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BLOUSES, • For a shilling and oightoonpeiico pach. j "B QA °»'y LADIES' BLOUSES, in XO\y Wliilo Cambric, Print, Saloon, aad Fancy Embroid^ieil, Worth 5s lid to 8s lid each, SALE PRICE J /_ and ] /(j THE SUMMER SALE, T U Ait O IIOUS E. WANTED Known— This Week, Sale. Further Btai-tling deduction*. Mur-h-ollous Bftrsaine — 2b 6d Baits for 6d ; iW 'HUuk Handkerchiefs, now 6d ; Blouses, i» j6d, In lid; Splendid Prints, Is lid, 28 11.1 full dross; Dross Pieces, 2s lid, 6b llcl, 4s llil full drem; Doublo Width Black Cashraoiv, Is yord, 5b lid drcsß ; Black Lustre, 4« lid, Ss "VI full dross; Nua's "Veiliug, Bid, lUid ; liemnauts of Dross CJoodß, halt'prico,; •Shoutings. Lacii Curtains, Crctonnbs, Art Muslinw, ivavy 'and Black Sergo*, Shirtings, Towels,, H'criiirs, lioxiory,» ; Corßots, Undurclothing, ole, ail reduced prices ; Rugs ;'iid Ulaiißets must go ; Colourod Quilts, Is llcl, 2s 6d, 2fi lid ; vVhito Honoyoombed Quill I',1 ', 2s fid, 2s llcl, 3b bfl, 3* Ud ; Black Italian' Cloth, Is yard ; Hearthrugs, Is 6d, 2a od ; Blinds, 3^l, 4id, sicl, 6d ; Toilet Covers, 7£d Odj 10^,, .1? ; Embroidery, lid, 2d, Z±d ; Laces, 44a, bd, 7£d dozen; Whalcbono, Id dozen; Thread, Id rool ; Hundreds of "linos cheaper still. Wo give Stamps. Call early, and you will savo money nt LINDISERG o, Rinrht.sido of Ciiba-strnot. Parcels free. ANTEb7~ Buyci™~~for Seoond-haud Bicycles, all in first-class order. Wo guarantee that machines are good valuo ; nothing cheaper in Wollington. Adame Star Cyclo' Co., Morcor-stroet. "C^ANTE^b to Lot, furnished, two largo »» lofty Rooms, use convoniouoos; good houso, best viow harbour nnd city. Apply Good Viow, Evening Post. WANTED to Let, five-rooinod House, filled with olectrio light and au Smprovemdnle. Flockton and Co., Old Firo Brigade Station, Manners-street. t "«^TAN*fED7~a Housekeoper. Apply VT Mrs. Higginaou, 26, Hobson-stroet. A*NTEbT^eTI-furnishe<l front Bed■Sittingroom, with ÜBO of kitchen and convOniencos. Address Pombroko, Evening 1 Pott. W~"~ ANTED, domosticatod Lndyholp, or General Servant, lor Soatoun ; in family of five; wages 15s. Apply No. 5, Lambton-quay, botwo,en 9 aud 5. W" ANTED, by a domesticated young woman, a light Situation ; no washing ; good loforonccß. Address C.H., EvGiiing Pob^ '_ WANTED, by young lady, engaged thiriiifj Iho day, privato Board and ]>Oi.lging;' would 6haro room; terms must bo moderate. Address Quiet, Evening Pußt. • WANTED'to Lot, ono or two Furnished Ifooms, all oonvenioncos. 35, Wordsworth-street, off Willis-straet. WiANTBD, a smart Waitress. Apply, sharp, Curtis's Diningrooms, Plimt.ici'k Stops. WANTED, ono or two Unfurnished Ro.oms, by einglo lady; references exchanged. Apply, staling terms, t,o Martha, Evening VOIX. ■ - WANTED lo Sell, a bargain, 0-roomed, lloardinghouse, Oricutal Jiay ; rent «J5« 'week; ,£l2O for furnituro and goodwill. All particulars from Sidey, Moech and Co., Auctioneers, Munners-gt. WANTED, Agency or Commission for Blenheim and district, to run with present businoss, or Beparato. Energetic, Evoning Pest. ._ WANTED to~Se4l, working jowoiler's Biuincss, in South Island town ; owner civing up on account of ill-health. Jewellor, Evoning PP s{ j: WANTED, Lessons on Piano; must bo contral aud moderate. Apply, ctntip.B terms, to Music, Evening Post. WANTED, Boy for shop and messages. ' W. S. Wallace, Chemist, next Evoning Post. WANTED, a young Girl to assist in hnusoA-orK ; sleop at homo. Apply 210, Willis-stroot. W .ANTED, a smart, ■ intelligent Boy. tioargo Winder, Ironmonger, Manners 'arid Cuba streets^ W"ANTEb"Pupns for tho Piano; beginnors proiomsd : terms moderate. Apply Teaehor, Evening Post. smart Lad, over" 14, for Tt factory. Apply W. J. Laukshear, T.ambton-quay. . .■fiffjAKTED to Soil, magnificent now * v Autoharp ; no roasonablo otter refuted. • Auto, jivoning^Posl. WANTED, by cducatod man, Emplov1 mout of any kind ; wages no object. Apply Earljv^ Evening Post- ,_ WANTED,, by young man, Board and Residence in pvivato family. A]>- j ply, slajing tei^ras,_lo R. 8., Evoning Post. WANTED 7 Married Couplo for two ', bachelors, £75; Waitress, 12» 6d, i Bnmo placo ; Farm Hands, 20b ; Milkers, I 22h 6d; Hoifeomaids, Waitresses, Cooks. | Morritt and Co., 76, Willi<-stre6t. j W [ANTED to Soil, nhuost new 6-room-cd Houso, with all conveniences, in good Bunny position ; conoroto paths I nnd bordors, fowlhouse and run ; loud 40 by Ib 3; near cily. Apply Bargain, Evenni<s Post : WANTED to Sell, Biko, guaranteed in tirsl-claas ordor, with all extras, £S cash ; aUo, fii-81-grado magazine i-plato Hand Camera, cheap. Address Evening Post. * WANTED, Second Cook (woman); also Kilehonmaid. Apply Trooadero, Lambton-quay. W ; ANTED~~Tt>"~Soy, Express, very cheap, in good order. Address J. Gray, ' 114, Maunors-ytrcot. WiVNTEDTby^Two rospoctablo Girls, Situations ns l(ousomoid' and kitohonmaid, town or country; no private houses. Apply 35, Artluu^-streot. ANTED to Soil, Wadoslown, bix- • roomod Houso, largo eoctiou, furnituro or othorwiso, very low prico { ID per cont. cash, balanco very easy terms. Reply to, Urgent, Evoiiing Post. WANTEDT~Boy, foi morcuntilo oflico. Apply own handwriting, Box 59, G.P.O. _^ WANTED, intelligent Boy, just left school, 10s per woek. Apply Richard Brown nnd Son, Booksellers. WANTEDto *• RontTV or 5 roomod Cottajro in city; £1 por wook given. Address, with particulars, to 0.X., Evening Post. WANTED, a competent" Wheelwright. Apply at once, Bouse, Black and Son, Taraiiaki-stroot. WANTED^o^l^tTlror^ono^nioiillTror laiurcr, Gentleman's Kosid'oncc ot oight rooms, furnished, situntcd in NclRon District, near rnilwny station, with uso of horso and trap, largo orchard, vogotablo garden, cows, poultry, otc, in all 17 acros. For further particulars, apply in ikbt pla«o to H. R. Pago, 42, Waterlooavonuo, Nowtown. ■^7ANTED~~"known, Mnnollous Bar- " » gains at Goorgu and (icorge's Sale, everybody surprised and delighted. Rich Mervoillcux Silks, worlh 33 9d, now 1b 6d yard ; Glac-o Silks, worlh 3s 6d, now la yard-, Remnants of :?ilk, from 3d tho pieco WANTED,W 'ANTED, a llousc-Pnrlourinaid, in a - imoll family. A'ldrees at Evening Pn*i.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 1