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ULOCKS. Designing and t'.iigraving in Lino aud Half- toiio. j mUE HA R DIE SHAW STUDIOS, I PHOTOS. Tho Largest and lii>st-n|>noinlod Studio in tho Colony. Telephone, 195 G. 51, Willis-streol. BILIOUSXI3.SS. A BILIOUS HEADACHE is *oon cured by a doso of WAHOO, tho fmnoiiß mediuiup lor indigestion and nil kir.drecl com'fdainU. WAHOO has boon proved by thoinnndii of RutVoici'H lo givb almost in.stant roliof in CftbOb whei-o other remodioa failed. Tiy WAHOO nnd bo ablo lo go to your work with r. dear head and Chcorful disposition. WAHOO is sold by all chemists and Ploros nt 2b 6d a bottlo, and ono doso relieves. Ono bottlo cures. 1 T» ICHARDSON BROS., Iho Cheapest £w' ilouso Furnishers, of 115, Upper Ouba-strcot, aro soiling— Whito nnd Gold, Pink nnd Gold, Bluo, and good Cups and ynucers, 4^(l Whito nnd Gold China Plateß, 2s 6d half clozon Glass Jam Diblios, 3d onch Euamol CandloAlicki!, 6d Jacket of 5 quiros Notopaper, 6d packot Lnrß-o Tea Trays. Is Hair Brushes and Clothes Brushes, 6d Brown Windsor Soap, Id enko Hair Cnnibs, unbroakablo, 3d Tooth Brushos, 3d ; Nail Brushes, 2d Tonspoons, 6d dozen ; Dinner Knives, 6d Siring, Id n ball ; Machine Oil, 4d bottlo Slip Mati, 6d ; Tomahawks, Is ; Hammorß, Largo variety of Vases, from 3d each Stalronoi-y, 3d a packet Bedroom Lamp«i, from 3d onch Groat Bargains in Duchoas Chosts, Tables, Bedding, Blankets, Shoot*, Qwiltn, Otirtainp, Door Mats, Linoleum!-, Oilclolhs, Basket Chairs, Couchon, Bedfctcaclti, ttidoboftrcU, slrotchprs (wiro and canvaß), olc. Note addms-RICHARDSON BROS., 115 Upper Cuba-si., opposito Army nomo. FURNITURE. WANTED to Buy, Houses of Furnituro ; hiphcsl prico ; cash down. C. Dnubnoy, 74, 'loiy-»lroot. PICTURE HATS! WANTED Known— For 14 days only we nro offorintr BLACK PICTURE HATS, with Plumes; from 15s 6d. MISS BARLOW will also mako Stylish Black Costume*, including material, from 35a! MRS. PENLINGTOX, 11, Vivian-street. ""■ FtT' '"nTtukk 1 . 1 "' \\7ANriCI) Ju.owrJ— Si-loy, Moooh "and V v Co., iMiuiiioia-Ntreot. uroCnuh Bu^oi-ft of Furniture, PianoH.uud libraries. K*tal>luhed ovor So years. 1 riOT ANT E~D K~N~O W NSpecinl lines in Jowollory, Electroplate, Leather Goo-.'m, Watkinc-stickt, and Pouchiv, dirrcl from Londun; jait opourd up : suiublo for Christmns, Wedding, and Birthday Pr^sonts. Extra. — Nome nnd date oncrraved FREE on any nrticlo j purchased. 6. G. ROSS, Engraver and Jewpllrr, Willis-ittroot (opposilo Empire Hotel). FRENCH CLEANING! WANTED Known, that Radios' Silk Blouse*, Cqstumot, and Fancy Artielos of nil description can be French Cleaned -without shrinking or in nny wuy nifectiug tho most delicnto colouri, at BARBER'B Steam Dye Work*, 46, CubaBtreot. l WANTED Known— -Jiut arrivod from .ICjrypt, a Groat Floral Novetty — largo Bums, of "Sauroinatum Guttatum," a wonderful lily that boars beautiful black, volvoty, Arum-liko blooms. This grent curiosity, grow* and flowors without soil or water. Prioo Is each, post froo foils 3d. F. COOPER.. . 30, Mnniiorß-ttreot, Wellington. ■^PITANTED Known — Munt, Cottroll " Company (Limited), Goneral Carriqrs, Cuitom nnd* Forwardiug Agents. Rtorngo a specialty. Furnituro packed nnd comoved. Ofiioo— Quoou's Chambers. Telephone No. 23. WANTED Known — Havo you soon Berlin and Co.'a Now English Worsteds, Twoeds, Vicuunt, otc, just roooivod direct from their "head London dopot. Wo* nro sacrificing tamo at bodrook prices: First-class Tailor-inado Suite tou measure, 70b ; latest English Stripe Worsted Troiwora lo moasuro, 21b. All giu-mentt) cut by Mr. Charlos, -tho acknowledged London prize cutlor. Nolo addrew— Berlin and Co., 63, Willia-slroot. WANTED l^TH^lX^thT^oinm'odiouH Family Residonco at present occupiod by Mr«. Faiiohild, situated iv and ; being No. 20, Hawkor-stroot. Tho houso has throo rocoplion rooms, sovun bedrooms, kitchen, scullery, pantry, und is fitted with hot (pa cold wator aud ovory convonionco. This pVoporty'is exceptionally convonionl, having a doublo frontage. Thoro in a frontage to Hnwkor-st'reot of 65 feet 1 inoh hnd to Normanby-torraco a liko frontage, with HJuj long depth ,of 112 foot. Iho house commands n porfect viow of tho harbour. Titlo, Land Transfer. Apply to Mrs. Fairchild, on tho promises. ANTED known^Tiio Don Tailors, Willis-street, opposito Empire Hotel, having purchased at special prices a Inrgo assortment of West of England Spotted and Striped TtVoods, aro now making suits of theso mntorials nl ' 755, roally worlh JCS ss. Socuro ono of Ihciio suits at onco; you will save monoy. Wo gunranloo our usual fit, style, and j finish in thoso gurinniils, which is tho boat. THE DON*, Willis-slrcot, opposito Empire Uotol. • 1 WANTED lo Know, Iho Future of tho Human Race. Como and sco what God fnyii about it. Bring your Biblo, AddrosßOß by Mr. J. Coppin, Tuosdny. Wodnesday, nnd Thursday, 7.30 p.m. All welcome, (rovpol Hnll, Bny-Blrccl, Pelono. WANTED, llutt and Potono residents to learn from God's Word tho future of tho human ri'acc. Addresses by Mr. J. Coppin, 261h, 27th, and 28th, 7.30 p.m. All wolcoinc, Bring your Bibles. Gospel Hall, Bny-streol, Pelono. * ' • ANTl3D","nu'rm-Bmaldng— Mies , Roit« with her woll-lraiiiod iusin(:nit3 gunrnntew perfopl-fitting drosßos, latest Paris fashions, trom 14b ,6d. LtulioR 1 own matoriul mado up. Stylo, comfort, nleganco and ooonoiny. Government Discount Tickets. ' 20, JngoStie-xUrel WA~NTED krtown — If you valuo your life dou't rink it on uiioap maohiiu'K, but go • for a Raloij h or Rov«r JJliiycle, nnd ynu art «uro to arrive homo solely lualii Bros.. w>lUa-Mto«^ i

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 1