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SIVIEN! HERE'S HEALTH! 1 HERE'S RELIEF ' vS^g^-^ ' /WsMl iKfeft P g from tho raUermbln, O^^^l Kf®U^ i X nheumollim. Sciatica, XS&ttO" Rl<l4WfH I X Lumbago, etc. Hero'» Hn .*&?>%£%*. VSitiAMM' ' " B . n.m<4ys for your X^' W3bk Wi & I Backache, your 'Kid- J* pMs^*s>l&l £ E ney Trouble, and your / JiWi "A <v1 ■ F k Nervou», Weakened . y& • tf Coiuttltutlon. Hfre'g a Tonic that will our* 3 $r ffjpMii 5 ffi your dlnorderecl tilvor. and put H In » tho- I 'jfij&T 1 B rouiih 'workln* condition, thereby dlupelilng I & xMifli • X In«llc<'«tlon, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Acidity. » ,>4W,\ '^Sjfi v B Ilca4l«che«, »to. A Tonio that will brace up l^" Nt _^ v r^Ji'uJ^^^ , | B your entire (iy»t«n. that will drive awuy that \. 1 /^/e^T^^jfef i R l»n»uld, Tlrsd Feellnj. that will glvo New \ l\\ i /-**'-^*Jv?^«^ I ! H Life to every Ron Down Pram©. \! \l k if/tfpgfW 1 H 'Whafß the uae of draßßlnc your lojrs ».bout YW \ \l) £§&s£'■& *Jfflk> i Mr like a wooden man' Feel like a mun of \) H »)>lrUI Aw»y with patrm u»l nc'ies; oft , '^-~^g7^g^j^^^T^^,R»S f B with wretched feeling »s If you *Hjre 70 years "~~~^P^^^7t^C&isss%* i ffi old, »nd had one foot In tho trrave. Come und 111 1 [5 let us put life Into your nerve*: let ub elva < i^Oy ; J[^\\^ s s^'&^1 l ' l !ilmr % W you a new «upply of youthful cner&y. Lot us /V/7/vV llVC^'v*^^ i' 1 ilwi r H make you feel like throwint your cheat out s/Ufxi VrOv\^x^ Ymvß ■ ft und your head up, and saying to youraclf, */ fj i ! » "I'M A MAN!" Lot us «lvo you back that II ;^/\\ JjHwMi f h fedlnf of youthful fire, vim, and cournue I S B We can do It, to that In two month* you will I > 1' X wonder that you evor felt ao slow and pokey I '*'&i \ i* & aa you do now. Act to-day. Life Is swoet, | 4^r \ ♦ 1 1 fID BJRI AitOLII BM'D 1 i.i:("i";n: I | I ""• '""LAUuHLIw 0 bbiitl j * Re«toiea to tho System tho VIUJ Nctvo Foroo that han been wimted ttiroueh neelect or I » cxceMH of youth. It replaces the motive power in the body, Rlvlnic you back tho j g Vlr^ur and Vitality that enables you to enjoy a Ille of Haiwliiesn. No man j R ihould remnln a wenkllnif. No man shoulil be lean than a mtin tlian Nature Intend- 5 B «d him, and to get bach what you hnv« l«n>t Kltctrlclty alonp will do It for you. j X It will re»tor« your loU health and. vitality without tho axßlsinnon of Drur Treatfi ment. It hai saved thousands from misery and suftorlnc, nnd— take sound advice— <R Try It. It will euro you. I g Denotbßjr an Electric Belt until, ten hare decided lo (alio no wore Drugs, i R " General Debility and Indigestion. I W t MARVINBORO'. | B list December, 1903. jj H Dear Sir,— Yours of tho nth instant to hand. I have been using the Hclt regularly evet \ X jince I got it, and it lins done me much pood — my nerves arc miuh aicadier now. Indigestion a has vanished, and my brain m much cleftrer, and oignns arc much utrotifrcr, and In general 1 ' fl im mending now fast. So far lam pleased with the Belt, Thanking you Jor your trouble, I • R remain, your patient, ' j W • _ JL-WALKER. '( ll]Ußtrat ; d Book> oontnlnlnß fIIU u Z~ m *«<, n \,lT \ I 1 I R the tue of Blertrlclty as a Curative Afnt. It tells ' fJhVJ m VJ22* PZfil what ullmenU aro cured by Its ime. also a Bienl ■ b«SV V 4 fi&\ t&W? "'any or the wonderful euro* thnt have bnen mad* B J ln ailrtltlon - ' •" nrofuaely Illustvntrd. slmwlne jSt « y> EJ our varloua business premNes throughout thu tSZW 0i ' trrw Irertl world. A!*<> Rlvlns tllustratlnns of how the Belt j VlS* M \\-W- VCim nnd Attaehmbnta ore upplled Tor varloua nilnienH EF\' M *&*4 **£■% It Is of value to every household, We will wind W*£ M I C ono to any addraas on receipt of a poet-cord or ' "*■*-• * ri'tt p'w *^''°*" mp Al£ lettei. 1| CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU HOW THE BELT IS WORKEJ)T"I ileDr. McliOGHUfGOT^u^r' JlHtta^flßMß^ifltlMtlitfAVCMtMtMß^ihi^ n. — — r - tAdmffl Wvvll wv B tlvU; REGISTERED. a,"»Olt the proaorvation of &ALVANISKD IKON BOOKS mid tlio purpoaoa nhtro n Paint of wearing power is roqnirud. This I'uint lias wonderful woiitlior rodisting proportios, and lms boon proved to litbt I'IIKIOE TO FOUit TIMKS T,i>NOKIf Urn.ii ,u,y othur paints. urotf-pox.'soisroij s. /

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 15