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$ ■ | UDDART, PA I&K tilt and RBV-^ XjL CO.'S I,ar(jo unil Powerff *"' StettiiiNliipß— H^PJ VICTORIA, 3000 Tons Re S . Jv\&! WKiSTUAUA, USBI Tons Iteg. H ZKAI.ANDIA, 2771 Tons !{««- (Circiininlancos pormittiiuj.) Will sail as undor :— FOR LYTTKLTON AND DUNKIJIN._ Wicbtralta Friday Feb. 5| 4p,in Zicu.anjua. Friduy Fob. 1!) | 4 p,m VicroitiA Thura. Feb. 25 | 4 p.nv FOtt MKLUOIJUNK, v«.i LYTTKLTON, DUNKPIN, HLUFI'', and HOUAHT. Victokia | Thnrs. 1 Fob. 25 | 4p m. bX)U NAPIKH, GISUOUNM, AUCKLAND AND SVDNKY. 7<kalani>i\ | Friday I Jan. 20 I 3 p.m. Wkstralia j Tbum. | Fob. ll | 4 p.m. FOR SVDNKY. DiRJSOT. VioroKiA | Sat. | Fob. 13 | 4 p.m. Cargo must be alongsiuo tteamor ouo { hour before nailing time. All tiokoti are available also for Stopover or Return by ANY of UNION CO.'S STEAMERS, and holders of the U.S.S. Oo.'i tickols may travel by abovenamed vessels. Head Offico for New Zoaland— Quoon's Chambers, WKI.UNHTON 3S^^ I . A " *• COMPANY'S "* ws ** * ROYAL MAIL STKAMKRS to if AHSI'HLLES, PLYMOUTHand LONDON (Coimootinjf at Porb Raid with tho 20-knnt KxprdnK StoamorH ISIS ami OSIRIS for lirindiai). loavo on tho mibjoitioil datoa, and •3alliti(; at tho usual port*. ' Main Lino Steamers havo portnitwioii to oall at Brindiai. b'IHiST AND SI'COND SALOON ONLY S tinnier. Tuus Uomiuomfor. Sjdnoy. j jSlolbrno Moiaavlu OMW Kob. 0 FoT) 0 Arcadia* iWOII r^yon, n.u.R. V«b. 17 lol> vi Australia* «001 C-lo Hur 2 Mar 8 Occaim* tMKiaStmot Mar 10 Mar 2£ MougoUa* 9S(hi Prcston.n.N.n Mar 30 April 5 Uifmi* 7t>lU Aiijfiis A)»ril ia| A)>nl 10 i~vioTtobl^ " ~~ RATESofPASSAGKMONIOYtoLPNDON (liioliuling Saloon Paawiro to Sydnoy) :— SiNai.H Tioiticrs— jfit3 u> XBO RirrnitN 'I'lfiiCßrs— J6U9 to XIUO. JOIiNSTON & CO. tIiTQ.), Agoi'ta. /"VOEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY A. AND A. LINK. AUCKLAND TO LONDON VIA AMKRIOA IN 2G DA VS. . CHE SPLKNDID COOO-TON SISTER SKIPS, SIEUKA, SONOMA, VRNTUHA (Classed 100 Al at Uritiah Lloyds), Will loavo Auckland an undor: — i.eivvo Arrlto Miuli IJ.M.S. AucLlßiid iSau due 't p.m. Fiuiiclsci) lioudou, STEBIIA Voh 8 Fob 2i Mar 0 I SONOMA. „.. Feb 2fl ft^tr 14 Mur SO ' v^ti'l'tJltA ... Wnr 18 April 4 April l r , ENGLAND via ST. LOUIS. SsT. LOUIS KXUIWTION OPENS MAY. lUO-1. Its b'izo will bo throo' times (rroatcr titan tho lanL one at I'ariH. Borthing Lists for next season now opou. Low e«t- Kates. ' Fastest Time. To CANADA and tJNITI'-D STATES. NIAGAJtA FALLS' Viowod'froui eurriajfO wiudows. Auoklund to Sai> Frauoisoo or Vancouvor, £10 to ii-10 and London, £32 1» lid to £&9 3s *<t. Hound tho World. £\l) 15b lo .8130. Wrilo lor particulars to W. M. BANNATi'iNK & CO. (LMTD.), Aijeuts, Wollingtou. NKW yiKALANJJ aUlfflNU COMPANY'S IWYAL MAIL LINK OK STKAMKRS FOR LONDON, VIA MONTK VIDKO'fTIONKIMFtfK, AND PLYMOUTH. Very Superior Aooomnio<iatioii for I'lUisontfers. 'i'oiin I'rnbnblu To Siul bteansors. i{ o^i b . final I'ort. (about). rAPABOA.' ... 65 03 Wellinytou Fab 18 KAIPAKA*t .- 80UO - Job . TUUAKINA* ... BOi7 - "»«;" 17 HUAVEHU* ... 77.4 — April U UlteUlAKAt - 77^ ~ 12 •Tw m Screw, t Saloon l'a!iiiOiiK«rs ouljr. JBor pu»«a«u or U-uigul., apply lo I'MK NKW '/KA LAND SHIPPING COM PAN* V (Limi i'»>i. SHAW, SA.VU.I,, AND ALBION COMPANY (LTD.) Will despatch thoir vcssols as undor (circumstances permitting), FOR LONDON: Steamors. jfto frobablo x'ort of *.»•. >&& j Co'm'dor DoparVro j - ( Muoiir iß3l7Mofftttb 'jnn 21|Lyttolton. JCorinthio* li«yi Soalby ,i'ob 4 WuUmjrt'n iGoihlo't |77&5Kiaioy M.irch 3VNol.iu«in Iloulo* \V;M Kausim Maroli 31 AolUiigt'u lAtlivuic* 118-J34 Kouipsoii April iS Wolliust'n i I \ I *AcooannoUntiou for first, second, and third-class passengers. fAcconnnodation fur Is'irat-oUsa PassoiiKOrs. •f Accommodation for first and third-class piusfeungors, J Twin acrow. Tho IJomoward passage will bo via Rio de Janeiro or Monte Vidoo and Tenoritlo o. - St. Vincent. ' Tho undersigned 1 aro ompoworod to grant passages irom London to New Zealand, payment for which has boon guartntood m tho oolony. W. AND G. TURNBULL k CO. MURRAY, ROBERTS & 00. LEVIN & CO (LIMITED). ]\B MSSAOI'MttKS MARITIMKS IT I RYI/NKYtoLONDON.via(^OJ.OMU«) and I'ARlS.— St<Miuinr.H of ti.VJO tons, under nofllnl <:ontrui'l with the French Uovuniiuont, enlliuK at MKI.DI/UltNl'.', ADKI.AIDK. FUKMANI'LI-:, COLOMUO, BOMBAY, JsUKZ, iiutl PORT SAID, will bo duapiUcbotl monthly, ia tollowHi— T, |' h'>«liiuj, Molbiiurlie Atlolnldo. hlo.ui.oi-... | ;Jpl)1 , pjn , t 1)ln _ Uumboa- .. 1-Vb 1 Fcb 4 i>b C ViHc-d-I'.Clotnl ,fob a'J ilur » filar 5 Oceuuion . Hiit- '-'S 'Mur SI Aiirll '£ ticin April US April i! 8 I Aynl 30 Puipoiijeetrt iiookeci t« iJombuy, Jndiii, China, and Japan. I'aisajfj* Money, X'SltoX'n, imiludiug lablo wiuus ]<uliU'n TiukolA at Kodilccd itfttvs. Kiwlish bpokon on Kitrd, For further purticuhus «»|>ly lo LIiVJW & Uu . I/iu> , Wolluigtoii. ruin; new i^kai-and and afriJL CAN STiiAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. l UNDER CONTUACT TO THE NEW ZHALAND GOVERNMENT. FOR DUIUIAN, PORT KLIZAKKTn, AND CAPETOWN, VIA SYDNIiY AND FKEMANTLE. (Weather mid ciromtiaUmcO't pnrmitting.) fi.ii. Ton Uui Lcavo* Woliiu^ton. Norfolk .. 0000 Tsurly in Fobruary 'lh is vuMoi iiim splendid uocowiuouation for I'tißsungers. For (all particulars a« to Faros and Freights npply to* tbo Secretary for Dopartmont of Industries and Cocpraeroo, Jirnndon-htreot, Wollington ; or t» _^ KINBEY. BARNS AND CO. N. U. li. "•-ORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD The Itnporial Mail Steamers of this Company will be doßimtchod overy 3 weeks from AUSTRALIAN i'ouiij to SOUTHAMPTON, ANTWERP, nnd BREMEN, via COLOMBO, ADEN. SUEZ, PORT SAID, NAPLES, and UENOA. For further particulars soe Thursday* Post or OASTENDYK & FOOKE. Agents. WANTED to Sell, a good Family iiousc, containing 7 rooms and couvonionnes ; land 35 x 102 ; perfectly lovol : neur Mein-stroet. Price £575. Luke and Cooper, Martin-street.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 3