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A FRIEND IN NEED. "DJI. I^LMHJiILJ. QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPECIALIST. Registered by llio G«vri'n>ub:i(B cf Groat Billniu, New Zealand, and Now South Wains. No. 13, WELI-INGTON-TERRACE, WELLINCTON. THIS nighly-quiilificd Phyeician end Surgeon from tho Hospitnls of London nncl Paris hns' by 25 yenrs of Btucly and research become nn Export und Specialist in CHRONIC, NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN nnd SPECIAL DISEASES of Men and Women. In his very successful treatment of tho nbovo class of difficult casos tbcro is "No I Experimenting nnd No Fniluros." Consultations aro free to all, co that a friendly chat, oithcr personally or by letter costs nothing, and may snvo you yenra of misery, so nono need despnir. Now Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing Remodios of tho yerv best nnd purest aro Honoslly nnd Faithfully used. Moderato charges. Consultation Hours:— lo lo 12, 2to 4, 7 VbUNGMUN! T fTO , )aToßn r. fering or woalc, or _sad. cnll or writo to Dr. Elmßlie, No. 13, Wnllington-lorrnco, Wollington, as ho thoroughly understands your troubles and their causes. ll is Skilful Treatment and Scientific Remedies enablo him to GUARANTEE a Complolo Curo in ovory caso tindorlakon, or ho will mnko no charge. Strictly confidential. Modern to charges. Consulting Hours: — 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 lo 8. LA-DIUS ! Mnyooiißiilt Dr Elmslio nt his residence, No 13, Wolliiigton-tcrrnco, Wellington, from 10 to 22, 2 to I, 7 to 8, dnily, who is a legally-qualified Physician and Specialist, nnd wlioao up-10-dato Trontmcnt gives tho groatoat satisfaction. Striotly confidential. Cnll _or write. Solo ngent for Famous Ladies' Correct ivo Tablets (10s 6d extra), 21s post frco. Guaranteed safe and reliable. Modcrato chai'K<M. N.B.— Patients at a distance may ENCLOSE A FEE OF JCI in their first letter to ensuro immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) of roniedies noeoiwnry for their case. SUBJECTS OF MOST DKrunFITIj EXHAUS 'WON CURB!) ANI> SIADI3 HAPI'Y. MY DBAB rJOCTniI,-! hnvo no hesitation wbntevor In Haying " Y«k" iv reply to your lcttoi rocolvcd to-day, in which you ash nm whotlier 1 am willing to lot Din public Uuoir tlio l'Oiieflt 1 received nt your hauiln. Wlinn I hiw you upon tho rncommoiidntion of Mr. (iriUitli (whom .you had previously 0 mplctuly cured of n tuuilar complaint), I think 1 wiih in about, im bnd n ntutn of misory nnil iirprogjiiOM In botli niinil 11 m) Imrlr nn any human lioing could he j In fact, I thouVht life nm not worth living, nnd my futuro <mim n blmik. I i*m liv object of 1 nxrry nint (letrj<«.:r. Ton tolil 1110 iilnlnly itml hmiPiitly tlmt you flould mid tvoul'i euro me, ho tl-nt I (honl/'l no I"iiK<<r bo hnnhful nmt ntupid in lociety, nod oould tnlco in>' part mul. nitftro^t in lit* anninoineut* nml spo.'ln of nlliers mul hnv* n« itinhitioii In tny btminPM. At flrnt I Mmuvlit your proinln* •v too ffoud to lio (run. I nm tKankful to hay I trlml your trwtment. I twrur Hnlemnl,y I fool 11 illtloront limn tonliiv. I hnvo put on flrntb nnd muicln nmt linvo nny nm .tint of c'«ii<Ul«ua« In I Itiyplf. t urn )»nrfi»ptly JiniiUliy anil quitn limpy, mid cvpablo of vujoyiui; mynulf un otharv do, au<l I I don't uiuno Hlxiut by iny««»lf 11ml kliud nociot/, I I ei>vn»<(tly tcc>>nimmnl nil my frllow rnitTM'ers to put tlitilr ooulldcuno in yon, m youv trcivtuiflnt ii norf*ot and yout olmr^cn me siakll. — I nsi, youm LACHLAN CAMEHON^ SHACK LOCK'S BAN_GES 0 All Ironmonger b. Is tho BEST COOKING RANGE on tho market. Cooks with loss fuel and more rapidly than any rango made la the latest pattern nnd most i up-to-date range sold. To be had from all Ironmongers Bo suro to a&k for THE GLOBE. FREEZING SHEEP AND LAMBS. THE WELLINGTON MEAT EXPOU'I COMPANY (LIMITICD) is prepared to Purchase Fat Shoop and I*mbs by Weight nt graduated prices for tho follow ing (junlities nnd gnulos : — SHEEP: FIRST „uALITY FREEZERS BRAND W.M.E.CO. 40 to 651b 65 to 70lb Ovor 70ii) SECOND QUALITY FREEZERS BRAND N.G.A. 401b to 701b FREEZING KUKS. BRAND N.G.A. E.W.E LAMBS: FIRST QUALITY FREEZERS. BRAND W.M.E.CO. Under 421b Ovor 421b SECOND QUALITY FREEZERS. BRAND N.G.A. REJECTS AVill bo paid for at tirao values. CONDITIONS: Fnt ami Slcins lo bo Iho property of tbt Vendor, the Company puy'ins; lor tho former tho current vnluo pur lb of tho day, and Iho liiltor may bo cither sold to the (Jouipaiiy or fellinongoiod on owner's uo count, at his oplion. All sheep to be orimo of thoir class, and to bo dolivorod nt Freezing Works nt owner's cost und exponso. Prioo nnd payment to bo on Ihe FROZEN WEIGHT 1 . Or Tho Company i« willing to purchase ut a straight-out pneo por bond a* hcroloforc. Pi ices can bo obtained on application nt tbe Company's Oliiei-ti, or fioiu any of the 13'iyers in tli« country. Tho Comnntiy alio offers clients every faoiiity for ucpzini; 011 thoir own account. DILNOT SLADDEN, Secrotary. ! WoHnigton, Stb April. 1905 | THE WKSTPOK-T COAL COMPANY, Ltd. ll end Oflico : Vogcl-Etroet, Dunedin. THIS Compnny's Oolobrn^d COAL- " BROOKDALE COAL \» obtainnblo from nil coal merchants throughout Iho oity. Wellington Office: Queen's Chambers, .Icrvois-quny. "VV. A. FLAVELL, Manager, w. .v 11. FL\ " MAIL COKTUACTOUS ,fc GENIOKAL OA I.MM Kits, Mastkutou. All ordet'Sßtrxitly attoti'iod to, Agont N.Z. ExDroBH Co t

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 3