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hw*.,, rIA II E TV S X U LIN E, MONTHLY" DKSPAI'CII OF FUWTCLASS CAUcJi) yiKAAIIiRS TO LONDON DIUKOl 1 , Takitnr Cargo al,a 1 , through R itm ot Freight for iMANCIIKSI'KR AND LIVKRPOOL. Stoiiinoia. TonV. Coiiiiiuiii'lor. irfiuoiu Ivi.OOJ J. C. Kolffiito •(iwiiiii liyiot) A. U. ICe>m> Toruoaim l»,ik)i 11. It . t lt » lluukos Bay ,viu T. Ijinlclitjr jMiiuiro lo^jO J. - . l.nUtono (uilriilonri I'VWo J l''irtu luilr<ii;iiiu (1. \V. llnrwoovl t>t.u- ol Kiifjlaml ... ti,iW \V. J. l(t>ud li,<lruiiovi JO.UOl) T. Tiottoi' Stiu- i>f iNuw Kculmid... s.iWO .1. M. lliu-t bburuf Aiiblruhii ... lO.IRKJ I' 1 . W. Ulyutt I'he aliovo hLoiuiiui's wuio all built Hpouially for tlui Now ZuiiJ.iiid trade, llttud with re* li-igm-iMing uiiiohiiiury ol t.ho most modurii typo in uliai-gu ot coHiimloia engineers, uini uru noted tor the exceptionally nalinluutory uouiliuiiu in wtiiuh thoir I'ro/.ou nuiat ouruooti art: being dnhvurud. The Company is proimrod to oarry wool and- proviuuu ot ovury du.iurij>Ciou. ijoweub vJurrunl, Raluu of Freight. »V. M. UANNA'I'VNE * CO. (Ltd.), Tillif TYSEIt "LINE '(Ltu.). DIKKLJT STEAiM Shi^VlCE FROM GLASGOW ANJJ UVEIU'OOL TO NEW ZEALAND PORTS. TIVUtt.-jT-CLASS Cargo Stonmera will bo JI? despatched from Glasgow and Liverpool for i AUCKLAND WELLINGTON LYTTELTON, and PORT OLIALMEKS Taking Cargo for lutormediato Ports in New Zoaland. Tho nbovo corvico will bo inaugurated by the dospntoh of tho well-known stwimur IIAWKES HAY, 4583 toiih rcgistrr, to loavo Liverpool about March. To bo followed by tho new nonnior STAR OF IH ELAND, 5000 loub register, now in Now Zoalnnd on' her uiaidon voynge, to leavo Liverpool bogiuning of April noxt. Further dospntchoa will bo announced in duo coureo. Now Zealand importers nro invilod to instruct their corraiipondouU in the manufacturing centres of (Ireat Britain to support tho above new service, and to apply to Messrs. F. Henderson and Co., Glasgow, or Graeie, Boazloy and Co., Liverpool, or W. M. Bannatyno and Co., Wollington, for particulars rates of froight, etc. RICHARD TODD, Colonial Suporintondnnt, Napier. XfIEDERAL-IIOULDER-SHIRE ] ,INES. Tho Fodornl Steam Nay. Co., Ltd., London Ilouldor Bros, and Co. Ltd., London. Turnbull, Mnrtin nnd Co., London. REFRIGERATED STEAMERS. Tour. Tons. Cornwall 8,5(10 Ovinsriloan Dovou 8,500 Orango 3,500 •Dorsot 10.000 Urmston •Kssox 10.000 Grango 5.400 Kent B,f>oo "Langton Uriuigo 0,200 Maori King 5,. r .OO •Drayton Norfolk ! 8,000 lirango 10.000 *.Soiuorsot 30,0 »0 l-'.latroo (Irango G.OOO •Suffolk JO.O0I) ltoTMtouUraiigo(),»oo Surrey 8,500 Boiicon firango (5,^)0 Sursox 8,600 llii>pinghani •Ayr-hiro 10,'JOO Urange 9,200 BanlTidiiro 8,2.10 * Butosldro 8,'J50 (iinngo 10.000 Fifoshiro 8,500 Thorpe U range G,!!50, Moray«liir« 8,50» Huvuihlkiiii MairiiHhiro 8.500 (Grange 11,200 Porthshiro 8 250 *Evorfcou Wivikato .(i,50() Grango 11,000 Hornby Grango H.7jO Sonlliorn Uross 7,!i00 •'l'»in Smow. Diroct Sorvieo to DUKBAN, ALROA BAY, CAPETOWN, UNITED KINGDOM, and CONTINENT. Taking Refrigerated or Gtinoral Cargo ; also Livo Stock at Lowciit Current Raton. Kxcoliont Actiommodatiou for Snloon and Third-clans Passongors. For full particular, apply to BIRT AND CO., LTD., 7, Macquariopinoo, Sydney. HOULDER BROS. AND CO., LTD., 65, Pilt-slroel, Sydney. BIRT AND CO., LIMI'IED, Brisbane TURNBULL^ MARTIN & CO., Bmbano. OR I E iN T-PA"O IF I d"I7INE Of ROYAL MAIL STKAMKRS. The following Royal Mn'il Stcamvbiiu belonging to tho ORIENT and PACIFIC COMPANIES* will loavo Sydney, nt noon and MELBOURNE at 1 p.m., on Sailing Days, an under for LONDON (Tilbury), via ADELAIDE, FREMANTI.E, COLOMBO (transhipping for all Indian ports) SUi^ii CANAL, NAPLES, MAHSKUJ.KS and GIBRALTAR:— v»i . ... . r * Tfitin I'Yoiii From «». U((R y } .,i,, oyt ftlplli'n.e- A.1«1..1.1h. Orotava ... 5857 Fob 13 "pob 16 Fob IK' Oioyat ... 0207 Fob 24 Mur 1 Mar :l Oro.itcst ... — M>ir 0 Mnr 15 yLir 17 ♦Twn-Sorow Steamer. tC'itllß liolmrt. And fortnightly thoroaftor. Faros, Now Zealand to London— Saloon Single: £43 to £80 Roturu: £69 to £120 Third Clagg ..: £18. £20, and £22 On pnyuiont of an additional £2 15s, First-class I'ftsgongera may prooood overinml from Naples to London. First and Second Cluse Passengers seouro special advuntagen by booking through from 'Now Zealand, being provided with Snloon Pußsoguß to Auntralia, which aro included in tho above faron. 'Passages can bo booked to <tr prepaid from any of tho above ports. For further particular* apply to UNION STEAM MHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LTD.), Agents in New Zoaland. fjMIH AUEWDEISN LINE. TO NATAL, CAPETOWN, and LONDON CALLING AT~PLYMOfJTH Th« following- magnificent »twmors "ill K-nveSyDNEV for NATAL, CAPETOWN Mid LONDON, as follows :— . ... IvOllVO Namo of Sloamcr. itn/'r Syduoy lit Moravian ... ... . . .1673 Pob (I Soplmclim ... ... ... 1748 , Fel) 'J7 .FAltliS. Salouii. ,Iru olnss. fjondon ... Hoi ... £11! l)t 0(1 to £'i 0 OdOd Ctti>u aud NnUl ittl J0« . . JJI3 Jl!h 0,1 to £17 I7s 0d LEVIN & CO., Liu., Agent*. npHOS. COOK ANl> SON,' A Paesonger AgonLa tor Orient Co., P. and O. Co., North Gorman, N.Z. Shipping Co., Shaw-Savill Co., Mossngorics Maritimos, A. and A. Company, Canadian Au«trnlmn, Capo Linos, etc. Aro you about to travol? Boforo booking your piuebgos communicate for COOK'S SAILING LIST (posted free), giving sailings and fares and gonoral intormation of all lines. To make your travol oa«y, apply ' COOKS SHIPPING OFFICE, Cußtomhouse-quay, Wollington. AMERICAN A*ND AUSTRALIAN LINE. S.S. NAIRNSHIRE, FROM NEW YORK. THIS ntoamor is now reported at tho Customs, and eoin-ignecH aro requested to paps entries and present bills of lading nt once. Captain Olpon will not be rosponsiblo for any debts oontrnctod by las crew ■without Ihr written authority. All claiiim for damage to rargo must bo m.vii! i>rior to vobpol'b deunrturo. ' KINSEY, BARNS AND CO., Agents. Imperial Buildingti, Foatherston'slrtot. GRACIE, BEAZLEY v<fc CO.'S LIVERI'OOL LINE. BARQUE TjMIvNA. ALL Claim-J agaiiißt the above- namocl vohbol must bo cent in (in duplicate) on or beforo MONDAY, Ist I'Vbruary, oU"H-wipo thoy cannot bo iccognised. LJSVIN AXD CO., LIMITED, Agents WANTED to Sell, a good Family Mouho, containing 7 ronma and ooiivcuionciis; land 35 x 102; perfectly lovol ; near Moin-streot. Price £575. Luke aud Oooner. Mnrliu-street

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 3