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WM. LINGAKD & CO., LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AISKNTH, No. 12, FKATIIKKMTON-STREHT. FOR HALE, A GREAT BARGAIN.>d b-roomed IJotifn, nil conveniences, on li-nero gaulan, adjoining main road, wilhin 10 miles town and ono milo station. Prioo £450. At Berhainpoio — Comfortable 5-ioomed llouso, section 33 x 100. Prieo £550. Al Potono. — A vory dosirablo Soction, 40 x 100, for which (owing to oxcoplioual oirounistanccs) owner will acropt £140. At Northlands. — Wilhin 20 minutes' walk from tho Govoriiinont Buildings, hovornl desirublo Sitos ; lovely viow ; must uo sold And several country properties 100 numerous to pni'licukritm. TO LEASE. For 20 yoatu, in Suburbs, at nominal rental, Pig and Poultry Karin, with dwolliughouKC, Hhods, etc., cto. Tho necessary plant for working farm, inclusive of pigs, poultry, otc. (ostimatod at about £300) to bo lakon at a valuation. To persons with limilod capital this small outlay should ensure a comfortable liviiicj. • TO LET. Sovornl houses of various dimensions und rentals in City and Suburbs, whilo lor particulars relative to coundy properties, sco N.Z. Times. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFU ASSOCIATION. Largo sums of money to lond on approved security at the lowost current ralos. T"iophono No. 1786. HUPPbinrYOITTRY" US— C O R V & CO., 7, GREY-STREET, PROPERTY SALESMEN, ETC. Telophono 1747. IOLBIRNIE (oloso lo new road)— Splendid Section overlooking Lyell niul Evans IJays, Innd 86 x 132 ft, or subdivided. Prieo JCS 10k por foot. Terms. CITY (central position in rising thorough- ] Inri')— Two double-fronted Shops, dwol- | ling, nnd up-to-dato coiivonienccs ; rental valuo £400. Price £4500 ; very easy terms arranged. Oliuncc of a lifetime. 475 MOUNT VICTORIA (closo to Basin Roscrvo) — Ownor lenving, is prepared to dispoßO of his exceptional Rosidenco of 7 rooms, with gas stoves nnd ovory convenience, in ono. of tho sunniest and beat residential positions in Wellington, at a suorificc Full particulars and card to viow on application 864 WALLACE-STREET (off)— New 5-roomed Rosidonco with all modern convonionccH. Prieo £610. 861 LOWER HUTT,* PETONE, NEWTOWN KARORI. ISLAND BAY— AII sorta of Good Proportion INVESTORS should send or call for our NEW GUIDE. Poet froo on application. Apply CORY AND^CO.^J^ Grey-street. LOWER HUTT. WOK «BALE — 2 Acres rich flat loud, with 8-roomod house, 12 minutes' from railway station ; exceptional position. Prico £1450. 2J AcroH, largo road froutago, noarly nil orchard in full profit ; lioubo of four largo rooms, artesian wator. Prico £11?5 ; on.y £300 roquirod. 6 Acres rich lovol Land, highly ndaptnblo for subdivision, exceptional position, being witiiin fivo minutes' walk of Foot Office Prico, £2700 ; £1100 cash required. Good live-roomod House, with bnthroom, pantry, wauhhouso, h. and 0. wator, olc., 1-uoro of rich flat land. Prico £465. 8 Acres, comprising good six-roomod hotitte, cowxhad, Htnoln aud trapuhod, good orchard, garden and vinory, lnrgo frontage lo good road. Prico £3000; terms 2 Acrort on Main ITuU-road, largo road froulngo, suitable for subdivision. Prioe £650 Nico 9-room<>d Houso, beside* bathroom, droMiiiffrooin, •ctillcry, pantry, o'o., hot and cold wator •apply, nbout 2 acres rich flat land, including hplondid luwn, ooachhouso, stnblo, hunipstrooin, olc. Price only £2000; tornu orranttod 2i Aoro*, comprising pplendid orchard in full i>rofit ; lovely sholtor hndgpi ; good five-roQincd homo ami oulbnildings j corner seotion, having largo frontage ; exceptionally woll situated. Prico £1500. Woll-built highly-finished 7-roomod Houso, besidox iwUhroom, pnulry, ole, concrete foundation, h. and 0. wator, gas, ! and ovoiy convenience, within easy distanco of station, bost locality, half acre of land. Price £1600. Now 8-roomod House, beside* bathroom, pantry, wnshhonne, and other conveniences, lofty rooms, plastered walls, oouorcto foundation, nearly \ aoro section. Prioo £1000. Good 6-roomod Houso, besidot usual conveniences, within fivo minutes' walk of station, exciMitionnl position for business stand. Pricn £900. A choico selection of Sections of various ureas in tho Pnrk Avcnuo, Elniwood, and Tamo Estntos, nl reasonable prico nnd on easy torms. Good 6-roomed Houso, besides bathroom, wnshhouoo, and usual conveuioncos, situated on Iho Tamo Estate. Prico £525; only £225 cash roquirod. Prompt application neoi-s'nry. Good 8-roomod Houbo, besides pantry, bathroom, otc, stable, coachhouse, and outbuildings, nico lawn, orchard, and gardon; within 5 minutes of Hutt station. Prioo £2000, ouly £500 cash roquired. Houses built to suit clients' requirements in picked' localities on cn*y torms Buyers in Iho best of all Wellington suburbs shouid not delay, as tho straightening of tho Hutt Railway is cnit'iing a big and increasing domnud, ami those who purchase early stand to inako big profits on bargains now offered. , H. ERN HST LE [G HTON, 4, FEATIIERSTON-ST.. WELLINGTON Aaant for Owners. J O L L V AND CO. 84, Willis-st. Tolophono 610. ELLICE-S'llllCET— Very nico 6-roomod Villa, bath, h. aud c. water, electric light and bells, gas stovo, liven press, cooj safe, and ovory other modorn convoniuncn ; Land Transfer ; woll let ; land 33ft x 96ft. • Prico £1100 ; tonuß, £300 cash ; a bargain. KENT TERRACE (off)— Land 54 ft x 112 f t; thrco very desirable up-to-dato liosidonces, convenient to oily and on now electric tram route Prico £2400 tho lot. ROLLISSTON-STREET — Land 22ft x 112 f t; 6-roomcd dwelling, bath, h. and c. wator, nnd ovory other convonioiico; built throo years; Land Transfer. Prico ouly j £725. J . M'G Uit X, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, LOWER UUTT. FOR~S~ALE. 5-roomed Houso, 66 x 165; £460; a bargain 7-roomed House, land 60 pcrchos, 10 minutes from station ; beautifully laid out; all couvoniunens; 18 aoros good flat ground ; about 20 minutes' from Hutt Station ; £300 por aero. 6-roou>od House, 3 minutes' from P.O. j land 42 x 215; £880. 5-roomed House, 10 minutes' from sta-> lion ; all conveniences ; £590. Soctioi«B all ovor Lower Hutt Business Silo near bridge, 66ft frontago ; £1200^ WB. CHV.NN ELL S, • Land Agont, Mastortou. FOR SALE. Frnil and Poultry Farm of 6 ncre«, 2 miles from Mastorlon ; houeo 5 rooms, orchard, aud good vegotable gardon ; poultry houses and runs up lo date, about 130 head poultry, incubator (60-egg), brooding pons, coop?, bono mill nnd extras. A very nice pvoporty, well watered, good land. Prico £600 ns going concern. Poultry nro pure bred, from best etrain in colony.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 7