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FORTY-TIIRF.E VALUABLE BUILDING SECTIONS AT THE LOWER HUTT. RANGING IN AREA FROM ONISEKiH'iH OF AN ACRE TO OVER FOUR ACHES. On tho Main Road, nor.r Messrs. Strand Hrou., Builders MACDONALD, WILSON, AND CO. (in conjunction with Messrs. Baker Bros.) nro instructed to fcII by public auction, IN THE EXCHANGE LAND MART, No. 84, Lambton-quay, Welliugton. ON THURSDAY, 18th FEBRUARY, 1004 At 2.30 o'clock p.m. FORTY-THREE OF THE BEST JJTTILDING SECTIONS IN Till-: LOWER 11UTT. Thoso beotious front tho main Hutt-road, Orr's-road, and Camp-read, and nro bitunlod juft beyond tho premiooß of Mopsru. Stiand Bros., buildors, in 0110 of Iho most desiv.iblo residential uuuilors of tho Hutt. They aro ciuilo flat, and tho noil is of groat richness. Under an arrangomont with tho Hutt Borough Council Iho roads havo been widonod and the footpaths aro now undor construction. Tho difforonco in nroa of Iho section!?, varying as they do from about ono-oighlh of an aero to ovor four and a quarter acres in area offers a wi'cfo rick? of choice to intending buyers, and gives tho larger sections an afceurodly speculative valuo. Tho devolopmont of Iho Hutt A'alloy during tho pnHt fivo yoara has boon quito exceptional. With Iho straightening and doubling of Iho Hutt Railway Lino, tho funds for which work havo now been provided by i'urliamont, that dovelopmont will proceed in ovor-incrcasing ratio, nnd careful invostmenlti in building laud in tho Hult Valley must bo extromely profitablo lo buyers. Eviny ono of Iho sections now lo bo offerod is worthy of a special visil and closo inspection. Tho Terms of Salo nro of a character to induce nurchnso by all who desire to savo for a rainy day, viz. : — On all Sections whoso area is undor Half an Aero, £5 por section deposit und £5 per motion ovory threo months. On nil Sections whoso area exceeds HnlX an Aero, 10 per cont. *dopos,il j nnd 10 per conl. in throo, six, nine ; and twelvo mouths; halnnco in fivo yo»rs. Intorest on all unpaid j purchnso money S per cont. por 1111 num. r Lithographic Plans may ho obtained on application to Mosnw. Bidu<r Bros., Lamb-ton-quay, Wollington, Messrs. Strand Bros., Lowor Hutt, or from tho Auctionoors at thoir ofHeos. HIE FINAL SALE OF ROSENEATH. THE CHARMING SUBURB OVERLOOKING THE HARBOUR. IN THE EXOHANGE LAND MART, No. 84, Lantblou-quay, Wollington. On THURSDAy7~IBU> FEB., 1904, Al 2.30 o'olock p.m. MAODONALD, ~WLLSON AND 00., in conjunction with Messrs. BAKER BROS., Lnnd Agent*, uro favoured with instructions from Mostux. Palliier und Jonos to soil by public auction— I THE BALANCE OF TUB BEAUTt. FUL SUBURB OF ROSJ3NKATH, cousifttiug of .SIXTY' BUILDING SECTIONS. Roiioncath is the picturcsquo and 'delightful ouburb situated on tho nlopes immediately abovo Orioutal Bay, and commanding tho most cixteimivo nnd charmijig viows of tho water* of. Port Nicholson, tho City of Wellington, Icland Buy, KaW warra, Ngahuuranga, Potone, tho Hutt, Soinos Wand, Wnrd Isl.tud, and the wholo rango of scasido suburbs which beautify tho harbour. Standing upon any portion of. Rosoncnth tho vin'tor lo it for tho lh>t time not only feasts his oyo upon a panorama of land nnd son, mountain rango and distant valley, which in its won lth of colour, its mnrvollous lights and shades, h«s no niporior in New Zealand, but ho i* oonccious of_ n. etranqo lightiicr* and oxhilarntion which mnkot walking at onco a pleamro nnd a doliVht. Ho is broathing tho rhompagno air of Rosonontli, the ozone of tho opon sea, whioh makes old mon fool young again nnd young mon ovorhitting. Tho sufferer from nolhmn. bronchial (rouble, or hnur complaint* «.honld pitch his camp nt Rofonoath. Thoro ho will find a tomporaturn' some ton dooToiw wanner in winter Ihon the City of WeU lintcton. ntul a climnto which will nwoop nwav liir troubles arid vnnko him feel onco again tho glory of lifo. Rnxoitaath it thoroughly rondod, nnd onn bo ronrhpil by onrrinqjo or biovoln from «ny pnrl of tho cilv in a fr>\v minutes. Durinur tho next f^ur months Iho now olprlpe (rotYNvay will mn olo^o to it i»f Orion'nl Bay ' nnd rodueo by two-thirds tho limo now token. RoFennoth cop«'sts of ono hundred nnd ten «eotion«. nnd \w fiv»t offfrod (o Mm nnbl'o in Iho niontri of T)ocon>lipr. 1919 ■Siren thnn flftv fpol'mw hnvo ''ppii sold, lonvii'cr tho uNtv «prtior<« now oflVvod. A'i insoPoHon of thonn will fho'v thnt tho nroflt mnlnritv of thnm nro tho piok of Ihn suburb, nnri f-hoiiiri cmnmnnri n unPO'n' vjnen. A nrnnrtT of lh<» ftr'f »pplion<i sold lipvo boon rcoid nt a oront advance on tho original purohaso-monoy. ' Thp Terms of Salo nro extromoly libcrnl — ' r «n iior dopo? il : Fivo pi»>* cnl, in Ihroc, six, nino, and fwolvo month*: nnd tho bnlnncp in fivo years. purphn»o-moni»v ljonra interost at five per cont. per annum. Tho Title is undor tho Land Transfer Acl. Lithnnxap'iip Plnns can bo obininod from Iho 'Aurfionnoro or Mew. Bnli-or Brn« , nid if ininnriintr bnvor* will V'tuilv nolifv thn dn- nnd hour ronvpin'onl f«r Ihfrn lo vt*ifc Ronpvonth n mpmlior of Iho •■tnff w"l ho iilnootl nt thnir Eorvico to point out Iho boundaries., ole. SALE OF TWO PERPETUAIj LEASEHOLD BUSINESS BUILDING SECTIONS, fJRAINGISR-STRKET BLOCK. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND MART, No. 84, Lnmbton-quay, Wellington. ON' THURSDAY. 18th FEB., 1904, At 2.30 o'clock p.m. MACDONALD, WILSON AND* CO. (in conjunction with Messrs. Btikor Bros.) nro favourod wilh instructions to toll by public auction, as> nbovo — TJ/IO GOODWILL OF LEASE lls T THOSE VALUAULK SECTIONS, Numbers 24 nnd 25, forming portion of Iho GRAINGKR-HTRKKT BLOCK, having fiontngw of Kifl nnd 49ft 9in toCambridgelurnico and Hlnir«trcol roHpecltvoly, and hr.ld under perpetual loane from tho Wellington Harbour Board, tho first lorm boing for 21 yearn from tho 28th February, 1903, with poiiodio valuations o\ovy 14 jporn, U'Hsoo rftuiniiifj foi him3rlf tho full l)t>npfil of Iho totnl valuo of all buildings otri'ted by him. Thn rout for Ihn find Vsl yop.'s un Soft ion ?A in £01 5a per annum, und on oi'imoii 25 £62 3» 9d per annum. ; Tlic ab •» would form ndmjr»blo factory uite*. '

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8