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PLEDGES! PLEDGES! PLEDGES! GREAT UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF PAWNBROKER'S UiVREDEEMED PLEDGES. . o SATURDAY, 30th JANUARY. MESSRS. SIDEY, MEECII AND CO. will sell at thoir rooms, Mannersetreet, as abovo, -on behalf of Mr. J. Metz, Monto do Pioto Pawn Office, Tarauaki- place — A largo quantity of vory valuablo and raro uuredoomod pledges. Salo at 1.30 sharp. Full particulqra lust Saturday and Monday's Post. SIDEY, MEECII AND CO.. Auctioneers. GIGANTIC UNRESERVED AUCTION SALK OF THE WHOLE OF THE STOCK, £500 VAI 'S£S AT £500 xUE SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURN ITU UK AND KFKEOTS. MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY, Tho Ist, 2nd, nnd 3td FEBRUARY. • Commencing oarh day at 1.30 sharp. On tho promisos, 15, IXOEvSTRE-STREET (Near Skating Rink), MESSRS. SIDKY, MEECII AND CO. havo boon favoured with instructions from tho owner, who in oompolled to rolinquish businots, owing to tho continued illnotfl of liia wife, to sell on tho promisee:, as nbovp — • THE \VHOLE OF HIS VERY SUPERIOR AND VARIED STOCK, comprising — Stationer^, fancy goods, china, glass, and croclcory waro, oniunol nrtd hardwaie baths, buckets, mauglns and fen'dors, brushware, v largo nosortmont of Al quality ,o,p. ware, genuino ivory-handled careers, steels, dinner and dopsort leuivos, prosorvo jars and pans,' dainty good dinner, toa, nnd toilot sots, 200 dozen pieces Stratford dinner ware, 100 hall and othor, lamps, 20 dozen sparo lamp fittings, 10 dozen spare cruet bottles, watches and chains, gold a,nd silvor broochos" and othor jowoliery, toys, etc., etc., shop show-cases, glass and othor shelving, shop stands and tables, gastittings, 2 rubber printing outfits, otc., oto*. Owns; to tho largo nnd varied stock it would bo impossible to advertise full dotails, but tho flliovo aro a fow of tho principal in about 1000 lots. "Also, THE WHOLE OF THE VERY SUPERIOR FURNITURE, etc., contents of ' eight rooms, comprising — 1 good piano, 1 vory superior suite, sideboard, mirrors, pictures, suporior linoleums, carpots, overmantol, fanny ocoaxional tobies and ohnirs, dining and kitchen tables, Austrian and othor ohairs, duchess chests and' pairs, mnr-blo-top wnahstands, toilot wnro, doublo and singlo b.r. and othor bedsteads, bedding, blankots, bod linen, housohold linen, firstclass troadlo Singer's sewing machine, cur? tains, blinds, stmr carpet* and rods, moat safe, cutlery, crockory, kilchon utonsils, and sundrips. Tho abovo housohold furnituro and stock is practically now,, as tho ownor hn« only boon in business for six months, and tho wholo is to bo sold ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RESERVE, Order of Salt— Stock and Fittings, Mon« day nnd Tuesday. Housohold Furnituro nnd Effects— Wednesday. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. On tho promisos. No. 8, • MACFARLAN.&. 1 STREET. • • ' 1 ON MONDAY, ,l»t FEBRUARY, . At 2 p.m. TVXESSRS. W. H~MORRAH AND CO. ITX havo recoivod instructions to soil as abovo — Tho contents of a six-rooraod house, comprising— » Good piano (Hoolting and Spangonberg). pnrt suito furniture, occasional tables, oval table, largo mantol mirror, chests drawers, double b.m. bcdntoad, singlo iron bodstoads, hearthrugs," linoleum. Austrian chairs, whatnot, coal vase, pictures, couch, 3 pairs fieldglasses, ornamenU, gardon hoso, carponter's tools, ladders, lawn mower, bath, wringer, kitchen tnblo, croclcory, cutlery, nnd all tho usual kitchen utensils. WITHOUT RESERVE. On view from 9 a.m. morning of salo. TUESDAY, 9th FEBRUARY, At 2.30 p.m. "4 ROOMS WITH~I ACRE AND 5 ROOMS WITH OVER i ACRE, At VOGELTOWN. MESSRS. W. IL~MOHRAH AND CO. havo been favoured with instructions to sell hy publio auction, qn abovo date, as under — • ' t WRIGHT-STREET,- VOGELTOWN. 4-roomod cottago, , oracled 3 years ago, with scullory, largo shed used for workshop,, and' Washhouse, fowl; houses and runs, nuitablo for poultry farm, etc., croctcd tipon h«i!tions 392,' 303, 394, containing about $ aero Also, , ■ 5-roomed collage, erected 7 months ago, with 2 bay windows and porch, Bculloryj washhouso,, orectad- upon .Section 395, containing 1 aero and 13 perches, more or k-ss. Title — Land Transfor. Tho abovo valuhblo proporties aro silu,ated in tho best part of Vogeltown, and can bo reached' from tho tram sorvico at Adolaido-road in a fow minulos via Hut-chison-road, tho main road to this suburb. Tho properties mutt bo sold, as tho ownor is going into a Inmnoss. Investors must boar in mind that Vogeltown is (taming 'into prominence Tho proposed tramway sorvioo running through Brooklyn into this suburb will open it up to. a largo oxUnt. Properties in this district have not been rushed up to fictitious pricoH, and purchaßers can therefore dopend upon getting value for their money]. TK KAIANGA ! TE KAIANGA ! Within 10 minutos' walk of Kanvaira and Khnndftllah Stations. ', MESSRS. 'J. H. BETHUNE & CO. remind intending purchasers that tho «alo of 63 Froohold Buildirlg Sites in the abovo boautiful Suburb takas plnce nt their rooms, Fcmthorston-stroot, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd.Fobruary, v at 2.30 p.m., and would call particular attention to . the pxcoptionally liberal terms of payment, as advertised in Saturday's issue. In ordor to promoto settlement, and to effect a prompt salo of tho various seotions,. exceptionally low upsot prices havo boon fixod. J. 11. BETHUNE & CO., Auctioneers. TUESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY, 1904, At 2.30 o'clock. ' IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD CITY AND SUBURBAN , PROPERTIES. MESbivo. J. H. BETHUNE & CO. , • wilt sell by, publio auclioh.-at thoir rooms, Fcath'orston-stroot, as above — Estate of tho lato Mrs. W. G. Haybittlo : LOT I— CUBA-STREET, Nos. 28 anc} 28a.— Magnificont Bumnem Site, 35 x 159 ft 9in, with largo Boot Emporium »nd Boardinghouso; lot to Mossrs. 11. Hannah and Co. at a cloar annual rental of £169. LOT I— TRENTHAM.— Charming Proporty of ovor Six Acros, fronting Main Hutt-road, with now 7-roomod Villa; lot to H. E. lUwson, Esq. On accqunt of othor Vondors : LOT 3-Nos. 86, AUSTIN-STREET and 53, ELLICE-STREET-Vftluablo Cornor Section, 40ft by 100 ft, with two now Dwellinghoiißoi of six and seven rooms. LOT 4— DOUGLAS WALLAOE-ST., Nob. 1 and la. — Splondid Propprty, with two Dwollinghoiuus ; lot nt £58 10s p.a. LOT 5, BROOKLYN-OHIRO.ROAD-Soction 12, Quarter-nero, 66ft by 167 ft. For full details of all tho above, boo Evening Post of Saturday last. T7IOR SALE, tho n.n. Elsio, wood uD steamer, built of kauri, coppered and coppor- fastenod, 20 tons, carries 10.000 foet timber on light draught, tpoed 8 miles, light on fuel, with nil gear, including stenrn winch, with or without trade ; terms can be Arranged. Apply Buick and Co., Sbipbrokors, Piutoa

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 8