiod by Mr. G. C. Facho and Mrs. Collott. Tho abovo can bo thoroughly recommonded to buyers, boing in tho most hcullhy part of tho city, and closo to Iho electric tramway routo. Tho grantor part of tho purchase-money can remain qn mortgage at 5 por cent, interost. Intending purchasers can obtain cards to viow on application to _JJEI. JEI'HUNE CO., Auctioneers. TUESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY, 1904, At 2.30 p.m. COMPACT FRERUOLD PROPERTY, DOUGLAS WALLACE-STREET MESSRS. J. H. BKTHUNE AND CO. nro instructed by Iho owner, who is leaving New Zonlaiid, lo sell by public auction, nl Ihoir rooms,' Foathorstou-gtroot, on Tuesday, 16lh Fobruary, at 2.30 p.m — That sploudid Froohold Proporty, part of Section Nu. 729, Wellington, having a frontngo of 16 foot to Douglas Wallacestroot by a depth of. 76 fopt, together with tho Riinstanfial two-story dwellinghoiißO, No. 1, orcctod thoroon, containing 4 rooms, balhroom nnd scullery, in excollont repair. • Occupiod by Mrs. Willinnis, and two cottages nt reur, let to Mr. Cnrllon. Tho abovo froehohl ia only two doors from Tatunan-streot, und rolurni a rontnl of £58 10s por nnnuin. An .€350 onn remain on morlpnge, tho property nhould attract tho opccial nttuntioil of investors nnd others. J. H. BETIIUNE & CO.. Auclionpcrs^ TUESDAY, 2nd FEBRUARY, Al 11 o'clock. HAMS I HAMS! HAMS! mOWNSEND AXD PAUL will soil at JL tho Fruit Market, without reserve (oh account of ownut;) — 50 hums 200 *ackn ohnlY 100 balos hay ORTsALET "Scaffold Poles and Ropos. Apply at once, Patoraon, Martin, nnd Hihilov new Town HaU.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8