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f | H E TVS E X LIN E, | MONTHLY DESPATCH OF FIRST-CLASS CARGO SIKAMKRS TO LOMDON DIRKOT, Takintf Car{,'oii l .Lhrou{>'h R-itosof Froi^ht for 1 MANCHESTER AND LIVKRPOOL. Sti'iuiiors. Tons. Uoniiuandor. Muiot-o lU.UOJ J. 0. FelKiito <)ih-uiii , lu,ouO A, 11. Komi) Toinoium lii.OOJ 11. ILulhi lluwkos Buy h.ooit T. lan'il itor ihunro ... ... 10,000 J. < . Lulutono [ndmlomd, lo.Otw J Pirth liulniyhln , U. W. Murwood BUr oi Uußland ... i>.500 W. .1. ltuud ludrudavi 10.00U T. Tiotior titir of Now Zealand .. b.'Vi) J. M. Hart alar Of Austrulia ... lO.UUO F. W. Ulyutt Tlio abovu Mtouuiors weru all built Hpocially for tho Now Zualamt (.ratio, Uttud with iufrigoratiiiff iniiuhiuery of tho most moilorn typo in uliargo ot uompotout ontftnooi's, ana aro notod lor tho asuoptiunally Matiatao(oi-y condition m whioh thoir Itozou iimiit yiu^otm aro being dohvoroil. Tho Coiuuiiuy is propared to carry wool and produou of ovory description. Lowest Currout Rutou of Fruight. W. M. UANNA'I'YNK .V CO. (Ltd.), THE TYSER LINE (Ltu.). DIRECT STEAM SERVICE FROM GLASGOW AND LIVERPOOL TO NEW ZEALAND PORTS. FIRST-CLASS Cargo Stoamora will bo despatched from Glasgow and LiverAUCKLAND WELLINGTON LYTTELTON, and PORT CHALMERS Taking Cnrgo for Intermediate Ports in Now Zealand. Tho above scrvico will bo inaugurated by Iho despatch of tho woll-known Btcamcr IIAWKES BAY, 4583 tons register, to loavo Livorpool about Bth March. To bo followed by tho now s^onmcr STAR OF IRELAND, 5000 tons register, now in Now Zculatid on her maidon voyage, to' leavo Livorpool beginning of April next. Further dospatohes will bo announcod in duo course Now Zealand importers aro invited to instruct thair correspondents in tho manufacturing centres of Great Britain to support Iho above now pcrvico, and to apply to Messrs. P. Henderson and Co., Glasgow, or Grnoie, Beazley and Co., Liverpool, or W. M. Bnnnatyno and Co., Wellington, for particulars ralos of froight, otc. RICHARD TODD,^ Colonial Superintendent, Napior. AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN, LIME. S.S. NAIRNSIIiUK. FROM NEW YORK. THIS stoamcr is now roportod at tho Customs, and coneignoos ura roquostod to pa«s ontrios and present bills of lading at onco. Captain Olson will not bo rosponsiblo for any debts contractod by his crow without his written authority. All claims for diunago to cnrgo must bo mado prior to vosioT'b dopnrturo. KINSEY, BARNS AND CO., Agonts. Imperial Buildings, Foath^rston-stroot. ANGANUI RfVEtt TOURIST STEAMER TIME-TABLE-Loavo Wanganui for Pipiriki 7 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Loavo Pipiriki for Wnngnnui Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Upper Ronchos abovo Pipiriki Dnily, roturning to Pipiriki samo evening mRAMAR~FEIIRY~ CO&D?ANY7"LTDI ICARAKA BAY AND SEATOUN. fTVIE Stoamors ADMIRAL and A LOYALTY leave town Dnily lat 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Loavo Scatoun (calling at Karalca Bay) at 10.45 a.m., 4.15, nnd *6 p.m.. •Loaves Knraka Bay ten minutes earlicFARE — 6d return; Children under twelve, 3d. KARAKA BAY and REATOUN aro tho placos for Picnics. Sund your childron during tho holidays to tho swisido. Tho Cheapest Trip in Now Zrnland. Business men — Blow tho cobwebs away, and tnko tho 6.15 p.m. trip to Seatoun, *?.£l lrt 'i Mg — *■?.. orfy Wharf nt 6.30 p.m. TRAVELLING BAGS, Gladstone Bags, Hoiid Leather Trunks, and .ill Travolling Requisites jr. m. stispiiisns, TRAVELLING BAG MAKER, 14 AND 16, LAMBTON-QUAY. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. MONEY TO LEND. THIS Society is propared to Lond Money on First-clu*s FREEHOLD CITY nnd COUNTRY SECURITIES at Lowest Current Rates. Our now Mortgage Docd contains a condition allowing borrowers tho privilcgo of repaying up to 20 por cent, of tho loan during auy year without notico or payment of any fino. NO COMMISSION CHARGED. LEGAL EXPENSES EXCEPTIONALLY LOW Apply diroet to tho Society's Brnnoh Oflico, Wellington, or to any of tho Society's District Officos. EDWARD W. LOWE, Rosidont Seorotary. Wellington, Ist September. 1902. MONEY. \A/li havo various Sums of Money, from V ¥ £250 upwards, to Lond on first mortgage of freehold seouriHos nt lowest ourront rates. BROWN AND DEAN, Solicitor*, ' 5, Lnnibtoa-quay, Wellington. "T| U N I'J * T U J, 10 N D FURTIIKR REDUCTIONS IN 11 AT 1 10 OF INTKRKST. We beg lo inform Clionts that vfo onn now I, nnil 611111H of £1,00 aml T mU 44 em OWM ' On appiovod Krohold •SoouriUas, In tuwu or 1:011111,1 y< Wukv loniiH miulo for repayment of principal Kllilv & WILSON. SoiicilorH, _____^ Wolliimlon Olalci. au<l POI.O «. ONEY TO LEND" in any sums on approved Freehold City and Country Securities ut 41 per cent. Powov for borrower lo repay any portions of tho loan during term. KENNETH DOCULAS, \ Solioitor, Colonial Mutual Buildings, opposito Bank of Now Zealand. OTTLEHY, AT r l\ 3. THOMPSON'S, IRONMONGER, 60, CUBA-STREET. Our Slock is ns good ns can bo had in tho largest place of business, while, owing to direct importing, tho Prices aro nbiolulely WELLINGTON'S LOWEST. Retail Depot for "PERFECTION" STOVES.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 3