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mmmmmmm»mm*imm^—mmmmo^m*mmm*mmmmmMmMmmmmmmamto^amm*mr*mmmm iil.mwi m*» —mi ■■■■!■ ■■■! mua-mim*****, ,—. .. mil— a IIISFRIGBRATOIIS! $>*' l"' *' ?'Ji' /VSV^ij IIEEJiIGERATORS! f.jv.' ' '-^- ■ '^ : ' : " ; : '^ c;| WE have a completo range of Uiceo [JV'. *, . ..__ •"- , -'■ ,'. ; ,j$ s |ij Suabonablo Goods, suilublo for all, from ,-f?.'" J -.*";'*' ' v ° '* ' " " p"-/ip "-/i •?."">? tho cotlago lo Iho mansion, tho smallest '' , ~- - , ,!■'.*»' -^ ,- ** ;•} (,i ' !"i "' ■." 3'-^' .^.«,!. - -' -.'■,' ' j>l roslaurant lo tho largest hotel. w •'"'",' .< St'^'/'4">''<*»' i*. .*"*' '". : ""• ' '■ i i X *** t<* ■* , -■, .■'i,^ -^y ><££>*< »*"^ "m They will bo a friend in need during ti«.?C 'j 1 • " v " iiAli.i'.'s »*i^'-'| 1 ' "• '" -I'- H tho hot woathor, keeping the moat good, •- {— - »1. ~ .. ' -, if' ,j |. i ' - ' ■>> V>- v'k" 1 '- =- 11 1 * i-'j'-T Iho milk cool and swoot, tho buttor .f " ;■" :i~: ■ v >y! ' '.- ';.-,"' '-v ;/" v-\\'■''"'v -\\ - '■''"' i 6<'~'?i ■' i• r *'" ■■ •I "• firm, and all food in firßt-ohw condition , l> \.\ < \fi ' "■ '■ "*- >' <^ v i \ i i;^. J J' „ ,' :■> ■ '[\ ————— | ' '^h'* v . 7~^ ' '-'* . '" .'» ;f * '*'"''): isJ* INSPECTION INVITED. i i fck'^^-.J A"/.!' ] "'^feVy'tk < } "3" 3 c. w. mi.xs * co., i^|l;i|»^ LIMITED, r "p.- •g« 6 i;«EJS^.C l V^*^ti v »-.O JERVOIS-QUAY, WELLINGTON. ;-; X^**^^ ,i • IV; jig} m^v a "LIFE: A IiECOUD JuOUSY EOLK." 'BIHB N 10 W MAGAZINE FOR AUSTRALASIA *~ J'JDITKD MY DR. W. 11. FITCHHTT. Fikst ihdvn Now Kkady. l'mcic Sixpenck. SPECIAL FEATURES: EIGHTY PAGES DEVOTED TO RT. HON. G. U. RlilD ON SPECIAL DKPARTMENTS. "iIOW I PREPARE MY SPEECHES." THE MONTH. How I Bogan— Sticking to It— Types of 1. Tho Othei Sido of tho World. Speakers — Reading tin Audience — Logic in 2. Under Australasian Skies. Terms of Humour— Tho Wholo Secret. WHAT THK MAN IN THE STREET (Illustrated by npeciol photographs). "WANTS TO KNOW. ROLF BOI.DREWOOD ON 1. What aro Japan and Russia Quar"HOW I WROTE 'RjOBBERY UNDER rolling About? 2. How the AustraUan ARMS.' " Eloven is Chosen. 5. How do the Who Was Starlight— Where Wag Tei 1 - Newspaper Cables Come? 4. Has N.Z. riblo Hollow?— Old-timo Bush-ranging, v State Bank? etc. 010. (illustrated). THE HUMOUR OF THINGS. A DAY IN TIIE LIFE OF THE GOV- 1. Imported Fun. 2. Homo-grown Hu-ERNOR-GENERAL: LORD TEN- mmir. 3.'Jests of tho Month. NYSON. . THE BOOK-LOVER. Tho Vice-Regal Mail — At tho Executive 1, Books and Their Writers. 2. Some Council — Social Finulious — Tho Governor- Books of Iho Day. 3. Books That General's Power, otc. (illustrated). Havo Been Judged. 4. Stories from A SEA TALE OF THE DAYS OF Now Books. 5. Purplo Patches. 6. NELSON. Novels in Nutshells. 7. Our Book By Dr. FITOiIETT. • Club. ' Under tho title of "Tho Commander of AMONGST THE POETS, tho Ilirondellc" tho author of "Deeds MEN AND WOMEN OF THE HOUR, that Won tho Empiro" begins a stirring IMPERIAL AFFAIRS. boo. tola of tho Groat Blockade. Ifc is a GENERAL TOPICS, picturo of tho personal and adventurous NEW THINGS IN SCIENOB. lifo of tho poriod, with a atroug lovo 010. UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS, nionl in it. OPEN-AIR TOPICS MORIS "LETTERS FROM A SELF- LN GRAVER MOOD. MADE MEKCTTANT," ■ TRAVEL AND SPORT. Entitled "OLD GORGON GRAHAM." SHORT STORIES OF THE MONTH. • Thousands of readers havo chuckled THE PUBLISHER'S DESK, ovur tho "Loiters of a Sslf-mado Mor- THE ART OF HEALTH, chant to His Son." They mado tho ropu- HOW TO GET ON. talion'of Iho writer, G. H. Lorimer. One LIFE— MONTHLY. 6d; YEARLY, 6s 6d. rosull was an ovonvholuiing demand for Ordor from ytmr bookseller, or remit a socond sorios. Mr. Lorimor agreed, and 6s 6d to T. SHAW FITCHETT, 167-9, "LIFE" has tho Australian rights. Part Queen-Btreot, Melbourno, for a year, post I in January iseuo. freo. Sdlh WholHsalp Aaronts, Now South Walos, Viotoria, Tasmania. Westorn Australia, Quoonslnnd, and Now Zealand, GORDON & UOTOH; South Austnilia,, B. A. 'J'hompBon n»d 00,

WHY wo can soil cheap. — We ara direct importers from the ch'eape&t Homo niarkfts. Wo mannfacluro all Furnituro and Bedding on the premises. • A few of our prices — Br.iss-rail Fonders fronx 7s &d, all-brass do 22s 6d ; Fire. Brasses from 6* lid set; Double Braes-rail Bedj steads from 355; Tnpostry Carpet Square* from 30?, good patterns, all sizes ; Toilet Waro, 10s 6d. Wo aro Complete Hou»a Furnibhers. It will pay you to give us a cull. Ail orders promptly attended to. i Repairs i>xoouled nt i-easonablo rates. Tel, 1 1429. GOING TO WILLIAMS'S. I Yes, 1 there are ] other j Jams, ibut j"K" JAM | is the best. 'i ] * I S. KIRKFATKICK & Co,, T.TI) , NUT.B6N. Ff*s*a/mmwmisasm.Yummu!Mwa.tjmmm 1 iooa of bnbhoy i«sa s-raiitwi-a. S a pr.avc^sohNCY and x<r.csx»tiv. c 2 JL Oontl .sxzti havluiJ trl.'.d in vixln evary j» 3 U!;u%jiilsad ratr,&(ty, nnrt rS lost <Vs- £ ; cov~.-*>a a niMnz.a mmakb ot beci? P J CU»B. -win forward tiio Biua-. fre« ot t '„ ciiartio, Co linyono tnterastcd, P 3 ntSSrcs-.: A, EttKRK. 0.P.0., pri>SßV. fc M'GUKGOIIWJMCJU'r&Gt. PICTURE FRAME MAKERS, A RTISTS' COLOURMEN, FTNE ART DEALERS. 129. LAMBTO.N'-QUAY, WELLINGTON. WANTED Known— Max Kroi^ig" Ico Chest ManulACiin-er, Willisstreet. Tolephouo 1490. All <«ulaKe<i nndi drinkables kept nice and cool iv hot weather,

SMALLPOX. IN viow of tho presence) of Smallpox nt Cdrifstchureh, it lias been decided to offer sitcciai /ncihiics to those who desiro to avnil themselves of tho protection afforded by Vaccination. A incdicul man will in conscquonco bq in uttond-.uioo to Vaccinate all who proßont themsolves at this ollico lor the purpoeo between tho hours of IU a.m. and 1 p.m. daily. Special arrangements will bo mndo to moot tho wishes of business firms, co that thoir omployai** can bo Vaccinated nt such hours us are most convenient to them. All information will bo afforded on application -to this ollico. Appended herewith ii a list of Public Yaccinators for tho district of Wellington, !<ha\ung hours of attendance: — Dr. .1. EWART, tho Hospital, Xewtown. Every TUESDA V and FRIDAY, from 11 a.m to noon. Dr. W. H. TR|PE, Dr. Tripo'a Surgery, • WilliK-stieot. DAILY, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. -Mr. 11. BRI-TTAIN, Chemist, To Aro Di«pcn»ary, IJannons-slroet. Every MONDAY, TUKSDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dr. H. J. M7jEATV, Dr. MXcan's Surgery, corner Yiviun-street «nd Cam-l)ri(..go-lorrueo. Lvoiy FRIDAY, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Dr. CAMEROX, at Dr. Perkin's Surgery. DAILY 2 to 3 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Dr. H. POLLEN, 'iurnor'a Piiarmacy, corner, of Mauners-strcot and VYillisstroet. DAILY, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Dr. HERBERT, Dr. Martin's Surgery. Ingestro-streot. DAILY, 7 p.m. to 8 p. 91. Dr. H. ADAMS, Dr. Adams's Surgery, 38, Tho Terrace, Wollington, Evory FRIDAY, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Dr. W. A. LOUAN, Dr. Logan's Surgery, 11, Hill-sUeot. Evory MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, nud FRIDAY, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Dr. ISABEL WATSON, 122, Willia-istrcot. Kvory THURSDAY, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., and evory Evening from 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dr. ALEXANDER, Revans-stroot, Newtown, 9.50 to 11 a.m., 2 to 3 p.m. Dr. EDITH HUNTLEY, Mrs. MacKonzio's Pharmacy, Hotel Coeil Buildings, Lainblort-Quay, Thorndon. Every TI'UESDAY, from 2.30 to 3 p.m., and ovory SATURDAY, from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Dr. IZARD, 215, Lumbton-quay. DAILY, 0 to 10 a.m., 2 to 3, and 7 to 8 p.m. Dr. ELLIOTT, 20. Kent-terroeo. DAILY, 11 to 1, 3 to 4 and 6.30 to 8 p.m. Dr. PURDY, Lower Hutt. DAILY 0 to 11 a.m., 6 to 8 p.m.; Upper Hutt, MONDAYS, .WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, 12 noon to 1 p.m. Dr. ROSS, Petouo, DAILY, 9 to 11 a.m., 6 to 8 p.m. Dr. PERRY, Potone. DAILY, 9 n.m. to 11 a.m., 6 to 8 p.m.; nt Johnsonville, MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, 2 to 3 p.m., and at Upper Hutt, TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. j Dr. HAMILTON, Potono, DAILY, 9 to ! 11 a.m., 2 to 3 p.m., 6.30 to 8 p.m. Dr. KEMP, nt his Surgery, 48, Meinstreet (excopt Tuesdays), DAILY, 9 to 10.30 a.m., 2 to 3 p.m., aud 6.30 to 8 p.m. Dr. xiISCTOR, Lower Hutt. DAILY, 10 to 11 a.m., and 7 to 8 p.m. Dr. GIBBS, 123, Willis-slreot. DAILY, 2 to 3 p.m. Dr. ELIZABETH PLATTS-MILLS, Flotchcr b Pharmacy, corner of Willisstroot and Lambtou-qimy. DAILY, v from ]2 noon to 4 p.m. Dr.' MA.OKIN, corner of Ingostro nnd Marion streets. Hours of attendance —0 to 11 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m., 6 to 8 p.m. . T. H. A. VALINTINE, 1 Assistant Chief iloallh Officer. Department of Puhlio Health, Muscmmelreet, Wellington. 15th January, 1904. riI.KTCHKU'S PIIOSPIIOKISED QUININE AND IROM TONIC. Tho Most KlTo.-livo RESTORATIVE, I'lOK-MK-UP nud NKRVI-J TONIO. Cim-8 WKAKNI-IhS, DBPRKSSION, and OK APPI'/lITK. Restores UKAL'IU, STIiKNuTU, and KNKKUV. Price, 2s Ikl and -ta tid. IVoparod only by CIIAS ELKTUJLtHII, PUAKMACIIU I ICAL CIIISAIIST, AYelliiiKtoa.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 3