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JTOXt THE LUNGS, THIS TJJJLMJAT, THE VOICE. j^Jto x •oK^.'L* A. Tlio Larynx or organ of voio» B. Thu Tuioliea or Windpipe. GUKAT AN'I'ISHPTIC t^^^T^gfr'ag^^B^, 0. The Bronchial Tubes of a disFor tho Cure of D. A J.obe of ono of tho lungs. And the Prevention of /xml w S^l^^ 'i Wtiur A , ND l J "'* lj '^ HUDSON 'S EUM KNTIJ OL JUJUBES ( Registered), CONTAIN NO CDOAINK OU OTHKIt POISONOUS J)ltUO. Sold by all CliHminlH. in Tins, 1/0; from tho Proprietor, G. HUDSON, Cliomiit, Inawioh, post froo on receipt, of Rlauiim. Kyilney Depot : 5 and 7, Qtienn's I'la.-o. MADK IN AUSTRALIA. SHAUIiAND k CO., NI'JW '/X A LAND AWKNTS.

DANDELION & QUININE FOR BILE, WIND, INDIGESTION, Headache, Furred Tongue, Sickness, Giddiness, loss of Appetite, llo.iLtburn, Shoulder Pains. Constipation, and all Liver Complaints. ; Dit. King's I'im.s.ouaranti kdwithoct.Mkrcurv, still keep ahead of nil others as n Livci Kemudy. Established 1832. Sold eveiywberc, is. iJd.,2S. gd. and 4s. Gil. per box. SoMy Manufactured by [, Rorkic & Co,, 132 York Kd., Lambeth, London. SHOULD YOU SUFFER FRQftfl Eczema, Face Blemish, Sensitive Skin, Chilblains, Chaps and Cracks, Freckles and Wrinkles, Boils ov Burns, Ringworms, Or any kind of Skin Disease, THE OMLY CURE IS Write to tho Wholesalo Aganta, Shaulahd & Co., Limited, WellniKton, for a Free Tri*l Uottl* of tln» l''uinouga.ndNover-f»ilinpKemedy,njidfo) tho A.utexeina Uo.'a Invulimblo 011 Skin Uiveabes 111 «onor»l, enoloeiuft ntuuip for poatugo FREE HELP* FOR THJ SICK ALL DISEASES CURED. Are you sick? Do yon want to get well? If so, tliit offer is of vital importance to yon. I can >ihow you lite way lo get well. It i 1 - tlst way I lmvc "pi oven Micccsslnl in thousand •<>< enhes. 1 have on fite letters! from M-venu tlioii'-aiul .sntihficd mid grateful piitieuls who have |>roveu the value «f my treatment l>y nctunl trial. If yon coulil rend a few ofthese letters telling ol'iniriicu'ou.HCuies after yems of huffcrimr I would need no further argument to convince yon of my ab.lity. I have DR. JAMBS W. KIDD. lasted the ex pen uieu ml Kloge, 1 know what t can do. No mutter what your dUeiiHc. 1 five cuie«l lit any entes of Coiiriuiujtiioii. Dis n.v:,' I.ocumotor Atnsia, nncl , rnrllnl I'«iHi>&U Hint uther doctors ptoouueed iucurnblc. No nmHer how many octot'h 01 tnU-nl medicines you lmvc tried, t'lie mijoiity of my patients hml tried nil i hebe in v.iiu befoie theycaiue to mr I CAN 'UKK YOU. ThlsJsn s'troiiß •ttntrmeut, but 1 nm willing; to show my laitlt In my own .bi)ity. I W'll,l, S«ND YOO A FHKH TUI^AT- \ UISNT. Yon cm lie the jiulrc. It'yuuitic 1 • it&lieJ rccnmiucnU me to your fricmlH. 1 i Vcl lure of my u.iy because I know whnt my ] icniiuciil will no. 1 have no speciality. I treat alt di>ca<e*. ' iJo not hesitate to write because someone ins told you that your disease is incurable. \<.ry oivnn til' the lioily is a perfect 'I'ichine niul will work perfectly it it is «il-plicd wiih the pioper force from the •itrvcs, and -.iiirioient iiouriHlimeut from the blood. 1 h.ive learned how to supply this ictvc loicc and blood nouiislimciit. 'J'liis is j ivhy I can cure wlieu ntheri* fail. ' I have nv.socuitetl with me the most eminent pcdalM in America. Tell us all about your 1 ;:ir,c. No iiMtlcr what your ailtnetit, your •orrespondeucc will he considered cnliiely coufidcntiiil. We will make a careful ex(initiation of yourcasc. The free treatment nill he prcpnrctl itnti sent you by mull pos;iKe paid. It only costs you a stamp. 1 ciui use 110 stronger argument to convince yi 11 ol my ability to cure jou than thin. You have everything to gain, not hi it jr to love. Write 10-day. Address mv private ofllce as ollows: Dr. JAMKS W KIDD, 457 Dulles Block, Port 'Wayne, lua., U.S.A. QCHOLEFIELD'S Spootaclos at People's - k-7 Pricos— Crystals from Is,- Pobbles from 3s 6d, Kollod-gold Frames from ss ; your sight (osted and spectacles fitted. W. It. Hoholofiold, 36a, Slannors-streot, noxt to Fioldor'g. Spoctaoles repaired. J. H JiETHUNEife CO., AUCTIONEERS AND LAND AGENTS, " 33, Feathorston-strcet. Telephone 64. BARGAINS IN LANDED PROPERTY CUSTOMHOUSE -QUAY - Magnificent ] Froohold Section near Quoon's Wharf, loading biwinosß promisoß. Prioo low. VIOTORIA-S'IREET— Excoptionally valuable Busiuasa tiito, largo frontage, suitable for wholesale promises or offices. DIXON-STREET— Valuable Retail Buei- / ness Site with shop. £1000; bargain, i riOBSON-STREET — GontlenWs Rosidonco, oxtrn largo soctiou : viow. ' KELBURNE (Contral-tgrraco) — Splendid 7-roomcd Dwolliug ; lovoly viow. £1300 THORNDON— Noat 6-rd Villa, hot water, olectrio light. Choap at £750. KENT-TERRACE— Splendid iuvoslmont 3 in houao proporty, yielding 9 por cent. * on outlay. £1000 cash; balaneo 5 p.c. THORNDON-QUAY — Largo Section; 2 dwellings, each 6 rooms; £1500 NEWTOWN-Largo Hall, suitable for mootings, factory, or laundry. £650. 1 BALMOBAL.TEH.-Now Villa, srs. £575 SYDNEY-STREET - Substantial 5-rd Cottago in perfect order. £500 ; torms. KELBURNE — Every avnilablo section in this suburb, from £125. Terms. IIUTT ROAD— 2SO Acros, long frontago, euilablo subdivision. £50 aero ISLAND BAY— Ovor 1 Aero. £800. DAY'S BAY— Now Cottago, 4rs. £575 BROOKLYN— Now Villa, srs, largo section. £365 ; £90 cash. 1 SUBURBS — Orofton, from £95; Tilahi s Bay, i ao., £50; Muritai, £60; 4to 7 4 re, from £320; Alicetown, £110. , MONEY TO LEND on Froohold Socurity. l .—. — . — __ __ c GENERAL STOREKEKPER'S BUSINESS FOR SALE. FOR SALE, ono of tho finest Businesses m tho Toranaki District, shop anif dwelling' of six rooms, noarly now, wild ton acros of land, to bo sold right out. Stock of grocory, boots, ironmongery, and i drapery to be tnken ovor at invoice pricos. J Post Offico with Monoy Ordor Businoss is „ carried on in promince. Exceptional n chance for practical man. Apply j AXTKEN, WILSON AND CO., 1 jjr<»iiin«ton» >

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 2