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F «£f Hl f H . O f .' l '" B JIOON Fo " JANUARY. laiuitluloil for Now Zealand Man Timo. Full \r V- v - **• *«» Moon o c 17 „,„ Fiisl A"° " I 8 3 17 urn *»*l Quarter 28 8 11 am HIGH WATXK I O-DAv— l3.4o .11,1 ; 1.5 »m lo mouuow— l.3o urn ; pm ««tb to day-7h 16 m Unm "'fen to-monow— ih slm Wa flin | Boto, 7h 15m w« pin r A.UIUVALB Jaunaij 28— Pakoha, b.s. 2005 tous, Holmos. •Rom Oimeilm Jauuaiy ÜB— opawn, hs., TO tous. Clark, from ■WPiilieiin. Passengers— Mr« Sovca'mtcn, Mr Day Junnary 2tJ— Pareoru, bB, 355 tws, Black, Horn Utoymnuth January i!0-Cortuthio. 88, 12.231 tons. Sealby. worn Lylloltou Jauuary .!!)— Mumroa. ss. 1381 toi.B. M'notb. from L,vl,rt>llou. Puswuniturs : C«biu — Mlukoh l-roniu, Lord. M'Koluio, Bruce.' Nightingale, Vtovm, VttuK. nmcourt. Halt (3), Jtlodgo, J«<-k, J^ovusey, iMiuxUu {'I), Muling, Osbo'tnM, PattovHon, * "HiipH (U), I'nmj, Rough, Sinolair, Spouce, WilJmnis ( i>), Lliigil), MosdaniOs Moycu, Brallldy. UulJmuor, cro.swoll. Dnuio. Findluy. Gilford aud child. Orulg, H.irriH, Hollias, Mutton mid child, •KOll mid 2 children, Loau, Noith, Oxford. Thonieon, OMbomo, Robertson, Sinclair. Siuiniond and child. TuUooli, Tlionisdu, WaUoo.Rev. Mftrstou, Dr. t'rougley, Mesara Arnat (li), DetikiiiKsnlo, Cox, Brndloy, llDwlhiir, Byuie, Oroanwoll. CmtvtrUlit, Clurk. Uiukie, i^Bk. PLitoliar, Fox, FiUiy, Qrifflu, QaddiM, QitPoid. Gruiß, Harris, Hale*. Hector, .TlAla, UcjtiU, Holllat.lTubau. llattoa. IlliiiKtvorth, itirk, luwra, Lewi. Mngill fi). Mwrtya. il'tJuekill, Koo. M % l>o\voll, Outes, Oxford, Obonxi, QiioiUy, iiobson, Sutherland, Sowexby. Soott, S.ntU). WutBon (si), Wllh..ii, WilliauiN»(di, Youdk; SGmeerugo. Jiuiimry 29— Pmiffttlu, UN, 517 UIIIH, WillluiUH, from Nelson und I'lotou, fuvsonutas : Cabin— !MisHO» Urnvoley, FrauoiH. HuulUiu, 1 turner, 8011, StianbHi), BriMiiuw, Kirk, flntti^au, Thompson (J), Uibbx (IS), Homutlold, Hortou, Tayllor, Btuiwiok, Omiu, Mn-rgli. Pnrkuak, Uutliorfo.rtl, Cimlbvr, Alesduinos fcutcluu-, Hobodiiy, Ue»d«r»voii, Clmdwlck, iVinronoihor, Koauedy und child, ll u toy and £ uliildroii. AursetUld, l'vart, Taylor. 'Palbot aud child. l?ubinu, lloriiDlds, Rev. Tbittlow, Rot. O'Keilly, Mujor Taylor, Dr. Pntuiwa, filOKurs Knrrixou, Pciray, Juiitoa, Wilkou, JKiithorford, Cnno, Q aukrr. dßer, Coull, Todd, Williams, l.ii;ut, Antlrowr, Dinku, HvKhuinin, M'Numsra, CtmUtvluk, B.o^-iullehl, Malcolm, I'fait, Bradsbaw, Oooclnll, throWfweU, Miller, 'J'albot, I'atorsou, Cauolly, .spelitht. Harrison, Loydll, Howard, I'eunoy, Wil »ou, Purnew t 16 steeiugo. January '4<— Tulane. us, 1203 ton*, Sindtli. from Auokbmd, U isborno, and Napior. Paaseupoi-s : Cabin— Mia»4a Uopliuru, Walt, Kvans, Sloovo, Towiisoikl, Ouddon, M»lion«y, Natbur, Cosjrrote, UendiiDioH Uudmuu. Hill, > Mucartby, Diiulop, JlcssrH lleubnrii. M'Koudrick, Qius. Kudinan, Todil, Hill (i), I'opo, Riddlok, Hentou, Uavidsou, I^amb, Uiitt; ■SHluerugb. January 23 *~ Zoalojidia, us, 173 C tons, Wyllic, from Dunedii \ and Lvttoltou. Vnnnuuuera Cabin— Misses Wobli (3). Lory. M'Qlintook, Nonlund, I'onnjo, Oarln , Oraliam, liooob, Maralin, Houdornon, Mo«dainc h H*rrl«, 8011, Stono and child Joll, amin, Colnatt I, M'Donald, iloßura Harris, 13ia», Andfii-Non. Sto no, M'lAjunau, M'Qiintook, Leach, Sf'XiounFd, Wi hton, VfatU. Doyio, tf»ttson aud "Wllkio; IViHto »n'K<--. Jainmry -JO- Tnkapuno, M, 360 tons, Holford. from Unahuiißi land Novr Plymouth. PiuutduKeni 1 Cabin— UivsiM Piko, Clii»liolui, M'Chclioii. Loos, llmn^n), WulU 1. Uumrt, Torpor, Nixon, Bitobio, JlltoliinK*, Maxim, Walker. BnTHotJ, AinsworbU, Jfltolioll, Hond. jthoii (J), Buuoiinnn. flutter, Mosdamuw Oo'AUi, Slai|.«rm, f<oo». Millor and boy, Diblqy, llonJoriton. Mesara Knikea, lioea, Duncon, Lepnttr, Uo'Atli, Timii. Soverno, Holtord, KoßOrs, DrammOna, Honiara 12), Ciilninor, Uuaclmau, CdldHrcll. Fmebo m i 0 ntocruffo. Jmiuory 20— Ataoro, vi, 45 tons, rotoraon, from January 20— atcenibird, as, 137 tona, M'lntyro, Irora Wanpinni Joauair sS>— M«u«» at, 77 tons, Weatrup, from January 29— Tashan, a»,87 tona. Stovons, from Jlotnekft. Paewi vera-MiHKoa Unycock. Hall, Mc*d»mos AloxnnO pr, O'SulliTan January 20— JManuroa. m, 78 tona, Allmau, from Jlotnukn. 1 January 29— Luttarworth, baiquo, Hioks, from Koliou DIIPABTUItKB Jnnuary 29— Xam bucca, bb, 126 tons, Kortb, lor Hlonhoim ' Jucmnry — H«ntJd, M, 305 tons, Crisp, for £»«(, Cwi»t Buyu January 2)-opawr. ss. 70 tona, Clark, tot Pupouga ItXPKOTaD AUIIIVAI.B Nambnccn, »«. fioiti Ulonlionn, i!Oth Klttawj, hu, trom, Wl wtpoi t. 30th I "Wavorloy, on, from Nolnon 30th Corimia, us, frouj SoittMi, 30th Wakatu, Bii, from LjttoUou, Kauoura, and Ch«»iot, 30th Wortimoo, ss, from laolbourno yla Hobart and Soul b, 30 tli Rotomuliaua, m. Iron* l#yttolton, 30th Turaworu, Ba, from Duxediu and LyttoHon, 31it Manoiuika, bm, from Wont Const aud Nelson, SOtb Koonyn. ts, from Sout n, out Knpiti. M, from PhUw . Hint Kativku, trom Wostpo rt, 3Ut Merrodoß, «w. from Wtwtport, lsfc To Auun, kB, from Jt.uckJand, Qiiborne, and Napier, 'Jm<l OL>a,w», i», from llleulu nm, 2mV Mouonai, M. from Syd u«y, 3rd KotolH, its, from New 1 lyuioutb and Onobunga 3rd Bt*r of Ireland, from Nim>fer and Wanßanni, 3rd "Wttiknr», v*. Irom DuuixJUm ami Lytteltou, ltl» Weatralm, hh, from Syilmcy Tia Auckland aud XMt Const, 51 h Oceiw-jroin^ ! «*»unors— Kalnubire. loft Naw York 31st NoTombor, Cspetomi and Auckland; duo übout 20th J#ntia>rT Star of Now Zealand, loll; London 6th December via, Australian ports aud Auoklaud ; duo about. 16th February . Qotliic, luf t Plymouth 20 Ui Ddcombcr via Capo* town and Huburt; due about 2nd February Mimiro, Ivft Maw York £ %t& Docombur Tin AmIrmlliui pocto and Auckliiud; duo about 13th lliurQb ) I'uraklna, loft liomlon lit January Tia Capotown, Hobart, and AucklnnO,, duo about tho 18tb ]f'cbnuiry. IWphic, left London sth Decombor vi» Auckland 1 <lno about 3rd Fobrmiry lonic, loft Plym<?utb ««) 16tU January, Tia Capetown and Hobart ; ilui about the 3rd March B*nr of Victoria, left London 'J2nd December ViM Sydney aud Auckland ; due about sth March ißdroghirl. left London l<)th January, ria Australian ports 11 nd Auokln nd ; duo about Sfittt Xaxoh BttiHiw Shi WTbornliobank, loft PbiliK-ielpbla 2nd July (at hj&ueir uhdertroinK rep»ir») Itivaruriu. ltftOUttgow lOLb Soplembor yln Port , Cbalmers (at Port Chalmers) N«Json. l«ft Qlnngow 3Ut October Iljon, left Mrerpeol 3rd N ovomber Dnmtriushiro, loft liiverpool Bth Oeoamber Amaterdaui, left Mew York. 24th December An» lo-ftonmin, left LirerpiKil let Jauiiary VBOJKOTBU DSf/LItTUBKH Umi, an. for Wongannl. !»tb Oitcuuol Iho SdiiUi, hh. foi Foxlou, 20th Marnroa. a«s for Ly ttolton. HH h Fonguin, ik, for Pictou and Nolson, 28th Kan*, as. for l'utua, SOtti Taxman, sa, (or Nuliwn nnd Motnoke, SlOtli Z«nlandi«, m, for Sydney rtt. Napior, Uiaborno, and Auoklnnd. U9tli Oorinno, as. for Now Plymouth, 20th ' Talune, m, foe. Dunedln and X*j Moltnn, SOtb Aororu, vs. for Patea aud Upitnako, 20th ■WhakaUuo, as, for Pictou , «sHli Kaliu. ««. toe Napior and Eftsl Coast. 30th. Stormblrd, aa, for Wnngnuul, SOtb Itotoiimluuia, hs. for LyUclton. »Jth Numbucc*. ss. for IlUnliOlru, 30th KnirMßi, a«, for l.yiloltou, 30th Hanpiri, as, for Ploton aud Nc(*)U, 30th Walnni, mm, for Nolhoii and WoaC Coast, 80th Warrimoo, h, for Sydney. 80th , Warerler, aa, for Nelaon and Wvat Coast, SOth Pakeba, v, for Timaru, Slat Op&wa, as. for Uleuheim, lit , VVakatti, a«, for Kuikoiirii, Chrffdot, and LjttelTakapnua, ss. for NoUon, New Pljraoutb, and Osehungit, 31st ' Koooya. as, for Woatpart and Oreymoutb. I*l Tumwera, aa, for Napier, Glsborno, and Auokfend. Ist Kajitl, a*, for WttiUra, Ist Maoaruß, mi, for Motueka, lab JXo Anau. sa, for Lytteltou aud Dnnedln, Snd Mopourika, *a, for Nnl«on and Weat Coaat, 2nd ludntlemK, sa, for Gi*b«rno, 2nd Sotoitl, au, for Now Plymouth and Onabunga, Srd Oorln* We, «s, for t<oud<>a, 4tb Wutkare, ss, for Syduoy, via Napior, Oiaborae, Onebunica. 4th M.>nowu). Ik, for Melbonrne via, Houth and Hobart. 4th Star of Ireland, for LondOD, 5Hi Wcatmlin, hb, for Lyttelton and Dnnedlo, slb

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 4

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PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 4

PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 4