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HANNAH'S SHOW SALE ! SATURDAY, BEGINS 30th JANUARY. WE havo such heavy shipmcnlH arriving that wo arc compelled to bring those. Hargains- foiward TO KNIFE PRICKS, for the goods Must bo Sold, no matter what tho micrifico. Road a Fow of tho Bargains : LADIES' Tan Una-bar Shoos, peak can, v bow pumps, usual prico 8s btl— 3h llu LADIES' Black or Brown Canvas Shoes, sown, usual prico 4s 6d— -2g lid LADIES Chrome Gluco Oxford Shoes, toecap, usual prioo 6s 6d — 4s lid WOLF'S Glaco Kid Laco Shoos, pumps, close fitting, usual prieo 14s 6d — 9s lid LADIES' Tan Glaco Two-bar Shoos, slightly soilotl, ÜBiial prico 12a 6d— 6s lid LADIES' Real While Buck Ox-ford Shoon, grand valuo, usual prico 9s 6d— 3i lid 2000 Pahs Men's, Women's, and Children's Samples THROWN" AWAY N.B.— Mail orders for nny advertised linos sent froo of postage or froighl. HANNAH'S,"" 79, LAMBTON-QUAY. 28. CUBA-STREET. TO LET, Carlton Hall; suitablo for meetings, wedding parties, balls, factory, etc. For particulars see V. Alniao, 18, ingo<tru-&lroet. TjMf ~LKT7 "HO. "DunTel-slroct, 6-roomod A llouso and bathroom, h. and c. water and every convenience. Apply R. J. Wallers, c«ro of Soonllar Co. TO LET, from about 10th February, a now 8-roomod Houso, furnished, electric light, bnlh, aud all conveniences ; beautiful viow, woll sheltered from all winds ; 2 minutes from Sealoun wharf ; rent for a term 255. Apply J. L. Murray, Seatoun. TBIO LET— Tenant requires Cottage, JL Karaka Bay 'or Soatouu, for term. Particulars to Govornmont, Evening Poi>t. npo LET, al ( onco, six-roomod Hoxise, JL with every convenience, in Coroman-del-streot South. Apply t l\ W. Skclluy, Coroinandel-otrcet. ri"W LET, 7-roomnd Houso m Brougham- *- Btreul : good view, conveniences, good rooms ; rent, 27» per week. Sidey, Mocch and Co., Maniiorti-strcct. HMO LET, for several weeks, Furnishod -»• Cottnge, five rooms, healthy Bnot, good now, Brooklyn, choap. Addross Cottage, Evoning X .t. ,_, • rfllO LET, 10-roomed Houso, all convent1 X ettees. Apply to T. H. Wolfe, or 94, Taranuki-Ftrnot. fJTtO LET, two good 6-rooinod" Houses, ; -»- Bruugh&in-stroot ; ront £5 10s month ; immediato 'possession. Apl^y W. H. M6lrah and Co.. Auctioneers and Lain* Agents, 54' and 56, ,WUlis-rilreet. a~W I/ET, 7-roomed A r illa, ono floor, charming situation, ovory comfort; ako Rooms, Shops, Offleos, Bonrdirtghfautos, Businesveh. Jolly and Co., 84, Willis-itreot. ' TO LET, 4-rpo^icd C^ltngo,, bath, gag, ovory_ coiiveftionce-, Oharles-striSot, off lVisaell-tcriavo, 13s. Apply Chas. Swiney, 132, <Vdolaido-road. , , fW\Q LET, a comforlablo Furnishod Room JL (ov«ry oonvonieneej,. -city. Apply No. L_ ftinhftm-streol, off Ingestro-streot. T* ) ' LET^KwajS."* Bay7~l^Vnlsvod"> loomed CoCldgo, oleelrio light, bsv(h, copper, 1 and ttibs. Apply F. Suver, Karaka Bay road. fino LET, 3-roomod llou«o iv control •*• locality, all convonionces ; would suit oklorly or nowly-marriod couplo. Apply Baker Bros. TO LET, Gordon-street, Nowtown, two Houses, nino and tivo rooms : hot and cold water, copper, tubs, bath and gas. Apply 9a, Gairelt-stroot, bowcen 6 and 7 p.m. Rout 18b 6d and 16s 6d. fTtO LET, on Thorndon-quay, a six-room-JL cd House, with hot and cold water, and ovory convenience. A^ply to Mrs. Clcinonls, 4a, Thorndou-quay, opposito tho Manawatu Station, TO LET, r fivo-roomed Houbo, olcctrio light and all improvements, 45, Arostroot. Flockton ana Co., Old Firo Brigado Station. a~\Q LET, 34, Kent-lorrneo, five rooms, all convenioncos; thoroughly ronovalod. Apply on promisen, from 10 am. to 5 p.m. f|lO LET, on lease, Specious Storage J*. Room and Offico, third floor, now brick warehouse, Victoria-street. Apply Fabinn JSros. nnd Co., solo agents, Oug-tomh6use-quay, Vi\O Ll^, off Owon-stroet, four-roomed -H- Cottago, 13s, for a term. Apply immediately, ownor, Tho Bungalow, Snlia-bury-torraco. fT\O LET, Shop and Dwelling, containing -~- ftvo rooms ; nil up-to-date couvonienooa ; near oontro of tho city ; ront ii'A 2s per weok. Apply Harcourl nnd Co. TO LET, situated at Rosonealh, a sovonroomed House, wilh stable, etc. ; largo grounds, fnio view, all usual convonioncOß ; low^ ront. Apply Hnreon'rt and Co. T*~O LOT, near Soatoun Wharf, a Furnishod Cotlngo ; immediate possession. Apply to J. B. Toasdulo, care of Kirkcalclio and Stains, Limited. /■J^O LET — Wo havo some very fino Olficos J*- in conlre of oity nt moderate rentals. Macdonakl, Wilson and Co., 84, Lnmblonq»y. j nno LET, at Soaloun, either furnished J- or unfurnished, a fivo-roomnd llouso. Apply W. Barber, 46, Cuba-street. TO LET, fully furuifihedV Iho Yon" Archdeacon Fancourt's Family Rosidnneo, corner of Thorndon-quay and Davis>-strpot, containing 7 rooms, wilh electric light, hot and cold water. J. 11. Belhuue and Co. fV\O LET, at Rona Bny~eonTfoVu»b7y JL furnished DNvelliufrhouso of six rooms, all ronvumencos ; rent low. Apply lo J. H. Bethuuo and Co. TO LET, doublo furnished ifcd-Si'lling" room, 11? 6cl ; also cloublo Bedroom, with uso of diningropm, piano, hot water, uso of all conveniences, 15s weok. 31, Aro-olront, off Upper Willis-alreot. TB^O LET, central I'romisos, with bnso- • JL. ment: su'lnblo for warehouse. Apply Uox 296. nno Lli'i, 'ln^Willk'sTreutril-i^mod JL llouro ; euilublo far doctor or prigontlemuu. Apply lo Maodonald', Wilson and Co. ?r\6 LET. a lar«o~ifrst ttooTFronTTtoom, JL abdoluto centro city. Apply Colonial Mutual Life Offleo. TO LET, four now Houses ut Mirnmor, ilvo aud nix roomt, from 12s lo 17s per week ; electric- ligiit and all modurn ponvenionco 1 !. Apply .lohn Marshall, Wor ser Bay, or Wm. C. Stephen, 6, Fealher-«ton-sln>ot. TO Lli'L', a House, aix rooms, hot nnd cold water, bath, tubs, copper, oU\ Applj No. 6, lngestro-pliior, off ingosliwstreet. TO LETr Solir or" I^caser"\viTrr"riKht"tp purchase, No. 49, Wright-stroot, 7 moms, 5 firoplneos, bathroom, 11. and c. w., oloctrio light, wardrobe, cupboards, lovely viow. Apply No. 51, next door. T" Unf.ET,~Funiißhed~Hoi>so, from Oth February, 1904, at Knraka Bay. Address Southwood, Evening I'ost. TO LET, for torm, at Worser Bay, fiveroomed Cottage, unfurnished ; bathroom, washhouso with tubs and copper, aud ovory convenience ; quartor-acro good garden. J. Marshall. Worsor Bay.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 1