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TO-MOKROW. FRID ' V, 20th JANUARY, 1004, At 6 o'oloo. A KARK COi.f KC'ilON OF ('HOICK PLANTS AND Ff.OWKRM. MESSRS. IIAKCOUKT AND CO. havo recvi\od instruction to pell liy publio auction at thoir iooiih, 48, Lamb-ton-cjuuj, on l', 29tn instant, at 0 o'clockA nice assortment of fome <>f tho finoft PlauU in flower that, havo ovi r been grown in W olliiinton Amongfit (hem aro somo lipi-fcci, ijfins. Tlwro aro somo fitio spec--morih of lohnjji' as-par-'giii :u»l otlior fo'iiso plants, id>o a iiiokm oollci-lion of n-odiing utrnations giown Ironi Hcodn n»\od by Iho world-rcnowaod amttimr caiirtion grower of England. LMaiitn grown from similar (oods h.-vp iu'o.niu<sd somo of tho finest bloumt ever »oon in Weliiugtou. These phmtß aro prowu hy a local flor:3t, and contn'm v choico variety of well-grown punU. lIARCOUUT AND CO., Auctiouoors. TO-MOKROW-." FRTDAY, 2'Jth JANUARY, At 2 p.m. SALK OF IIIOH-oTaRS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Removod to tho rooms for convenience of tale. , WF. SHORT'I' l:.'s boon favoured '• .w.'ith iiiKtruclions to sell at his mart, Willie-stroot, on aocount of a gentloman giving up housekeeping — ' Handsome wardrobe, with mirror fratnq Pianos by Bovtl and Deaillo «nd Langhcin, London Handaomo 6ft sideboard Diningroom t>uito, in leather Massive bras*-mounlod d.i. bedstead • . Lace ajul tapestry cnrliiius, dratfiußroom suite in red pluih, Brussolrt aud tapestry carpets, hearthrugs, fcndois and brasses, ttoublo and single iron bcilbte.ids, npnng and wiro matlrewo-', bedding, blan.ketr, li.ill stand, chests drawers, duchess clipnts, waslißtancls, loiletwnrp, cliiiiug and kiluhcii tables, Austrian chairs, o»sy ami i.illnn chairs, nursery fireguard, couches, linoleum, etc. Also, a splondid colloction of book's, consisting of oomiiloto set' of Dickon's works, works by Kritoa Lyall, Mrs. Henry Wood, Stanley Weyman, llccking, and other woll-known authors. ABSOLUTELY NO RESERVE.. ' TUESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY, At 2.30 o'clock. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE DREDGING PLANT AND 'FREEHOLD GRAZING LAND. AT SHORTT'S PREMIER AUCTION MART, WILLIS-3TRF.ET, WELLINGTON. WILLIAM FRAHER SHORTT has boon favoured with instructions from tho Liquidator of tho Waimangaroa Rivor Gold Dredging Company (in liquidation) to noil as <<oovc — All that \aluahlo Dredging Plant now lying on tho Waimaugaroa River, no3i' Wftttport, which originally coht £6500. Engino by Marshall, Sons and- Co., 12 n.h.p. compountl, boiler rated at 16 n.h.p., laddor, bucket', screen, olo\ator, winch, condonser, pontoons,, boUing, boat, stores, tools', end extras. Alto, All that valuable Freehold Gracing L.-md, Kiluntcd on tho left hawk of Iho Waimancaroa River, containing 27 acres 1 rood 21 pcrchcb, Kawatiri 5.1)., boing all that laud dojoribed in 0.T., v. 23, f. 108; al»o, 4 aoros 1 rood 27 perches, . K-Awatiii S.D., on Iho risht bank of thft Wr.imangaroa lUvor, being all Hist lard described in C.T., v. 7, f. 5. Also, Special DredgJnvf Claim' of the Wainvuiyaroa Rivor, a.lio Liccnso for Water Race under Miuiug Act, situated in Waimnngdroa Rivor. Tho onffino aud boiler ore in firal-class order, haying had vory littlo^work, nnd v not- required for drudging 'purpoirs aro oininontly huitab'.fl for sawmill or flaxmill purposos. Tho wliolo will bo ottered in pno let q« a poini? cotiforn, and if not sokf in ono lot will ho offered as follows: — Ist. — Dredging plant. 2nd.— Fruohwid Inndi, 1 ppecial claim, and water race. Torino, conditions,, and further particulars can bo^obtained ,from i 1 ,' K. FABIAN, Liquidator, Customhouse-quay ', MESSRS. MOUISON AND LOUGHNAK, Solicitor?, Feathorslon-efcroot ; Or THE AUCTIONEERS. TE KAIANGA ! ■ TE KAIANGAI Within 10 minutei' wnlk of KaiwniTa and Kband^llah Stitiona. MES9US. .1. H. BKTJIUNE & CO. remind intending purchasers that tho fa'o of 65 Freehold Building Sites in the abovo beautiful Suburb tr.kcs placo at their rooms. Fcnthorcton-atroct. on WJCDNESDAY, 3rd Fohruarj', at 2.30 p.m., and would call particular attention to tho oxecptionnlly liberal torms of pnymonl, as advbrtiiod 'in Saturday's issuo'.f In order to promote rcltlemenl, and to olfoct a prompt salo of the various sections, exceptionally low up»nt prieo* hfivo boon fixed. J. H. BKTHUNB & CO.. Auctionecr-i. TUESDAY, lbth FJEHRUAP.Y, 1904, At 2.30 o'clock. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. VALUABLE FREKIIOLD CITY AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. MESbxwa. J. H. BETHUNE & CO. will soil by public auction, at their rooms, Pcnlhomton-atrcot, as a'bovft— Estate of tho lato Mrs. W, G.. Haybittlo: LOT I— CDBA-STRBET, tfos. 26 and 28a.— Magnificent. Business Siloj 35 x 159 ft 9in, with largo Boot Emporium and Boardinghouse ; lot to Mojsrs. R. Hannah and Co.-ht a, clear annual rontal of.£lfiO. LOT 2--TREN"THAM.-Oharming Pro. porly of ovor Six Acroo, fronting Main Hutl-road, with now 7-roomnd Villa; let to H. E. Ra.wison, Esq. On account of other Vendors : LOT 3—Nob. £6, AUSTIN-STIUSKT and 53, KLLiCK-STRRET-Vuluabln Cornor Section, 40ft by 100 ft, with two nowDw6llinghottßOS of six nnd Hrven rooms. LO'l 4— DOUGLAS WALLACE-ST., Ko». 1 and la.—S plendid Property, with two, DwollinghoiiKiu i lot at £58 lOsti.a.'' L()T 5, BROOKLYN— OHIROROAD— Soction 12, Quaiter-acro. 66ft by 167 ft, For full details of all tho abovo. soo Evening Post of Saturday lauj. ' SPECIAL NOTICE TO LOVERQ OF A MOST CHARMING SUBURBAN HOMK. TO BE SOLD A GREAT BARGAIN. WE havo for Immediate,. Private Halo tho lovoly FAMILY RESIDENCE and GROUNDS of W. B. HUDSON, Ksq., in 81-UUTIFUL KAROBI, ono of tho inoHt dolii^htful and complotu houses within a hundred miles of the city. Call early nnd got a card to viow. 4 MACDONALD, WILSON AND CO., Land and General Auotioneors and Land Agents, 84,- Lambtomquny, Wollington. "g^OR SALE, tho 5.5. Elsie, wood uC steamer, built, of knuri, coppered and copper-fastened, 20 ton«, carries 10,000 foci/- timber on light drought, speed 8 mile.*, light on fuel, with all gear, including steam winr-h, with or without trndo; terras can bo arranged. Apply Buiok and Co., Siiipbrokers, Pieton. SMALL SHEEP RUN. FOR SALE, about 1350 Acroi, ringfenced, grai-kod all hut, suv, 150 acres ; all necessary buildings ; 1000 sheep and all sundries given in ; price £2T \ Full dotails at Evening Post, or from \\ . B. Chennells, M&slerton. ' > »F«nt».

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 8