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THE NEW HOUSE BARGAIN PICNIC GOES merrily on. There aio home Imsmcßß-felohing Bargains for Tomorrow — 4i lid MERV SILKS for Is 6d, in a Navy Moiv ground, wilh rich elaborations, in Spots, Sprigs, and Floweis. A nrcul bargain— 4s lid for Is 6d per yard IIORROCKS'S CALICOES— SaIo prices, 3s Jld, 4s lid, Oh lid nor dozen UNBLEACHED TABI.K DAMASKS, I*, Is 4d, 1h 6d, Is lid, 2h 3d per yard LINEN SKRVIETTEH, 2s 9d, 3b 6d, 4s lid, 5s 6d, 6s lid por half dozen. JAMES SMITH & SONS. THE NEW noUSE. WANTED, all thoso contemplaling puleh.isiug a Bicyelo lo call nnd inspect iho Swilt machine at our depot ; highest quality nt a roa&onnblo price. Adams Slar Cycle Co., Mercor-stroot. WANTE7T"" "Kiiown — AlesMs". l^gUs Bros., 58, Willis-straot, aro Inking over tho Hollis Cyclo Agency as from Ist Fabruury,_l9o4. WANTEI) Known— Max KreisMg, Showcaue and Air-tight Enclosure Manufouturor, Willis-stroct Tolophnno 1490. All kind of Cabinelmakiiig executed on Iho proinifios. WANTED loT^w7^T¥riioTHr"^Cy7lo Agoncy biuinoss will be curried on at Messrs. Inglis Bros. 1 Uyclo Estubli?hnionl, 58, Willis-etreot, on and aftor Ist Fobruary next. WANTED Known, that your old eyclo can bo mado liJcu new ; bring it along aud get an estimate. ,Tonkiu?on 1 and Co. (Ltd.), 48, Vicloiia-slrool. Caterers for tho trade. WANTED Know n— Alux KroiroiJ, leo Chest Manufacturer, Willisjstreet. Tolcphono 14-90. All eatables and drinkables kept nice and cool iv hot weather. WANTED Known— Universal opinion, "No faulU to bo found wilh Kaloigh j machines." Inglis Bros., Agents, Willisctrci't, WAXTI'U), f.a(Hcß to know Ihnt the Swift Featherweight Bicycle is sold | at £22: li«lit to lift and comforlablo to ride on. Adunu Slar Cycle Co., Morcorftlrret. WANTED, al once, sovorul good Ma- ; chiiiisti* and Sowers ; also Moiwigo Gir"l. M^r». Mayer, Cubo-stroOt Extoimou. WANTED""to" Sell, worKin^Jowelior*? Business, in South ' Uland town ; owner uiving up on account of ill-health, .'oweller, Evoning Post. ■ WANTEI), a smart intelligont lioyT George Winder, Ironinongor, Man-ni-'ij ojid.Cuba iilri'cts. WANTED, Boy, for mercanliln oflieo. Apply, own handwriting, Box 39, ■^BjfcrANTKD, by married rouplo, with _v¥ ono child, ftvo-roomed Houno; vicinity of Orieutnt Buy prefurrod ; wul take for toi'm. Address Bay, carp of Evening IVt __ ' * WANTEICgUIs, for Taundry work. Apply Vielorin Laundry, HansenJ «l root. , TyrTANTEDj by widow with daughter 1™ (171, Situation as housokcopir to (Ccntlrinau, or busiup^s place ; thoroughly • foment icatcd ; good reference* j town or I couuliy. Women's Branch Department of . .--.hour. -\\tavi idw'o ' SuTi^ "inAin^rSioy^roT V T im;:oitcrl for ownor's-uso but nov«Iv»Mi u«nl. IVrtk'ularA al Evening Post. W" ANTED to Hnll7nrNowTo\vn7~tiT^ roomed Uuuse { bathroom nnd washhoii«n nnd all con>vnnuice>. Apply E. M Anyou, Al Hotel, Lambton-cimiy. ' WANTED, TttrpiMitorH. Apply on tho job, Violnnu-ktrov'ti C. Lomax, Tlom ontl Glondining, l«ld|^ WANTED, for tho country, v capable Ladvhelp or (lenerjl Sorvanl; (omfortablo home; wages 12s. Apply Mrs. F. F. ilockly, Sandon Block, Huntervillo, WANTEI) Known— lf you valuo your life don't rink it en cheap m»j chines, but go for a Kaloigh or Rovor 1 Bicyelo, and you aro sur6 to arrive home fnfoly. Inglis Bros., Willib-gtrrot. WANTEI), Boy, to loam boot tracic". W. Claridge, Berhampore. WANTED, two young mon Bon idem to fhuro'rooin ; every comfort, contra!. Arldrcw at ironing Post. ___^ W.\NTEirio™"SoH7 Land wHh 450 ft front ago lo Evans Bay-road ; only £300 ; a bargain. Apply U. Daubncy, 74, Tory-street. WA NTKD7 ~a"~SkunUolir"a"«~liillTa7d" murker or gouorftUy usgful. Apply Pat Donnghuo, army pensioner^ care of Mr. Williams, Herald-ilroel, So-ilh. ih WANTED, Nurse «nd lnuicl and Female Cook, for station. Apply iSkono'w Labour Exchange, 20, Willi«.streot. _ j Situation, bj" young man ! Vt (27i ;. eleven jcar-- legal, celalo, inj office, two years outiicio working ; nt pro«mt ougAgcci South; testimonials, referencei". Adilress Milton, Evouing Po.'t. WANTED, Boiinrandß^sklonc'e, by young goutleman (Tprraco or Thorndonl. Risply, staling termi<, to Napier, Evening Post. WANTED to Soil, at onco, a nico nuw Cottago with four largo room*, at Kilbirnioj prico £5C0 1 cash wanted £100. Address No Comniißjjion, Evoning Post. ; WANTEDT2S76oO good sound Second-, hand Sacks. Luory und Co., Lid., Jervois-quay. WANTED, Supply good clean Rags. Whitrombo and Tmnb?, LJmiled W (ANTED, compete»»t Ledger " Clork for largo retail businoss. Apply sharp, with copios of testimonials, to Box 221, P.O. . '_ W "ANTED, a HouHomaid. Apply Mrs. Higgi ii6on, 26, f lobson-st reot. \\f ANTED, at onco, thoroughly capable T » Genoral Servant ; rofcronees required. Apply Mrs. Wilson, llennanii'a Studio, or in tho evening, to IV, Mnnrama-erofcont. WANTED, by young marriod couple, two Rooms and board, with privato family; no other boarders 'kept ; good loenlity. Address F.U.0., Evomng Post^_ WANTED Known — All acoounta duo to tho Hollis Cycle Agency will bo payable al Messrs. Inglis Bros.', 58, Willis-slrcol, on and after Ist February, 1004. WANTED to Soil, immediately, bnst part Brougham-slreot, magnificent viow, 8-rooniod Residence ; land 40 x 100 ; ownor leaving ; £1500 ; an ideul gent's rusidonee. Thomson ami Brown, Jlnntw-st. WANTED"~CycIi"is to remoinlicr that wo carry Iho largest duff of oxpert mcehanicn; most uppiowd methods for intricate I'epitiro of cycles and motors. Jenkinson _nnd_Co. J^Ltd^V, Victoria-st. WANTED Knovin — Max lvrci?°ig, Showcase und Air-tight Enclosiuo Manufacturer, Willis-street. Tolephoiyi 141)0. All kind of Cabinctiniiking executed on Iho premises. TSTiJVNTKD— LudioB and gcntloincn who T T have used Hondy's Egg «lulep tay it is an "ideal lonio" for the hair, and gi\««s tho dullest hair n perfect gloss. Kirkcaldio myl Stains, Solo Agents. Buttles 1r „______ WANTED, Housemaid. Apply lit onco, Malinger, Belle\uo Gardens, Low or Hutt. i XNTKD, Girls. Apply tho Wellinglon Biscuit, aud Confectionery Co., Victoria-street.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 1