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Mossrs. Lovin and Co., Lid., roport : — "Tho third sulo of Iho season wu« hold to-day at tho Art Gallery, Iho various brokern offering 4000 bales. Thoro was a largo nttondanco of buyers, the beat nuifltor thai ha» been soon at tho nalos, Rovoral Contiiumlal und Homo buyers attending for tho first lime. Tho wools in. tho ciUalogito wero exceptionally froe from Rrea«o, but hoo<l tuul colts wore very prevalent, und materially affected tho valuo of much that was offorcd. Lambs' wool wan in good demand, und realised or high an 7jil, but seedy lambs hud to hoII at a e-onimlerablo reduction on this. Generally, thero was a rise of id lo Jd on tho Dceomber nnlo priced, and wo quitted nearly tho wholo of Iho eutalogiio under tho hanimer. The range of prices to-day was an follow*: — Merino, Bid ; halfbrod, 6£d lo 7id ; medium erosxbrods nnd Romnoys, 6£<f In 7d ; coarse, cro'-s-brads and Lincoln*, 61tl to 7d ; loptainml and inferior, s£d to bt\ 1 piece* and bellies, 4d to 6d ; lock*, l£d to 3il ; lamlw, bright and clean 6£d to 7_d, Bliifhtiy sooay 5d to b^d. Homo nf tlui pricen malised woro : Uownrowa 6JII, JWB fine 6jil, Fcrngloii 6|<l, Hinuki 6£d, Myrtlo 6^l, Clivo 6-Jd, Tcpungn bid, Larchbank o|d, Morrison's I) ill 7d, ARO 6d, Teroto, lambs 7jd, Homnwood, lamb* 7Jd, WWW 7d, Riverside, lambs 7d, W & CU 7d, GJB 7d."

The Premier will leave for Chiistchurch to-iught. About 140 pntients in tho Mount View Asylum were taken out to tho Government Railway Grounds ydslerday. A prognunine of «port« was gone through, and the Bavarian Band played a number of selections. , The. Secretary for Education will preside at the Conference of School Inspectors in Wellington next wui-k. It is probable that tho Minister for Education will attend tho opening of the conference. A stupid hoax ft eaiid to have, been perpetratod in Petono. During tho week inviUitious to a musical evening, purporting to bo signed by a. lady well known in the district, were posted to a number of residents, with tho rewlt • t hut tho lsuly in question has been inundated with letters of acceptance- and apology respecting a function of which eho knew nothing. In consequence of tho growth of population in Brooklyn and Mitchelltown, tho Commissioner of Police hiia decided to place Constable Collett, of Lambton-quay Station, in charge of those- districts. His quarters will bo situated on tho Ohiroroud. A movement is. on foot to form a Volunteer Cadet Corps, and thoso willing lo join aro asked to send in their names. A young man named. Henry d'Arcy, a {H'ofessional street singer, arrested by Detective Rawle, was charged this morning before the Stipendiary Magistrate with the theft of a brooch vduud at £2, and of a. gold wutch valued i\L £4, the property ot Elizabeth Ellis. His Worship convicted uccused,' and sentenced him to one mqrtlh for theft,, of the brooch, and three months for thoft of the watch. Residents of Potono who were not in tho mum streel lust overling, wero somewhat' surprised this morning to lind vacant a sectiqii which up lo yesterday was occupied by ono of tho oldest build.ings in the toM'iiship. The rxplmiution is that during tho night tho building was removed by means of a large traction engine, to mnko room for (new( new brick shops and dwellings to bo erected (Or Messrs. Short and Chapman. The lion. T. W. Hislop, who has been at Kotorua for tho benefit of lii.<t health, returned to Wellington lust night.- looking and feeling all tlu> better for tho trip. Lieut. Synions, of tho Permanent Artillery, Wellington, is superintending .loinu submarine work in Auckland. In tho inter-ofiice crickot contest, played on tho College Grounds yestorday, the Australian Mutual Provident team defeated the Government Insurance tenm by 30 runs. Lawo'a Disinfectant Powder for disinfectant purposes should bo freuly used to Wiircl oil' contagion and infectious complaints. Motwrs. Johii«loii and Co., wholesale ngents, udvortigo its merits in unolhor column. ' Oakos's Footwear in tho nubjoob of an ttdvorlisemont in this i*?uo. Mr. .loh. E. Liudborg, tho cheap eaxh draper, Cuba-atroot, announces further reductions, with clamps, for his snlo lonioirow. Tho Wellington Auctioneering Company hold to-morrow a Milo of Roneral drapery on account of a Hydtioy firm. Tlin goods or* paid to bo of Rrst-ohib» qunlity, and will bo Hold to tho highest bidder. Tho calo cominpncPß at 11 a.m. at tlio mart, 49, Lambton-quay. Mew*. U. Hannah and Co. announce that they havo prnparril a (treat fea«t of "shoo bargains" for tliu coining week. Cheap but roliabla nhaci are offered. The i&la ooens to-morrow*

Rlossrs. Sidi'y, AToc-ch and Co will continuo tho sulo of nnredoonied ])ledgen on belinlf of Mr. Mutu, pawnbroker, nt lluur roouiH to-morrow, roiiiitiencing at. 130 sharp. Tho same firm hnvo lereivoil instructions from thn owner, who in relinquishing business, to soil on tho iiremiKes lb, Ingeslro-struel, his oxtensivo block, household furniture, etc. Thn hiiln will roitinienoo on Monday, anil will bo continued on Tuesday and Wodnebday. In comieclion with Ihe New llouro "biirgnin picnic/ 1 to-morrow's bargains nro Kftid to bo particularly enticing, und preparations have boon miu)<: by Meflsrw. J.>m<'B Smith und Soiih for a big day's luminous. An eleclno light tlisplay of nnlo barginns will bo niiido in Iho windows to-night. Mr. C M. Monlofioro, Gonoral Manager of tho Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, tlio largcbl oflico of it* kind in tho world, oll'ors Miporior advantages to insurers by giving compensation under its ndvancou polirios to smallpox put ion In without extra olmrgo. At 1 p.m. to-morrow Messrs. Lovion, Shnllcrahs and Co. will soil at. their rooms, Willis-streot, a largo quantity of photo frmnos, eluctro-plulo, and sumlries, without rosorve. Messrs. Macdonald, AVilson and Co. inHorl a notice of interest to furnituro buyers. They will dicpos>o of by public auction tho contents of an 11-roomed houso, No. 18, Molcaworth-Rtroet, on Monday, at 1 o'clock sharp. Tho bale will bo an unreserved ono. Mr. Arthur J. Wicks will resume music teaching next Tuesday Tho s.s. Duchess will run oxcursionß 'to Day's Bay to-morrow morning and afternoon at tho usual hours. Full time-tablo appoars in another column. Mpssib. Hoult and Sons, of Foilding, notify that they have horses for salo of every description. Tho first of soveral consignments from South, consisting of ton extra hoavv draughts, will bo lauded to-morrow ex Corinna.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 6

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LATE COMMERCIAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 6

LATE COMMERCIAL. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 6