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OKIOKKT. England v. Australia. 4th Test Match. TICK Till'] KISSUI.T AND WIN Tllli WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS, £50. Fifty Pounds Sterling will bo presented tr> tlio person wlio oorroolly ostiiuid.oH tho result, of tho 4lli Tohb Match bolwiicn I'hig mid anil Australia, to eomimmco in Sy<lnoy on or about 26th February, IHOt Should moro tliau ouu portion give tlio rosull,, tho auiount will bo proportionately divuloil ainonjf tlioin. Should no compotiior bo exactly oorroot, thu anmuub will bo imvoii t.o tho poivon who uUtes the rußuit most,clot>oly ; bill, in tho uv*'iiL of a tie, tho prize will bo divided equally. Tho following is nn oxatnplo for Competitors :—: — '" I fit-loot tlio AuKtraliuii Team to win tlio Fourth Toot Alatith by innings, .. ti... Awokot*. „ 2 .. mus. JOHN JON'K.S, Il<t, Rlary-Htroot, Junco, N.S.W." <'oinpotitorn must cut out tho hibol headed "CAUTION TO THl'i PUU1,10," which i« on thuyuilow n nvppor oi' each bottlo ot WOI FWS SCHNAPPS, aud writo thoir (-uluotiou on llio back of it. If nny otlinr win of llio wniiipor iR sent tlio Holootion will be iiifonuul. All suloctioiiH inu-l. rcuuh uh not lutor than tlio day bofnre tho Matoh Htarts. All ouvelopoH um«t bo Propov]y atumpod : Uinaido'Sydiiuy, 'id; Sydney ami yubnrlian r.uliiiM, Id, und niuuL bo nuirUod " WOJ.t'K'.S SCHNAPPS, X '0," and bo uddi-übscd to tho " Proprietors of Wolfe's Sohnapps, KOX 250, Q.P.0., SYUNIiJY." AH tho roßiilts will bo fiealod boforo tho MaLcli oouiuiencus, mid depositor! with tlji) Alamiifcr of tho Sydnoy Daily 'J'ult)|rmpli, who has kindly cuiinsntod to hold thotu during it» oi<utitiuation. BILIOUSNESS. A BILIOUS HFiADACHE is. soon cured by a dose of WAIiOO. tho famous niudicinc for indigestion anil all. kindred complaints. WAIIOO has boon provod by thousands of sufforors to givo a most instant roliof in cuncs whoro othur romodius fuiied. Try WAIIOO and bo ablo to go to your work with ft clear liond and Cheerful disposition. WAIIOO is sold by all chemists and stores nt 2s 6d a bottlo, and ono doso relieves. Ono botllo cures. 1 SYDNEY CHEMIST I SYDNEY PRICES I Patent Medicines, Toilet Roquisiles, and nil Sundriuis at Lowest Prices. For Boils, Pimploit,- Kent Rneh, tuko SALEICS NIiRVIS, liKAIN, AND TONIC HAItHAPARILLA ! It improves tho appetite, regulates tho bowoU, tones up tho fystpm, pradicutoa boils, piiuplos, and nil fikin affection*, roliove* backache, aud in a marvellous tonio. Lnrgo Botllos 2s 6d. A LADIES' PILL In Dr. Whito's, For bloodies*, tired, weak, nervous Indict. An ideal tonics — (iocs not constipate ; rolievci headache, indiffottion, and all nervous affections so troulito'omo lo llio fiox. ?s per box. MI^HKLETS. SPARICTETS, Is 4d box. ANTI-OORPULKNCY PILLS for Stout Peoplo, 2s 6d bottle. Wi\l. RAIiKK, S V D N V. V O 17 F, M I S T, 17. WTI US- STREET. ALMOND COMPLEXION CREAM, llio great bcautifier ami nkin-hoaler, for sunburn, roughness, and rednoss, 2s 6d per bottlo. SWIFT LADY'S BICYCLE, perfectly doiiignod,' fitted with Brooks «addlo, Kcnolds chain ; fi<Hhioiuvblo design, ot»sy to drive ; prico £22. Adams Star Cyclo Co., Morccr-stroot. njlWO brook fast* for a penny. Oatina J. Rollod Oftts is tho food that mokes children strong nnd healthy. Tho cheapest food in tho world. 1 FUIFnITUREI FURNITURE! RICHARDSON BROS., 115, Upper Culm-stroot, oa«li buyora of now und nocond-hand lurniture." ATINA Rolled Otts is a brnin and miiFolo food. Tho bost breakfast in tho world. Oatina is mado from tho pick of N.A. oats. __ a SERRAVALLO'S" TONIC "Children take it liko milk. Easily digested by the most doliouto stomach. Tho best of all tonics for debility nnd nervousnuss. OATINA Rolled Oats, tho cheapest and quickest mado porridge in tho worftl. Ask for Langdotvn and Son's Out inn. 1 WTFT "ROAD" RACER, fitted with Ronolds chnin, Brooks tatldlo, clipperrollnx tires, boautifully uuished, prico £20. Adiuns Stnr Cycle Co., jVlorcor-H. T7|TOR"M " ~pT)\VDE7tS - '.'TnTi'i"! child » V coniplftins of hpudacho, t/lioii breath is bad, with qousUvnt thirst, or when vlpcp ia rostlees, giv« onu of these powders. That child will bo a huppy, healthy child next day. Price It. 11. C. Briun, Chomist. 100, Cubit -Btruet. 1 S~ lU.\ WRITING «IGN WRITING Go to It. MARTIN. 17. Mannme-stroot. 1 MONEY. MONEY. MONEY! CORY AND CO., Financial Agents, 7, C-Jrey-streot, have Money to Loud on bohalf of privato clionls at lowest possiblo latos. EU(tS, Eggs, now-mul Eggs, guaranteed, dolivorod to nil parts of tho city. Fresh Food and Ico Co. Tololihono Nos., 1592 nnd 244. 1 r jiry~s'Fent and co'S boitleu .1 ALE AND STOUT, specially browed from uiaJt and hops for private uuo ; c|U:irts, 7s ; pints, 4s ; casks, 2s per gallon. Central Brewery, Quin-street, ott' lihuzneo-otraet. Tclophono 571. 1 S~WIFT BICYCLES aro recognisod to bo the best in tho worjd ; all tho old cyclists ndo nnd rccommond them ; road nicer, £20. Adams Star Cyclo Co., Moroer-stroet. BICYCLES nnd Motor Cycles ovorhnuled, enamelled, roplatod, and repaired. Dimlop, Oceanic, ntul other vulcanised tires fitted. Freu wheels and coaslors fitted to nny mnchino. All work of tho bo6t. Grovo Oyclo Works, Ghuz-neo-slreot. Tolnphono 1288. BRIEN'S Quinine nud Iron Tonio strengthens tho tissues and makes tho blood pure; induces nppelite and g.ves refreshing sleop ; prico 2s por bottle. R. O. Briun, Chemist, 103, Cuba-street. 1 ICE I ICE I— Puro Ico, made from distillod water, in any quantity, largo or small, delivered to all parts., Frosh Food aud 100 Co. Tolophonos Nos. 1592 and 244. PALE People uiDictod with nervousness, debility, and anaomiu troubles nro cured by using Sorravallo's Tonio (bark and iron wine). 1 H! M'GILL'S famous Pastilo Treat,nioul will brvo oporations imd unnoooMtnry suffering. Cnn bo oblainoil nt 8, Bolton -street, on Tucedny, Thurßdny, and Suturday Morniuiia only, or on nppli. cation to Mrs. A. Alpha, Box 411, Wollington. JADIES' Solect Dining-room, first floor, -J Rogors's Criterion Cnfu. Ono Shilling Luncheon. Soup, grills, or joint*, and sweets. Six ticket* ss. Open after the opera for suppors. Rogors's Criterion C'nfo. Miic-hities ot ovory doHoription n lupairtid by r*killo(t iiioolhuiob Singer B«wmg Mnchino Co., 5 Willis-street. 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15