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WELLINGTON YOUNG MEN'S CIIRIBTIAN A&SOCLVriON. WANTED, GENERAL SECRETARY. PfcJ\7 RITTEN Applications will bo rooojvHodH od up to 11th Fobiiuiry, 19W, for tho position of General Secretary of tho Wellington T.M.C.A. : pioposod *alaiy £250 por annum. Applications should bo iiddrosscd to tho Honorary Seci'utary, V.M.C.A. Rooms, Wellington. Applicants wili be expected to (umi«h n statement of their o\pcrici:ce nnd (innliftcntions for podition, sttttiug ago, tufcothor with copies of testimonials nnd photo .1 G. W. AITKKN. Proaidont. Wellington, N.Z,, Bth January, 1904. j "*" ACCOUNTANT " A FIRST-CLASS Accouniunt, thoroughly competent to tnko charge of Countinghouio, is required by a largo o&talblishmcnt Appluations enclosing copios of tcslimonialx, with full n:\rlionlars nr to salary nuiuirod. to bo addrossod to X.Y.Z., caro of Bnulmm und Biss, Professional Accont\tant«. PARTNERSHIP. W [ANTED, by an established firm, a Sleeping Partner, with £500, to extend tho business throughout Now Zealand and Australia ; excellent opportunity ; 8 per cont. guaranteed. Apply Aolca, Evening Post. nny ANTED, a Working Partner in a 1* * first-class dairy farm in Marlborough ; 100 cows ; a splendid ohnnco ; cash requirod about £300. Apply to Griffiths and Son, Blenheim. ' ■ i i . i , ,1 FRENCH CLEANING! tTSTANTED Known, thnt Ladies' Silk 1 » » Blouses, Costumes, and Fancy Articles of nil description can bo Fronch Cloaued without shrinking or in any way nirecting tho • most dolicatu colours, nt BARBER'S Steam Dyo Works, 46, Cubaitroot. 1 PICTURE HATSI tTJTT ANTED Known— For 14 days only T V we are offering BLACK PICTURE BATS, with Plumes, from 15s 6d. MISS BARLOW will "also mako Stylish Black Costumes, including material, from 355. MRS. PENLINGTON, 11, Vivian-street. " FtMtNlTUttk. ~ X\T ANTED ifuown— Sidoy, Moouh and f f Co., ManiierS'fltrotit.aro Oiwh Buyers of Fnrnitttro, Pianos, aud Liluurius. Eittablishcd over 35 .years. 1 FURNITURE. ~~ WANTED lo Buy, Houses of Furniture ; highest prico ; cash down. O. Dqubnoy, 74, Tory.stroot. . . . COURTB!S T AY-PLAOE. )\\T ANTED— Owner is propared to build ■» ' Shops 1 to suit lenunta, on promises nt'prosont in 1 occupation of Halloy and . £mng. • Apply < BAKER BROS. ' jTTJT ANTED Known — Munt, Cottroll -* Company (Limited), Gonoral Carrior«, Custom and Forwarding Agents. Storage- a specialty. Furniture packod.and removed. Offioo — Queen's Chambers. Telophono No. 23. WANTEDW 'ANTED Known — Just arrived from Egypt, a Great" Flow Noveltylargo Bulbs of "Sntuomatum Guttatum," a wonderful lily that boars beautiful black, velvety, Arum-likd blooms. This groat curiosity grows nnd flowers without soil or water. Prieo lm oach, post free for Is 3d. F. COOPER, 30, Majinore-Klroel, Wollingtou. WANTED Known — Have you ceen Berlin and Co.'s Now English Worotods, Tweods, Vicunas, ole, just received direct, from thair ha/id Lqhdou depot. Wo aro (sacrificing samo at bedrock prices: Firit-clais Tailor-m*<lo S.uiU to moasiiro, 70s; latest English Stririo Worsted Troiwcra to' moasuro, 21s. All gannonts out by Mr. Charles, tho acknowledged London prixo cuttor. Noto addrosn— Berlin and Co., 63, Willis-Btroot. W "ANTED Known — That wo aro aoout to build on a few of tho remaining sections on. Uio went oide of Contrultcrracc, Kolburnc. Wo aro propared to build in our" very bost stylo and finish to «uit purchasers if early application bo mado. Remember, tho domand for sections in this fashionable locality is very great, cspcoially on tho west sido of Centralterrace. They command an oxtensive view of City and) Harbour, and to avoid disappointment' it is neeMsnry to eomraunioato with us at onco. LUKE AND COOPER, Builders, Martin-street. W* "AN^Ep^Riio^-^hT^on Tailors, Willis-street, opposito Empiro Hotel, having ) purchasod at spocial prices <a Jargo assortment of West- of England Spotted and Striped Twoeds, aro How making suits of those materials at 755,' really worth £5 ss. Socuro ouo of these suits at once ; you will save money. Wo guarantee our visual fit, style, and finish in fhes'o garments, which is the best. THE DON," Willie-strool, oppomto ICmpiro Hotol. 1 jV^ ANTED to Sell, a, General Grocery 1~ »' Store, tho only one in a thickly populated suburb, only 30 minutes' walk from tho G.P.0. ; freehold of largo Bhop arid 5 living rooms, on • corner section ; price £675 ; stock at valuation. For further particulars apply to J. Fanning and Co., WANTED to Soil, the Empiro Cafo Dining-room, as iy going concern, lease, and accommodation for twenty boarders; soiling on acoount of going into business in Willis-streot; nd reasonable offer refused to cash buyer. Apply' to O. Johnson, Proprietor. Tel. 1826. '\\T ANTED, Purchaser for now up-to- '» t tlato 6-roomod Houso in Corbman-dol-stroot ; h. and o. walor, gas, and overy convenience. Apply D. and J. Rllchic, Buildors aud Furniehort?, cornor Revans nnd Hall stroots. W" ANTED7~SOO ludios lo try Caillor's dolicious Drinking Chocolate. Koquires no milk nor sugar; most nourishing and •uslabling. Sold in Is boxes und 2s tins, at Anderson's, Molosworth-Btreot ; al, tfio W.F.C.A., Lamlrton-quay ; and at Campbell's, Manners-street. ' 1 •TlTANTKD^Nothing ' d'ctractH "from " a 1"' woman's appoaranco more lhau impoycriohpd, dead-looking hail ; nothing boautifioß it moro quickly than Hendy's Egg Julep. Try it; Is. Kirkcaldio and Stains, Ltd., Sole Agents. nn^ANTli^anPartnoi' in v good sub~ "» stantial business in a progroming town: turnover £2000 per annum; oau bo easily doubled ; profit 50 per cent ; a good investment for a man with a small capital. Apply by lottor to A.8., caro of Post Office, Palmerston North. WANTED, Bnyor for stock and equip- . incut of a Tobacconist and Hairdresser's Business in a busy country town, with leaso of good shop und lniirtVesger'a saloon. Apply G. A. Fairbrolhor, Limited. pbnVANT ED " ICno w ii— Max Krelsil^ • * » Ico Chest Manufncturer, Willisslroet. Tolephono 1490. All eatables and drinkables kept nico and cool in hot weathor^ "ANTED to Soil, a nmail Bakery and Confectionery Butine^^, cheap. at once. Apply by Idler to C.H., Post Ofllco, Nelson.' Principals only dealt with. „ W~~ ANTICD to dispose of a Wavorloy Bicycle, No. 2015, sound 'and in good oonditioh ; cash or on terms. 59. Adams Star Cycle Co., Morcor-struot. WANTED Known—A cheap articlo is daar at any prico, so bo on Uio snie tido and buy a Rovor or Raleigh B:c}ele : beit value for , money. Inglis Bro-., 58, Willig-strect. WANTED Known —W. H . Bryant, Clairvoyant and Herbalist, may bo con' idled daily on all matters- at" "The Herbal KingV," Kent-terrnco. Hours from 10 till 9 p.m.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 16