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WELLINGTON SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE, 7, MANNERS - STREET. SANDOW SYSTEM. SANDOW SYSTEM. ROYD GARLICK ... INSTRUCTOR. Respiratory Specialist. Work will bo rebuinod 011 THURSDAY, 7th JANUARY. Classos for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Boys ou Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Business Men'b Class, , Thursdays, 5 to 6 p.m. Special coui'Hes of treatment for Weak Lungs, Inhomnin, Liver, Obesity, and Spinal Ourvaturo. Mr. Garlick makes a speciality of doep breathing, and guarantees an increase in Lung capacity, in all caicH undertaken for ehnsl and lung development. Massage nnd corrective oxeroisos (jiven for atrophiod musolos or deformities duo to muscular weakness. Terms on applioution. A. A. CRUMP, "OROFESSOR OF THE ORGAN, PIANOFORTE und OLARIONETTE, Is open lo receivo Pupils. Terms on applicution. 115, BROUGHAM-STREET. (A Card.) ' •M/jTRS. GLOVER EATON, L.R.A.M., i.7jL Teacher of Singing and Pianoforte, having recently arrived from England, is prepared to rocoivo Pupils. Terns on application at tho Dresden Piano- Company's Rooms, or at 48b, corner of Groorgo-alreol and Tinakori-rond. Established in Wellington 1884. Tji R E D K. L. DEAN, ■*- Teacher of tho PIANOFORTE, CORNET, VIOLIN, Etc Pianos Tuned und Ropairod. F.L.D. bogs to return his sincere thanks to patrons for tiro groat support accorded him during tho past twouty years, and hopos by strict attention to his professional duties to merit thoir support in the futuro aa in the past. Address— 2o6a, UPPER ADELAIDE- ' ROAD, WELLINGTON SOUTH. MADAME COPE - DOWSING, SPECIALIST' VOICE PRODUCTION, SINGING, AND PIANO. System idcntiml with that which has produced such singers as Mesdaines Patti, Molba, Dolores, l?atey, and Ada Cross.ey, Messrs. Sims Bfravos, Santloy, Edward Lloyd, Joan Do Kesko, Foley, and others too numerous to montion. Term begins with first lesson. Address — 3, Tho Terraco. SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION. •jfyTADAME EVBLEEN CARLTON will XfJL rosumo Teaching on MONDAY, Ist FEBRUARY, 1904, at hor Rooms, 100, Willis-slreot. ' SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION. ■Ji/TISS PHOEBE PARSONS, A.R.0.M., XfM. w ju R esumo Tonoliing at the Dresden Rooms on MONDAY, Ist Fobruary, 1904. VIOLIN. m|ISSW. HOLT will return to New Zealand on tho 3rd F«bruaiy, and will rounnio Tuition of tho Violin on following day. Tor in bogitiH with pupil. For foes, <fco., apply 10, Tinakori-road. VIOLIN AND PIANOFORTE. jVBISS KATHLKKN HENRY will roeonmionoo Teaching on 2nd February. Torma, <tc, nt Dresden Rooms. THE VIOLIN. 11 ISS JULIA MORAN rosumes Tuition '* " on TUESDAY, 2nd February, 1904. Miss Morau will bo at Homo on uud after Monday, Ist February. JJro»dun Konms, Mondays and Thursdays. 37, Au^tin-stroet. PIANOFORTE. "% 1 ISS McDO^ALD will rosnme teaching on MONDAY, Ist Fobruary. Torras. 54. Majoribauks stroot. R. MERE WE'A HER MEADOWS has commoncod Teaching (Rooms 1 and 2) Virgil Clavier, {Singing, Theory, Piano, Violin, Hnimony. Young Children's Piano Courso taught by a lady toacher (Room 3). MUSIC STUDIO-CENTRAL CHAMBERS, MANNERS-SI R.EET, Noxt to Opera Houso. M'~ TSS~ALYCE~HOLROYD (lato of Sydnov), Certificated Teacher of Elocution, voice Production, and Dramatio Art. Hours — Mornings, 11 to 12.30 a.m. ; Afternoons, 4 to 6 p.m. Classes now forming. Terms on application at Studio, No. 9, Fletcher's Buildings, corner of Willis-street and Lambton-quay. Engngemonts accepted for At Homes and Concerts. DANCING, DEPORTMENT, AND CALISTHENICS.' fTIHE Elito of Wellington aro informod •*- thnt MISS PEARSON will Resume Classes in all tho Newest Dances, etc., on her return from London aud Paris at the beginning of April noxt. EVERY LADY HER OWN DRESS MAKER! ■ mHE LANGER SCHOOL OF DRESS A CUTTING, .Barnotl'a Building, 61, Willis-street. Ropresentatiro— MlSS KATE STEWART (Lato Toucher, of ■ Dressmaking Dunodin Technical School and ,Anglo-Parisi»n System). Tho LANGER SYSTEM contains the latest improvements in Dresscuttiug, and is adapted for Jaokets, Capos, Opera Mantles, Princoss Robes. Tea Gowns, Dress-, ing Jackets, Children s Drosses, Coats, otc Terms on application and inspection in vited. Ono lesson froo Hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 4. Evening Classes Tuesday ana Thursday, 7, to 9. Patterns out to measurement. Agents wanted in Wellington nnd Tantnuki Provinces. THE COSMOPOLITAN SYSTEM OF DRESSOUTTING. Tft/TRS. WIGHTON, Willis-slreot, hay JLtJL ing secured certificates for tho offi oient teaching of above subject, is propared to rocoivo Pupils. Evening classes or privato olassos. Terms and full particulars ou application lo No. 101, Willisslreet. OOLUiUBIA SCHOOL OF DRESSCUTTING. 106, UPPER WILLIS - STREET. MRS. MACLEOD, Costumioro and Teacher of Worth's System of Dressmaking in nil iU latest improvcmonls. Porfect fit guaranteed. Pattorus out to measurement. Afternoon Classes, Mondaj-s nnd Thursdays, from 2 till 4. Evoning Clnsscs, Tuesdays and Fridays, from 7 lill 9. LI\NGEirsCIIOOLoF"bRESSCUTTING, ' BARNETT'S BUILDING, 61, Willis-Btreot. MISS KATE STEWART (assisted by Miss C. Stewart) will Resume Teaching on MONDAY, Ist February. Evening Glassos commoucc THURSDAY, 4th Fobruary. This System has mot with immenfio success in Wellington, nnd every information will be gladly given to any one interested on application. Fees moderate.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15