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IMPORTANT TO CLUBS, MERCHANTS, WAREHOUSEMEN. AND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY. I AUOTION~SALIi OF THE VALUABLE BRICK AND CON- ! CRETE PREMISISd OF THE COM- ! MERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND WARIIOUSEMKVH 1 CLUB, HUNTER-STJIEKT EXTENSION. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND MART, No. 84, Lainbton-quay, Wellington. ON THURSDAY NEXT," 4th FEB., 1904, At 2.30 o'olock p.m. MACDONALD, "WILSON AND CO. nro favourod with instructions from tho Commercial Travellers nnd Wnrohousemen's Club Company (Ltd.) to sell by publio auction no nhove — THAT MOST VALUABLE PROPERTY situated in HUNTERSTREET EXTENSION, between tho promisos of tho National Insurnnco Compnny of Now Zoiilnnd - nnd Mossri. Sargood, Son and Ewon, and now occupied by tho Commercial Travellers and AVnrchousoinen's Club v Tho proporty consuls of a block of land having a frontago of 40ft lo Huntoretreol Extension by a dopth of 66ft, upon which ia eroded n brick mid concrato club- | houso. Tho lnnd is hold under porno t mil lease from tho Wollington Harbour Board, tho ronlal for tho next nino yoars being £60 por annum. Tho huiidiug was erected undor special supervision, is vory strong and substantial, and most admirably adapted for oither a clubhouse, wnrehouSo, or offices. Tho Commoroial Travellers and Wnrohoußemon's Club erected tho present promisos somo eight yoars back. Tho increase in Iho membership now Docowilatos its removal lo nnothor site nnd Iho building of. larger premises, henco Iho present salo. Tho central position of tho property, its proximity to Iho General Post and Telegraph Offiew, tho Customhouse, tho Queen's Wharf, and tho majority of tho wholesales warohaufos gives il a vory special vnluo for businpus purposes. Not tho least of iU advantages lies in tho fact thnt it is what is known as a. Glasgow leacc, in which Iho leaseholder has all tho advantages and securities of a permanent frooholdor without having to pay many thousands of pounds sterling for tho freehold titlo. Tho proporty oan bo «eon at any liino on application to Iho Secretary of tho Club, Colonol Nowall, C.8., and further details may bo obtained, on application to tho olllcors of tho Club or to tho Auctioneers/ Titlo: Land Transfer Act. Terms : Ten Per Cont. • Tho Auctioneers can arrango with satisfactory purchasers to obtain- a 1 lnrgo sum on mortgngo at a low rnto of interest, SALE OF FIV Ol AG NIFICENT BUILDING SECTIONS. KAROUI. IN THE EXOHANGE LAND MART, No. 84, Lambton-quny,, Wollington. ON THURSDAY NEXT, 4th FEB., 1904, At 2.30 o'clock p.m. MACDONALD, WILSON AND CO. aro favoured with instructions to soil by publio auction, an. above — FIVE EXCEEDINGLY CHOICE BUILDING SUCTIONS, Nos. 1 to 5, .forming, porliou of tho Subdivision of Sections Nos. 35 nnd 37, Karori. They 'havo frontages to Hatton-Btroet ranging from NINETY-FOUR FEET lo FIFTY-NINE FEET each by dopthj; up to THREE HUNDRED and ONj', .feet: Thoso grand Villa JJiiilding Sections aro not to bo surpassed in any portion of Karor,!. They Ho between tho • Baroninl Ro«idonco of the Hon. O. J. Johnston, M.L.G., and tho charming Villa of tho Mayor of Karori (Wm. H. Tisdall, E»c[.), and aro tho only vacant sections thoro. They command a dojightful viow of ovory portion of Knrori, which from this point of vantago is Spread out like a chessboard with its equaros 6f delightful greenery bordered with flowers nnd filled with Iho varied architecture of hundrodH of poaccful suburban homos! Glimpses of tho sea and of thn distant Kaikoura Mountains, inako up a land«oapo that in all its fea-' turek satisfies tho hoarl nnd tn«to of ovory Into man. Not tho least nttractivo featuro' in tho oharmiug Naliva Bush 041 < Suctions Nos. 4 and 5, nnd the background of Nativo Biuh 'rosorved as a boauty spot by Moisrs. 'Johnston and Tisdall. * . • xho Terms of Snlo arc — Ten per cent.' doposit, ton per cont. in throo months and six months, and tho balanco ou mortgngo for three yoars at Fivo per cont. interest per annum. JTitlo— Land Transfer. SALE ok"FREEHOLD "LAND . SITUATE at Island bay, ' By tho Mortgagees, under tho conduct of tho Rogistrar of tho Supremo Court, Wellington. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND MART, Nb. 84, Lambton-quay. ON THURSDAY NEXT, 4th FEB., 1904, At 2.30, o'clock p.m. MACDONALD, "wjLSON ANp CO. havo roeoivod iuslrudions from tho Registrar of tho Supremo Court, adding at tho request of tho Mortgagee*, to .soli by publio auction at thoir Exchange Land Mart, Lambton-quay, Wellington, an abovn — All that pioco or parcol of laud containing 3 roods 21 6-10 porchos, moro or lens, boing_ part of 'tho Subdivisions of Sections numbered \ 5, 6, 7, 8< and 9 on tho plan of tho Wellington Town Dintriat, nnd boiug part of tho Allotmont 638 on tho plan of tho Township of Island Bay, with frontago to .Sevoru-strocfc, . dopositod in tho Deeds RogiM ration OIHco at Wollington na No. 127. This soctiou adjoins on ono sido tho properly of Mr. H. Pitchor. For- further particulars and for inspection of -conditions of aalo, apply to STAFFORD, TREADWELL AND FIELD, Solicitors for tho Vendor ; or at tlio__Aiiotioneers' Officci". AN IMPOM'XNYTiPpIjiRTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT. On THURSDAY NEXT, 4th FEB., 1904, At 2.30 o'clock p.m. ABSOLUTE SALE Of • LARGE BLOCK4OF LAND AND FOUR , HOUSES IN UPPER WILLISST. MACDONALD, WILSON AND CO. havo roeoivod inilructions to soil at thoir roomH, oh above — THAT VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY in UPPER WILLIS- , STIIEKT, boing Section No. 3, part of Town Acre bio. 140. wilh THREE DWELLINGHO USES, SHOP and DWELLING erootntl on same, numbered 145, 147-, 149, nnd 151. Tho Jund hne a fronlugo I to Upper Willift-Htrcat of 75 foot by a dopth of 74 foot, nnd is Iho I most viluablo block of land in that quarter of tho cily which ltns boon in the market for a very long time. Upper Williii-streol is rapidly becoming a hiuiiiPHo thorounhtnro, nnd in tho Main Avonuo lo Brooklyn, Vogoltown, Arostreet, and all tho sido hUocU leading from Aro and Wordsworth streets. A flroat li'nlfie mtwt cgmn- down this slroot when tho linmlino h completed. No bot- | tor investment for money at tho pronunt ; limo bp found in any part of the city than the Durchase of this properly. Tho tale is 11 somewhat hurriod one, as Iho owner, for fnrtilly rparons, in leaving the colony,' und Iho salu is thoroforo an absolute otic. Terms ca°y. For fuller details apply lo tho Auctioneer*

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 8